SB 186
Establishes the Missouri Electrical Industry Licensing Board and describes their powers and duties
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/28/2005 - Hearing Conducted S Financial & Governmental Organizations and Elections Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2005

Current Bill Summary

SB 186 - This act establishes the Missouri Electrical Industry Licensing Board. The are a number of definitions in the act regarding the Board. The act sets forth the makeup of the Board. The number of members and how they are appointed is included. The act contains removal and reappointment provisions.

A chairperson and vice chairperson are annually elected. The division of professional registration with the board administers the rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of Sections 324.808 to 324.845 RSMo and may promulgate necessary rules so long as the rules are compatible with the sections. Any rules must be compatible and is subject to the provisions of Administrative procedure and review (Chapter 536, RSMo).

The act sets up meetings for the board and requires that they meet at least four times per year. Board members will be compensated by an amount not to exceed fifty dollars plus expenses per meeting. The division shall employ workers to carry out the provisions and establish applicable fees which shall not substantially exceed the cost of administering Sections 324.808 to 324.845. The fees shall be transferred to the department of revenue and then deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the Missouri electrical industry licensing board fund.

The act defines what work is included in electrical contracting and requires that the provisions only apply to working with voltage in excess of fifty volts. Every electrical contracting firm shall employ at a supervisory level, at least one licensed electrical contractor.

The requirements for applying for an electrical contractor's license are included and cover age, insurance, education, costs, experience in terms of hours, and other licenses.

The act also provides waivers for the licensing requirement. Electrical contractors who currently hold an electrical license that requires, prior to January 1, 2005, a written exam and the applicant has taken the exam. Electrical contractors who have a license in this state that does not require a written exam may apply for a limited license and must apply before December 31, 2006. If the contractor is in a political subdivision that does not require a license shall not be required to possess a license in order to continue to operate in such political subdivisions. The division, in collaboration with the board may negotiate reciprocal contracts with other states that require standards for licensure, registration, or certification more stringent than those covered by these sections.

The act also sets up the "Missouri Electrical Industry Licensing Board Fund". Renewal notices for licensed contractors shall be mailed prior to the renewal date. Failure to provide the fee or information required for renewal shall result in the license being declared inactive. Inactive licenses have one year to be restored.

The Board may also refuse to issue or renew any license for any of a number of reasons laid out in the act. The applicant has a right to file a complaint with the Administrative Hearing Commission. After filing the complaint, the proceedings shall be conducted according to the provisions of the Administrative Hearing Commission (Chapter 621, RSMo). The Board may then, after the hearing, place the person named in the complaint on probation as the board deems appropriate not to exceed five years, suspend for up to three years, or revoke the license, certificate or permit.

The act also states that anyone who knowingly violates or is an accessory to the violation of any provision of Sections 324.808 to 324.845 RSMo is guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. These provision do not, however, release anyone from civil liability or criminal prosecution under any other laws of the state of Missouri.

Finally the provisions of the Missouri sunset act (Sections 23.250 to 23.298) shall not apply to this act.



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