Topical Index

Last Generated: 3/11/2025 11:20 PM

Abortion (7)

SB 196 - Gross - Enacts provisions relating to the capacity of an unborn child to experience pain during an abortion

SB 285 - Crowell - Protects the conscience rights of pharmaceutical professionals

SB 370 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 375 - Koster - Establishes the "Missouri Alternatives to Abortion Services Program" and the "Missouri Alternatives to Abortion Public Awareness Program"

SB 432 - Nodler - Modifies provisions on the presentation of information in public schools relating to contraception and sexually transmitted diseases

SB 546 - Bray - Enacts the Prevention First Act

HB 1055 - Sander - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

Accountants (2)

SB 595 - Scott - Modifies equivalency requirements for accountants

HCR 16 - Deeken - Authorizes the required biennial independent audit of the State Auditor's Office as required in Section 21.760

Administration, Office of (18)

SB 54 - Koster - Modifies provisions relating to renewable energy, alternative fuel, and environmental regulation

SB 78 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to liability for tort claims against the state or its public entities

SB 88 - Bartle - Creates the "Office of Enterprise Technology"

SB 115 - Scott - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property in Pettis County to the Girl Scouts-Heart of Missouri Council, Inc.

SB 208 - Gross - WITHDRAWN

SB 222 - Gross - Requires the balance of all state funds to be transferred and credited to the state General Revenue Fund if state revenue does not increase by more than 2 percent

SB 288 - Engler - Authorizes the Governor to convey certain state properties

SB 293 - Vogel - Transfers administration of the Deferred Compensation Fund to the Board of Trustees for Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 382 - Koster - Increases the maximum amount that may be appropriated to the Governmental Emergency Fund

SB 455 - Gross - Requires the balance of all state funds in excess of 200 percent be transferred to the state General Revenue Fund every two years

SB 460 - Callahan - Requires the Governor to submit contract information as part of the budget

SB 528 - Scott - Amends the requirements for state purchasing

SB 649 - Smith - Creates requirements and provides incentives for environmentally sustainable building design and construction

SB 702 - Bray - Requires buildings constructed by or for the state to meet the minimum certification level offered by the U.S. Green Building Council

HB 255 - Bruns - Amends the law relating to the Office of Administration

HB 352 - Hobbs - Modifies provisions relating to Sheltered Workshops

HB 467 - Cox - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property in Pettis County to the Girl Scouts-Heart of Missouri Council, Incorporated

HB 1014 - Wright - Requires the state to give preference in state purchasing contracts to certain disabled veteran businesses

Administrative Law (3)

SB 481 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions regarding the rendering of final decisions and hearing of appeals by certain administrative commissions

HB 526 - Pratt - Changes the laws regarding certain appeals to the Administrative Hearing Commission

HB 686 - Smith - Expands the rule-making authority of the Board of Nursing Home Administrators

Administrative Rules (5)

SB 146 - Bray - Creates the "Public Employee Due Process Act"

SB 481 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions regarding the rendering of final decisions and hearing of appeals by certain administrative commissions

SB 663 - Barnitz - Requires the board of education to promulgate a rule to allow spouses of military members to receive a provisional teacher's license

SB 670 - Loudon - Provides that the Department of Health and Senior Services shall not require by rule any immunizations that are not specified under current law

HB 135 - Pearce - Modifies laws regarding military and veterans' affairs

Agriculture and Animals (40)

SB 68 - Shoemyer - Requires farmers to pay a fee for retaining genetically-modified seed

SB 69 - Shoemyer - Prohibits trespassing on farms to enforce contracts for certain agricultural products

SB 73 - Justus - Modifies the crime of animal neglect

SB 151 - Engler - Creates penalties for poaching while trespassing

SB 156 - Engler - Modifies various provisions pertaining to agriculture and the Department of Agriculture

SB 157 - Engler - Modifies laws pertaining to dam and reservoir safety

SB 206 - Justus - Creates the "Large Carnivore Act" which regulates the possession and care of large carnivores

SB 315 - Clemens - Modifies provisions pertaining to cleanup of hazardous waste spills, liability for crop damage, and the voluntary permitting of certain agricultural operations

SB 364 - Koster - Prohibits counties from enacting public health ordinances addressing farming activities and exempts farms and farming activities from suits of trespass in certain circumstances

SB 387 - Mayer - Creates the "Missouri Rice Certification Act"

SB 417 - Goodman - Creates the "Farm Mentoring and Education Fund"

SB 419 - Kennedy - Modifies various provisions relating to natural resources

SB 428 - Purgason - Modifies various provisions relating to agriculture

SB 444 - Goodman - Directs the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority to pay certain loan interests and administer dairy business planning grants

SB 471 - Clemens - Directs the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority to pay certain interest on applicable linked deposit loans

SB 472 - Clemens - Creates a tax credit for qualifying sales of beef animals

SB 473 - Clemens - Modifies the definition of livestock for which it is a crime to steal and modifies the penalties for such offenders

SB 499 - Engler - Allows fuel ethanol produced from qualified biomass to be eligible for certain fuel ethanol production subsidies

SB 503 - Clemens - Modifies reporting and eligibility requirements for certain agricultural tax credits

SB 504 - Koster - Creates the "Sustainable Agriculture and Local Foods Initiative"

SB 521 - Lager - Removes weight limitation on certain farm use vehicles so that any commercial motor vehicle operated in intrastate commerce bearing a class F plate will be exempt from specified commercial motor vehicle laws

SB 534 - Nodler - Modifies the law relating to concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and the penalties for offenses perpetrated by these operations

SB 538 - Shoemyer - Prohibits the state of Missouri from participating in the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) or any similar program

SB 570 - Clemens - Creates the Joint Committee on Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)

SB 571 - Mayer - Modifies criteria for calculating the biodiesel production monthly incentive payment

SB 643 - Clemens - Creates a tax credit for implementation of odor abatement best management practices for certain livestock operations

SJR 2 - Bartle - Preserves the right to hunt and fish

HB 46 - Viebrock - Prohibits impoundment of certain farm animals except in certain conditions and adds notification requirements for owners of impounded animals

HB 159 - Bivins - Modifies laws pertaining to dam and reservoir safety

HB 272 - Viebrock - Designates the three-toed box turtle as the official reptile of the State of Missouri

HB 343 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions pertaining to cleanup costs for releases of hazardous substances

HB 344 - Munzlinger - Modifies liability for crop damage or destruction

HB 346 - Munzlinger - Directs the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority to pay certain loan interest, administer dairy business grants, and increase the amount of certain agricultural tax credits issued

HB 351 - Wood - Designates the crayfish as the official state invertebrate of the State of Missouri

HB 428 - Cox - Creates the State Fair Escrow Fund for expenses associated with the Missouri State Fair and off-season events

HB 576 - Cooper - Designates the bobwhite quail as the official state game bird of the State of Missouri

HB 647 - Young - Authorizes the use of leashed dogs for deer tracking while deer hunting

HB 680 - May - Designates Big Bluestem as the official state grass

HB 693 - Quinn - Establishes the Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program and changes the laws regarding the Large Animal Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program

HCR 30 - Pratt - Recognizes the area from Manhattan, Kansas to Columbia, Missouri as the "KC Animal Health Corridor".

Agriculture Dept. (31)

SB 48 - Engler - Reduces the tax on E-85 fuel

SB 54 - Koster - Modifies provisions relating to renewable energy, alternative fuel, and environmental regulation

SB 68 - Shoemyer - Requires farmers to pay a fee for retaining genetically-modified seed

SB 79 - Scott - Creates the "State Fair Escrow Fund"

SB 156 - Engler - Modifies various provisions pertaining to agriculture and the Department of Agriculture

SB 204 - Stouffer - Requires all diesel fuel sold at retail in Missouri after April 1, 2009, to be a biodiesel-blended fuel

SB 206 - Justus - Creates the "Large Carnivore Act" which regulates the possession and care of large carnivores

SB 320 - Clemens - Creates the "Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program" and modifies the Large Animal Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program

SB 328 - Engler - Modifies various provisions relating to certain renewable fuel incentives and solid waste laws

SB 387 - Mayer - Creates the "Missouri Rice Certification Act"

SB 428 - Purgason - Modifies various provisions relating to agriculture

SB 444 - Goodman - Directs the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority to pay certain loan interests and administer dairy business planning grants

SB 451 - Goodman - Authorizes the Department of Agriculture to regulate automotive lubricants

SB 453 - Scott - Creates the "Missouri Propane Safety Act"

SB 471 - Clemens - Directs the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority to pay certain interest on applicable linked deposit loans

SB 474 - Callahan - Allows fuel retailers to mix certain types of fuels without penalty

SB 488 - Clemens - Changes the names of a division, an advisory commission, and several funds within the Department of Agriculture

SB 489 - Clemens - Modifies the maximum amount of certain agricultural tax credits that may be issued each fiscal year

SB 499 - Engler - Allows fuel ethanol produced from qualified biomass to be eligible for certain fuel ethanol production subsidies

SB 503 - Clemens - Modifies reporting and eligibility requirements for certain agricultural tax credits

SB 504 - Koster - Creates the "Sustainable Agriculture and Local Foods Initiative"

SB 538 - Shoemyer - Prohibits the state of Missouri from participating in the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) or any similar program

SB 571 - Mayer - Modifies criteria for calculating the biodiesel production monthly incentive payment

SB 643 - Clemens - Creates a tax credit for implementation of odor abatement best management practices for certain livestock operations

HB 46 - Viebrock - Prohibits impoundment of certain farm animals except in certain conditions and adds notification requirements for owners of impounded animals

HB 62 - Ruestman - Designates the Department of Agriculture's building at 1616 Missouri Boulevard in Jefferson City as the "George Washington Carver Building"

HB 343 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions pertaining to cleanup costs for releases of hazardous substances

HB 344 - Munzlinger - Modifies liability for crop damage or destruction

HB 346 - Munzlinger - Directs the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority to pay certain loan interest, administer dairy business grants, and increase the amount of certain agricultural tax credits issued

HB 426 - Parson - Creates the "Missouri Propane Safety Act"

HB 428 - Cox - Creates the State Fair Escrow Fund for expenses associated with the Missouri State Fair and off-season events

Aircraft and Airports (3)

SB 120 - Nodler - Increases the cap on the Aviation Trust Fund and allows the Aviation Trust Fund to be used for certain federal air traffic control cost-sharing programs

SB 602 - Kennedy - Creates a sales and use tax exemption for purchases of aviation fuel for transoceanic flights

HB 619 - Aull - Specifies situations in which the Civil Air Patrol may be activated, which missions are considered federal or state, and who shall pay for such missions

Alcohol (8)

SB 38 - Ridgeway - Prohibits the use or possession of alcoholic beverage vaporizers

SB 299 - Purgason - Modifies various provisions relating to liquor control

SB 334 - Griesheimer - Modifies the provisions relating to brand extensions for beer products

SB 412 - Griesheimer - Allows liquor samples for tastings at retailed licensed premises

SB 555 - Gibbons - Prohibits the use or possession of alcoholic beverage vaporizers and modifies provisions relating to underage drinking

SB 616 - McKenna - Modifies provisions relating to liquor control

SB 644 - Griesheimer - Establishes new requirements for direct wine sales

SB 676 - Goodman - Criminalizes prenatal drug or alcohol use

Ambulances and Ambulance Districts (1)

SB 173 - Ridgeway - Authorizes peer review committees for providers of certain emergency medical services

Annexation (4)

SB 221 - Callahan - Establishes a procedure whereby certain territory of the Kansas City School District may be annexed to the Independence School District

SB 264 - Green - Alters the process for annexing property to a street light maintenance district

SB 576 - Bray - Implements the provisions of the streamlined sales and use tax agreement

HB 459 - Sutherland - Requires land transfers between municipalities to be filed with the county assessor

Appropriations (32)

SB 53 - Koster - Uses money from the state General Revenue Fund to supplement the expense of law enforcement activities of county sheriffs' departments

SB 56 - Graham - Requires the General Assembly to separately appropriate funds for the Highway Patrol Uniform Allowance

SB 208 - Gross - WITHDRAWN

SB 222 - Gross - Requires the balance of all state funds to be transferred and credited to the state General Revenue Fund if state revenue does not increase by more than 2 percent

SB 382 - Koster - Increases the maximum amount that may be appropriated to the Governmental Emergency Fund

SB 455 - Gross - Requires the balance of all state funds in excess of 200 percent be transferred to the state General Revenue Fund every two years

SB 648 - Vogel - Allows the Department of Corrections to disburse federal and other funds

SB 708 - Shoemyer - Authorizes issuance of bonds to finance certain educational facility projects and modifies provisions regarding the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority

SCR 2 - Callahan - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SCR 3 - Engler - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SJR 3 - Bartle - Creates the "Missouri Savings Account" in the Constitution

SJR 5 - Graham - Requires that all appropriations by the General Assembly cannot exceed the official estimate of state revenues

SJR 14 - Clemens - Creates a two year budget cycle

SJR 24 - Lager - Establishes limits on the total state general revenue appropriations

HB 1 - Icet - To appropriate money to the Board of Fund Commissioners for the cost of issuing, processing and defeasing and to transfer money among certain funds.

HB 2 - Icet - To appropriate money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the State Board of Education and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and the several divisions.

HB 3 - Icet - To appropriate money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Higher Education, the several divisions, programs, and institutions of higher education.

HB 4 - Icet - To appropriate money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Revenue, Department of Transportation, the several divisions and programs.

HB 5 - Icet - To appropriate money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Office of Administration, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Public Safety, and the Chief Executi

HB 6 - Icet - To appropriate money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Agriculture, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Conservation, and the several divisions.

HB 7 - Icet - To appropriate money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Economic Development, Department of Insurance, and Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.

HB 8 - Icet - To appropriate money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Public Safety and the several divisions and programs.

HB 9 - Icet - To appropriate money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Corrections and the several divisions and programs.

HB 10 - Icet - To appropriate money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distibutions of the Department of Mental Health, the Board of Public Buildings, the Department of Health and Senior Services.

HB 11 - Icet - To appropriate money for the expenses, grants, and distributions of the Department of Social Services and the several divisions and programs.

HB 12 - Icet - To appropriate money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Chief Executive's Office and Mansion, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor, State Treasurer, etc.

HB 13 - Icet - To appropriate money for real property leases, related services, utilities, systems furniture, and structural modifications for the several departments of state government.

HB 14 - Icet - To appropriate money for supplemental purposes for several departments , and to transfer money among certain funds, from the funds designated for the fiscal period ending June 30, 2007

HB 15 - Icet - To appropriate money for supplemental purposes for the department of Social Services, and to transfer money amoung certain funds, from the funds designated for the fiscal period ending June 30, 2007

HB 16 - Icet - To appropriate money for supplemental purposes for the several departments and offices of state government,and to transfer money among certain funds, from funds designated for period ending 6-30-07

HB 754 - Kelly - Allows the Department of Corrections to disburse federal and other funds

HB 851 - Onder - Provides for state enforcement of federal immigration laws

Architects (3)

SB 31 - Nodler - Authorizes the Missouri Board of Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects to impose civil penalties

SB 281 - Griesheimer - Establishes inactive license status and continuing education requirements for landscape architects

HB 780 - Wasson - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

Attorney General, State (22)

SB 49 - Engler - Modifies the state do-not-call list and requires political phone calls to include a "paid for by" statement

SB 65 - Rupp - Expands the state No-Call List to include automated calls and requires a "paid for by" statement on political phone calls

SB 109 - Wilson - Creates a trust fund and commission for youth smoking prevention

SB 165 - Scott - Expands the state No-Call List to include automated calls

SB 181 - Green - Creates the "Public Service Accountability Act"

SB 219 - Graham - Bars elected officials and members of the General Assembly from working as lobbyists

SB 242 - Nodler - Amends various provisions of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement

SB 251 - Ridgeway - Prohibits certain political telephone calls

SB 338 - Mayer - Provides that no attorney shall be prohibited from providing uncompensated legal services for needy persons

SB 429 - Gibbons - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

SB 458 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions concerning the sale of motor fuel

SB 461 - Callahan - Provides for state enforcement of federal immigration laws

SB 462 - Callahan - Limits the sale of noncompliant cigarettes

SB 465 - Callahan - Authorizes individuals to sue for Medicaid fraud and modifies various provisions relating to the reporting and investigating of such fraud

SB 507 - Green - Allows consumers to request that a security freeze be placed on the issuance of their credit reports by credit reporting agencies

SB 569 - Graham - Bars lobbying firms from employing elected officials

SB 631 - Barnitz - Creates the "Entrepreneurial Development Council" within the Department of Economic Development

SB 655 - Lager - Modifies laws regarding merchandising practices

SB 656 - Lager - Modifies laws regarding merchandising practices

SB 672 - Vogel - Allows for seizure and forfeiture of contraband cigarettes

SB 683 - Koster - Creates certain record-keeping requirements for purchasers of scrap metal

HB 801 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to telecommunication services and telephone calls

Attorneys (6)

SB 273 - Shields - Modifies various provisions relating to the State Legal Expense Fund

SB 338 - Mayer - Provides that no attorney shall be prohibited from providing uncompensated legal services for needy persons

SB 383 - Koster - Modifies provisions regarding creditable prior service within the prosecuting attorneys and circuit attorneys' retirement system

SB 491 - Ridgeway - Provides certain requirements before the state or any of its entities may enter into settlement or consent agreements

SB 640 - Bray - Requires the issuance of a "no contact" order under certain circumstances with sexual offense cases

HB 220 - Stevenson - Makes a technical correction to Section 456.5-501 of the Missouri Uniform Trust Code

Auditor, State (5)

SB 219 - Graham - Bars elected officials and members of the General Assembly from working as lobbyists

SB 465 - Callahan - Authorizes individuals to sue for Medicaid fraud and modifies various provisions relating to the reporting and investigating of such fraud

SB 546 - Bray - Enacts the Prevention First Act

SB 569 - Graham - Bars lobbying firms from employing elected officials

SCR 18 - Gibbons - Authorizes the General Assembly to employ an independent auditor to audit the State Auditor's Office

Banks and Financial Institutions (18)

SB 74 - Coleman - Restricts predatory lending

SB 96 - Days - Amends laws relating to unsecured loans of $500 or less

SB 135 - Nodler - Allows the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority to provide primary school loans

SB 150 - Mayer - Limits investment firm and law firm support in bond elections

SB 164 - Scott - Modifies various statutes to implement the Governor's executive order that created the Department of Insurance, Financial and Professional Regulation

SB 227 - Graham - Explicitly grants the Missouri Higher Education Loan authority (MOHELA) the ability to sell or liquidate any asset of the authority

SB 228 - Graham - Explicitly grants the Missouri Higher Education Loan authority (MOHELA) the ability to sell or liquidate any asset of the authority

SB 454 - Nodler - Modifies the definition of "eligible job enhancement business" for the purposes of linked deposit loans

SB 466 - Scott - Allows lenders to charge for motor vehicle extended service contracts and home and auto security plans

SB 497 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to county officials

SB 560 - Shields - Criminalizes residential mortgage fraud

SB 591 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to credit union membership expansion

SB 619 - Rupp - Allows political corporations to enter into certain financial agreements

SB 647 - Shoemyer - Provides low-interest loans for locally owned businesses

SB 667 - Scott - Modifies the Missouri Higher Education Savings Plan

SB 699 - Lager - Provides low-interest loans for alternative energy operations

SCR 17 - Rupp - Calls on all public retirement systems to divest funds invested in any U.S. State Dept.-designated terrorist-sponsoring states

HB 665 - Ervin - Modifies various provisions relating to county documents

Bingo (1)

HB 915 - Dougherty - Exempts veterans', service, and fraternal organizations from paying taxes on bingo card sales

Boards, Commissions, Committees, Councils (44)

SB 31 - Nodler - Authorizes the Missouri Board of Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects to impose civil penalties

SB 49 - Engler - Modifies the state do-not-call list and requires political phone calls to include a "paid for by" statement

SB 87 - Bartle - Requires the Governor to appoint new members of the Board of Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance Company

SB 106 - Graham - Adds voting student members to the governing boards of various public higher education institutions

SB 109 - Wilson - Creates a trust fund and commission for youth smoking prevention

SB 155 - Engler - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

SB 171 - Nodler - Changes the name of the board overseeing architects, engineers and land surveyors

SB 173 - Ridgeway - Authorizes peer review committees for providers of certain emergency medical services

SB 181 - Green - Creates the "Public Service Accountability Act"

SB 272 - Scott - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

SB 275 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Women's Council

SB 276 - Koster - Modifies the maximum number of members on the Clean Water Commission who may belong to the same political party

SB 293 - Vogel - Transfers administration of the Deferred Compensation Fund to the Board of Trustees for Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 303 - Loudon - Changes the laws regarding midwives and the practice of midwifery

SB 305 - Kennedy - Creates the "Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Act"

SB 308 - Crowell - Modifies licensing standards and practice of certain professionals

SB 323 - Graham - Modifies provisions relating to the Community Children's Services Fund and the foster parent's bill of rights

SB 385 - Gibbons - Repeals and reduces certain committees and commissions and sets a sunset date for other committees and commissions

SB 386 - Mayer - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

SB 387 - Mayer - Creates the "Missouri Rice Certification Act"

SB 389 - Nodler - Modifies several provisions regarding the state's higher education system

SB 402 - Crowell - Modifies provisions regarding retirement plan election options within Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 420 - Gibbons - Provides that no more than four, rather than three, members of the Clean Water Commission may be from the same political party

SB 426 - Justus - Allows the Supreme Court to direct the Judicial Finance Commission to consolidate its annual report with certain other reports

SB 440 - Days - Changes the "Missouri Minority Business Advocacy Committee" to the "Missouri Minority and Women Business Advocacy Committee"

SB 448 - Coleman - Establishes recall elections for school board members

SB 481 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions regarding the rendering of final decisions and hearing of appeals by certain administrative commissions

SB 498 - Scott - Modifies reciprocity requirements for professional counselor licenses

SB 508 - Green - Prohibits the Missouri Gaming Commission or employees thereof from operating or being employed by excursion gambling boats located in this state

SB 520 - Engler - Modifies requirements for labor posters

SB 523 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the Board of Pharmacy

SB 524 - Scott - Modifies the licensing of tattoo artists, branders, and body piercers

SB 525 - Scott - Modifies funeral director and embalmer licenses

SB 527 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the power of the Office of Athletics to regulate boxing, sparring, wrestling, kickboxing and full-contact karate contests

SB 542 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the licensing of optometrists

SB 554 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of real property

SB 561 - Engler - Alters provisions regarding teacher termination hearings

SB 573 - Green - Provides that at least 5 percent of the total investments of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System, Public School Retirement System and Public Education Employee Retirement System shall be invested in Missouri-based companies

SB 689 - Smith - Creates the "Missouri Public Charter School State Board"

HB 298 - Cooper - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

HB 686 - Smith - Expands the rule-making authority of the Board of Nursing Home Administrators

HB 780 - Wasson - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

HB 801 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to telecommunication services and telephone calls

HB 914 - Dougherty - Modifies licensing standards of certain professionals

Boats and Watercraft (4)

SB 239 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 341 - Goodman - Prohibits vessels from displaying spotlights that hinder the night vision of other vessel operators, requires vessels to be operated at slow no-wake speed within 100 feet of emergency vessels and defines the term "skiing" for purposes of watercraft law

SB 363 - Bartle - Limits certain types of vessels from being operated within 300 feet of docks and piers and allows the Commissioner of the Water Patrol to establish an equitable pay plan

HCR 8 - Loehner - Expresses the support of the General Assembly for the installation of a ferryboat on the Missouri River at Chamois.

Bonds - Bail (2)

SB 153 - Engler - Establishes a consistent set of administrative, civil and criminal enforcement tools for all of Missouri's insurance laws and regulations of bail bond agents

SB 459 - Shoemyer - Relating to bail bond agents

Bonds - General Obligation and Revenue (8)

SB 135 - Nodler - Allows the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority to provide primary school loans

SB 150 - Mayer - Limits investment firm and law firm support in bond elections

SB 362 - Shoemyer - Modifies provisions regarding the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority and funding of higher education

SB 389 - Nodler - Modifies several provisions regarding the state's higher education system

SB 391 - Days - Authorizes the issuance of an additional $40 million in bonds for certain water-related grants and loans

SB 619 - Rupp - Allows political corporations to enter into certain financial agreements

SB 708 - Shoemyer - Authorizes issuance of bonds to finance certain educational facility projects and modifies provisions regarding the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority

SJR 8 - Ridgeway - Elevates the allowable level of bonded indebtedness for school districts from 15 percent to 20 percent

Bonds - Surety (1)

HB 596 - St. Onge - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

Buses (8)

SB 17 - Shields - Repeals the motor vehicle safety inspection program and modifies enforcement of the seat belt law

SB 24 - Champion - Bans bus drivers who are convicted of intoxicated-related traffic offenses from possessing a school bus endorsement

SB 52 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 240 - Stouffer - Modifies numerous provisions relating to transportation and motor vehicles

SB 377 - McKenna - Increases driver's license suspension periods for motorists who fail to stop for school buses that are loading or unloading children

SB 421 - Coleman - Exempts motor fuel used for school buses from the motor fuel tax

SB 445 - Goodman - Exempts church bus drivers who transport children from the child passenger restraint system requirements of Section 307.179

SB 479 - Ridgeway - Repeals the motor vehicle safety inspection program, except for school buses, beginning January 1, 2008

Business and Commerce (41)

SB 13 - Coleman - Creates labeling requirements for radio frequency identification tags

SB 42 - Purgason - Allows retailers to pay sales tax on behalf of customers

SB 76 - Coleman - Prohibits the use of expiration dates and service fees on gift certificates

SB 89 - Bartle - Excludes gambling establishments from the definition of "qualified company" under the Quality Jobs Act

SB 96 - Days - Amends laws relating to unsecured loans of $500 or less

SB 186 - Green - Creates an income tax deduction for small businesses and farmers that provide health insurance coverage for employees

SB 209 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of the Municipal Telecommunications Business License Tax Simplification Act

SB 210 - Crowell - Modifies consumer protection law regarding telephone communication

SB 214 - McKenna - Modifies laws affecting limited liability companies, limited partnerships, and nonprofit companies

SB 282 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of certain Department of Economic Development Programs

SB 283 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of the Enhanced Enterprise Zone Tax Benefit Program

SB 291 - Mayer - Requires licensure for wholesale distributors of prescription drugs

SB 300 - Bartle - Modifies the laws regulating sexually oriented businesses

SB 301 - Bartle - Creates a tax credit for family friendly work programs

SB 318 - Clemens - Authorizes an income tax credit for employer-provided tuition reimbursement programs

SB 334 - Griesheimer - Modifies the provisions relating to brand extensions for beer products

SB 337 - Bray - Requires any business that sells firearms or ammunition to use video surveillance cameras

SB 355 - Vogel - Modifies requirements for state and local occupation licenses

SB 368 - Barnitz - Modifies requirements for corporate filings

SB 440 - Days - Changes the "Missouri Minority Business Advocacy Committee" to the "Missouri Minority and Women Business Advocacy Committee"

SB 463 - Callahan - Establishes the "Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2007"

SB 520 - Engler - Modifies requirements for labor posters

SB 566 - Kennedy - Requires publishers of instructional materials to provide electronic copies of such materials for specialized uses

SB 573 - Green - Provides that at least 5 percent of the total investments of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System, Public School Retirement System and Public Education Employee Retirement System shall be invested in Missouri-based companies

SB 585 - Crowell - Exempts certain products consumed in the manufacturing process from state and local sales and use tax

SB 616 - McKenna - Modifies provisions relating to liquor control

SB 644 - Griesheimer - Establishes new requirements for direct wine sales

SB 687 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of corporate franchise, income, and sales and use tax regarding nexus for tax purposes

SB 700 - Purgason - Creates a tax credit for safety upgrade costs for gas stations

SB 706 - Mayer - Modifies provisions of sales and use tax law and the Quality Jobs Act

SCR 10 - Koster - Recognizes the area from Manhattan, Kansas, to Columbia, Missouri, as the "KC Animal Health Corridor"

SCR 12 - Ridgeway - Supports the negotiations of a Taiwan-United States free trade agreement

SJR 27 - Ridgeway - Exempts business personal property from property taxation

HB 28 - Cunningham - Allows common carriers of household goods to request rate adjustments from the State Highways and Transportation Commission and repeals exemption for household carriers under Chapter 390, RSMo

HB 131 - Cooper - Modifies various sales tax provisions and creates a tax credit for certain eligible expenses incurred by freight line companies

HB 181 - Sander - Requires captioning of electronic video instructional material

HB 221 - Yates - Modifies law with respect to motor vehicle extended service contracts and enacts similar provisions relating to other types of service contracts

HB 327 - Richard - Modifies provisions of certain Department of Economic Development programs

HB 431 - Pratt - Modifies laws relating to business organizations and merchandising practices

HB 482 - Walton - Modifies the provisions relating to the counterfeiting of goods

HCR 11 - Ervin - Supports the negotiations of a Taiwan-United States free trade agreement

Campaign Finance (9)

SB 126 - Days - Bars sitting senators and representatives from contracting with one another for fundraising and consulting for campaigns

SB 183 - Green - Modifies various laws relating to ethics

SB 263 - Green - Modifies out-of-state committee reporting requirements

SB 271 - Scott - Amends requirements for filing financial interest statements

SB 408 - Bray - Imposes campaign contribution limits for individuals and committees in support of candidates running for public office

SB 592 - Scott - Modifies ethics filings

SB 593 - Scott - Modifies ethics complaint requirements

SB 594 - Scott - Modifies law relating to ethics

SB 703 - Bray - Modifies laws relating to ethics

Capital Improvements (1)

SB 478 - Gross - Limits amount of expenditures of revenue from gaming boat admission fees

Cemeteries (4)

SB 345 - Shoemyer - Allows counties to impose a property tax to fund cemetery maintenance

SB 510 - Scott - Requires endowed care cemeteries to supply a trust fund report as a prerequisite for license renewal

SB 659 - Stouffer - Modifies laws regarding the final disposition of a dead human body

HB 780 - Wasson - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

Certificate of Need (1)

SB 579 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to certificate of need

Charities (3)

SB 46 - Mayer - Creates the "Faith-Based Organization Liaison Act"

HB 352 - Hobbs - Modifies provisions relating to Sheltered Workshops

HB 453 - Jetton - Creates an income tax credit for contributions to food pantries and modifies provisions of the Residential Treatment Agency Tax Credit Program

Children and Minors (59)

SB 1 - Gibbons - Requires criminal background checks for certain employees in positions with substantial direct contact with children

SB 5 - Loudon - Modifies the laws on child pornography

SB 6 - Loudon - Establishes the "Safe Schools Fund" and allows local school districts to utilize such moneys for a variety of safety-related expenses

SB 12 - Coleman - Creates an educational grant for children and spouses of veterans who are killed in combat

SB 16 - Scott - Provides that each child enrolled in kindergarten or first grade is to receive a comprehensive vision examination

SB 25 - Champion - Modifies provisions relating to children's services

SB 30 - Nodler - Expands the sales tax exemption for common carriers

SB 35 - Days - Authorizes a court to appoint a standby guardian for a minor

SB 36 - Days - Removes special education statute from the sunset provision of the First Steps Program

SB 55 - Koster - Modifies the law on the establishment of paternity

SB 71 - Justus - Modifies provisions on child care subsidies

SB 84 - Champion - Modifies provisions relating to child placements and protection

SB 86 - Champion - Modifies provisions of the Children in Crisis Tax Credit Program

SB 95 - Bray - Requires applicants for Medicaid and Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool to identify the proposed beneficiary's employer

SB 108 - Wilson - Extends medical assistance beyond the age of eighteen for certain foster children

SB 112 - Rupp - Modifies provisions relating to special education

SB 131 - Rupp - Renders the Missouri sunset provision not applicable to the early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities (First Steps Program)

SB 141 - Nodler - Removes the reference to sunset of the statute that provides authority for special education of the ages 3 to 21 population

SB 142 - Nodler - Renders the Missouri Sunset Act not applicable with regard to the early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities (First Steps Program)

SB 144 - Bray - Creates the crime of negligent storage of a firearm

SB 145 - Bray - Modifies the law relating to the establishment of paternity

SB 161 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to education

SB 191 - Days - Enacts provisions on children's mental health

SB 233 - Crowell - Authorizes a sales tax to fund certain services

SB 234 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to juvenile courts and officers

SB 256 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to the investigation of Internet sex crimes against children

SB 260 - Koster - Modifies provisions on child care subsidies

SB 292 - Mayer - Revises the Interstate Compact for Juveniles

SB 303 - Loudon - Changes the laws regarding midwives and the practice of midwifery

SB 323 - Graham - Modifies provisions relating to the Community Children's Services Fund and the foster parent's bill of rights

SB 324 - Loudon - Modifies provisions of the special needs adoption tax credit program

SB 343 - Justus - Adds a definition for "unknown father" as it relates to adoption, guardianship and termination of parental rights proceedings

SB 375 - Koster - Establishes the "Missouri Alternatives to Abortion Services Program" and the "Missouri Alternatives to Abortion Public Awareness Program"

SB 414 - Goodman - Changes the definition of "adult" to a person 18 years of age or older and "child" to a person under 18 years of age in chapter pertaining to juvenile courts

SB 436 - Rupp - Modifies provisions relating to the First Steps Program

SB 445 - Goodman - Exempts church bus drivers who transport children from the child passenger restraint system requirements of Section 307.179

SB 490 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to citizens most at risk for exploitation

SB 493 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Interstate Family Support Act"

SB 495 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act"

SB 514 - Justus - Requires immunizations for the human papilloma virus

SB 515 - Justus - Creates requirements for educational needs of children placed in residential care facilities

SB 539 - Justus - Modifies requirements for anti-bullying policies of local school districts

SB 546 - Bray - Enacts the Prevention First Act

SB 603 - Days - Revises provisions relating to child support enforcement

SB 617 - Rupp - Prohibits the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education from promulgating rules as to certain services under Part B of Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

SB 620 - Rupp - Provides a dependency exemption for stillbirths

SB 630 - Justus - Establishes the educational rights for foster care students

SB 636 - Loudon - Creates the crime of aggravated child kidnapping punishable by death or life imprisonment without probation, parole, or release

SB 646 - Wilson - Modifies the definition of "bullying" in a public school's "anti-bullying" policy to include cyberbullying

SB 670 - Loudon - Provides that the Department of Health and Senior Services shall not require by rule any immunizations that are not specified under current law

SB 676 - Goodman - Criminalizes prenatal drug or alcohol use

SB 697 - Ridgeway - Modifies several provisions regarding the rights and duties of foster parents

SCR 1 - Bray - Encourages support and education regarding reproductive health

SCR 19 - Coleman - Urges Congress to reauthorize the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to assure federal funding for the Missouri MC+ for Kids Program

HB 41 - Portwood - Modifies various provisions relating to law enforcement

HB 215 - Stevenson - Changes the definition of "adult", "child", and "status offense" as it relates to the jurisdiction of the juvenile courts

HB 827 - Muschany - Creates requirements for educational needs of children placed in residential care facilities

HB 948 - Schaaf - Modifies provisions relating to genetic and metabolic disease programs

HCR 24 - Wilson - Requests a review of the special needs student assessment provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act to better serve the special needs student population

Chiropractors (1)

HB 233 - Tilley - Modifies the definition of the "practice of chiropractic"

Cities, Towns and Villages (36)

SB 20 - Griesheimer - Modifies the laws relating to tax increment financing

SB 22 - Griesheimer - Modifies laws relating to political subdivisions

SB 43 - Purgason - Modifies provisions within the Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System

SB 81 - Griesheimer - Allows the city of Sullivan and the portion of the Sullivan C-2 School District located in Franklin County to levy a transient guest tax

SB 129 - Stouffer - Modifies how local governments can regulate outdoor advertising and modifies provisions relating to sexually oriented billboards

SB 152 - Engler - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property located in St. Francois County to the city of Park Hills

SB 176 - Green - Modifies the Missouri tax increment financing law

SB 192 - Crowell - Allows municipalities to use automated traffic control systems to enforce traffic laws under certain conditions

SB 209 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of the Municipal Telecommunications Business License Tax Simplification Act

SB 225 - Stouffer - Designates 100-year flood plains as "Hunting Heritage Protection Areas" where hunting shall not be prohibited

SB 231 - Crowell - Modifies local zoning authorities' control over billboards and allows the Highways and Transportation Commission to void billboard permits under certain conditions

SB 300 - Bartle - Modifies the laws regulating sexually oriented businesses

SB 360 - Goodman - Removes the requirement that city managers of third-class cities must be city residents

SB 365 - Koster - Allows cities to impose a property tax to fund the construction, operation and maintenance of a community health center

SB 407 - Shoemyer - Allows public water supply districts to enter into contracts with other water districts and municipalities to supply water

SB 478 - Gross - Limits amount of expenditures of revenue from gaming boat admission fees

SB 487 - Stouffer - Changes the number of voters who must sign a petition for the county to order an election to disincorporate a town or village

SB 502 - Koster - Authorizes the Governor to convey an easement over property in Johnson County to the city of Warrensburg

SB 519 - Shoemyer - Specifies the power of joint municipal utility commissions to tax

SB 562 - Rupp - Removes requirement that counties receive prior permission from a municipality in order to implement tax increment finance projects within such municipality

SB 619 - Rupp - Allows political corporations to enter into certain financial agreements

SB 624 - Coleman - Allows the city of St. Louis to impose a sales tax for public safety purposes

SB 638 - Bray - Changes the amount of time for which the board of aldermen of a fourth-class city can lengthen the term of the mayor by ordinance

SB 678 - Goodman - Authorizes a transient guest tax to promote tourism for the city of Kimberling City

SB 679 - Goodman - Authorizes a transient guest tax to promote tourism for the city of Hollister

SB 681 - Koster - Requires certain municipalities to receive prior county approval for Tax Increment Financing projects or create a certain form of Tax Increment Financing commission

SB 682 - Koster - Prohibits TIF projects which would result in predominately residential use development

SB 684 - Koster - Requires a two-thirds majority vote for TIF approval in certain situations

SJR 22 - Koster - Allows for tax relief for the purpose of promoting local economic development

HB 165 - Cooper - Enacts the 2007 Municipal Telecommunications Business License Tax Simplification Act

HB 205 - Marsh - Modifies various provisions relating to the promotion of tourism

HB 268 - Moore - Authorizes the Governor to convey an easement over, on, and under state property located in Callaway County to the City of Fulton

HB 459 - Sutherland - Requires land transfers between municipalities to be filed with the county assessor

HB 740 - Pearce - Authorizes the Governor to convey an easement over state property to the City of Warrensburg and the Board of Regents of Northwest Missouri State University to convey state property located in Nodaway County

HB 741 - Pearce - Establishes the Missouri Economic Development Code and the Regional Economic Development District Law

HB 795 - Flook - Allows for the creation of theater, cultural arts, and entertainment districts in certain cities and counties, defines transect-based zoning, and authorizes certain taxes in certain political subdivisions

Civil Procedure (17)

SB 35 - Days - Authorizes a court to appoint a standby guardian for a minor

SB 58 - Graham - Provides that certain persons may not be required to disclose news sources or information

SB 92 - Nodler - Creates a time limit for claims for damage to underground facilities caused by excavation

SB 117 - Griesheimer - Exempts ski area operators from liability for inherent risks related to skiing

SB 307 - Crowell - Provides that certain persons may not be required to disclose news sources or information

SB 321 - Engler - Exempts corrections officers from jury service

SB 327 - Loudon - Establishes procedure for insurers intervening in civil actions to determine coverage issues

SB 364 - Koster - Prohibits counties from enacting public health ordinances addressing farming activities and exempts farms and farming activities from suits of trespass in certain circumstances

SB 411 - Clemens - Prohibits certain restrictions in motor fuel franchise contracts for certain alternative motor fuels

SB 416 - Goodman - Modifies the law with regard to lands held by certain utilities and Public Service Commission approval of certain territorial agreements for water and electric service areas

SB 465 - Callahan - Authorizes individuals to sue for Medicaid fraud and modifies various provisions relating to the reporting and investigating of such fraud

SB 475 - Crowell - Adds several provisions relating to expert witness testimony in judicial proceedings

SB 505 - Koster - Provides that operating a motorcycle, in and of itself, shall not be considered evidence of comparative negligence and prohibits claims adjusters from assigning fault to a party simply because the party was operating a motorcycle in an otherwise legal manner

SB 516 - Goodman - Modifies several provisions of law relating to judicial procedures and personnel

SB 545 - Lager - Provides for immunity from liability for certain product retailers

SJR 9 - Crowell - Creates an exception to the prohibition against laws retrospective in operation by allowing the sexual offender registry laws to be applied retrospectively

HB 774 - Jones - Provides that certain persons and entities shall not be required to disclose news sources or certain information

Civil Rights (6)

SB 58 - Graham - Provides that certain persons may not be required to disclose news sources or information

SB 266 - Bray - Prohibits discrimination based upon a person's sexual orientation

SB 307 - Crowell - Provides that certain persons may not be required to disclose news sources or information

SB 477 - Days - Modifies certain requirements for peace officers established by the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission

SB 491 - Ridgeway - Provides certain requirements before the state or any of its entities may enter into settlement or consent agreements

SB 532 - Loudon - Modifies Missouri human rights law

Compacts (4)

SB 292 - Mayer - Revises the Interstate Compact for Juveniles

SB 304 - Loudon - Creates the "Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact"

SB 565 - Smith - Adopts an agreement to elect the President by national popular vote

SB 671 - Justus - Provides changes to the Kansas and Missouri Regional Investment District Compact

Conservation Dept. (13)

SB 114 - Scott - Creates penalties for individuals who set fires in areas proclaimed to be emergency drought conditions

SB 151 - Engler - Creates penalties for poaching while trespassing

SB 225 - Stouffer - Designates 100-year flood plains as "Hunting Heritage Protection Areas" where hunting shall not be prohibited

SB 317 - Clemens - Requires individuals to pay restitution to the state for illegally obtained antlered deer intended to be sold

SB 351 - Clemens - Requires small game hunters to wear certain orange safety clothing during firearms deer season

SB 352 - Clemens - Adds vehicles driven by conservation agents to the list of vehicles considered "emergency vehicles"

SB 586 - Crowell - Allows hunting and fishing permit applicants to receive a voter registration application form as part of the application for such permits

SCR 14 - Graham - Expresses opposition to the Bush Administration's proposed sale of national forest land

SCR 22 - Shoemyer - Encourages the Missouri Department of Conservation to have a regulated statewide hand fishing season for channel, blue, and flathead catfish from June first to July thirteenth beginning in 2007

SCR 25 - Scott - Encourages the Conservation Commission to develop a partnership with the Secretary of State to send voter registration information to certain individuals who are not registered to vote

SJR 2 - Bartle - Preserves the right to hunt and fish

HB 647 - Young - Authorizes the use of leashed dogs for deer tracking while deer hunting

HB 845 - Dixon - Allows hunting and fishing permit applicants to receive a voter registration application form as part of the application for such permits

Constitutional Amendments (25)

SCR 7 - Bray - Relating to the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution

SJR 1 - Bartle - Allows the Department of Transportation to construct and maintain toll roads

SJR 2 - Bartle - Preserves the right to hunt and fish

SJR 3 - Bartle - Creates the "Missouri Savings Account" in the Constitution

SJR 4 - Nodler - Makes English the language of all official proceedings in the state

SJR 5 - Graham - Requires that all appropriations by the General Assembly cannot exceed the official estimate of state revenues

SJR 6 - Graham - Modifies the procedure for division of the state into U.S. Congressional districts

SJR 7 - Graham - Requires the State Treasurer to provide an estimate of available state revenues each fiscal year

SJR 9 - Crowell - Creates an exception to the prohibition against laws retrospective in operation by allowing the sexual offender registry laws to be applied retrospectively

SJR 10 - Bartle - Repeals the current constitutional provisions regarding stem cell research and prohibits human cloning

SJR 11 - Gross - Requires a two-thirds majority vote of the people in order to amend the Constitution

SJR 13 - Vogel - Creates a property tax exemption for personal property of active duty military personnel

SJR 14 - Clemens - Creates a two year budget cycle

SJR 15 - Green - Increases term limits for members of the General Assembly from 8 years to 12 years in each house

SJR 16 - Shoemyer - Authorizes political subdivisions to submit ballot measures increasing or decreasing revenue without further statutory authorization

SJR 21 - Clemens - Lowers the number of representatives from 163 to 101 and length and number of terms for representatives and senators

SJR 22 - Koster - Allows for tax relief for the purpose of promoting local economic development

SJR 23 - Ridgeway - Limits reassessment of residential real property to years in which transfer of title occurs

SJR 24 - Lager - Establishes limits on the total state general revenue appropriations

SJR 25 - Loudon - Requires the official dating standard in the state to be AD, or Anno Domini, and BC, or Before Christ

SJR 27 - Ridgeway - Exempts business personal property from property taxation

SJR 28 - Scott - Requires photo identification to vote in elections

HJR 1 - Cunningham - Proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting any court of this state from ordering the General Assembly or executive from increasing taxes or creating new taxes

HJR 7 - Nieves - Makes English the language of all official proceedings in the state

HJR 19 - Bearden - Proposes a constitutional amendment guaranteeing a citizen's First Amendment right to free religious expression

Construction and Building Codes (7)

SB 123 - Bray - Creates statutory warranties for home buyers and homeowners and also prevents home solicitors from engaging in certain deceptive practices

SB 155 - Engler - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

SB 322 - Engler - Modifies various provisions relating to construction-related activities such as changing the requirements for designing and constructing state buildings and expanding commercial zones in certain areas of the state

SB 386 - Mayer - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

SB 649 - Smith - Creates requirements and provides incentives for environmentally sustainable building design and construction

SB 702 - Bray - Requires buildings constructed by or for the state to meet the minimum certification level offered by the U.S. Green Building Council

HB 298 - Cooper - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

Consumer Protection (26)

SB 2 - Gibbons - Creates the crime of knowingly receiving, selling, or obtaining personal health information

SB 13 - Coleman - Creates labeling requirements for radio frequency identification tags

SB 74 - Coleman - Restricts predatory lending

SB 76 - Coleman - Prohibits the use of expiration dates and service fees on gift certificates

SB 96 - Days - Amends laws relating to unsecured loans of $500 or less

SB 98 - Days - Modifies law regarding the use of credit information by insurance companies

SB 123 - Bray - Creates statutory warranties for home buyers and homeowners and also prevents home solicitors from engaging in certain deceptive practices

SB 166 - Griesheimer - Modifies various provisions relating to tourism

SB 210 - Crowell - Modifies consumer protection law regarding telephone communication

SB 262 - Green - Requires cable television companies to automatically issue prorated credits to subscribers for service disruption

SB 308 - Crowell - Modifies licensing standards and practice of certain professionals

SB 335 - Griesheimer - Revises various laws regarding the registration, licensure and sale of motor vehicles

SB 381 - Koster - Establishes regulations for discount medical plan organizations that issue health discount medical plans

SB 437 - Ridgeway - Modifies fee disclosure requirements for rental cars

SB 485 - Coleman - Prohibits the advertising or conducting of live musical performances under certain deceptive circumstances

SB 507 - Green - Allows consumers to request that a security freeze be placed on the issuance of their credit reports by credit reporting agencies

SB 560 - Shields - Criminalizes residential mortgage fraud

SB 597 - Scott - Allows debt adjusters to administer debt management plans

SB 650 - Gibbons - Prohibits solicitation of personal information via deceptive websites or deceptive e-mail

SB 655 - Lager - Modifies laws regarding merchandising practices

SB 656 - Lager - Modifies laws regarding merchandising practices

SB 683 - Koster - Creates certain record-keeping requirements for purchasers of scrap metal

HB 221 - Yates - Modifies law with respect to motor vehicle extended service contracts and enacts similar provisions relating to other types of service contracts

HB 329 - Cunningham - Allows debt adjusters to administer debt managment plans

HB 482 - Walton - Modifies the provisions relating to the counterfeiting of goods

HCR 20 - Guest - Urges Congress to repeal the federal REAL ID Act

Contracts and Contractors (18)

SB 123 - Bray - Creates statutory warranties for home buyers and homeowners and also prevents home solicitors from engaging in certain deceptive practices

SB 180 - Green - Amends law relating to the hiring of unqualified employees on public projects

SB 181 - Green - Creates the "Public Service Accountability Act"

SB 197 - Loudon - Modifies law with respect to motor vehicle extended service contracts and enacts similar provisions relating to other types of service contracts

SB 199 - Stouffer - Exempts contractors from paying sales taxes on materials used in Department of Transportation projects

SB 207 - Gross - Exempts contractors from paying sales taxes on materials used in Department of Transportation projects

SB 339 - Mayer - Creates the "Fairness in Public Construction Act"

SB 407 - Shoemyer - Allows public water supply districts to enter into contracts with other water districts and municipalities to supply water

SB 411 - Clemens - Prohibits certain restrictions in motor fuel franchise contracts for certain alternative motor fuels

SB 460 - Callahan - Requires the Governor to submit contract information as part of the budget

SB 528 - Scott - Amends the requirements for state purchasing

SB 622 - Engler - Requires construction employees to take drug tests before working on projects on school and state property

SB 659 - Stouffer - Modifies laws regarding the final disposition of a dead human body

HB 221 - Yates - Modifies law with respect to motor vehicle extended service contracts and enacts similar provisions relating to other types of service contracts

HB 255 - Bruns - Amends the law relating to the Office of Administration

HB 298 - Cooper - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

HB 596 - St. Onge - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

HB 1014 - Wright - Requires the state to give preference in state purchasing contracts to certain disabled veteran businesses

Corporations (8)

SB 214 - McKenna - Modifies laws affecting limited liability companies, limited partnerships, and nonprofit companies

SB 215 - Loudon - Allows for the formation of captive insurance companies within Missouri under certain conditions

SB 368 - Barnitz - Modifies requirements for corporate filings

SB 590 - Gibbons - Phases out the corporate franchise tax

SB 642 - Bray - Modifies various tax provisions

HB 431 - Pratt - Modifies laws relating to business organizations and merchandising practices

HB 458 - Sutherland - Phases out the corporate franchise tax

HB 527 - Cooper - Limits the time period for the reservation of a corporate name to 180 days

Corrections Dept. (17)

SB 258 - Engler - Requires the selection of an execution team and creates legal protections for the team members

SB 261 - Koster - Modifies provisions limiting what qualifies as a previous prison commitment

SB 278 - Koster - Requires certain sex offenders to serve a mandatory minimum prison term of at least three years

SB 290 - Engler - Authorizes minimum amounts of compensation for certain corrections personnel

SB 429 - Gibbons - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

SB 439 - Days - Creates a commission to study the death penalty in Missouri and prohibits use of the death penalty for a time period

SB 529 - Bray - Allows certain homicide offenders to be eligible for early parole under certain circumstances

SB 553 - Bartle - Modifies provisions relating to the DNA profiling system

SB 557 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to the DNA profiling system

SB 648 - Vogel - Allows the Department of Corrections to disburse federal and other funds

SB 660 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

SB 685 - Engler - Creates the crime of murder of a criminal justice official and expands the crime of assault of a law enforcement officer, emergency personnel, or probation or parole officer to include corrections personnel

HB 338 - Tilley - Authorizes minimum amounts of compensation for certain corrections personnel

HB 555 - Cooper - Modifies complaint procedures and record retention requirements for complaints against professional licensed counselors and social workers

HB 754 - Kelly - Allows the Department of Corrections to disburse federal and other funds

HB 820 - Moore - Requires the selection of an execution team and creates legal protections for the team members

HB 945 - Parson - Creates the crime of murder of a criminal justice official and expands the crime of assault of law enforcement officers, emergency personnel, or probation officers to include corrections officers

Counties (35)

SB 20 - Griesheimer - Modifies the laws relating to tax increment financing

SB 22 - Griesheimer - Modifies laws relating to political subdivisions

SB 44 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to county law enforcement restitution funds

SB 53 - Koster - Uses money from the state General Revenue Fund to supplement the expense of law enforcement activities of county sheriffs' departments

SB 83 - Griesheimer - Establishes a county municipal court in Franklin County and alters the foundation formula to compensate Franklin County School Districts for any loss of revenue from the establishment of the new municipal court

SB 166 - Griesheimer - Modifies various provisions relating to tourism

SB 176 - Green - Modifies the Missouri tax increment financing law

SB 193 - Griesheimer - Creates the "Missouri County Planning Act"

SB 225 - Stouffer - Designates 100-year flood plains as "Hunting Heritage Protection Areas" where hunting shall not be prohibited

SB 233 - Crowell - Authorizes a sales tax to fund certain services

SB 288 - Engler - Authorizes the Governor to convey certain state properties

SB 300 - Bartle - Modifies the laws regulating sexually oriented businesses

SB 323 - Graham - Modifies provisions relating to the Community Children's Services Fund and the foster parent's bill of rights

SB 330 - Engler - Requires each county to have at least one full-time deputy circuit clerk

SB 345 - Shoemyer - Allows counties to impose a property tax to fund cemetery maintenance

SB 364 - Koster - Prohibits counties from enacting public health ordinances addressing farming activities and exempts farms and farming activities from suits of trespass in certain circumstances

SB 456 - Gross - Grants additional payment to school districts in certain situations

SB 487 - Stouffer - Changes the number of voters who must sign a petition for the county to order an election to disincorporate a town or village

SB 535 - Goodman - Removes first and second degrees of criminal disposition of demolition or solid waste and increases certain penalties for violations of solid waste laws

SB 562 - Rupp - Removes requirement that counties receive prior permission from a municipality in order to implement tax increment finance projects within such municipality

SB 576 - Bray - Implements the provisions of the streamlined sales and use tax agreement

SB 619 - Rupp - Allows political corporations to enter into certain financial agreements

SB 681 - Koster - Requires certain municipalities to receive prior county approval for Tax Increment Financing projects or create a certain form of Tax Increment Financing commission

SB 682 - Koster - Prohibits TIF projects which would result in predominately residential use development

SB 684 - Koster - Requires a two-thirds majority vote for TIF approval in certain situations

SJR 18 - Shoemyer - Allows counties and St. Louis City to adopt regulations affecting public health and welfare that are more restrictive than state law

SJR 22 - Koster - Allows for tax relief for the purpose of promoting local economic development

HB 69 - Day - Modifies various provisions relating to political subdivisions

HB 74 - Wilson - Allows rural empowerment zones to exist in any county with 16,000 or fewer residents

HB 205 - Marsh - Modifies various provisions relating to the promotion of tourism

HB 684 - Bruns - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property located in the cities of St. Louis and Kansas City and the counties of St. Francois, Texas, Newton, Greene, and Livingston

HB 740 - Pearce - Authorizes the Governor to convey an easement over state property to the City of Warrensburg and the Board of Regents of Northwest Missouri State University to convey state property located in Nodaway County

HB 741 - Pearce - Establishes the Missouri Economic Development Code and the Regional Economic Development District Law

HB 795 - Flook - Allows for the creation of theater, cultural arts, and entertainment districts in certain cities and counties, defines transect-based zoning, and authorizes certain taxes in certain political subdivisions

HB 875 - Franz - Modifies multiple provisions relating to employee benefit plans

County Government (10)

SB 176 - Green - Modifies the Missouri tax increment financing law

SB 192 - Crowell - Allows municipalities to use automated traffic control systems to enforce traffic laws under certain conditions

SB 213 - McKenna - Modifies provisions relating to Jefferson County ordinances

SB 218 - Graham - Provides the county governing body more control when a regional recreational district is located only in that county and changes the requirements for directors of Community Improvement District Boards

SB 323 - Graham - Modifies provisions relating to the Community Children's Services Fund and the foster parent's bill of rights

SB 356 - Gross - Modifies provisions of the transient guest tax for county convention and sports facilities

SB 497 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to county officials

HB 459 - Sutherland - Requires land transfers between municipalities to be filed with the county assessor

HB 665 - Ervin - Modifies various provisions relating to county documents

HB 875 - Franz - Modifies multiple provisions relating to employee benefit plans

County Officials (13)

SB 211 - Goodman - Modifies requirements for decreasing county officials' salaries

SB 212 - Goodman - Establishes the "Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act"

SB 265 - Green - Prohibits imposition of penalties and interest on certain property tax payments

SB 344 - Justus - Increases the fee collected by each recorder to be deposited in to the Missouri Housing Trust Fund from $3 to $10

SB 383 - Koster - Modifies provisions regarding creditable prior service within the prosecuting attorneys and circuit attorneys' retirement system

SB 427 - Goodman - Allows sheriffs and jailers to refuse receiving a prisoner under certain circumstances unless the prisoner has been examined by a physician

SB 497 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to county officials

SB 554 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of real property

SB 582 - Shoemyer - Modifies provisions of law relating to sales tax

SB 691 - Gross - Requires taxpayers to list all tangible personal property subject to tax in the county of residence

HB 125 - Franz - Modifies provisions relating to the collection of taxes

HB 616 - Wood - Removes the county assessor from a county board of equalization and requires the county commission to appoint two additional members to the board

HB 665 - Ervin - Modifies various provisions relating to county documents

Courts (43)

SB 23 - Champion - Adds a circuit judge to the Thirty-First Judicial Circuit

SB 28 - Bartle - Modifies circuit and associate circuit judge positions within the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit

SB 44 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to county law enforcement restitution funds

SB 55 - Koster - Modifies the law on the establishment of paternity

SB 58 - Graham - Provides that certain persons may not be required to disclose news sources or information

SB 83 - Griesheimer - Establishes a county municipal court in Franklin County and alters the foundation formula to compensate Franklin County School Districts for any loss of revenue from the establishment of the new municipal court

SB 151 - Engler - Creates penalties for poaching while trespassing

SB 163 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions with regards to the Basic Civil Legal Services Fund

SB 167 - Bartle - Creates a methamphetamine offense registry within the Missouri State Highway Patrol

SB 210 - Crowell - Modifies consumer protection law regarding telephone communication

SB 213 - McKenna - Modifies provisions relating to Jefferson County ordinances

SB 246 - Goodman - Modifies provisions regarding the termination of alimony and maintenance payments

SB 266 - Bray - Prohibits discrimination based upon a person's sexual orientation

SB 307 - Crowell - Provides that certain persons may not be required to disclose news sources or information

SB 321 - Engler - Exempts corrections officers from jury service

SB 330 - Engler - Requires each county to have at least one full-time deputy circuit clerk

SB 338 - Mayer - Provides that no attorney shall be prohibited from providing uncompensated legal services for needy persons

SB 359 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to adult abuse orders of protection

SB 364 - Koster - Prohibits counties from enacting public health ordinances addressing farming activities and exempts farms and farming activities from suits of trespass in certain circumstances

SB 403 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to orders for division of benefits under Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 415 - Goodman - Expands the crime of tampering with a judicial officer to prohibit certain acts against prosecutors

SB 416 - Goodman - Modifies the law with regard to lands held by certain utilities and Public Service Commission approval of certain territorial agreements for water and electric service areas

SB 426 - Justus - Allows the Supreme Court to direct the Judicial Finance Commission to consolidate its annual report with certain other reports

SB 434 - Rupp - Adds a circuit judge position within the Forty-Fifth Judicial Circuit

SB 456 - Gross - Grants additional payment to school districts in certain situations

SB 459 - Shoemyer - Relating to bail bond agents

SB 465 - Callahan - Authorizes individuals to sue for Medicaid fraud and modifies various provisions relating to the reporting and investigating of such fraud

SB 475 - Crowell - Adds several provisions relating to expert witness testimony in judicial proceedings

SB 491 - Ridgeway - Provides certain requirements before the state or any of its entities may enter into settlement or consent agreements

SB 516 - Goodman - Modifies several provisions of law relating to judicial procedures and personnel

SB 611 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to the public defender system

SB 629 - Smith - Exempts landlords from liability to personal property when executing an order for possession of premises

SB 640 - Bray - Requires the issuance of a "no contact" order under certain circumstances with sexual offense cases

SB 655 - Lager - Modifies laws regarding merchandising practices

SB 656 - Lager - Modifies laws regarding merchandising practices

SB 660 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

SB 697 - Ridgeway - Modifies several provisions regarding the rights and duties of foster parents

SJR 17 - Coleman - Creates an exception to the prohibition against laws retrospective in operation by allowing the sexual offender registry laws to be applied retrospectively

HB 189 - Jones - Modifies the provisions relating to the use of defensive use of force

HB 574 - St. Onge - Modifies procedures for enforcing alcohol-related traffic offenses and allows the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners to delegate powers to hearing officers

HB 583 - Johnson - Modifies provisions relating to crime victims

HB 774 - Jones - Provides that certain persons and entities shall not be required to disclose news sources or certain information

HJR 1 - Cunningham - Proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting any court of this state from ordering the General Assembly or executive from increasing taxes or creating new taxes

Courts, Juvenile (6)

SB 234 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to juvenile courts and officers

SB 273 - Shields - Modifies various provisions relating to the State Legal Expense Fund

SB 414 - Goodman - Changes the definition of "adult" to a person 18 years of age or older and "child" to a person under 18 years of age in chapter pertaining to juvenile courts

SB 630 - Justus - Establishes the educational rights for foster care students

SB 697 - Ridgeway - Modifies several provisions regarding the rights and duties of foster parents

HB 215 - Stevenson - Changes the definition of "adult", "child", and "status offense" as it relates to the jurisdiction of the juvenile courts

Credit and Bankruptcy (6)

SB 74 - Coleman - Restricts predatory lending

SB 98 - Days - Modifies law regarding the use of credit information by insurance companies

SB 340 - Goodman - Prohibits insurers from taking adverse actions based upon a person's credit report or credit insurance score

SB 597 - Scott - Allows debt adjusters to administer debt management plans

HB 220 - Stevenson - Makes a technical correction to Section 456.5-501 of the Missouri Uniform Trust Code

HB 329 - Cunningham - Allows debt adjusters to administer debt managment plans

Credit Unions (1)

SB 591 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to credit union membership expansion

Crimes and Punishment (69)

SB 1 - Gibbons - Requires criminal background checks for certain employees in positions with substantial direct contact with children

SB 2 - Gibbons - Creates the crime of knowingly receiving, selling, or obtaining personal health information

SB 3 - Gibbons - Enacts provisions on mental health reform

SB 5 - Loudon - Modifies the laws on child pornography

SB 38 - Ridgeway - Prohibits the use or possession of alcoholic beverage vaporizers

SB 41 - Purgason - Modifies the laws on the use of force

SB 44 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to county law enforcement restitution funds

SB 60 - Wilson - Expands the crime of unlawful use of a weapon to include discharging a firearm for celebrating in an urban area

SB 61 - Wilson - Requires a permit to acquire a stun gun or taser

SB 62 - Goodman - Modifies the laws on the use of force and firearms

SB 67 - Rupp - Modifies certain provisions relating to missing and endangered persons

SB 68 - Shoemyer - Requires farmers to pay a fee for retaining genetically-modified seed

SB 69 - Shoemyer - Prohibits trespassing on farms to enforce contracts for certain agricultural products

SB 73 - Justus - Modifies the crime of animal neglect

SB 101 - Mayer - Modifies numerous penalties for violations of motor vehicle licensing, registration, and equipment laws

SB 107 - Wilson - Creates the crime of distribution of a controlled substance near a park

SB 114 - Scott - Creates penalties for individuals who set fires in areas proclaimed to be emergency drought conditions

SB 144 - Bray - Creates the crime of negligent storage of a firearm

SB 151 - Engler - Creates penalties for poaching while trespassing

SB 167 - Bartle - Creates a methamphetamine offense registry within the Missouri State Highway Patrol

SB 206 - Justus - Creates the "Large Carnivore Act" which regulates the possession and care of large carnivores

SB 210 - Crowell - Modifies consumer protection law regarding telephone communication

SB 216 - Crowell - Creates the crime of driving with any controlled substance in the body

SB 256 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to the investigation of Internet sex crimes against children

SB 258 - Engler - Requires the selection of an execution team and creates legal protections for the team members

SB 261 - Koster - Modifies provisions limiting what qualifies as a previous prison commitment

SB 278 - Koster - Requires certain sex offenders to serve a mandatory minimum prison term of at least three years

SB 300 - Bartle - Modifies the laws regulating sexually oriented businesses

SB 315 - Clemens - Modifies provisions pertaining to cleanup of hazardous waste spills, liability for crop damage, and the voluntary permitting of certain agricultural operations

SB 337 - Bray - Requires any business that sells firearms or ammunition to use video surveillance cameras

SB 354 - Bray - Eliminates the death penalty

SB 378 - Goodman - Prohibits certain persons, including dangerous felons, from possessing an explosive weapon

SB 415 - Goodman - Expands the crime of tampering with a judicial officer to prohibit certain acts against prosecutors

SB 429 - Gibbons - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

SB 431 - Clemens - Bars sex offenders from winning the lottery

SB 439 - Days - Creates a commission to study the death penalty in Missouri and prohibits use of the death penalty for a time period

SB 457 - Purgason - Modifies provisions relating to the transfer of concealable weapons and removes the permitting requirements for such weapons

SB 465 - Callahan - Authorizes individuals to sue for Medicaid fraud and modifies various provisions relating to the reporting and investigating of such fraud

SB 468 - Coleman - Eliminates mandatory minimum sentencing for certain felons

SB 473 - Clemens - Modifies the definition of livestock for which it is a crime to steal and modifies the penalties for such offenders

SB 529 - Bray - Allows certain homicide offenders to be eligible for early parole under certain circumstances

SB 553 - Bartle - Modifies provisions relating to the DNA profiling system

SB 557 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to the DNA profiling system

SB 558 - Loudon - Increases the penalty for stealing a debit card from a class A misdemeanor to a class C felony

SB 575 - Justus - Requires rape victims to be informed of their right to request a drug test for the presence of a date rape drug

SB 588 - Bray - Restricts firearm possession for individuals involved in domestic violence

SB 600 - Ridgeway - Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to issue cease and desist orders for violations of environmental laws

SB 611 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to the public defender system

SB 632 - Barnitz - Modifies property posting provisions

SB 636 - Loudon - Creates the crime of aggravated child kidnapping punishable by death or life imprisonment without probation, parole, or release

SB 640 - Bray - Requires the issuance of a "no contact" order under certain circumstances with sexual offense cases

SB 651 - Loudon - Criminalizes selecting a human embryo for implantation through in vitro fertilization based on the gender of such embryo and genetic engineering of humans

SB 660 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

SB 675 - Goodman - Modifies the offense of misappropriations of funds of elderly nursing home residents

SB 676 - Goodman - Criminalizes prenatal drug or alcohol use

SB 685 - Engler - Creates the crime of murder of a criminal justice official and expands the crime of assault of a law enforcement officer, emergency personnel, or probation or parole officer to include corrections personnel

SB 686 - Bartle - Expands the crime of resisting or interfering with arrest, detention, or stop

SB 691 - Gross - Requires taxpayers to list all tangible personal property subject to tax in the county of residence

SB 696 - Wilson - Modifies the eligibility requirements for food stamp assistance

SB 703 - Bray - Modifies laws relating to ethics

SJR 20 - Bartle - Modifies constitutional provisions relating to health care research and human cloning

HB 46 - Viebrock - Prohibits impoundment of certain farm animals except in certain conditions and adds notification requirements for owners of impounded animals

HB 189 - Jones - Modifies the provisions relating to the use of defensive use of force

HB 224 - Franz - Restricts the driver's license of a convicted sexual offender to no more than one year and revokes the license if the offender fails to register as required by law

HB 344 - Munzlinger - Modifies liability for crop damage or destruction

HB 462 - Munzlinger - Modifies various provisions relating to firearms

HB 482 - Walton - Modifies the provisions relating to the counterfeiting of goods

HB 820 - Moore - Requires the selection of an execution team and creates legal protections for the team members

HB 945 - Parson - Creates the crime of murder of a criminal justice official and expands the crime of assault of law enforcement officers, emergency personnel, or probation officers to include corrections officers

Criminal Procedure (15)

SB 25 - Champion - Modifies provisions relating to children's services

SB 41 - Purgason - Modifies the laws on the use of force

SB 62 - Goodman - Modifies the laws on the use of force and firearms

SB 101 - Mayer - Modifies numerous penalties for violations of motor vehicle licensing, registration, and equipment laws

SB 278 - Koster - Requires certain sex offenders to serve a mandatory minimum prison term of at least three years

SB 354 - Bray - Eliminates the death penalty

SB 475 - Crowell - Adds several provisions relating to expert witness testimony in judicial proceedings

SB 553 - Bartle - Modifies provisions relating to the DNA profiling system

SB 557 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to the DNA profiling system

SB 611 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to the public defender system

SB 640 - Bray - Requires the issuance of a "no contact" order under certain circumstances with sexual offense cases

SB 660 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

SJR 17 - Coleman - Creates an exception to the prohibition against laws retrospective in operation by allowing the sexual offender registry laws to be applied retrospectively

HB 189 - Jones - Modifies the provisions relating to the use of defensive use of force

HB 482 - Walton - Modifies the provisions relating to the counterfeiting of goods

Dentists (1)

SB 273 - Shields - Modifies various provisions relating to the State Legal Expense Fund

Disabilities (30)

SB 3 - Gibbons - Enacts provisions on mental health reform

SB 8 - Kennedy - Provides a tax credit for modifying a home for a disabled person

SB 11 - Coleman - Creates a hot weather rule for maintenance of utility service

SB 77 - Scott - Creates a graduated increase in payments for sheltered workshops

SB 112 - Rupp - Modifies provisions relating to special education

SB 131 - Rupp - Renders the Missouri sunset provision not applicable to the early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities (First Steps Program)

SB 141 - Nodler - Removes the reference to sunset of the statute that provides authority for special education of the ages 3 to 21 population

SB 142 - Nodler - Renders the Missouri Sunset Act not applicable with regard to the early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities (First Steps Program)

SB 148 - Nodler - Provides local boards of education the authority to identify a designee to bind the school district in a settlement agreement reached during the resolution session of a special education due process hearing

SB 174 - Green - Modifies laws on mental health facilities and group homes for the mentally retarded and developmentally disabled

SB 177 - Green - Provides for mandatory minimum punishment for securities fraud crimes against the elderly or disabled

SB 238 - Stouffer - Requires removable windshield placards to be renewed every four years rather than two years

SB 333 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 436 - Rupp - Modifies provisions relating to the First Steps Program

SB 446 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to fire safety standards in long-term care facilities

SB 464 - Callahan - Requires all new signs erected after August 28, 2007, relating to disabled parking to contain the words "Accessible Parking" instead of "Handicap Parking"

SB 490 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to citizens most at risk for exploitation

SB 517 - Rupp - Adds certain cancers to the list of diseases which are used to compute firefighters' retirement benefits

SB 615 - Callahan - Modifies provisions of the Homestead Preservation Exemption Tax Credit Program

SB 617 - Rupp - Prohibits the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education from promulgating rules as to certain services under Part B of Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

SB 621 - Engler - Changes the name of the "Division of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities" to the "Division of Developmental Disabilities"

SB 695 - Kennedy - Provides a tax credit for disability home modification

SCR 8 - Wilson - Urges the Departments of Health and Senior Services and Mental Health to implement their recommendations to the Governor regarding fire safety regulations for residential care facilities

HB 39 - Portwood - Establishes a medical assistance program for the employed disabled

HB 104 - Meiners - Exempts the cost of modifying a vehicle for a disabled person from sales tax on the purchase price of such vehicle

HB 352 - Hobbs - Modifies provisions relating to Sheltered Workshops

HB 796 - Dethrow - Exempts any disabled person 65 years of age or older from the physician's statement requirement when renewing disabled license plates or placards

HB 891 - Kratky - Creates a tax credit for hiring disabled workers

HB 952 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to fire safety standards in long-term care facilities

HCR 24 - Wilson - Requests a review of the special needs student assessment provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act to better serve the special needs student population

Domestic Relations (8)

SB 246 - Goodman - Modifies provisions regarding the termination of alimony and maintenance payments

SB 359 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to adult abuse orders of protection

SB 403 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to orders for division of benefits under Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 493 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Interstate Family Support Act"

SB 494 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Premarital Agreement Act"

SB 495 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act"

SB 603 - Days - Revises provisions relating to child support enforcement

HB 583 - Johnson - Modifies provisions relating to crime victims

Drainage and Levee Districts (2)

SB 559 - Shields - Allows levee districts to have ten years after the lapse of the corporate charter in which to reinstate and extend the time of the corporate existence

SB 619 - Rupp - Allows political corporations to enter into certain financial agreements

Drugs and Controlled Substances (8)

SB 85 - Champion - Establishes a drug monitoring program and modifies existing record keeping for controlled substances and pseudoephedrine products

SB 107 - Wilson - Creates the crime of distribution of a controlled substance near a park

SB 285 - Crowell - Protects the conscience rights of pharmaceutical professionals

SB 291 - Mayer - Requires licensure for wholesale distributors of prescription drugs

SB 511 - Scott - Gives advanced practice registered nurses prescriptive authority for scheduled drugs

SB 622 - Engler - Requires construction employees to take drug tests before working on projects on school and state property

SB 660 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

SB 676 - Goodman - Criminalizes prenatal drug or alcohol use

Drunk Driving/Boating (5)

SB 24 - Champion - Bans bus drivers who are convicted of intoxicated-related traffic offenses from possessing a school bus endorsement

SB 185 - Green - Establishes the "Drunk Driving Memorial Sign Program"

SB 216 - Crowell - Creates the crime of driving with any controlled substance in the body

SB 226 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to the administration of intoxication-related traffic offenses

SB 250 - Ridgeway - Modifies certain provisions relating to the Water Patrol

Easements and Conveyances (9)

SB 115 - Scott - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property in Pettis County to the Girl Scouts-Heart of Missouri Council, Inc.

SB 152 - Engler - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property located in St. Francois County to the city of Park Hills

SB 288 - Engler - Authorizes the Governor to convey certain state properties

SB 469 - Justus - Authorizes the Governor to convey certain state property located in Jackson County to the city of Kansas City

SB 502 - Koster - Authorizes the Governor to convey an easement over property in Johnson County to the city of Warrensburg

HB 268 - Moore - Authorizes the Governor to convey an easement over, on, and under state property located in Callaway County to the City of Fulton

HB 467 - Cox - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property in Pettis County to the Girl Scouts-Heart of Missouri Council, Incorporated

HB 684 - Bruns - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property located in the cities of St. Louis and Kansas City and the counties of St. Francois, Texas, Newton, Greene, and Livingston

HB 740 - Pearce - Authorizes the Governor to convey an easement over state property to the City of Warrensburg and the Board of Regents of Northwest Missouri State University to convey state property located in Nodaway County

Economic Development (20)

SB 20 - Griesheimer - Modifies the laws relating to tax increment financing

SB 89 - Bartle - Excludes gambling establishments from the definition of "qualified company" under the Quality Jobs Act

SB 176 - Green - Modifies the Missouri tax increment financing law

SB 275 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions relating to the Missouri Women's Council

SB 282 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of certain Department of Economic Development Programs

SB 283 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of the Enhanced Enterprise Zone Tax Benefit Program

SB 562 - Rupp - Removes requirement that counties receive prior permission from a municipality in order to implement tax increment finance projects within such municipality

SB 647 - Shoemyer - Provides low-interest loans for locally owned businesses

SB 661 - Callahan - Creates tax incentives for secondary mining uses

SB 682 - Koster - Prohibits TIF projects which would result in predominately residential use development

SB 684 - Koster - Requires a two-thirds majority vote for TIF approval in certain situations

SB 699 - Lager - Provides low-interest loans for alternative energy operations

SB 706 - Mayer - Modifies provisions of sales and use tax law and the Quality Jobs Act

SCR 10 - Koster - Recognizes the area from Manhattan, Kansas, to Columbia, Missouri, as the "KC Animal Health Corridor"

SCR 12 - Ridgeway - Supports the negotiations of a Taiwan-United States free trade agreement

SJR 22 - Koster - Allows for tax relief for the purpose of promoting local economic development

HB 74 - Wilson - Allows rural empowerment zones to exist in any county with 16,000 or fewer residents

HB 184 - Dempsey - Requires city or county reimbursement to the community children's services fund in an amount equal to the portion of tax revenues used for tax increment finance projects that would have been allocated to the fund

HB 327 - Richard - Modifies provisions of certain Department of Economic Development programs

HB 741 - Pearce - Establishes the Missouri Economic Development Code and the Regional Economic Development District Law

Economic Development Dept. (25)

SB 54 - Koster - Modifies provisions relating to renewable energy, alternative fuel, and environmental regulation

SB 164 - Scott - Modifies various statutes to implement the Governor's executive order that created the Department of Insurance, Financial and Professional Regulation

SB 169 - Rupp - Creates a tax credit for qualified equity investments

SB 176 - Green - Modifies the Missouri tax increment financing law

SB 282 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of certain Department of Economic Development Programs

SB 283 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of the Enhanced Enterprise Zone Tax Benefit Program

SB 301 - Bartle - Creates a tax credit for family friendly work programs

SB 318 - Clemens - Authorizes an income tax credit for employer-provided tuition reimbursement programs

SB 389 - Nodler - Modifies several provisions regarding the state's higher education system

SB 400 - Crowell - Modifies provisions of the Film Production Tax Credit Program

SB 470 - Graham - Creates a tax credit for contributions to organizations for the preservation of Missouri's civil war sites

SB 541 - Graham - Creates the "Missouri's Civil War Trail Fund"

SB 618 - Rupp - Establishes the "Milton Friedman 'Put Parents in Charge' Education Program"

SB 631 - Barnitz - Creates the "Entrepreneurial Development Council" within the Department of Economic Development

SB 681 - Koster - Requires certain municipalities to receive prior county approval for Tax Increment Financing projects or create a certain form of Tax Increment Financing commission

SB 698 - Ridgeway - Establishes the Betty L. Thompson Scholarship Program

SB 706 - Mayer - Modifies provisions of sales and use tax law and the Quality Jobs Act

HB 233 - Tilley - Modifies the definition of the "practice of chiropractic"

HB 327 - Richard - Modifies provisions of certain Department of Economic Development programs

HB 497 - Sater - Amends the law relating to physician assistants

HB 545 - Wasson - Changes the laws regarding the licensing of pharmacists

HB 554 - Cooper - Bars entities from discriminating between licensed professional counselors

HB 686 - Smith - Expands the rule-making authority of the Board of Nursing Home Administrators

HB 741 - Pearce - Establishes the Missouri Economic Development Code and the Regional Economic Development District Law

HB 987 - Wasson - Modifies licensing standards for real estate appraisers

Education, Elementary and Secondary (74)

SB 6 - Loudon - Establishes the "Safe Schools Fund" and allows local school districts to utilize such moneys for a variety of safety-related expenses

SB 16 - Scott - Provides that each child enrolled in kindergarten or first grade is to receive a comprehensive vision examination

SB 24 - Champion - Bans bus drivers who are convicted of intoxicated-related traffic offenses from possessing a school bus endorsement

SB 36 - Days - Removes special education statute from the sunset provision of the First Steps Program

SB 64 - Goodman - Authorizes school districts to set school opening date up to a certain date prior to Labor Day and provides for exemption to make-up days requirement based on inclement weather

SB 83 - Griesheimer - Establishes a county municipal court in Franklin County and alters the foundation formula to compensate Franklin County School Districts for any loss of revenue from the establishment of the new municipal court

SB 111 - Rupp - Eliminates the Missouri Advisory Council of Certification for Educators and replaces it with a Commissioner's Advisory Council on Teacher Quality

SB 112 - Rupp - Modifies provisions relating to special education

SB 131 - Rupp - Renders the Missouri sunset provision not applicable to the early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities (First Steps Program)

SB 132 - Rupp - Allows the state Board of Education to invest in government securities offered at a discount or at less than par value

SB 133 - Rupp - Alters provisions regarding expedited due process hearings

SB 135 - Nodler - Allows the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority to provide primary school loans

SB 136 - Nodler - Eliminates the Missouri Advisory Council of Certification for Educators and replaces it with a Commissioner's Advisory Council on Teacher Quality

SB 137 - Bray - Allows the hiring of a retired teacher to work up to full-time without losing their retirement benefits

SB 140 - Rupp - Provides local boards of education the authority to identify a designee to bind the school district in a settlement agreement reached during the resolution session of a special education due process hearing

SB 141 - Nodler - Removes the reference to sunset of the statute that provides authority for special education of the ages 3 to 21 population

SB 142 - Nodler - Renders the Missouri Sunset Act not applicable with regard to the early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities (First Steps Program)

SB 143 - Nodler - Allows the state Board of Education to invest in government securities offered at a discount or at less than par value

SB 147 - Nodler - Alters provisions regarding expedited due process hearings

SB 148 - Nodler - Provides local boards of education the authority to identify a designee to bind the school district in a settlement agreement reached during the resolution session of a special education due process hearing

SB 149 - Nodler - Alters provisions regarding higher education scholarships

SB 160 - Rupp - Alters provisions regarding higher education scholarships

SB 161 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to education

SB 176 - Green - Modifies the Missouri tax increment financing law

SB 189 - Green - Requires the superintendent of each public school district to ensure that all students, prior to promotion from grade nine to grade ten, attend a tour of a proximate state correctional center

SB 191 - Days - Enacts provisions on children's mental health

SB 203 - Lager - Adds an additional $500 annual payment to teachers under the Career Ladder Program

SB 221 - Callahan - Establishes a procedure whereby certain territory of the Kansas City School District may be annexed to the Independence School District

SB 236 - Shields - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop standards for high-quality mentoring for beginning teachers and principals

SB 243 - Mayer - Increases the compulsory school attendance age for all children in Missouri to seventeen years of age

SB 399 - Crowell - Modifies the liability protections for school employees and volunteers

SB 421 - Coleman - Exempts motor fuel used for school buses from the motor fuel tax

SB 422 - Coleman - Creates an income tax check-off for contributions to the After-School Retreat Reading and Assessment Grant Program

SB 432 - Nodler - Modifies provisions on the presentation of information in public schools relating to contraception and sexually transmitted diseases

SB 435 - Rupp - Requires captioning of electronic video instructional material

SB 443 - Smith - Creates the "Teach for Missouri Act"

SB 448 - Coleman - Establishes recall elections for school board members

SB 456 - Gross - Grants additional payment to school districts in certain situations

SB 480 - Ridgeway - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop mentoring standards for beginning teachers and principals and creates an alternative mechanism for teacher certification

SB 515 - Justus - Creates requirements for educational needs of children placed in residential care facilities

SB 522 - Green - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to recalculate the state school aid for the Riverview Gardens School District to correct an error

SB 539 - Justus - Modifies requirements for anti-bullying policies of local school districts

SB 540 - Kennedy - Allows the Mehlville School District to impose up to a one percent sales tax to provide revenue for the operation of the school district

SB 551 - Coleman - Repeals the statute authorizing the creation of the transitional school district in the city of St. Louis

SB 561 - Engler - Alters provisions regarding teacher termination hearings

SB 564 - Smith - Modifies which entities may sponsor a charter school

SB 566 - Kennedy - Requires publishers of instructional materials to provide electronic copies of such materials for specialized uses

SB 617 - Rupp - Prohibits the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education from promulgating rules as to certain services under Part B of Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

SB 618 - Rupp - Establishes the "Milton Friedman 'Put Parents in Charge' Education Program"

SB 625 - Coleman - Modifies the definition of "weighted average daily attendance" in calculating state aid

SB 645 - Wilson - Modifies the length of the school term for the 2006-2007 school year

SB 646 - Wilson - Modifies the definition of "bullying" in a public school's "anti-bullying" policy to include cyberbullying

SB 652 - Coleman - Modifies provisions regarding elementary and secondary education

SB 688 - Gibbons - Creates a legislative task force on improving urban education

SB 689 - Smith - Creates the "Missouri Public Charter School State Board"

SB 690 - Smith - Creates the "Metropolitan School District Improvement Act"

SB 692 - Ridgeway - Authorizes additional school districts to create charter schools and modifies entities that may sponsor a charter school

SB 698 - Ridgeway - Establishes the Betty L. Thompson Scholarship Program

SCR 1 - Bray - Encourages support and education regarding reproductive health

SCR 20 - Crowell - Recognizes October 3rd of each year as Science Day

SJR 8 - Ridgeway - Elevates the allowable level of bonded indebtedness for school districts from 15 percent to 20 percent

SJR 12 - Crowell - Alters the composition of the state Board of Education

HB 70 - Day - Exempts high school students transferring into the state from passing certain government and constitution courses if they document completion of similar requirements in another state

HB 181 - Sander - Requires captioning of electronic video instructional material

HB 264 - Cunningham - Allows the state Board of Education to invest in government securities offered at a discount or at less than par value

HB 265 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to education

HB 267 - Jones - Modifies provisions relating to education

HB 469 - Wallace - Modifies provisions regarding school safety and liability for school personnel

HB 489 - Baker - Modifies various provisions regarding education

HB 620 - Muschany - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to create mentoring standards for beginning teachers and principals and creates an alternative mechanism for teacher certification

HB 678 - Marsh - Exempts school districts in declared federal disaster areas based on inclement weather in January 2007 from making up days and time lost due to the inclement weather

HB 758 - Brown - Authorizes an income tax credit for employers who hire qualified high school students for summer jobs

HB 827 - Muschany - Creates requirements for educational needs of children placed in residential care facilities

HCR 24 - Wilson - Requests a review of the special needs student assessment provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act to better serve the special needs student population

Education, Higher (38)

SB 12 - Coleman - Creates an educational grant for children and spouses of veterans who are killed in combat

SB 29 - Nodler - Alters various provisions of the state's higher education policy

SB 75 - Coleman - Provides for a tuition limitation for certain combat veterans

SB 99 - Mayer - Increases by $250 million the assessed value thresholds for tax rates that may be imposed without voter approval by junior college districts

SB 106 - Graham - Adds voting student members to the governing boards of various public higher education institutions

SB 110 - Rupp - WITHDRAWN

SB 135 - Nodler - Allows the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority to provide primary school loans

SB 149 - Nodler - Alters provisions regarding higher education scholarships

SB 160 - Rupp - Alters provisions regarding higher education scholarships

SB 161 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to education

SB 187 - Green - Creates an income tax deduction for higher education expenses

SB 224 - Rupp - Allows married taxpayers filing joint returns to deduct a portion of contributions to the Missouri Higher Education Savings Program from income

SB 227 - Graham - Explicitly grants the Missouri Higher Education Loan authority (MOHELA) the ability to sell or liquidate any asset of the authority

SB 228 - Graham - Explicitly grants the Missouri Higher Education Loan authority (MOHELA) the ability to sell or liquidate any asset of the authority

SB 254 - Nodler - Creates the "Missouri Legacy Fund" to provide college financial assistance

SB 296 - Loudon - Authorizes the Joint Committee on Wagering and Gaming to solicit bids for university study of pathological gambling in Missouri

SB 320 - Clemens - Creates the "Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program" and modifies the Large Animal Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program

SB 348 - Koster - Enacts various provisions affecting illegal aliens

SB 362 - Shoemyer - Modifies provisions regarding the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority and funding of higher education

SB 389 - Nodler - Modifies several provisions regarding the state's higher education system

SB 417 - Goodman - Creates the "Farm Mentoring and Education Fund"

SB 430 - Shields - Creates the "Smart Start Scholarship Program"

SB 443 - Smith - Creates the "Teach for Missouri Act"

SB 491 - Ridgeway - Provides certain requirements before the state or any of its entities may enter into settlement or consent agreements

SB 513 - Clemens - Allows nurses working in any area of need to qualify for the Professional and Practical Nursing Student Loan Program

SB 572 - Vogel - Allows the curators of the University of Missouri to close certain financial records relating to donor or potential donors

SB 626 - Ridgeway - Enacts various provisions affecting illegal aliens

SB 708 - Shoemyer - Authorizes issuance of bonds to finance certain educational facility projects and modifies provisions regarding the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority

SCR 10 - Koster - Recognizes the area from Manhattan, Kansas, to Columbia, Missouri, as the "KC Animal Health Corridor"

SCR 21 - Shoemyer - Establishes a Joint Interim Committee on Access to Nontraditional Career and Technical Education

HB 16 - Icet - To appropriate money for supplemental purposes for the several departments and offices of state government,and to transfer money among certain funds, from funds designated for period ending 6-30-07

HB 134 - Guest - Modifies provisions regarding appropriations requests for equipment by the University of Missouri

HB 181 - Sander - Requires captioning of electronic video instructional material

HB 213 - Cunningham - Requires higher education institutions to adopt policies promoting academic freedom and to report on steps taken to protect student academic freedom

HB 265 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to education

HB 269 - Nolte - Bars illegal immigrants from attending public universities

HB 693 - Quinn - Establishes the Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program and changes the laws regarding the Large Animal Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program

HB 941 - Kingery - Allows the curators of the University of Missouri to close certain financial records as they relate to donors or potential donors

Education, Proprietary (2)

SB 149 - Nodler - Alters provisions regarding higher education scholarships

SB 160 - Rupp - Alters provisions regarding higher education scholarships

Elderly (21)

SB 11 - Coleman - Creates a hot weather rule for maintenance of utility service

SB 14 - Scott - Authorizes volunteer transportation services for the elderly

SB 15 - Scott - Establishes a long-term care insurance public-private partnership program

SB 59 - Wilson - Exempts 25 percent of the amount of social security benefits included in senior citizen taxpayers' federal adjusted gross income

SB 174 - Green - Modifies laws on mental health facilities and group homes for the mentally retarded and developmentally disabled

SB 177 - Green - Provides for mandatory minimum punishment for securities fraud crimes against the elderly or disabled

SB 233 - Crowell - Authorizes a sales tax to fund certain services

SB 248 - Days - Establishes a long-term care insurance public-private partnership program

SB 397 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to applications for long-term care facilities

SB 418 - Champion - Increases the monthly personal needs payment under the Supplemental Nursing Care Program

SB 446 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to fire safety standards in long-term care facilities

SB 490 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to citizens most at risk for exploitation

SB 530 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions relating to the Alzheimer's Demonstration Project

SB 615 - Callahan - Modifies provisions of the Homestead Preservation Exemption Tax Credit Program

SB 675 - Goodman - Modifies the offense of misappropriations of funds of elderly nursing home residents

SCR 8 - Wilson - Urges the Departments of Health and Senior Services and Mental Health to implement their recommendations to the Governor regarding fire safety regulations for residential care facilities

HB 40 - Portwood - Establishes a long-term care insurance public-private parternship program

HB 98 - Parson - Authorizes volunteer transportation services for the elderly

HB 454 - Jetton - Provides for supplemental food stamp assistance for the elderly

HB 457 - Sutherland - Modifies provisions of law providing property tax relief for senior citizens and disabled persons

HB 952 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to fire safety standards in long-term care facilities

Elections (32)

SB 37 - Days - Creates an advance voting system for elections

SB 49 - Engler - Modifies the state do-not-call list and requires political phone calls to include a "paid for by" statement

SB 65 - Rupp - Expands the state No-Call List to include automated calls and requires a "paid for by" statement on political phone calls

SB 138 - Bray - Modifies paperwork requirements in the formation of a new political party

SB 150 - Mayer - Limits investment firm and law firm support in bond elections

SB 183 - Green - Modifies various laws relating to ethics

SB 229 - Coleman - Modifies law relating to voter registration and election offenses

SB 251 - Ridgeway - Prohibits certain political telephone calls

SB 263 - Green - Modifies out-of-state committee reporting requirements

SB 271 - Scott - Amends requirements for filing financial interest statements

SB 298 - Engler - Modifies the election process of hospital district directors in Iron County

SB 367 - Bray - Creates new penalties for signing false names on petitions

SB 408 - Bray - Imposes campaign contribution limits for individuals and committees in support of candidates running for public office

SB 409 - Nodler - Requires candidates to file an intent to run for office

SB 410 - Nodler - Requires a minimum number of ballots be provided in a tangible form by the election authority

SB 438 - Ridgeway - Gives the boards of election commissioners the discretion to waive residency requirements for their employees

SB 448 - Coleman - Establishes recall elections for school board members

SB 565 - Smith - Adopts an agreement to elect the President by national popular vote

SB 586 - Crowell - Allows hunting and fishing permit applicants to receive a voter registration application form as part of the application for such permits

SB 587 - Bray - Entitles employees to take unpaid leave from work on the day of an election to serve in the election

SB 596 - Scott - Modifies voter identification requirements

SB 598 - Engler - Modifies requirements pertaining to petition circulators

SB 703 - Bray - Modifies laws relating to ethics

SB 710 - Coleman - Modifies laws relating to elections

SJR 11 - Gross - Requires a two-thirds majority vote of the people in order to amend the Constitution

SJR 15 - Green - Increases term limits for members of the General Assembly from 8 years to 12 years in each house

SJR 21 - Clemens - Lowers the number of representatives from 163 to 101 and length and number of terms for representatives and senators

SJR 28 - Scott - Requires photo identification to vote in elections

HB 166 - Hoskins - Requires write-in candidates to meet state and municipal tax requirements and filing deadlines in order to file a declaration of intent

HB 801 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to telecommunication services and telephone calls

HB 845 - Dixon - Allows hunting and fishing permit applicants to receive a voter registration application form as part of the application for such permits

HB 894 - Hoskins - Modifies certain provisions relating to elections

Elementary and Secondary Education Dept. (40)

SB 6 - Loudon - Establishes the "Safe Schools Fund" and allows local school districts to utilize such moneys for a variety of safety-related expenses

SB 16 - Scott - Provides that each child enrolled in kindergarten or first grade is to receive a comprehensive vision examination

SB 64 - Goodman - Authorizes school districts to set school opening date up to a certain date prior to Labor Day and provides for exemption to make-up days requirement based on inclement weather

SB 77 - Scott - Creates a graduated increase in payments for sheltered workshops

SB 111 - Rupp - Eliminates the Missouri Advisory Council of Certification for Educators and replaces it with a Commissioner's Advisory Council on Teacher Quality

SB 112 - Rupp - Modifies provisions relating to special education

SB 132 - Rupp - Allows the state Board of Education to invest in government securities offered at a discount or at less than par value

SB 136 - Nodler - Eliminates the Missouri Advisory Council of Certification for Educators and replaces it with a Commissioner's Advisory Council on Teacher Quality

SB 141 - Nodler - Removes the reference to sunset of the statute that provides authority for special education of the ages 3 to 21 population

SB 143 - Nodler - Allows the state Board of Education to invest in government securities offered at a discount or at less than par value

SB 149 - Nodler - Alters provisions regarding higher education scholarships

SB 160 - Rupp - Alters provisions regarding higher education scholarships

SB 189 - Green - Requires the superintendent of each public school district to ensure that all students, prior to promotion from grade nine to grade ten, attend a tour of a proximate state correctional center

SB 203 - Lager - Adds an additional $500 annual payment to teachers under the Career Ladder Program

SB 236 - Shields - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop standards for high-quality mentoring for beginning teachers and principals

SB 317 - Clemens - Requires individuals to pay restitution to the state for illegally obtained antlered deer intended to be sold

SB 376 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions relating to the financial impact of tourism

SB 422 - Coleman - Creates an income tax check-off for contributions to the After-School Retreat Reading and Assessment Grant Program

SB 435 - Rupp - Requires captioning of electronic video instructional material

SB 436 - Rupp - Modifies provisions relating to the First Steps Program

SB 443 - Smith - Creates the "Teach for Missouri Act"

SB 456 - Gross - Grants additional payment to school districts in certain situations

SB 480 - Ridgeway - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop mentoring standards for beginning teachers and principals and creates an alternative mechanism for teacher certification

SB 522 - Green - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to recalculate the state school aid for the Riverview Gardens School District to correct an error

SB 539 - Justus - Modifies requirements for anti-bullying policies of local school districts

SB 551 - Coleman - Repeals the statute authorizing the creation of the transitional school district in the city of St. Louis

SB 617 - Rupp - Prohibits the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education from promulgating rules as to certain services under Part B of Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

SB 625 - Coleman - Modifies the definition of "weighted average daily attendance" in calculating state aid

SB 630 - Justus - Establishes the educational rights for foster care students

SB 646 - Wilson - Modifies the definition of "bullying" in a public school's "anti-bullying" policy to include cyberbullying

SB 649 - Smith - Creates requirements and provides incentives for environmentally sustainable building design and construction

SB 652 - Coleman - Modifies provisions regarding elementary and secondary education

SB 690 - Smith - Creates the "Metropolitan School District Improvement Act"

SJR 12 - Crowell - Alters the composition of the state Board of Education

HB 264 - Cunningham - Allows the state Board of Education to invest in government securities offered at a discount or at less than par value

HB 265 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to education

HB 267 - Jones - Modifies provisions relating to education

HB 352 - Hobbs - Modifies provisions relating to Sheltered Workshops

HB 469 - Wallace - Modifies provisions regarding school safety and liability for school personnel

HB 620 - Muschany - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to create mentoring standards for beginning teachers and principals and creates an alternative mechanism for teacher certification

Emblems (5)

SB 166 - Griesheimer - Modifies various provisions relating to tourism

HB 272 - Viebrock - Designates the three-toed box turtle as the official reptile of the State of Missouri

HB 351 - Wood - Designates the crayfish as the official state invertebrate of the State of Missouri

HB 576 - Cooper - Designates the bobwhite quail as the official state game bird of the State of Missouri

HB 680 - May - Designates Big Bluestem as the official state grass

Emergencies (16)

SB 57 - Graham - Requires all health clubs to have at least one automated external defibrillator

SB 257 - Engler - Modifies the treatment of firearms during state emergencies

SB 269 - Scott - Reorganizes State Emergency Management Agency within the Department of Public Safety

SB 352 - Clemens - Adds vehicles driven by conservation agents to the list of vehicles considered "emergency vehicles"

SB 357 - Green - Creates the "Marie Van Dillen Act" relating to emergency services

SB 380 - Koster - Provides for immunity from liability for certain health care professionals deployed during a state of emergency

SB 382 - Koster - Increases the maximum amount that may be appropriated to the Governmental Emergency Fund

SB 500 - Koster - Provides additional workers' compensation benefits for public safety workers killed in the line of duty

SB 574 - Green - Modifies the continuing educational training requirements for 911 telecommunicators

SB 604 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to services provided during natural disaster and terrorist attacks

SB 658 - Stouffer - Establishes the "Outside the Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Act"

SB 705 - Mayer - Modifies laws relating to emergency management

HB 551 - Dempsey - Provides additional workers' compensation benefits for public safety workers killed in the line of duty

HB 579 - Dempsey - Provides immunity from liability for health care professionals deployed during a state of emergency

HB 619 - Aull - Specifies situations in which the Civil Air Patrol may be activated, which missions are considered federal or state, and who shall pay for such missions

HB 678 - Marsh - Exempts school districts in declared federal disaster areas based on inclement weather in January 2007 from making up days and time lost due to the inclement weather

Employees - Employers (45)

SB 1 - Gibbons - Requires criminal background checks for certain employees in positions with substantial direct contact with children

SB 33 - Bray - Requires certain employers to dedicate a percentage of profits for health care costs

SB 47 - Engler - Modifies provisions regarding fire protection

SB 70 - Shoemyer - Restricts favorable tax treatment and loan eligibility for employers

SB 72 - Justus - Enacts provisions relating to the duty of a pharmacy to fill prescriptions

SB 77 - Scott - Creates a graduated increase in payments for sheltered workshops

SB 95 - Bray - Requires applicants for Medicaid and Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool to identify the proposed beneficiary's employer

SB 125 - Days - Requires state employees to contribute a percentage of income toward their health insurance

SB 146 - Bray - Creates the "Public Employee Due Process Act"

SB 168 - Mayer - Codifies the employment-at-will doctrine

SB 175 - Green - Modifies the prevailing wage law

SB 178 - Green - Bars employers from misclassifying employees as independent contractors

SB 180 - Green - Amends law relating to the hiring of unqualified employees on public projects

SB 181 - Green - Creates the "Public Service Accountability Act"

SB 182 - Green - Amends requirements for workers' compensation and benefit payments

SB 186 - Green - Creates an income tax deduction for small businesses and farmers that provide health insurance coverage for employees

SB 219 - Graham - Bars elected officials and members of the General Assembly from working as lobbyists

SB 235 - Shields - Modifies certain provisions relating to the Missouri State Water Patrol

SB 249 - Gross - Reinstates federal standards for overtime wages for public employees

SB 255 - Loudon - Reinstates federal standards for overtime wages

SB 267 - Bray - Allows small employers to obtain medical coverage through the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan

SB 277 - Koster - Restricts worker's compensation payments for dependents

SB 279 - Griesheimer - Reinstates federal standards for overtime wages for firefighters, police and EMTs

SB 285 - Crowell - Protects the conscience rights of pharmaceutical professionals

SB 301 - Bartle - Creates a tax credit for family friendly work programs

SB 336 - Bray - Requires equal pay for the same work regardless of gender and establishes a commission to study wage disparities

SB 339 - Mayer - Creates the "Fairness in Public Construction Act"

SB 348 - Koster - Enacts various provisions affecting illegal aliens

SB 424 - Green - Bars employers from misclassifying employees as independent contractors

SB 433 - Callahan - Changes laws relating to unemployment compensation for veterans

SB 438 - Ridgeway - Gives the boards of election commissioners the discretion to waive residency requirements for their employees

SB 520 - Engler - Modifies requirements for labor posters

SB 532 - Loudon - Modifies Missouri human rights law

SB 587 - Bray - Entitles employees to take unpaid leave from work on the day of an election to serve in the election

SB 606 - Loudon - Restricts worker's compensation payments for dependents

SB 607 - Smith - Creates a collective bargaining process for public employees

SB 622 - Engler - Requires construction employees to take drug tests before working on projects on school and state property

SB 626 - Ridgeway - Enacts various provisions affecting illegal aliens

SB 637 - Bray - Requires employers to provide sick leave for employees

SB 641 - Bray - Creates a collective bargaining process for public employees

SB 662 - Barnitz - Modifies overtime pay for state employees

SB 668 - Loudon - Modifies workers' compensation payments

HB 300 - Bruns - Establishes the Volunteer Firefighter Job Protection Act

HB 758 - Brown - Authorizes an income tax credit for employers who hire qualified high school students for summer jobs

HB 818 - Ervin - Establishes the Missouri Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and changes the laws regarding the Missouri Health Insurance Pool and small employer insurance availability

Employment Security (7)

SB 47 - Engler - Modifies provisions regarding fire protection

SB 168 - Mayer - Codifies the employment-at-will doctrine

SB 175 - Green - Modifies the prevailing wage law

SB 178 - Green - Bars employers from misclassifying employees as independent contractors

SB 348 - Koster - Enacts various provisions affecting illegal aliens

SB 424 - Green - Bars employers from misclassifying employees as independent contractors

SB 626 - Ridgeway - Enacts various provisions affecting illegal aliens

Energy (14)

SB 54 - Koster - Modifies provisions relating to renewable energy, alternative fuel, and environmental regulation

SB 154 - Graham - Requires retail suppliers of electrical energy to use specified amounts of renewable energy resources

SB 156 - Engler - Modifies various provisions pertaining to agriculture and the Department of Agriculture

SB 202 - Stouffer - Creates a tax credit for the use of idle reduction technology

SB 328 - Engler - Modifies various provisions relating to certain renewable fuel incentives and solid waste laws

SB 353 - Engler - Allows hogged wood and chipped wood to qualify for wood energy tax credit

SB 390 - Koster - Creates the "Electrical Corporation Responsibility Act"

SB 416 - Goodman - Modifies the law with regard to lands held by certain utilities and Public Service Commission approval of certain territorial agreements for water and electric service areas

SB 419 - Kennedy - Modifies various provisions relating to natural resources

SB 423 - Green - Requires the Public Service Commission to develop and enforce certain standards for electric utility service

SB 649 - Smith - Creates requirements and provides incentives for environmentally sustainable building design and construction

SB 674 - Bray - Requires electric service providers to allow net metering

SB 702 - Bray - Requires buildings constructed by or for the state to meet the minimum certification level offered by the U.S. Green Building Council

HB 488 - Wasson - Creates a tax credit for the use of idle reduction technology

Engineers (3)

SB 31 - Nodler - Authorizes the Missouri Board of Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects to impose civil penalties

HB 134 - Guest - Modifies provisions regarding appropriations requests for equipment by the University of Missouri

HB 780 - Wasson - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

Entertainment, Sports and Amusements (5)

SB 400 - Crowell - Modifies provisions of the Film Production Tax Credit Program

SB 610 - Callahan - Exempts purchases made by sports authorities from state and local sales and use tax

HB 428 - Cox - Creates the State Fair Escrow Fund for expenses associated with the Missouri State Fair and off-season events

HB 647 - Young - Authorizes the use of leashed dogs for deer tracking while deer hunting

HB 845 - Dixon - Allows hunting and fishing permit applicants to receive a voter registration application form as part of the application for such permits

Environmental Protection (16)

SB 202 - Stouffer - Creates a tax credit for the use of idle reduction technology

SB 205 - Stouffer - Assesses fee on certain transporters that ship or transport radioactive waste within the state

SB 220 - McKenna - Creates financial incentive programs for the reduction of waste associated with building construction and demolition

SB 223 - Rupp - Modifies the required time frame in which the Air Conservation Commission must set fees for air pollution emissions

SB 388 - Mayer - Creates the "Missouri Environmental Covenants Law"

SB 419 - Kennedy - Modifies various provisions relating to natural resources

SB 420 - Gibbons - Provides that no more than four, rather than three, members of the Clean Water Commission may be from the same political party

SB 481 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions regarding the rendering of final decisions and hearing of appeals by certain administrative commissions

SB 534 - Nodler - Modifies the law relating to concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and the penalties for offenses perpetrated by these operations

SB 570 - Clemens - Creates the Joint Committee on Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)

SB 600 - Ridgeway - Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to issue cease and desist orders for violations of environmental laws

SB 601 - Ridgeway - Requires the Department of Natural Resources to identify underground storage tanks that are ineligible to receive petroleum and prohibits the deposit of petroleum into such tanks

HB 343 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions pertaining to cleanup costs for releases of hazardous substances

HB 344 - Munzlinger - Modifies liability for crop damage or destruction

HB 488 - Wasson - Creates a tax credit for the use of idle reduction technology

HB 526 - Pratt - Changes the laws regarding certain appeals to the Administrative Hearing Commission

Estates, Wills and Trusts (3)

SB 35 - Days - Authorizes a court to appoint a standby guardian for a minor

SB 398 - Crowell - Makes a technical correction in the Missouri Uniform Trust Code

HB 220 - Stevenson - Makes a technical correction to Section 456.5-501 of the Missouri Uniform Trust Code

Ethics (8)

SB 49 - Engler - Modifies the state do-not-call list and requires political phone calls to include a "paid for by" statement

SB 219 - Graham - Bars elected officials and members of the General Assembly from working as lobbyists

SB 263 - Green - Modifies out-of-state committee reporting requirements

SB 408 - Bray - Imposes campaign contribution limits for individuals and committees in support of candidates running for public office

SB 592 - Scott - Modifies ethics filings

SB 593 - Scott - Modifies ethics complaint requirements

SB 594 - Scott - Modifies law relating to ethics

HB 801 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to telecommunication services and telephone calls

Evidence (2)

SB 475 - Crowell - Adds several provisions relating to expert witness testimony in judicial proceedings

HB 774 - Jones - Provides that certain persons and entities shall not be required to disclose news sources or certain information

Fairs (1)

SB 79 - Scott - Creates the "State Fair Escrow Fund"

Family Law (16)

SB 55 - Koster - Modifies the law on the establishment of paternity

SB 71 - Justus - Modifies provisions on child care subsidies

SB 145 - Bray - Modifies the law relating to the establishment of paternity

SB 234 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to juvenile courts and officers

SB 246 - Goodman - Modifies provisions regarding the termination of alimony and maintenance payments

SB 260 - Koster - Modifies provisions on child care subsidies

SB 343 - Justus - Adds a definition for "unknown father" as it relates to adoption, guardianship and termination of parental rights proceedings

SB 359 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to adult abuse orders of protection

SB 414 - Goodman - Changes the definition of "adult" to a person 18 years of age or older and "child" to a person under 18 years of age in chapter pertaining to juvenile courts

SB 493 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Interstate Family Support Act"

SB 494 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Premarital Agreement Act"

SB 495 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act"

SB 603 - Days - Revises provisions relating to child support enforcement

SB 697 - Ridgeway - Modifies several provisions regarding the rights and duties of foster parents

HB 215 - Stevenson - Changes the definition of "adult", "child", and "status offense" as it relates to the jurisdiction of the juvenile courts

HB 583 - Johnson - Modifies provisions relating to crime victims

Family Services Division (3)

SB 145 - Bray - Modifies the law relating to the establishment of paternity

SB 343 - Justus - Adds a definition for "unknown father" as it relates to adoption, guardianship and termination of parental rights proceedings

HB 454 - Jetton - Provides for supplemental food stamp assistance for the elderly

Federal - State Relations (16)

SB 163 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions with regards to the Basic Civil Legal Services Fund

SB 461 - Callahan - Provides for state enforcement of federal immigration laws

SCR 6 - Bray - Urges Congress to address the nation's immigration problems

SCR 9 - Crowell - Urges the Missouri Congressional Delegation to support legislation to extend the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail

SCR 13 - Justus - Urges the United States Government to not escalate its involvement in Iraq or increase troop levels

SCR 14 - Graham - Expresses opposition to the Bush Administration's proposed sale of national forest land

SCR 15 - Barnitz - Urges Congress to withdraw the United States from any further participation in the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America and any other multilateral activity which seeks to advance the creation of the North America Union

SCR 16 - Scott - Urges Congress to oppose legislation extending Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants

SCR 23 - Bray - Urges the United States Congress to enact the United States Health Insurance Act sponsored by U.S. Representative John Conyers

SCR 24 - Bray - Urges United States Congress to enact the "United States National Health Insurance Act"

SCR 26 - Loudon - Encourages the Security and Exchange Commission to create and enforce rules and regulations to eliminate fraud

SJR 6 - Graham - Modifies the procedure for division of the state into U.S. Congressional districts

HB 851 - Onder - Provides for state enforcement of federal immigration laws

HCR 11 - Ervin - Supports the negotiations of a Taiwan-United States free trade agreement

HCR 20 - Guest - Urges Congress to repeal the federal REAL ID Act

HCR 25 - Yates - Urges the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to withdraw a portion of its proposed rules that would change the status of Truman Medical Center as a government owned or operated hospital

Fees (7)

SB 163 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions with regards to the Basic Civil Legal Services Fund

SB 170 - Engler - Revises the filing fees paid by certain insurance organizations to cover administrative expenses incurred by the Department of Insurance, Financial and Professional Regulation

SB 205 - Stouffer - Assesses fee on certain transporters that ship or transport radioactive waste within the state

SB 284 - Griesheimer - Authorizes statewide video service franchise agreements

SB 308 - Crowell - Modifies licensing standards and practice of certain professionals

SB 368 - Barnitz - Modifies requirements for corporate filings

SB 611 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to the public defender system

Fire Protection (22)

SB 22 - Griesheimer - Modifies laws relating to political subdivisions

SB 47 - Engler - Modifies provisions regarding fire protection

SB 114 - Scott - Creates penalties for individuals who set fires in areas proclaimed to be emergency drought conditions

SB 155 - Engler - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

SB 184 - Green - Creates certain registration requirements for fire protection districts, departments, and volunteer associations

SB 239 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 361 - Goodman - Provides an income tax credit for volunteer firefighters

SB 386 - Mayer - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

SB 393 - McKenna - Establishes a consolidation process for fire protection districts located wholly in a county of the first classification

SB 405 - Crowell - WITHDRAWN

SB 446 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to fire safety standards in long-term care facilities

SB 492 - Crowell - Modifies several provisions regarding public employee retirement plans

SB 500 - Koster - Provides additional workers' compensation benefits for public safety workers killed in the line of duty

SB 517 - Rupp - Adds certain cancers to the list of diseases which are used to compute firefighters' retirement benefits

SB 624 - Coleman - Allows the city of St. Louis to impose a sales tax for public safety purposes

SB 660 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

SB 694 - Shields - Provides for continued health care benefits for the surviving spouse and dependents of public safety officers killed or disabled in the line of duty

HB 298 - Cooper - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

HB 300 - Bruns - Establishes the Volunteer Firefighter Job Protection Act

HB 319 - Villa - Modifies several provisions regarding the Fireman's Retirement System of St. Louis

HB 551 - Dempsey - Provides additional workers' compensation benefits for public safety workers killed in the line of duty

HB 952 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to fire safety standards in long-term care facilities

Firearms and Fireworks (12)

SB 60 - Wilson - Expands the crime of unlawful use of a weapon to include discharging a firearm for celebrating in an urban area

SB 61 - Wilson - Requires a permit to acquire a stun gun or taser

SB 62 - Goodman - Modifies the laws on the use of force and firearms

SB 144 - Bray - Creates the crime of negligent storage of a firearm

SB 217 - Crowell - Limits the power of political subdivisions to regulate the open carrying of firearms or discharge of firearms within a jurisdiction unless in conformity with state law

SB 257 - Engler - Modifies the treatment of firearms during state emergencies

SB 337 - Bray - Requires any business that sells firearms or ammunition to use video surveillance cameras

SB 351 - Clemens - Requires small game hunters to wear certain orange safety clothing during firearms deer season

SB 457 - Purgason - Modifies provisions relating to the transfer of concealable weapons and removes the permitting requirements for such weapons

SB 588 - Bray - Restricts firearm possession for individuals involved in domestic violence

SB 660 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

HB 462 - Munzlinger - Modifies various provisions relating to firearms

Funerals and Funeral Directors (3)

SB 272 - Scott - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

SB 525 - Scott - Modifies funeral director and embalmer licenses

SB 659 - Stouffer - Modifies laws regarding the final disposition of a dead human body

Gambling (9)

SB 89 - Bartle - Excludes gambling establishments from the definition of "qualified company" under the Quality Jobs Act

SB 287 - Crowell - Modifies several provisions relating to the distribution of proceeds in the Gaming Commission Fund

SB 296 - Loudon - Authorizes the Joint Committee on Wagering and Gaming to solicit bids for university study of pathological gambling in Missouri

SB 430 - Shields - Creates the "Smart Start Scholarship Program"

SB 478 - Gross - Limits amount of expenditures of revenue from gaming boat admission fees

SB 508 - Green - Prohibits the Missouri Gaming Commission or employees thereof from operating or being employed by excursion gambling boats located in this state

HB 654 - Stream - Increases grants for veterans' service officer programs, establishes the Stolen Valor Act of 2007, and exempts real and personal property owned by veterans' organizations from taxation

HB 915 - Dougherty - Exempts veterans', service, and fraternal organizations from paying taxes on bingo card sales

HB 916 - Dougherty - Exempts veterans, service, and fraternal organizations from paying the 2% gross receipts tax on bingo pull-tab card sales

General Assembly (41)

SB 139 - Bray - Eliminates the annual State of the State Transportation Address given by the Director of the Department of Transportation to the General Assembly

SB 194 - Crowell - Requires that English be the language of all official proceedings in Missouri

SB 219 - Graham - Bars elected officials and members of the General Assembly from working as lobbyists

SB 306 - Crowell - Requires the Office of Administration to provide senators and representatives with access to the dome of the state capitol

SB 331 - Stouffer - Eliminates the annual State of the State Transportation Address given by the Director of the Department of Transportation to the General Assembly

SB 569 - Graham - Bars lobbying firms from employing elected officials

SRB 613 - Goodman - Repeals certain laws that have expired, sunset, terminated, or are ineffective

SB 688 - Gibbons - Creates a legislative task force on improving urban education

SB 708 - Shoemyer - Authorizes issuance of bonds to finance certain educational facility projects and modifies provisions regarding the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority

SCR 2 - Callahan - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SCR 3 - Engler - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SCR 4 - Lager - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SCR 12 - Ridgeway - Supports the negotiations of a Taiwan-United States free trade agreement

SCR 14 - Graham - Expresses opposition to the Bush Administration's proposed sale of national forest land

SCR 15 - Barnitz - Urges Congress to withdraw the United States from any further participation in the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America and any other multilateral activity which seeks to advance the creation of the North America Union

SCR 18 - Gibbons - Authorizes the General Assembly to employ an independent auditor to audit the State Auditor's Office

SCR 21 - Shoemyer - Establishes a Joint Interim Committee on Access to Nontraditional Career and Technical Education

SCR 22 - Shoemyer - Encourages the Missouri Department of Conservation to have a regulated statewide hand fishing season for channel, blue, and flathead catfish from June first to July thirteenth beginning in 2007

SCR 23 - Bray - Urges the United States Congress to enact the United States Health Insurance Act sponsored by U.S. Representative John Conyers

SJR 5 - Graham - Requires that all appropriations by the General Assembly cannot exceed the official estimate of state revenues

SJR 6 - Graham - Modifies the procedure for division of the state into U.S. Congressional districts

SJR 7 - Graham - Requires the State Treasurer to provide an estimate of available state revenues each fiscal year

SJR 14 - Clemens - Creates a two year budget cycle

SJR 15 - Green - Increases term limits for members of the General Assembly from 8 years to 12 years in each house

SJR 21 - Clemens - Lowers the number of representatives from 163 to 101 and length and number of terms for representatives and senators

SR 51 - Purgason - Amends Senate Rule 96 to prohibit electronic devices in the Senate Chamber

SR 70 - Scott - Amends Senate Rule 96 to prohibit smoking in Senate Galleries

HCR 1 - Dempsey - Establishes date and time for State of the Judiciary

HCR 2 - Dempsey - Establishes date and time for State of the State address

HCR 8 - Loehner - Expresses the support of the General Assembly for the installation of a ferryboat on the Missouri River at Chamois.

HCR 11 - Ervin - Supports the negotiations of a Taiwan-United States free trade agreement

HCR 13 - McGhee - Disapproves the recommendations of the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation of Elected Officials

HCR 15 - Threlkeld - Recognizes November 2007 as "COPD Awareness Month" and November 21, 2007, as "COPD Awareness Day" in Missouri

HCR 16 - Deeken - Authorizes the required biennial independent audit of the State Auditor's Office as required in Section 21.760

HCR 17 - Fisher - Recognizes the I-49 Coalition as the official organization for the project to upgrade U.S. Highway 71 to interstate standards

HCR 18 - Dempsey - State of the State of Transportation

HCR 20 - Guest - Urges Congress to repeal the federal REAL ID Act

HCR 24 - Wilson - Requests a review of the special needs student assessment provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act to better serve the special needs student population

HCR 25 - Yates - Urges the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to withdraw a portion of its proposed rules that would change the status of Truman Medical Center as a government owned or operated hospital

HCR 30 - Pratt - Recognizes the area from Manhattan, Kansas to Columbia, Missouri as the "KC Animal Health Corridor".

HJR 1 - Cunningham - Proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting any court of this state from ordering the General Assembly or executive from increasing taxes or creating new taxes

Governor & Lt. Governor (18)

SB 87 - Bartle - Requires the Governor to appoint new members of the Board of Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance Company

SB 115 - Scott - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property in Pettis County to the Girl Scouts-Heart of Missouri Council, Inc.

SB 152 - Engler - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property located in St. Francois County to the city of Park Hills

SB 219 - Graham - Bars elected officials and members of the General Assembly from working as lobbyists

SB 288 - Engler - Authorizes the Governor to convey certain state properties

SB 380 - Koster - Provides for immunity from liability for certain health care professionals deployed during a state of emergency

SB 460 - Callahan - Requires the Governor to submit contract information as part of the budget

SB 469 - Justus - Authorizes the Governor to convey certain state property located in Jackson County to the city of Kansas City

SB 502 - Koster - Authorizes the Governor to convey an easement over property in Johnson County to the city of Warrensburg

SB 569 - Graham - Bars lobbying firms from employing elected officials

SJR 5 - Graham - Requires that all appropriations by the General Assembly cannot exceed the official estimate of state revenues

SJR 7 - Graham - Requires the State Treasurer to provide an estimate of available state revenues each fiscal year

HB 268 - Moore - Authorizes the Governor to convey an easement over, on, and under state property located in Callaway County to the City of Fulton

HB 467 - Cox - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property in Pettis County to the Girl Scouts-Heart of Missouri Council, Incorporated

HB 579 - Dempsey - Provides immunity from liability for health care professionals deployed during a state of emergency

HB 684 - Bruns - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property located in the cities of St. Louis and Kansas City and the counties of St. Francois, Texas, Newton, Greene, and Livingston

HB 740 - Pearce - Authorizes the Governor to convey an easement over state property to the City of Warrensburg and the Board of Regents of Northwest Missouri State University to convey state property located in Nodaway County

HJR 1 - Cunningham - Proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting any court of this state from ordering the General Assembly or executive from increasing taxes or creating new taxes

Health Care (65)

SB 2 - Gibbons - Creates the crime of knowingly receiving, selling, or obtaining personal health information

SB 4 - Gross - Extends the Federal Reimbursement Allowance, Pharmacy Tax, Nursing Facility Reimbursement Allowance, and Medicaid Managed Care Reimbursement Allowance sunsets

SB 7 - Loudon - Creates an income tax deduction for medical expenses

SB 33 - Bray - Requires certain employers to dedicate a percentage of profits for health care costs

SB 80 - Shields - Modifies provisions of the Metabolic Distribution Formula Program

SB 95 - Bray - Requires applicants for Medicaid and Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool to identify the proposed beneficiary's employer

SB 97 - Days - Mandates health insurance coverage for morbid obesity

SB 122 - Bray - Establishes a commission to study the possible implementation of a Missouri universal health assurance program

SB 173 - Ridgeway - Authorizes peer review committees for providers of certain emergency medical services

SB 174 - Green - Modifies laws on mental health facilities and group homes for the mentally retarded and developmentally disabled

SB 179 - Green - Requires any applicant for health care benefits under a public assistance program to identify his or her employer

SB 182 - Green - Amends requirements for workers' compensation and benefit payments

SB 196 - Gross - Enacts provisions relating to the capacity of an unborn child to experience pain during an abortion

SB 273 - Shields - Modifies various provisions relating to the State Legal Expense Fund

SB 274 - Shields - Creates the "Healthcare Technology Fund"

SB 285 - Crowell - Protects the conscience rights of pharmaceutical professionals

SB 303 - Loudon - Changes the laws regarding midwives and the practice of midwifery

SB 314 - Clemens - Licenses clinical laboratory science personnel

SB 333 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 346 - Shoemyer - Amends the law relating to physician assistants

SB 357 - Green - Creates the "Marie Van Dillen Act" relating to emergency services

SB 365 - Koster - Allows cities to impose a property tax to fund the construction, operation and maintenance of a community health center

SB 370 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 375 - Koster - Establishes the "Missouri Alternatives to Abortion Services Program" and the "Missouri Alternatives to Abortion Public Awareness Program"

SB 381 - Koster - Establishes regulations for discount medical plan organizations that issue health discount medical plans

SB 467 - Goodman - Prohibits health care professionals from billing for anatomic pathology services not personally rendered

SB 476 - Crowell - Authorizes the Board of Trustees of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System to invest certain state funds in order to fund retiree health care benefits and to assist with other state benefit programs as requested

SB 490 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to citizens most at risk for exploitation

SB 496 - Koster - Revises the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act

SB 513 - Clemens - Allows nurses working in any area of need to qualify for the Professional and Practical Nursing Student Loan Program

SB 537 - Lager - Amends the law relating to physician assistants

SB 546 - Bray - Enacts the Prevention First Act

SB 577 - Shields - Enacts the "Missouri Health Improvement Act of 2007"

SB 578 - Stouffer - Requires hospitals to report adverse health events

SB 579 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to certificate of need

SB 581 - Shoemyer - Modifies provisions relating to the state medical assistance program

SB 604 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to services provided during natural disaster and terrorist attacks

SB 612 - Goodman - Modifies provisions on confidential medical test results

SB 634 - Loudon - Prohibits the substitution of anti-epileptic drugs

SB 637 - Bray - Requires employers to provide sick leave for employees

SB 653 - Kennedy - Revises the eligibility requirements for the Uninsured Women's Health Program

SB 657 - Crowell - Modifies licensing requirements for nurses

SB 658 - Stouffer - Establishes the "Outside the Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Act"

SB 664 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the Board of Nursing Home Administrators

SB 670 - Loudon - Provides that the Department of Health and Senior Services shall not require by rule any immunizations that are not specified under current law

SB 694 - Shields - Provides for continued health care benefits for the surviving spouse and dependents of public safety officers killed or disabled in the line of duty

SB 701 - Goodman - Creates licensing requirements for prescribing psychologists

SB 705 - Mayer - Modifies laws relating to emergency management

SCR 1 - Bray - Encourages support and education regarding reproductive health

SCR 5 - Shields - Recognizes November 21, 2007, as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Day (COPD) and November as COPD month in Missouri

SCR 19 - Coleman - Urges Congress to reauthorize the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to assure federal funding for the Missouri MC+ for Kids Program

SCR 23 - Bray - Urges the United States Congress to enact the United States Health Insurance Act sponsored by U.S. Representative John Conyers

SCR 24 - Bray - Urges United States Congress to enact the "United States National Health Insurance Act"

SJR 10 - Bartle - Repeals the current constitutional provisions regarding stem cell research and prohibits human cloning

SJR 20 - Bartle - Modifies constitutional provisions relating to health care research and human cloning

HB 39 - Portwood - Establishes a medical assistance program for the employed disabled

HB 40 - Portwood - Establishes a long-term care insurance public-private parternship program

HB 182 - Bruns - Establishes the Outside the Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Act to permit the execution of do-not-resuscitate orders for use by emergency medical providers for patients receiving treatment outside a hospital

HB 353 - Schaaf - Modifies various provisions relating to the reporting and investigation of Medicaid fraud

HB 497 - Sater - Amends the law relating to physician assistants

HB 818 - Ervin - Establishes the Missouri Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and changes the laws regarding the Missouri Health Insurance Pool and small employer insurance availability

HB 948 - Schaaf - Modifies provisions relating to genetic and metabolic disease programs

HB 1055 - Sander - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

HCR 15 - Threlkeld - Recognizes November 2007 as "COPD Awareness Month" and November 21, 2007, as "COPD Awareness Day" in Missouri

HCR 25 - Yates - Urges the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to withdraw a portion of its proposed rules that would change the status of Truman Medical Center as a government owned or operated hospital

Health Care Professionals (51)

SB 72 - Justus - Enacts provisions relating to the duty of a pharmacy to fill prescriptions

SB 80 - Shields - Modifies provisions of the Metabolic Distribution Formula Program

SB 85 - Champion - Establishes a drug monitoring program and modifies existing record keeping for controlled substances and pseudoephedrine products

SB 158 - Engler - Bars entities from discriminating between licensed professional counselors

SB 159 - Engler - Modifies complaint procedures and record retention requirements for complaints against professional licensed counselors and social workers

SB 173 - Ridgeway - Authorizes peer review committees for providers of certain emergency medical services

SB 182 - Green - Amends requirements for workers' compensation and benefit payments

SB 196 - Gross - Enacts provisions relating to the capacity of an unborn child to experience pain during an abortion

SB 273 - Shields - Modifies various provisions relating to the State Legal Expense Fund

SB 285 - Crowell - Protects the conscience rights of pharmaceutical professionals

SB 303 - Loudon - Changes the laws regarding midwives and the practice of midwifery

SB 305 - Kennedy - Creates the "Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Act"

SB 314 - Clemens - Licenses clinical laboratory science personnel

SB 333 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 346 - Shoemyer - Amends the law relating to physician assistants

SB 357 - Green - Creates the "Marie Van Dillen Act" relating to emergency services

SB 380 - Koster - Provides for immunity from liability for certain health care professionals deployed during a state of emergency

SB 381 - Koster - Establishes regulations for discount medical plan organizations that issue health discount medical plans

SB 467 - Goodman - Prohibits health care professionals from billing for anatomic pathology services not personally rendered

SB 496 - Koster - Revises the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act

SB 513 - Clemens - Allows nurses working in any area of need to qualify for the Professional and Practical Nursing Student Loan Program

SB 537 - Lager - Amends the law relating to physician assistants

SB 546 - Bray - Enacts the Prevention First Act

SB 556 - Loudon - Establishes the "Missouri Health Insurance Exchange", the "Direct Payment Stop Loss Fund", and creates administrative procedure to collect unpaid medical claims

SB 575 - Justus - Requires rape victims to be informed of their right to request a drug test for the presence of a date rape drug

SB 577 - Shields - Enacts the "Missouri Health Improvement Act of 2007"

SB 578 - Stouffer - Requires hospitals to report adverse health events

SB 579 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to certificate of need

SB 581 - Shoemyer - Modifies provisions relating to the state medical assistance program

SB 604 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to services provided during natural disaster and terrorist attacks

SB 612 - Goodman - Modifies provisions on confidential medical test results

SB 634 - Loudon - Prohibits the substitution of anti-epileptic drugs

SB 657 - Crowell - Modifies licensing requirements for nurses

SB 658 - Stouffer - Establishes the "Outside the Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Act"

SB 677 - Goodman - Creates the Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force

SB 701 - Goodman - Creates licensing requirements for prescribing psychologists

SB 704 - Bray - Establishes the implementation of a health care quality report card

SB 705 - Mayer - Modifies laws relating to emergency management

SCR 1 - Bray - Encourages support and education regarding reproductive health

SCR 5 - Shields - Recognizes November 21, 2007, as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Day (COPD) and November as COPD month in Missouri

HB 182 - Bruns - Establishes the Outside the Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Act to permit the execution of do-not-resuscitate orders for use by emergency medical providers for patients receiving treatment outside a hospital

HB 233 - Tilley - Modifies the definition of the "practice of chiropractic"

HB 497 - Sater - Amends the law relating to physician assistants

HB 554 - Cooper - Bars entities from discriminating between licensed professional counselors

HB 555 - Cooper - Modifies complaint procedures and record retention requirements for complaints against professional licensed counselors and social workers

HB 579 - Dempsey - Provides immunity from liability for health care professionals deployed during a state of emergency

HB 780 - Wasson - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

HB 818 - Ervin - Establishes the Missouri Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and changes the laws regarding the Missouri Health Insurance Pool and small employer insurance availability

HB 914 - Dougherty - Modifies licensing standards of certain professionals

HB 948 - Schaaf - Modifies provisions relating to genetic and metabolic disease programs

HB 1055 - Sander - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

Health Dept. (33)

SB 14 - Scott - Authorizes volunteer transportation services for the elderly

SB 16 - Scott - Provides that each child enrolled in kindergarten or first grade is to receive a comprehensive vision examination

SB 80 - Shields - Modifies provisions of the Metabolic Distribution Formula Program

SB 85 - Champion - Establishes a drug monitoring program and modifies existing record keeping for controlled substances and pseudoephedrine products

SB 109 - Wilson - Creates a trust fund and commission for youth smoking prevention

SB 122 - Bray - Establishes a commission to study the possible implementation of a Missouri universal health assurance program

SB 128 - Stouffer - Transfers the authority to approve blood alcohol and other chemical testing methods and devices from the Department of Health and Senior Services to the Department of Transportation

SB 161 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to education

SB 196 - Gross - Enacts provisions relating to the capacity of an unborn child to experience pain during an abortion

SB 272 - Scott - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

SB 333 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 397 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to applications for long-term care facilities

SB 429 - Gibbons - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

SB 446 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to fire safety standards in long-term care facilities

SB 490 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to citizens most at risk for exploitation

SB 514 - Justus - Requires immunizations for the human papilloma virus

SB 530 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions relating to the Alzheimer's Demonstration Project

SB 575 - Justus - Requires rape victims to be informed of their right to request a drug test for the presence of a date rape drug

SB 578 - Stouffer - Requires hospitals to report adverse health events

SB 579 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to certificate of need

SB 604 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to services provided during natural disaster and terrorist attacks

SB 612 - Goodman - Modifies provisions on confidential medical test results

SB 658 - Stouffer - Establishes the "Outside the Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Act"

SB 664 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the Board of Nursing Home Administrators

SB 670 - Loudon - Provides that the Department of Health and Senior Services shall not require by rule any immunizations that are not specified under current law

SB 677 - Goodman - Creates the Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force

SB 704 - Bray - Establishes the implementation of a health care quality report card

SB 705 - Mayer - Modifies laws relating to emergency management

SCR 5 - Shields - Recognizes November 21, 2007, as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Day (COPD) and November as COPD month in Missouri

SCR 8 - Wilson - Urges the Departments of Health and Senior Services and Mental Health to implement their recommendations to the Governor regarding fire safety regulations for residential care facilities

HB 98 - Parson - Authorizes volunteer transportation services for the elderly

HB 948 - Schaaf - Modifies provisions relating to genetic and metabolic disease programs

HB 952 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to fire safety standards in long-term care facilities

Health, Public (29)

SB 2 - Gibbons - Creates the crime of knowingly receiving, selling, or obtaining personal health information

SB 33 - Bray - Requires certain employers to dedicate a percentage of profits for health care costs

SB 57 - Graham - Requires all health clubs to have at least one automated external defibrillator

SB 72 - Justus - Enacts provisions relating to the duty of a pharmacy to fill prescriptions

SB 333 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 357 - Green - Creates the "Marie Van Dillen Act" relating to emergency services

SB 370 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

SB 432 - Nodler - Modifies provisions on the presentation of information in public schools relating to contraception and sexually transmitted diseases

SB 467 - Goodman - Prohibits health care professionals from billing for anatomic pathology services not personally rendered

SB 490 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to citizens most at risk for exploitation

SB 496 - Koster - Revises the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act

SB 514 - Justus - Requires immunizations for the human papilloma virus

SB 524 - Scott - Modifies the licensing of tattoo artists, branders, and body piercers

SB 577 - Shields - Enacts the "Missouri Health Improvement Act of 2007"

SB 578 - Stouffer - Requires hospitals to report adverse health events

SB 579 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to certificate of need

SB 581 - Shoemyer - Modifies provisions relating to the state medical assistance program

SB 604 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to services provided during natural disaster and terrorist attacks

SB 634 - Loudon - Prohibits the substitution of anti-epileptic drugs

SB 637 - Bray - Requires employers to provide sick leave for employees

SB 658 - Stouffer - Establishes the "Outside the Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Act"

SB 670 - Loudon - Provides that the Department of Health and Senior Services shall not require by rule any immunizations that are not specified under current law

SB 677 - Goodman - Creates the Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force

SB 704 - Bray - Establishes the implementation of a health care quality report card

SB 705 - Mayer - Modifies laws relating to emergency management

SCR 1 - Bray - Encourages support and education regarding reproductive health

SCR 5 - Shields - Recognizes November 21, 2007, as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Day (COPD) and November as COPD month in Missouri

SCR 23 - Bray - Urges the United States Congress to enact the United States Health Insurance Act sponsored by U.S. Representative John Conyers

HB 39 - Portwood - Establishes a medical assistance program for the employed disabled

Higher Education Dept. (14)

SB 12 - Coleman - Creates an educational grant for children and spouses of veterans who are killed in combat

SB 29 - Nodler - Alters various provisions of the state's higher education policy

SB 75 - Coleman - Provides for a tuition limitation for certain combat veterans

SB 149 - Nodler - Alters provisions regarding higher education scholarships

SB 160 - Rupp - Alters provisions regarding higher education scholarships

SB 362 - Shoemyer - Modifies provisions regarding the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority and funding of higher education

SB 389 - Nodler - Modifies several provisions regarding the state's higher education system

SB 430 - Shields - Creates the "Smart Start Scholarship Program"

HB 16 - Icet - To appropriate money for supplemental purposes for the several departments and offices of state government,and to transfer money among certain funds, from funds designated for period ending 6-30-07

HB 134 - Guest - Modifies provisions regarding appropriations requests for equipment by the University of Missouri

HB 213 - Cunningham - Requires higher education institutions to adopt policies promoting academic freedom and to report on steps taken to protect student academic freedom

HB 269 - Nolte - Bars illegal immigrants from attending public universities

HB 693 - Quinn - Establishes the Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program and changes the laws regarding the Large Animal Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program

HB 941 - Kingery - Allows the curators of the University of Missouri to close certain financial records as they relate to donors or potential donors

Highway Patrol (26)

SB 1 - Gibbons - Requires criminal background checks for certain employees in positions with substantial direct contact with children

SB 17 - Shields - Repeals the motor vehicle safety inspection program and modifies enforcement of the seat belt law

SB 52 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 56 - Graham - Requires the General Assembly to separately appropriate funds for the Highway Patrol Uniform Allowance

SB 104 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to regulation of motor vehicles

SB 127 - Mayer - Modifies provisions within the Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System

SB 167 - Bartle - Creates a methamphetamine offense registry within the Missouri State Highway Patrol

SB 226 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to the administration of intoxication-related traffic offenses

SB 232 - Crowell - Designates a portion of Missouri Route 74/34 within Cape Girardeau County as the "John Oliver Jr. Parkway" and a portion of U.S. Highway 60 contained in Stoddard County as the "Sergeant Carl Dewayne Graham Jr. Memorial Highway"

SB 369 - Scott - Modifies requirements for certain law enforcement personnel

SB 401 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to purchases of creditable prior service by members of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System and MoDOT and Patrol Employees’ Retirement System

SB 406 - Crowell - Modifies multiple provisions regarding several employee benefit plans

SB 429 - Gibbons - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

SB 479 - Ridgeway - Repeals the motor vehicle safety inspection program, except for school buses, beginning January 1, 2008

SB 484 - Stouffer - Revises procedure for conducting commercial motor vehicle roadside inspections and requires certain vehicle owners to verify registration with motor carrier services in order to obtain or renew license plates

SB 531 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions relating to the administrative duties of the Missouri State Highway Patrol

SB 550 - Scott - Modifies and updates various superannuated statutes relating to the Missouri Highway Patrol

SB 553 - Bartle - Modifies provisions relating to the DNA profiling system

SB 557 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to the DNA profiling system

SB 660 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

SB 694 - Shields - Provides for continued health care benefits for the surviving spouse and dependents of public safety officers killed or disabled in the line of duty

HB 405 - Moore - Modifies provisions relating to the administrative duties of the Missouri State Highway Patrol

HB 574 - St. Onge - Modifies procedures for enforcing alcohol-related traffic offenses and allows the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners to delegate powers to hearing officers

HB 596 - St. Onge - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

HB 851 - Onder - Provides for state enforcement of federal immigration laws

HB 875 - Franz - Modifies multiple provisions relating to employee benefit plans

Historic Preservation (2)

SB 470 - Graham - Creates a tax credit for contributions to organizations for the preservation of Missouri's civil war sites

SCR 9 - Crowell - Urges the Missouri Congressional Delegation to support legislation to extend the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail

Hospitals (12)

SB 85 - Champion - Establishes a drug monitoring program and modifies existing record keeping for controlled substances and pseudoephedrine products

SB 179 - Green - Requires any applicant for health care benefits under a public assistance program to identify his or her employer

SB 298 - Engler - Modifies the election process of hospital district directors in Iron County

SB 303 - Loudon - Changes the laws regarding midwives and the practice of midwifery

SB 578 - Stouffer - Requires hospitals to report adverse health events

SB 579 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to certificate of need

SB 657 - Crowell - Modifies licensing requirements for nurses

SB 658 - Stouffer - Establishes the "Outside the Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Act"

SB 704 - Bray - Establishes the implementation of a health care quality report card

HB 182 - Bruns - Establishes the Outside the Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Act to permit the execution of do-not-resuscitate orders for use by emergency medical providers for patients receiving treatment outside a hospital

HB 818 - Ervin - Establishes the Missouri Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and changes the laws regarding the Missouri Health Insurance Pool and small employer insurance availability

HCR 25 - Yates - Urges the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to withdraw a portion of its proposed rules that would change the status of Truman Medical Center as a government owned or operated hospital

Housing (10)

SB 8 - Kennedy - Provides a tax credit for modifying a home for a disabled person

SB 344 - Justus - Increases the fee collected by each recorder to be deposited in to the Missouri Housing Trust Fund from $3 to $10

SB 348 - Koster - Enacts various provisions affecting illegal aliens

SB 447 - Goodman - Repeals superannuated provision of law from the Missouri Revised Statutes pertaining to the Housing Development Fund

SB 532 - Loudon - Modifies Missouri human rights law

SB 589 - Bray - Adopts the "Uniform Planned Community Act"

SB 635 - Loudon - Substantially revises the current law regarding the regulation of title insurance

SB 639 - Bray - Modifies law regarding residential property insurance

SB 695 - Kennedy - Provides a tax credit for disability home modification

HB 987 - Wasson - Modifies licensing standards for real estate appraisers

Immigration (6)

SB 180 - Green - Amends law relating to the hiring of unqualified employees on public projects

SB 348 - Koster - Enacts various provisions affecting illegal aliens

SB 424 - Green - Bars employers from misclassifying employees as independent contractors

SB 626 - Ridgeway - Enacts various provisions affecting illegal aliens

SCR 6 - Bray - Urges Congress to address the nation's immigration problems

SCR 16 - Scott - Urges Congress to oppose legislation extending Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants

Insurance - Automobile (7)

SB 82 - Griesheimer - Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 295 - Vogel - Extends the sunset clause on the Mandatory Insurance Database Program from June 30, 2007, to June 30, 2012

SB 326 - Loudon - Establishes the Uninsured Motorist Stipulation of Benefits Act of 2007 which limits the recovery for non-economic damages by uninsured motorists

SB 340 - Goodman - Prohibits insurers from taking adverse actions based upon a person's credit report or credit insurance score

SB 466 - Scott - Allows lenders to charge for motor vehicle extended service contracts and home and auto security plans

SB 505 - Koster - Provides that operating a motorcycle, in and of itself, shall not be considered evidence of comparative negligence and prohibits claims adjusters from assigning fault to a party simply because the party was operating a motorcycle in an otherwise legal manner

SB 709 - Shoemyer - Prohibits automobile insurers from requiring the use of specific repair shops

Insurance - General (12)

SB 66 - Rupp - Modifies various provisions of law relating to investments by insurance companies, enforcement powers of the Department of Insurance, and revises title insurance code

SB 98 - Days - Modifies law regarding the use of credit information by insurance companies

SB 153 - Engler - Establishes a consistent set of administrative, civil and criminal enforcement tools for all of Missouri's insurance laws and regulations of bail bond agents

SB 170 - Engler - Revises the filing fees paid by certain insurance organizations to cover administrative expenses incurred by the Department of Insurance, Financial and Professional Regulation

SB 215 - Loudon - Allows for the formation of captive insurance companies within Missouri under certain conditions

SB 304 - Loudon - Creates the "Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact"

SB 309 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to the realm of surplus lines insurance

SB 327 - Loudon - Establishes procedure for insurers intervening in civil actions to determine coverage issues

SB 483 - Rupp - Establishes the "Market Conduct Surveillance Act"

SB 491 - Ridgeway - Provides certain requirements before the state or any of its entities may enter into settlement or consent agreements

SB 512 - Bray - Subjects 383 malpractice associations to stricter insurance regulations

SB 707 - Gibbons - Makes it an unfair trade practice for a life insurance company to deny, refuse to renew, or cancel a life insurance policy based upon the insured's past or future lawful travel destinations

Insurance - Life (4)

SB 66 - Rupp - Modifies various provisions of law relating to investments by insurance companies, enforcement powers of the Department of Insurance, and revises title insurance code

SB 125 - Days - Requires state employees to contribute a percentage of income toward their health insurance

SB 325 - Loudon - Modifies various insurance law provisions

SB 707 - Gibbons - Makes it an unfair trade practice for a life insurance company to deny, refuse to renew, or cancel a life insurance policy based upon the insured's past or future lawful travel destinations

Insurance - Medical (28)

SB 2 - Gibbons - Creates the crime of knowingly receiving, selling, or obtaining personal health information

SB 7 - Loudon - Creates an income tax deduction for medical expenses

SB 15 - Scott - Establishes a long-term care insurance public-private partnership program

SB 63 - Goodman - Requires insurers to provide notice of coinsurance or other cost sharing features in the evidence of coverage they issue to enrollees

SB 66 - Rupp - Modifies various provisions of law relating to investments by insurance companies, enforcement powers of the Department of Insurance, and revises title insurance code

SB 95 - Bray - Requires applicants for Medicaid and Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool to identify the proposed beneficiary's employer

SB 97 - Days - Mandates health insurance coverage for morbid obesity

SB 100 - Mayer - Requires health carriers to provide certain claims and financial data for the previous three years when requested by an employer

SB 113 - Shoemyer - Requires health carriers to include certain durable medical equipment providers within their service provider networks

SB 118 - Griesheimer - Requires insurance companies to provide coverage for computerized prosthetic devices

SB 122 - Bray - Establishes a commission to study the possible implementation of a Missouri universal health assurance program

SB 125 - Days - Requires state employees to contribute a percentage of income toward their health insurance

SB 179 - Green - Requires any applicant for health care benefits under a public assistance program to identify his or her employer

SB 182 - Green - Amends requirements for workers' compensation and benefit payments

SB 186 - Green - Creates an income tax deduction for small businesses and farmers that provide health insurance coverage for employees

SB 248 - Days - Establishes a long-term care insurance public-private partnership program

SB 267 - Bray - Allows small employers to obtain medical coverage through the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan

SB 374 - Rupp - Allows health maintenance organizations to issue high deductible health plans combined with health savings accounts and taxes such policies at a rate of 2 percent for the purpose of funding the First Steps Program

SB 379 - Loudon - Requires the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Board to offer all qualified employees the option of receiving health care coverage through a high deductible health plan and the establishment of a health savings account

SB 463 - Callahan - Establishes the "Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2007"

SB 514 - Justus - Requires immunizations for the human papilloma virus

SB 556 - Loudon - Establishes the "Missouri Health Insurance Exchange", the "Direct Payment Stop Loss Fund", and creates administrative procedure to collect unpaid medical claims

SCR 19 - Coleman - Urges Congress to reauthorize the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to assure federal funding for the Missouri MC+ for Kids Program

SCR 24 - Bray - Urges United States Congress to enact the "United States National Health Insurance Act"

HB 40 - Portwood - Establishes a long-term care insurance public-private parternship program

HB 364 - Ervin - Creates an income tax deduction for qualified health insurance premium payments

HB 791 - Wilson - Requires health carriers to provide certain claims and financial data for the previous three years when requested by an employer

HB 818 - Ervin - Establishes the Missouri Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and changes the laws regarding the Missouri Health Insurance Pool and small employer insurance availability

Insurance - Property (5)

SB 340 - Goodman - Prohibits insurers from taking adverse actions based upon a person's credit report or credit insurance score

SB 466 - Scott - Allows lenders to charge for motor vehicle extended service contracts and home and auto security plans

SB 518 - Mayer - Establishes the "Missouri Catastrophe Fund" to help protect property and casualty insurers against insolvencies caused by certain natural disasters

SB 635 - Loudon - Substantially revises the current law regarding the regulation of title insurance

SB 639 - Bray - Modifies law regarding residential property insurance

Insurance Dept. (32)

SB 10 - Kennedy - Enacts licensing requirements for private investigators

SB 63 - Goodman - Requires insurers to provide notice of coinsurance or other cost sharing features in the evidence of coverage they issue to enrollees

SB 66 - Rupp - Modifies various provisions of law relating to investments by insurance companies, enforcement powers of the Department of Insurance, and revises title insurance code

SB 98 - Days - Modifies law regarding the use of credit information by insurance companies

SB 100 - Mayer - Requires health carriers to provide certain claims and financial data for the previous three years when requested by an employer

SB 113 - Shoemyer - Requires health carriers to include certain durable medical equipment providers within their service provider networks

SB 153 - Engler - Establishes a consistent set of administrative, civil and criminal enforcement tools for all of Missouri's insurance laws and regulations of bail bond agents

SB 164 - Scott - Modifies various statutes to implement the Governor's executive order that created the Department of Insurance, Financial and Professional Regulation

SB 170 - Engler - Revises the filing fees paid by certain insurance organizations to cover administrative expenses incurred by the Department of Insurance, Financial and Professional Regulation

SB 197 - Loudon - Modifies law with respect to motor vehicle extended service contracts and enacts similar provisions relating to other types of service contracts

SB 215 - Loudon - Allows for the formation of captive insurance companies within Missouri under certain conditions

SB 282 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of certain Department of Economic Development Programs

SB 283 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of the Enhanced Enterprise Zone Tax Benefit Program

SB 297 - Loudon - Prohibits persons from selling vehicle protection products in Missouri unless certain conditions are met

SB 304 - Loudon - Creates the "Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact"

SB 309 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to the realm of surplus lines insurance

SB 340 - Goodman - Prohibits insurers from taking adverse actions based upon a person's credit report or credit insurance score

SB 381 - Koster - Establishes regulations for discount medical plan organizations that issue health discount medical plans

SB 459 - Shoemyer - Relating to bail bond agents

SB 463 - Callahan - Establishes the "Small Business Health Fairness Act of 2007"

SB 483 - Rupp - Establishes the "Market Conduct Surveillance Act"

SB 512 - Bray - Subjects 383 malpractice associations to stricter insurance regulations

SB 518 - Mayer - Establishes the "Missouri Catastrophe Fund" to help protect property and casualty insurers against insolvencies caused by certain natural disasters

SB 556 - Loudon - Establishes the "Missouri Health Insurance Exchange", the "Direct Payment Stop Loss Fund", and creates administrative procedure to collect unpaid medical claims

SB 635 - Loudon - Substantially revises the current law regarding the regulation of title insurance

SB 639 - Bray - Modifies law regarding residential property insurance

SB 706 - Mayer - Modifies provisions of sales and use tax law and the Quality Jobs Act

SB 707 - Gibbons - Makes it an unfair trade practice for a life insurance company to deny, refuse to renew, or cancel a life insurance policy based upon the insured's past or future lawful travel destinations

HB 221 - Yates - Modifies law with respect to motor vehicle extended service contracts and enacts similar provisions relating to other types of service contracts

HB 327 - Richard - Modifies provisions of certain Department of Economic Development programs

HB 791 - Wilson - Requires health carriers to provide certain claims and financial data for the previous three years when requested by an employer

HB 818 - Ervin - Establishes the Missouri Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and changes the laws regarding the Missouri Health Insurance Pool and small employer insurance availability

Interstate Cooperation (1)

SB 576 - Bray - Implements the provisions of the streamlined sales and use tax agreement

Jackson County (2)

SB 28 - Bartle - Modifies circuit and associate circuit judge positions within the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit

SB 469 - Justus - Authorizes the Governor to convey certain state property located in Jackson County to the city of Kansas City

Judges (9)

SB 23 - Champion - Adds a circuit judge to the Thirty-First Judicial Circuit

SB 28 - Bartle - Modifies circuit and associate circuit judge positions within the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit

SB 434 - Rupp - Adds a circuit judge position within the Forty-Fifth Judicial Circuit

SB 516 - Goodman - Modifies several provisions of law relating to judicial procedures and personnel

SCR 2 - Callahan - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SCR 3 - Engler - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SCR 4 - Lager - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SJR 19 - Lager - Modifies procedures by which the General Assembly must approve salary recommendations from the Citizen's Commission on the Compensation of Elected Officials

HCR 13 - McGhee - Disapproves the recommendations of the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation of Elected Officials

Juries (1)

SB 321 - Engler - Exempts corrections officers from jury service

Kansas City (11)

SB 18 - Shields - Repeals the law currently prohibiting Kansas City police officers from participating in certain political activities

SB 28 - Bartle - Modifies circuit and associate circuit judge positions within the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit

SB 172 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions regarding supplemental retirement benefits for Kansas City police officers and civilian employees

SB 221 - Callahan - Establishes a procedure whereby certain territory of the Kansas City School District may be annexed to the Independence School District

SB 237 - Shields - Allows Kansas City to establish an administrative adjudication system for adjudicating certain municipal code violations

SB 469 - Justus - Authorizes the Governor to convey certain state property located in Jackson County to the city of Kansas City

SB 618 - Rupp - Establishes the "Milton Friedman 'Put Parents in Charge' Education Program"

SB 692 - Ridgeway - Authorizes additional school districts to create charter schools and modifies entities that may sponsor a charter school

SB 698 - Ridgeway - Establishes the Betty L. Thompson Scholarship Program

HB 684 - Bruns - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property located in the cities of St. Louis and Kansas City and the counties of St. Francois, Texas, Newton, Greene, and Livingston

HCR 30 - Pratt - Recognizes the area from Manhattan, Kansas to Columbia, Missouri as the "KC Animal Health Corridor".

Labor and Industrial Relations Dept. (9)

SB 33 - Bray - Requires certain employers to dedicate a percentage of profits for health care costs

SB 175 - Green - Modifies the prevailing wage law

SB 181 - Green - Creates the "Public Service Accountability Act"

SB 332 - Stouffer - Transfers the administration of the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund from the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to the Department of Public Safety

SB 336 - Bray - Requires equal pay for the same work regardless of gender and establishes a commission to study wage disparities

SB 392 - Shoemyer - Requires state employee salaries to be annually adjusted by the Consumer Price Index

SB 520 - Engler - Modifies requirements for labor posters

SB 607 - Smith - Creates a collective bargaining process for public employees

SB 641 - Bray - Creates a collective bargaining process for public employees

Labor and Management (7)

SB 180 - Green - Amends law relating to the hiring of unqualified employees on public projects

SB 182 - Green - Amends requirements for workers' compensation and benefit payments

SB 336 - Bray - Requires equal pay for the same work regardless of gender and establishes a commission to study wage disparities

SB 392 - Shoemyer - Requires state employee salaries to be annually adjusted by the Consumer Price Index

SB 520 - Engler - Modifies requirements for labor posters

SB 607 - Smith - Creates a collective bargaining process for public employees

SB 641 - Bray - Creates a collective bargaining process for public employees

Lakes, Rivers and Waterways (3)

SB 157 - Engler - Modifies laws pertaining to dam and reservoir safety

SB 225 - Stouffer - Designates 100-year flood plains as "Hunting Heritage Protection Areas" where hunting shall not be prohibited

HB 159 - Bivins - Modifies laws pertaining to dam and reservoir safety

Landlords and Tenants (1)

SB 629 - Smith - Exempts landlords from liability to personal property when executing an order for possession of premises

Law Enforcement Officers and Agencies (46)

SB 17 - Shields - Repeals the motor vehicle safety inspection program and modifies enforcement of the seat belt law

SB 18 - Shields - Repeals the law currently prohibiting Kansas City police officers from participating in certain political activities

SB 26 - Bartle - Allows Department of Transportation to construct toll roads under certain conditions

SB 44 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to county law enforcement restitution funds

SB 53 - Koster - Uses money from the state General Revenue Fund to supplement the expense of law enforcement activities of county sheriffs' departments

SB 67 - Rupp - Modifies certain provisions relating to missing and endangered persons

SB 84 - Champion - Modifies provisions relating to child placements and protection

SB 124 - Bray - Creates the "Local Community Rail Security Act of 2007"

SB 172 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions regarding supplemental retirement benefits for Kansas City police officers and civilian employees

SB 206 - Justus - Creates the "Large Carnivore Act" which regulates the possession and care of large carnivores

SB 216 - Crowell - Creates the crime of driving with any controlled substance in the body

SB 256 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to the investigation of Internet sex crimes against children

SB 268 - Coleman - Modifies provisions regarding benefits and actuarial valuations required for the St. Louis City Police Retirement System

SB 270 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission

SB 321 - Engler - Exempts corrections officers from jury service

SB 342 - Kennedy - Allows certain St. Louis police officers to receive additional compensation for overtime

SB 369 - Scott - Modifies requirements for certain law enforcement personnel

SB 373 - Rupp - Establishes a surcharge on criminal cases to fund a defined contribution system for certain law enforcement employees

SB 394 - McKenna - Establishes the "Missouri Urban Pursuit Reduction Grant" to provide certain monetary assistance to urban police departments

SB 395 - McKenna - Designates a portion of State Route M between Old Lemay Ferry Road and Moss Hollow Road in the city of Barnhart as the "Officer Stephen Strehl Memorial Highway"

SB 429 - Gibbons - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

SB 461 - Callahan - Provides for state enforcement of federal immigration laws

SB 477 - Days - Modifies certain requirements for peace officers established by the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission

SB 484 - Stouffer - Revises procedure for conducting commercial motor vehicle roadside inspections and requires certain vehicle owners to verify registration with motor carrier services in order to obtain or renew license plates

SB 486 - Coleman - Allows the city of St. Louis to control its police force without state intervention by passing an ordinance

SB 500 - Koster - Provides additional workers' compensation benefits for public safety workers killed in the line of duty

SB 553 - Bartle - Modifies provisions relating to the DNA profiling system

SB 557 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to the DNA profiling system

SB 580 - Stouffer - Requires motorists who have had their driver's licenses suspended or revoked to display restricted license plates

SB 588 - Bray - Restricts firearm possession for individuals involved in domestic violence

SB 624 - Coleman - Allows the city of St. Louis to impose a sales tax for public safety purposes

SB 654 - Kennedy - Allows the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners to delegate some of its powers to hearing officers

SB 685 - Engler - Creates the crime of murder of a criminal justice official and expands the crime of assault of a law enforcement officer, emergency personnel, or probation or parole officer to include corrections personnel

SB 686 - Bartle - Expands the crime of resisting or interfering with arrest, detention, or stop

SB 694 - Shields - Provides for continued health care benefits for the surviving spouse and dependents of public safety officers killed or disabled in the line of duty

HB 41 - Portwood - Modifies various provisions relating to law enforcement

HB 42 - Portwood - Repeals the provision requiring the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners to establish the Bertillon system of identification of criminals and employ assistance to conduct and manage the department and allows the board to use hearing officers

HB 56 - Sater - Designates a memorial bridge after Senator Bond and designates several memorial highways.

HB 189 - Jones - Modifies the provisions relating to the use of defensive use of force

HB 338 - Tilley - Authorizes minimum amounts of compensation for certain corrections personnel

HB 405 - Moore - Modifies provisions relating to the administrative duties of the Missouri State Highway Patrol

HB 462 - Munzlinger - Modifies various provisions relating to firearms

HB 551 - Dempsey - Provides additional workers' compensation benefits for public safety workers killed in the line of duty

HB 596 - St. Onge - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

HB 851 - Onder - Provides for state enforcement of federal immigration laws

HB 945 - Parson - Creates the crime of murder of a criminal justice official and expands the crime of assault of law enforcement officers, emergency personnel, or probation officers to include corrections officers

Liability (25)

SB 5 - Loudon - Modifies the laws on child pornography

SB 78 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to liability for tort claims against the state or its public entities

SB 92 - Nodler - Creates a time limit for claims for damage to underground facilities caused by excavation

SB 117 - Griesheimer - Exempts ski area operators from liability for inherent risks related to skiing

SB 273 - Shields - Modifies various provisions relating to the State Legal Expense Fund

SB 315 - Clemens - Modifies provisions pertaining to cleanup of hazardous waste spills, liability for crop damage, and the voluntary permitting of certain agricultural operations

SB 316 - Clemens - Exempts owners of anhydrous ammonia from certain cleanup costs when caused by illegal tampering

SB 336 - Bray - Requires equal pay for the same work regardless of gender and establishes a commission to study wage disparities

SB 364 - Koster - Prohibits counties from enacting public health ordinances addressing farming activities and exempts farms and farming activities from suits of trespass in certain circumstances

SB 380 - Koster - Provides for immunity from liability for certain health care professionals deployed during a state of emergency

SB 399 - Crowell - Modifies the liability protections for school employees and volunteers

SB 435 - Rupp - Requires captioning of electronic video instructional material

SB 532 - Loudon - Modifies Missouri human rights law

SB 533 - Loudon - Measures limits for tort liability for public entities at the time of the occurrence giving rise to the claim

SB 545 - Lager - Provides for immunity from liability for certain product retailers

SB 563 - Lager - Allows electric utilities to manage vegetation within specified areas to ensure reliable service

SB 566 - Kennedy - Requires publishers of instructional materials to provide electronic copies of such materials for specialized uses

SB 629 - Smith - Exempts landlords from liability to personal property when executing an order for possession of premises

HB 189 - Jones - Modifies the provisions relating to the use of defensive use of force

HB 265 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to education

HB 343 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions pertaining to cleanup costs for releases of hazardous substances

HB 344 - Munzlinger - Modifies liability for crop damage or destruction

HB 469 - Wallace - Modifies provisions regarding school safety and liability for school personnel

HB 579 - Dempsey - Provides immunity from liability for health care professionals deployed during a state of emergency

HB 774 - Jones - Provides that certain persons and entities shall not be required to disclose news sources or certain information

Licenses - Driver's (17)

SB 24 - Champion - Bans bus drivers who are convicted of intoxicated-related traffic offenses from possessing a school bus endorsement

SB 50 - Stouffer - Amends various provisions relating to commercial drivers licenses

SB 52 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 240 - Stouffer - Modifies numerous provisions relating to transportation and motor vehicles

SB 241 - Stouffer - Allows the Department of Revenue to implement the requirements of the Federal Real ID Act

SB 280 - Griesheimer - Establishes enforcement standards for red light violations detected by automated photo red light enforcement systems

SB 377 - McKenna - Increases driver's license suspension periods for motorists who fail to stop for school buses that are loading or unloading children

SB 547 - Griesheimer - Creates an exception to the intermediate driver's license passenger restriction for students

SB 580 - Stouffer - Requires motorists who have had their driver's licenses suspended or revoked to display restricted license plates

SB 627 - Ridgeway - Prohibits the use of language interpreters in connection with the commercial driver's license examination process

SCR 11 - Purgason - Urges Congress to repeal the implementation of the REAL ID Act

HB 224 - Franz - Restricts the driver's license of a convicted sexual offender to no more than one year and revokes the license if the offender fails to register as required by law

HB 245 - St. Onge - Requires commercial driver's license tests to be given in the English language

HB 596 - St. Onge - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

HB 744 - St. Onge - Changes the laws regarding outdoor advertising and commercial drivers' licenses

HB 933 - Grill - Allows an application for a driver's license for a person deployed with the United States armed forces to be signed by a person who holds general power of attorney for the applicant

HCR 20 - Guest - Urges Congress to repeal the federal REAL ID Act

Licenses - Liquor and Beer (1)

SB 412 - Griesheimer - Allows liquor samples for tastings at retailed licensed premises

Licenses - Misc (6)

SB 96 - Days - Amends laws relating to unsecured loans of $500 or less

SB 155 - Engler - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

SB 355 - Vogel - Modifies requirements for state and local occupation licenses

SB 386 - Mayer - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

SB 586 - Crowell - Allows hunting and fishing permit applicants to receive a voter registration application form as part of the application for such permits

HB 845 - Dixon - Allows hunting and fishing permit applicants to receive a voter registration application form as part of the application for such permits

Licenses - Motor Vehicle (18)

SB 19 - Shields - Allows motor vehicle owners to receive refunds for unused registration fees under certain conditions

SB 45 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and motor vehicles

SB 103 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions that relate to the registration of motor vehicles

SB 105 - Graham - Allows license plates to be encased in transparent covers

SB 190 - Green - Prohibits commercial inserts or other forms of advertising from accompanying motor vehicle registration notices

SB 200 - Stouffer - Authorizes the Highways and Transportation Commission to take the necessary steps to implement and administer a state plan to conform with the Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005

SB 238 - Stouffer - Requires removable windshield placards to be renewed every four years rather than two years

SB 239 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 240 - Stouffer - Modifies numerous provisions relating to transportation and motor vehicles

SB 335 - Griesheimer - Revises various laws regarding the registration, licensure and sale of motor vehicles

SB 384 - Coleman - Modifies procedure for replacing stolen license plate tabs and allows license plates to be encased in transparent covers

SB 479 - Ridgeway - Repeals the motor vehicle safety inspection program, except for school buses, beginning January 1, 2008

SB 521 - Lager - Removes weight limitation on certain farm use vehicles so that any commercial motor vehicle operated in intrastate commerce bearing a class F plate will be exempt from specified commercial motor vehicle laws

SB 543 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to license plates and exempts certain motor vehicles from state safety inspection

SB 544 - Shoemyer - Requires motor vehicle owners to deposit old license plates with the Department of Revenue as part of a recycling program to benefit certain nonprofit organizations

SB 580 - Stouffer - Requires motorists who have had their driver's licenses suspended or revoked to display restricted license plates

HB 596 - St. Onge - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

HB 796 - Dethrow - Exempts any disabled person 65 years of age or older from the physician's statement requirement when renewing disabled license plates or placards

Licenses - Professional (53)

SB 10 - Kennedy - Enacts licensing requirements for private investigators

SB 31 - Nodler - Authorizes the Missouri Board of Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects to impose civil penalties

SB 91 - Nodler - Exempts dealers who sell only emergency vehicles from certain dealer licensure requirements

SB 153 - Engler - Establishes a consistent set of administrative, civil and criminal enforcement tools for all of Missouri's insurance laws and regulations of bail bond agents

SB 158 - Engler - Bars entities from discriminating between licensed professional counselors

SB 159 - Engler - Modifies complaint procedures and record retention requirements for complaints against professional licensed counselors and social workers

SB 164 - Scott - Modifies various statutes to implement the Governor's executive order that created the Department of Insurance, Financial and Professional Regulation

SB 195 - Crowell - Modifies the law relating to the licensing of pharmacists

SB 197 - Loudon - Modifies law with respect to motor vehicle extended service contracts and enacts similar provisions relating to other types of service contracts

SB 259 - Engler - Allows real estate agents to contribute to a buyer or seller's account to fund education

SB 272 - Scott - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

SB 281 - Griesheimer - Establishes inactive license status and continuing education requirements for landscape architects

SB 289 - Engler - Amends the law relating to the practice of professional counselors

SB 291 - Mayer - Requires licensure for wholesale distributors of prescription drugs

SB 305 - Kennedy - Creates the "Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Act"

SB 308 - Crowell - Modifies licensing standards and practice of certain professionals

SB 313 - Scott - Modifies various provisions relating to regulation of manufactured homes by the Public Service Commission

SB 314 - Clemens - Licenses clinical laboratory science personnel

SB 335 - Griesheimer - Revises various laws regarding the registration, licensure and sale of motor vehicles

SB 346 - Shoemyer - Amends the law relating to physician assistants

SB 381 - Koster - Establishes regulations for discount medical plan organizations that issue health discount medical plans

SB 425 - Rupp - Creates licensing standards for naturopathic physicians

SB 482 - Gibbons - Expands the definition of marital and family therapy to include the diagnosis of behavior and intrapersonal or interpersonal dysfunctions

SB 498 - Scott - Modifies reciprocity requirements for professional counselor licenses

SB 509 - Scott - Modifies the reciprocity requirements for marital and family counselors

SB 510 - Scott - Requires endowed care cemeteries to supply a trust fund report as a prerequisite for license renewal

SB 511 - Scott - Gives advanced practice registered nurses prescriptive authority for scheduled drugs

SB 523 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the Board of Pharmacy

SB 524 - Scott - Modifies the licensing of tattoo artists, branders, and body piercers

SB 525 - Scott - Modifies funeral director and embalmer licenses

SB 526 - Scott - Modifies licensing standards for real estate appraisers

SB 527 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the power of the Office of Athletics to regulate boxing, sparring, wrestling, kickboxing and full-contact karate contests

SB 537 - Lager - Amends the law relating to physician assistants

SB 542 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the licensing of optometrists

SB 560 - Shields - Criminalizes residential mortgage fraud

SB 568 - Loudon - Creates licensure requirements for electrical contractors

SB 584 - Griesheimer - Modifies the licensing requirements for social workers

SB 595 - Scott - Modifies equivalency requirements for accountants

SB 649 - Smith - Creates requirements and provides incentives for environmentally sustainable building design and construction

SB 657 - Crowell - Modifies licensing requirements for nurses

SB 664 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the Board of Nursing Home Administrators

SB 666 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the renewal of various licenses for Military personnel

SB 701 - Goodman - Creates licensing requirements for prescribing psychologists

HB 221 - Yates - Modifies law with respect to motor vehicle extended service contracts and enacts similar provisions relating to other types of service contracts

HB 233 - Tilley - Modifies the definition of the "practice of chiropractic"

HB 497 - Sater - Amends the law relating to physician assistants

HB 545 - Wasson - Changes the laws regarding the licensing of pharmacists

HB 554 - Cooper - Bars entities from discriminating between licensed professional counselors

HB 555 - Cooper - Modifies complaint procedures and record retention requirements for complaints against professional licensed counselors and social workers

HB 686 - Smith - Expands the rule-making authority of the Board of Nursing Home Administrators

HB 780 - Wasson - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

HB 914 - Dougherty - Modifies licensing standards of certain professionals

HB 987 - Wasson - Modifies licensing standards for real estate appraisers

Liens (2)

SB 302 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to commercial real estate liens and mechanic liens

SB 358 - Engler - Modifies several provisions of law relating to the regulation of motor vehicles

Lobbying (5)

SB 219 - Graham - Bars elected officials and members of the General Assembly from working as lobbyists

SB 569 - Graham - Bars lobbying firms from employing elected officials

SB 592 - Scott - Modifies ethics filings

SB 593 - Scott - Modifies ethics complaint requirements

SB 594 - Scott - Modifies law relating to ethics

Lotteries (1)

SB 431 - Clemens - Bars sex offenders from winning the lottery

Manufactured Housing (1)

SB 313 - Scott - Modifies various provisions relating to regulation of manufactured homes by the Public Service Commission

Marriage and Divorce (1)

SB 403 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to orders for division of benefits under Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

Medicaid (17)

SB 4 - Gross - Extends the Federal Reimbursement Allowance, Pharmacy Tax, Nursing Facility Reimbursement Allowance, and Medicaid Managed Care Reimbursement Allowance sunsets

SB 15 - Scott - Establishes a long-term care insurance public-private partnership program

SB 95 - Bray - Requires applicants for Medicaid and Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool to identify the proposed beneficiary's employer

SB 108 - Wilson - Extends medical assistance beyond the age of eighteen for certain foster children

SB 179 - Green - Requires any applicant for health care benefits under a public assistance program to identify his or her employer

SB 191 - Days - Enacts provisions on children's mental health

SB 248 - Days - Establishes a long-term care insurance public-private partnership program

SB 274 - Shields - Creates the "Healthcare Technology Fund"

SB 465 - Callahan - Authorizes individuals to sue for Medicaid fraud and modifies various provisions relating to the reporting and investigating of such fraud

SB 490 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to citizens most at risk for exploitation

SB 577 - Shields - Enacts the "Missouri Health Improvement Act of 2007"

SB 581 - Shoemyer - Modifies provisions relating to the state medical assistance program

SB 653 - Kennedy - Revises the eligibility requirements for the Uninsured Women's Health Program

SCR 19 - Coleman - Urges Congress to reauthorize the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to assure federal funding for the Missouri MC+ for Kids Program

HB 39 - Portwood - Establishes a medical assistance program for the employed disabled

HB 40 - Portwood - Establishes a long-term care insurance public-private parternship program

HB 353 - Schaaf - Modifies various provisions relating to the reporting and investigation of Medicaid fraud

Medical Procedures and Personnel (10)

SB 274 - Shields - Creates the "Healthcare Technology Fund"

SB 285 - Crowell - Protects the conscience rights of pharmaceutical professionals

SB 346 - Shoemyer - Amends the law relating to physician assistants

SB 425 - Rupp - Creates licensing standards for naturopathic physicians

SB 427 - Goodman - Allows sheriffs and jailers to refuse receiving a prisoner under certain circumstances unless the prisoner has been examined by a physician

SB 500 - Koster - Provides additional workers' compensation benefits for public safety workers killed in the line of duty

SB 537 - Lager - Amends the law relating to physician assistants

SB 546 - Bray - Enacts the Prevention First Act

HB 497 - Sater - Amends the law relating to physician assistants

HB 551 - Dempsey - Provides additional workers' compensation benefits for public safety workers killed in the line of duty

Mental Health (4)

SB 3 - Gibbons - Enacts provisions on mental health reform

SB 174 - Green - Modifies laws on mental health facilities and group homes for the mentally retarded and developmentally disabled

SB 191 - Days - Enacts provisions on children's mental health

SB 289 - Engler - Amends the law relating to the practice of professional counselors

Mental Health Dept. (5)

SB 3 - Gibbons - Enacts provisions on mental health reform

SB 109 - Wilson - Creates a trust fund and commission for youth smoking prevention

SB 174 - Green - Modifies laws on mental health facilities and group homes for the mentally retarded and developmentally disabled

SB 621 - Engler - Changes the name of the "Division of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities" to the "Division of Developmental Disabilities"

SCR 8 - Wilson - Urges the Departments of Health and Senior Services and Mental Health to implement their recommendations to the Governor regarding fire safety regulations for residential care facilities

Merchandising Practices (9)

SB 13 - Coleman - Creates labeling requirements for radio frequency identification tags

SB 76 - Coleman - Prohibits the use of expiration dates and service fees on gift certificates

SB 123 - Bray - Creates statutory warranties for home buyers and homeowners and also prevents home solicitors from engaging in certain deceptive practices

SB 210 - Crowell - Modifies consumer protection law regarding telephone communication

SB 437 - Ridgeway - Modifies fee disclosure requirements for rental cars

SB 616 - McKenna - Modifies provisions relating to liquor control

SB 655 - Lager - Modifies laws regarding merchandising practices

SB 656 - Lager - Modifies laws regarding merchandising practices

HB 431 - Pratt - Modifies laws relating to business organizations and merchandising practices

Merit System (3)

SB 146 - Bray - Creates the "Public Employee Due Process Act"

SB 235 - Shields - Modifies certain provisions relating to the Missouri State Water Patrol

SB 336 - Bray - Requires equal pay for the same work regardless of gender and establishes a commission to study wage disparities

Military Affairs (17)

SB 12 - Coleman - Creates an educational grant for children and spouses of veterans who are killed in combat

SB 75 - Coleman - Provides for a tuition limitation for certain combat veterans

SB 286 - Crowell - Exempts military pensions and retirement income from income taxation

SB 287 - Crowell - Modifies several provisions relating to the distribution of proceeds in the Gaming Commission Fund

SB 583 - McKenna - Creates an income tax credit for contributions made to provide military personnel with armored protection

SB 599 - Engler - Creates a military medal of freedom for certain veterans who served in a Middle East war or conflict after 1990

SB 633 - Loudon - Exempts military pensions and retirement incomes from income taxation

SB 663 - Barnitz - Requires the board of education to promulgate a rule to allow spouses of military members to receive a provisional teacher's license

SB 666 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the renewal of various licenses for Military personnel

SCR 13 - Justus - Urges the United States Government to not escalate its involvement in Iraq or increase troop levels

SJR 13 - Vogel - Creates a property tax exemption for personal property of active duty military personnel

HB 135 - Pearce - Modifies laws regarding military and veterans' affairs

HB 619 - Aull - Specifies situations in which the Civil Air Patrol may be activated, which missions are considered federal or state, and who shall pay for such missions

HB 636 - Day - Creates an individual income tax credit equal to the amount of the tax that would be due military retirement benefits received by a taxpayer

HB 654 - Stream - Increases grants for veterans' service officer programs, establishes the Stolen Valor Act of 2007, and exempts real and personal property owned by veterans' organizations from taxation

HB 892 - Kratky - Creates a Medal of Freedom for certain veterans who served in a war or conflict between August 2, 1990 and January 1, 2015

HB 933 - Grill - Allows an application for a driver's license for a person deployed with the United States armed forces to be signed by a person who holds general power of attorney for the applicant

Mining and Oil and Gas Production (7)

SB 155 - Engler - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

SB 329 - Engler - Modifies and extends the expiration date for surface mining permit fees

SB 386 - Mayer - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

SB 453 - Scott - Creates the "Missouri Propane Safety Act"

SB 661 - Callahan - Creates tax incentives for secondary mining uses

HB 298 - Cooper - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

HB 426 - Parson - Creates the "Missouri Propane Safety Act"

Mortgages and Deeds (2)

SB 74 - Coleman - Restricts predatory lending

SB 554 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of real property

Motels and Hotels (3)

SB 678 - Goodman - Authorizes a transient guest tax to promote tourism for the city of Kimberling City

SB 679 - Goodman - Authorizes a transient guest tax to promote tourism for the city of Hollister

HB 69 - Day - Modifies various provisions relating to political subdivisions

Motor Carriers (17)

SB 30 - Nodler - Expands the sales tax exemption for common carriers

SB 39 - Ridgeway - Allows common household goods carriers to request rate adjustments, makes certain indemnity agreements in motor carrier transportation contracts unenforceable, and subjects intrastate household good movers to motor carrier regulations in certain areas

SB 45 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and motor vehicles

SB 50 - Stouffer - Amends various provisions relating to commercial drivers licenses

SB 51 - Stouffer - Increases the maximum length of driveaway saddlemount combinations from 75 feet to 97 feet

SB 52 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 102 - Stouffer - Increases the weight limit for certain motor vehicles equipped with idle reduction technology

SB 103 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions that relate to the registration of motor vehicles

SB 200 - Stouffer - Authorizes the Highways and Transportation Commission to take the necessary steps to implement and administer a state plan to conform with the Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005

SB 201 - Stouffer - WITHDRAWN

SB 202 - Stouffer - Creates a tax credit for the use of idle reduction technology

SB 240 - Stouffer - Modifies numerous provisions relating to transportation and motor vehicles

SB 484 - Stouffer - Revises procedure for conducting commercial motor vehicle roadside inspections and requires certain vehicle owners to verify registration with motor carrier services in order to obtain or renew license plates

SB 627 - Ridgeway - Prohibits the use of language interpreters in connection with the commercial driver's license examination process

HB 28 - Cunningham - Allows common carriers of household goods to request rate adjustments from the State Highways and Transportation Commission and repeals exemption for household carriers under Chapter 390, RSMo

HB 245 - St. Onge - Requires commercial driver's license tests to be given in the English language

HB 596 - St. Onge - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

Motor Fuel (13)

SB 40 - Ridgeway - Creates various tax incentives for certain energy uses

SB 48 - Engler - Reduces the tax on E-85 fuel

SB 54 - Koster - Modifies provisions relating to renewable energy, alternative fuel, and environmental regulation

SB 204 - Stouffer - Requires all diesel fuel sold at retail in Missouri after April 1, 2009, to be a biodiesel-blended fuel

SB 328 - Engler - Modifies various provisions relating to certain renewable fuel incentives and solid waste laws

SB 411 - Clemens - Prohibits certain restrictions in motor fuel franchise contracts for certain alternative motor fuels

SB 421 - Coleman - Exempts motor fuel used for school buses from the motor fuel tax

SB 451 - Goodman - Authorizes the Department of Agriculture to regulate automotive lubricants

SB 458 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions concerning the sale of motor fuel

SB 474 - Callahan - Allows fuel retailers to mix certain types of fuels without penalty

SB 501 - Koster - Provides a motor fuel tax exemption for certain organizations that operate public mass transportation authorities

SB 571 - Mayer - Modifies criteria for calculating the biodiesel production monthly incentive payment

SB 601 - Ridgeway - Requires the Department of Natural Resources to identify underground storage tanks that are ineligible to receive petroleum and prohibits the deposit of petroleum into such tanks

Motor Vehicles (54)

SB 17 - Shields - Repeals the motor vehicle safety inspection program and modifies enforcement of the seat belt law

SB 24 - Champion - Bans bus drivers who are convicted of intoxicated-related traffic offenses from possessing a school bus endorsement

SB 26 - Bartle - Allows Department of Transportation to construct toll roads under certain conditions

SB 40 - Ridgeway - Creates various tax incentives for certain energy uses

SB 45 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and motor vehicles

SB 50 - Stouffer - Amends various provisions relating to commercial drivers licenses

SB 52 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 82 - Griesheimer - Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 91 - Nodler - Exempts dealers who sell only emergency vehicles from certain dealer licensure requirements

SB 101 - Mayer - Modifies numerous penalties for violations of motor vehicle licensing, registration, and equipment laws

SB 102 - Stouffer - Increases the weight limit for certain motor vehicles equipped with idle reduction technology

SB 103 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions that relate to the registration of motor vehicles

SB 192 - Crowell - Allows municipalities to use automated traffic control systems to enforce traffic laws under certain conditions

SB 197 - Loudon - Modifies law with respect to motor vehicle extended service contracts and enacts similar provisions relating to other types of service contracts

SB 200 - Stouffer - Authorizes the Highways and Transportation Commission to take the necessary steps to implement and administer a state plan to conform with the Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005

SB 201 - Stouffer - WITHDRAWN

SB 202 - Stouffer - Creates a tax credit for the use of idle reduction technology

SB 226 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to the administration of intoxication-related traffic offenses

SB 239 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 247 - Bray - Revises membership qualifications for members of the regional taxicab commissions

SB 252 - Ridgeway - Exempts motorcyclists age 21 and older from wearing a helmet when operating a motorcycle or motortricycle

SB 295 - Vogel - Extends the sunset clause on the Mandatory Insurance Database Program from June 30, 2007, to June 30, 2012

SB 297 - Loudon - Prohibits persons from selling vehicle protection products in Missouri unless certain conditions are met

SB 312 - Scott - Creates the Fleet Management Fund and modifies laws concerning the Office of Administration

SB 322 - Engler - Modifies various provisions relating to construction-related activities such as changing the requirements for designing and constructing state buildings and expanding commercial zones in certain areas of the state

SB 335 - Griesheimer - Revises various laws regarding the registration, licensure and sale of motor vehicles

SB 347 - Shoemyer - Defines "utility vehicle" for purposes of motor vehicle law and enacts various provisions regulating their use

SB 349 - Clemens - Expands the area in which local log trucks and local log truck tractors can operate

SB 350 - Clemens - Modifies the definition of "motor vehicle" contained in the Motor Vehicle Franchise Practices Act to include certain types of engines, transmissions, and rear axles

SB 358 - Engler - Modifies several provisions of law relating to the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 371 - Scott - Exempts self-propelled sprayers, floaters, and other forms of implements of husbandry that are used for spraying chemicals or spreading fertilizer from complying with titling, registration and license plate display laws

SB 377 - McKenna - Increases driver's license suspension periods for motorists who fail to stop for school buses that are loading or unloading children

SB 384 - Coleman - Modifies procedure for replacing stolen license plate tabs and allows license plates to be encased in transparent covers

SB 437 - Ridgeway - Modifies fee disclosure requirements for rental cars

SB 445 - Goodman - Exempts church bus drivers who transport children from the child passenger restraint system requirements of Section 307.179

SB 464 - Callahan - Requires all new signs erected after August 28, 2007, relating to disabled parking to contain the words "Accessible Parking" instead of "Handicap Parking"

SB 479 - Ridgeway - Repeals the motor vehicle safety inspection program, except for school buses, beginning January 1, 2008

SB 484 - Stouffer - Revises procedure for conducting commercial motor vehicle roadside inspections and requires certain vehicle owners to verify registration with motor carrier services in order to obtain or renew license plates

SB 501 - Koster - Provides a motor fuel tax exemption for certain organizations that operate public mass transportation authorities

SB 505 - Koster - Provides that operating a motorcycle, in and of itself, shall not be considered evidence of comparative negligence and prohibits claims adjusters from assigning fault to a party simply because the party was operating a motorcycle in an otherwise legal manner

SB 521 - Lager - Removes weight limitation on certain farm use vehicles so that any commercial motor vehicle operated in intrastate commerce bearing a class F plate will be exempt from specified commercial motor vehicle laws

SB 544 - Shoemyer - Requires motor vehicle owners to deposit old license plates with the Department of Revenue as part of a recycling program to benefit certain nonprofit organizations

SB 547 - Griesheimer - Creates an exception to the intermediate driver's license passenger restriction for students

SB 614 - Stouffer - Establishes an affirmative defense for motorcyclists who proceed through a malfunctioning red light and allows motorcycles to be equipped with headlamp modulators that meet federal standards

SB 709 - Shoemyer - Prohibits automobile insurers from requiring the use of specific repair shops

SCR 11 - Purgason - Urges Congress to repeal the implementation of the REAL ID Act

SJR 1 - Bartle - Allows the Department of Transportation to construct and maintain toll roads

HB 104 - Meiners - Exempts the cost of modifying a vehicle for a disabled person from sales tax on the purchase price of such vehicle

HB 155 - Dusenberg - Exempts motorcyclists age 21 and older from wearing a helmet when operating a motorcycle or motortricycle

HB 221 - Yates - Modifies law with respect to motor vehicle extended service contracts and enacts similar provisions relating to other types of service contracts

HB 448 - Spreng - Creates a tax credit equal to sales tax paid for motor vehicles assembled and sold in the state

HB 488 - Wasson - Creates a tax credit for the use of idle reduction technology

HB 596 - St. Onge - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

HB 796 - Dethrow - Exempts any disabled person 65 years of age or older from the physician's statement requirement when renewing disabled license plates or placards

Natural Resources Dept. (28)

SB 54 - Koster - Modifies provisions relating to renewable energy, alternative fuel, and environmental regulation

SB 154 - Graham - Requires retail suppliers of electrical energy to use specified amounts of renewable energy resources

SB 157 - Engler - Modifies laws pertaining to dam and reservoir safety

SB 198 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to crime in or near parks, cooperative agreements with state parks, certain historic shipwrecks, and certain hunting activities on private land

SB 205 - Stouffer - Assesses fee on certain transporters that ship or transport radioactive waste within the state

SB 220 - McKenna - Creates financial incentive programs for the reduction of waste associated with building construction and demolition

SB 223 - Rupp - Modifies the required time frame in which the Air Conservation Commission must set fees for air pollution emissions

SB 245 - Goodman - Authorizes nonprofit sewer companies to provide domestic water services in certain areas

SB 276 - Koster - Modifies the maximum number of members on the Clean Water Commission who may belong to the same political party

SB 315 - Clemens - Modifies provisions pertaining to cleanup of hazardous waste spills, liability for crop damage, and the voluntary permitting of certain agricultural operations

SB 316 - Clemens - Exempts owners of anhydrous ammonia from certain cleanup costs when caused by illegal tampering

SB 328 - Engler - Modifies various provisions relating to certain renewable fuel incentives and solid waste laws

SB 329 - Engler - Modifies and extends the expiration date for surface mining permit fees

SB 388 - Mayer - Creates the "Missouri Environmental Covenants Law"

SB 391 - Days - Authorizes the issuance of an additional $40 million in bonds for certain water-related grants and loans

SB 413 - Goodman - Requires septage pumpers to register with the Department of Natural Resources

SB 420 - Gibbons - Provides that no more than four, rather than three, members of the Clean Water Commission may be from the same political party

SB 534 - Nodler - Modifies the law relating to concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and the penalties for offenses perpetrated by these operations

SB 535 - Goodman - Removes first and second degrees of criminal disposition of demolition or solid waste and increases certain penalties for violations of solid waste laws

SB 570 - Clemens - Creates the Joint Committee on Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)

SB 600 - Ridgeway - Authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to issue cease and desist orders for violations of environmental laws

SB 601 - Ridgeway - Requires the Department of Natural Resources to identify underground storage tanks that are ineligible to receive petroleum and prohibits the deposit of petroleum into such tanks

SB 649 - Smith - Creates requirements and provides incentives for environmentally sustainable building design and construction

SB 702 - Bray - Requires buildings constructed by or for the state to meet the minimum certification level offered by the U.S. Green Building Council

HB 75 - Sutherland - Authorizes the Director of the Department of Natural Resources to enter into agreements with private, not-for-profit organizations to provide services for state parks

HB 159 - Bivins - Modifies laws pertaining to dam and reservoir safety

HB 343 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions pertaining to cleanup costs for releases of hazardous substances

HB 526 - Pratt - Changes the laws regarding certain appeals to the Administrative Hearing Commission

Newspapers and Publications (2)

SB 452 - Bartle - Ensures media access near the playing area at certain sports stadiums

HB 774 - Jones - Provides that certain persons and entities shall not be required to disclose news sources or certain information

Nurses (4)

SB 511 - Scott - Gives advanced practice registered nurses prescriptive authority for scheduled drugs

SB 513 - Clemens - Allows nurses working in any area of need to qualify for the Professional and Practical Nursing Student Loan Program

SB 657 - Crowell - Modifies licensing requirements for nurses

HB 780 - Wasson - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

Nursing and Boarding Homes (14)

SB 397 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to applications for long-term care facilities

SB 418 - Champion - Increases the monthly personal needs payment under the Supplemental Nursing Care Program

SB 446 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to fire safety standards in long-term care facilities

SB 513 - Clemens - Allows nurses working in any area of need to qualify for the Professional and Practical Nursing Student Loan Program

SB 515 - Justus - Creates requirements for educational needs of children placed in residential care facilities

SB 530 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions relating to the Alzheimer's Demonstration Project

SB 664 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the Board of Nursing Home Administrators

SB 675 - Goodman - Modifies the offense of misappropriations of funds of elderly nursing home residents

SCR 8 - Wilson - Urges the Departments of Health and Senior Services and Mental Health to implement their recommendations to the Governor regarding fire safety regulations for residential care facilities

HB 40 - Portwood - Establishes a long-term care insurance public-private parternship program

HB 686 - Smith - Expands the rule-making authority of the Board of Nursing Home Administrators

HB 780 - Wasson - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

HB 827 - Muschany - Creates requirements for educational needs of children placed in residential care facilities

HB 952 - Wilson - Modifies provisions relating to fire safety standards in long-term care facilities

Optometry (2)

SB 16 - Scott - Provides that each child enrolled in kindergarten or first grade is to receive a comprehensive vision examination

SB 542 - Scott - Modifies laws relating to the licensing of optometrists

Parks and Recreation (6)

SB 107 - Wilson - Creates the crime of distribution of a controlled substance near a park

SB 198 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to crime in or near parks, cooperative agreements with state parks, certain historic shipwrecks, and certain hunting activities on private land

SB 218 - Graham - Provides the county governing body more control when a regional recreational district is located only in that county and changes the requirements for directors of Community Improvement District Boards

SB 694 - Shields - Provides for continued health care benefits for the surviving spouse and dependents of public safety officers killed or disabled in the line of duty

SCR 9 - Crowell - Urges the Missouri Congressional Delegation to support legislation to extend the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail

HB 75 - Sutherland - Authorizes the Director of the Department of Natural Resources to enter into agreements with private, not-for-profit organizations to provide services for state parks

Pharmacy (10)

SB 4 - Gross - Extends the Federal Reimbursement Allowance, Pharmacy Tax, Nursing Facility Reimbursement Allowance, and Medicaid Managed Care Reimbursement Allowance sunsets

SB 72 - Justus - Enacts provisions relating to the duty of a pharmacy to fill prescriptions

SB 195 - Crowell - Modifies the law relating to the licensing of pharmacists

SB 272 - Scott - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

SB 285 - Crowell - Protects the conscience rights of pharmaceutical professionals

SB 546 - Bray - Enacts the Prevention First Act

SB 634 - Loudon - Prohibits the substitution of anti-epileptic drugs

SB 680 - Koster - Regulates pharmacy benefits managers

HB 545 - Wasson - Changes the laws regarding the licensing of pharmacists

HB 780 - Wasson - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

Physical Therapists (2)

SB 272 - Scott - Modifies various provisions relating to professional licensing

SB 273 - Shields - Modifies various provisions relating to the State Legal Expense Fund

Physicians (12)

SB 182 - Green - Amends requirements for workers' compensation and benefit payments

SB 196 - Gross - Enacts provisions relating to the capacity of an unborn child to experience pain during an abortion

SB 273 - Shields - Modifies various provisions relating to the State Legal Expense Fund

SB 357 - Green - Creates the "Marie Van Dillen Act" relating to emergency services

SB 467 - Goodman - Prohibits health care professionals from billing for anatomic pathology services not personally rendered

SB 496 - Koster - Revises the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act

SB 578 - Stouffer - Requires hospitals to report adverse health events

SB 579 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to certificate of need

SB 658 - Stouffer - Establishes the "Outside the Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Act"

HB 182 - Bruns - Establishes the Outside the Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Act to permit the execution of do-not-resuscitate orders for use by emergency medical providers for patients receiving treatment outside a hospital

HB 497 - Sater - Amends the law relating to physician assistants

HB 1055 - Sander - Modifies provisions relating to abortion

Planning and Zoning (2)

SB 193 - Griesheimer - Creates the "Missouri County Planning Act"

SB 300 - Bartle - Modifies the laws regulating sexually oriented businesses

Political Parties (8)

SB 18 - Shields - Repeals the law currently prohibiting Kansas City police officers from participating in certain political activities

SB 49 - Engler - Modifies the state do-not-call list and requires political phone calls to include a "paid for by" statement

SB 65 - Rupp - Expands the state No-Call List to include automated calls and requires a "paid for by" statement on political phone calls

SB 138 - Bray - Modifies paperwork requirements in the formation of a new political party

SB 183 - Green - Modifies various laws relating to ethics

SB 251 - Ridgeway - Prohibits certain political telephone calls

HB 166 - Hoskins - Requires write-in candidates to meet state and municipal tax requirements and filing deadlines in order to file a declaration of intent

HB 801 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to telecommunication services and telephone calls

Political Subdivisions (26)

SB 22 - Griesheimer - Modifies laws relating to political subdivisions

SB 78 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to liability for tort claims against the state or its public entities

SB 157 - Engler - Modifies laws pertaining to dam and reservoir safety

SB 176 - Green - Modifies the Missouri tax increment financing law

SB 217 - Crowell - Limits the power of political subdivisions to regulate the open carrying of firearms or discharge of firearms within a jurisdiction unless in conformity with state law

SB 218 - Graham - Provides the county governing body more control when a regional recreational district is located only in that county and changes the requirements for directors of Community Improvement District Boards

SB 257 - Engler - Modifies the treatment of firearms during state emergencies

SB 264 - Green - Alters the process for annexing property to a street light maintenance district

SB 284 - Griesheimer - Authorizes statewide video service franchise agreements

SB 298 - Engler - Modifies the election process of hospital district directors in Iron County

SB 315 - Clemens - Modifies provisions pertaining to cleanup of hazardous waste spills, liability for crop damage, and the voluntary permitting of certain agricultural operations

SB 316 - Clemens - Exempts owners of anhydrous ammonia from certain cleanup costs when caused by illegal tampering

SB 393 - McKenna - Establishes a consolidation process for fire protection districts located wholly in a county of the first classification

SB 419 - Kennedy - Modifies various provisions relating to natural resources

SB 478 - Gross - Limits amount of expenditures of revenue from gaming boat admission fees

SB 519 - Shoemyer - Specifies the power of joint municipal utility commissions to tax

SB 559 - Shields - Allows levee districts to have ten years after the lapse of the corporate charter in which to reinstate and extend the time of the corporate existence

SB 669 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to official state standards

SB 671 - Justus - Provides changes to the Kansas and Missouri Regional Investment District Compact

SJR 16 - Shoemyer - Authorizes political subdivisions to submit ballot measures increasing or decreasing revenue without further statutory authorization

SJR 25 - Loudon - Requires the official dating standard in the state to be AD, or Anno Domini, and BC, or Before Christ

HB 69 - Day - Modifies various provisions relating to political subdivisions

HB 159 - Bivins - Modifies laws pertaining to dam and reservoir safety

HB 343 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions pertaining to cleanup costs for releases of hazardous substances

HB 795 - Flook - Allows for the creation of theater, cultural arts, and entertainment districts in certain cities and counties, defines transect-based zoning, and authorizes certain taxes in certain political subdivisions

HB 801 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to telecommunication services and telephone calls

Prisons and Jails (7)

SB 258 - Engler - Requires the selection of an execution team and creates legal protections for the team members

SB 261 - Koster - Modifies provisions limiting what qualifies as a previous prison commitment

SB 354 - Bray - Eliminates the death penalty

SB 427 - Goodman - Allows sheriffs and jailers to refuse receiving a prisoner under certain circumstances unless the prisoner has been examined by a physician

SB 468 - Coleman - Eliminates mandatory minimum sentencing for certain felons

SB 529 - Bray - Allows certain homicide offenders to be eligible for early parole under certain circumstances

HB 820 - Moore - Requires the selection of an execution team and creates legal protections for the team members

Probation and Parole (2)

SB 529 - Bray - Allows certain homicide offenders to be eligible for early parole under certain circumstances

SB 694 - Shields - Provides for continued health care benefits for the surviving spouse and dependents of public safety officers killed or disabled in the line of duty

Property, Real and Personal (25)

SB 32 - Bray - Allows senior citizens to defer property tax payments

SB 123 - Bray - Creates statutory warranties for home buyers and homeowners and also prevents home solicitors from engaging in certain deceptive practices

SB 157 - Engler - Modifies laws pertaining to dam and reservoir safety

SB 212 - Goodman - Establishes the "Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act"

SB 253 - Ridgeway - Exempts real and personal property of veterans' organizations from taxation

SB 302 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to commercial real estate liens and mechanic liens

SB 315 - Clemens - Modifies provisions pertaining to cleanup of hazardous waste spills, liability for crop damage, and the voluntary permitting of certain agricultural operations

SB 316 - Clemens - Exempts owners of anhydrous ammonia from certain cleanup costs when caused by illegal tampering

SB 364 - Koster - Prohibits counties from enacting public health ordinances addressing farming activities and exempts farms and farming activities from suits of trespass in certain circumstances

SB 388 - Mayer - Creates the "Missouri Environmental Covenants Law"

SB 416 - Goodman - Modifies the law with regard to lands held by certain utilities and Public Service Commission approval of certain territorial agreements for water and electric service areas

SB 442 - Stouffer - Amends the requirements for management, design and construction of state buildings

SB 554 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of real property

SB 589 - Bray - Adopts the "Uniform Planned Community Act"

SB 629 - Smith - Exempts landlords from liability to personal property when executing an order for possession of premises

SB 631 - Barnitz - Creates the "Entrepreneurial Development Council" within the Department of Economic Development

SB 632 - Barnitz - Modifies property posting provisions

SJR 23 - Ridgeway - Limits reassessment of residential real property to years in which transfer of title occurs

HB 159 - Bivins - Modifies laws pertaining to dam and reservoir safety

HB 189 - Jones - Modifies the provisions relating to the use of defensive use of force

HB 298 - Cooper - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

HB 343 - Munzlinger - Modifies provisions pertaining to cleanup costs for releases of hazardous substances

HB 344 - Munzlinger - Modifies liability for crop damage or destruction

HB 608 - Smith - Exempts real and personal property owned by veterans' organizations from property taxes

HB 665 - Ervin - Modifies various provisions relating to county documents

Psychologists (1)

SB 701 - Goodman - Creates licensing requirements for prescribing psychologists

Public Assistance (8)

SB 11 - Coleman - Creates a hot weather rule for maintenance of utility service

SB 46 - Mayer - Creates the "Faith-Based Organization Liaison Act"

SB 95 - Bray - Requires applicants for Medicaid and Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool to identify the proposed beneficiary's employer

SB 333 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Health and Senior Services

SB 348 - Koster - Enacts various provisions affecting illegal aliens

SB 604 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to services provided during natural disaster and terrorist attacks

SB 653 - Kennedy - Revises the eligibility requirements for the Uninsured Women's Health Program

SB 696 - Wilson - Modifies the eligibility requirements for food stamp assistance

Public Buildings (8)

SB 306 - Crowell - Requires the Office of Administration to provide senators and representatives with access to the dome of the state capitol

SB 322 - Engler - Modifies various provisions relating to construction-related activities such as changing the requirements for designing and constructing state buildings and expanding commercial zones in certain areas of the state

SB 442 - Stouffer - Amends the requirements for management, design and construction of state buildings

SB 528 - Scott - Amends the requirements for state purchasing

SB 622 - Engler - Requires construction employees to take drug tests before working on projects on school and state property

SB 708 - Shoemyer - Authorizes issuance of bonds to finance certain educational facility projects and modifies provisions regarding the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority

HB 62 - Ruestman - Designates the Department of Agriculture's building at 1616 Missouri Boulevard in Jefferson City as the "George Washington Carver Building"

HB 255 - Bruns - Amends the law relating to the Office of Administration

Public Officers (11)

SB 78 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to liability for tort claims against the state or its public entities

SB 126 - Days - Bars sitting senators and representatives from contracting with one another for fundraising and consulting for campaigns

SB 146 - Bray - Creates the "Public Employee Due Process Act"

SB 271 - Scott - Amends requirements for filing financial interest statements

SB 392 - Shoemyer - Requires state employee salaries to be annually adjusted by the Consumer Price Index

SB 669 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to official state standards

SCR 2 - Callahan - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SCR 3 - Engler - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SJR 19 - Lager - Modifies procedures by which the General Assembly must approve salary recommendations from the Citizen's Commission on the Compensation of Elected Officials

SJR 25 - Loudon - Requires the official dating standard in the state to be AD, or Anno Domini, and BC, or Before Christ

HCR 13 - McGhee - Disapproves the recommendations of the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation of Elected Officials

Public Records, Public Meetings (10)

SB 37 - Days - Creates an advance voting system for elections

SB 90 - Nodler - Makes English the language of all official proceedings in the state

SB 119 - Nodler - Makes English the language of all official proceedings in the state

SB 181 - Green - Creates the "Public Service Accountability Act"

SB 194 - Crowell - Requires that English be the language of all official proceedings in Missouri

SB 212 - Goodman - Establishes the "Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act"

SB 388 - Mayer - Creates the "Missouri Environmental Covenants Law"

SJR 4 - Nodler - Makes English the language of all official proceedings in the state

HB 941 - Kingery - Allows the curators of the University of Missouri to close certain financial records as they relate to donors or potential donors

HJR 7 - Nieves - Makes English the language of all official proceedings in the state

Public Safety Dept. (16)

SB 67 - Rupp - Modifies certain provisions relating to missing and endangered persons

SB 104 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to regulation of motor vehicles

SB 114 - Scott - Creates penalties for individuals who set fires in areas proclaimed to be emergency drought conditions

SB 155 - Engler - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

SB 256 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to the investigation of Internet sex crimes against children

SB 269 - Scott - Reorganizes State Emergency Management Agency within the Department of Public Safety

SB 299 - Purgason - Modifies various provisions relating to liquor control

SB 332 - Stouffer - Transfers the administration of the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund from the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to the Department of Public Safety

SB 386 - Mayer - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

SB 394 - McKenna - Establishes the "Missouri Urban Pursuit Reduction Grant" to provide certain monetary assistance to urban police departments

SB 477 - Days - Modifies certain requirements for peace officers established by the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission

SB 574 - Green - Modifies the continuing educational training requirements for 911 telecommunicators

SB 616 - McKenna - Modifies provisions relating to liquor control

SB 644 - Griesheimer - Establishes new requirements for direct wine sales

HB 298 - Cooper - Regulates various blasting and excavation activities

HB 461 - Cooper - Changes the laws regarding the State Water Patrol

Public Service Commission (15)

SB 54 - Koster - Modifies provisions relating to renewable energy, alternative fuel, and environmental regulation

SB 93 - Bray - Prohibits commissioners and certain employees of the Public Service Commission from being employed by a public utility for two years after leaving the Commission

SB 94 - Bray - Repeals a portion of the law that provides certain utilities the opportunity to apply for alternate rate schedules

SB 154 - Graham - Requires retail suppliers of electrical energy to use specified amounts of renewable energy resources

SB 245 - Goodman - Authorizes nonprofit sewer companies to provide domestic water services in certain areas

SB 284 - Griesheimer - Authorizes statewide video service franchise agreements

SB 313 - Scott - Modifies various provisions relating to regulation of manufactured homes by the Public Service Commission

SB 390 - Koster - Creates the "Electrical Corporation Responsibility Act"

SB 407 - Shoemyer - Allows public water supply districts to enter into contracts with other water districts and municipalities to supply water

SB 423 - Green - Requires the Public Service Commission to develop and enforce certain standards for electric utility service

SB 536 - Lager - Authorizes the Public Service Commission to assess a penalty up to $25,000 for violating any order relating to federal natural gas safety standards

SB 552 - Bartle - Prohibits the Public Service Commission and political subdivisions from regulating voice over internet protocol (VOIP) service

SB 563 - Lager - Allows electric utilities to manage vegetation within specified areas to ensure reliable service

SB 567 - Coleman - Modifies the Cold Weather Rule by extending the forecast period during which service may not be disconnected if the temperature is predicted to fall below 32 degrees

SB 674 - Bray - Requires electric service providers to allow net metering

Railroads (1)

SB 124 - Bray - Creates the "Local Community Rail Security Act of 2007"

Redistricting (1)

SJR 26 - Bray - Modifies redistricting procedures

Religion (3)

SB 46 - Mayer - Creates the "Faith-Based Organization Liaison Act"

SB 445 - Goodman - Exempts church bus drivers who transport children from the child passenger restraint system requirements of Section 307.179

HJR 19 - Bearden - Proposes a constitutional amendment guaranteeing a citizen's First Amendment right to free religious expression

Retirement - Local Government (6)

SB 43 - Purgason - Modifies provisions within the Missouri Local Government Employees' Retirement System

SB 373 - Rupp - Establishes a surcharge on criminal cases to fund a defined contribution system for certain law enforcement employees

SB 383 - Koster - Modifies provisions regarding creditable prior service within the prosecuting attorneys and circuit attorneys' retirement system

SCR 17 - Rupp - Calls on all public retirement systems to divest funds invested in any U.S. State Dept.-designated terrorist-sponsoring states

HB 319 - Villa - Modifies several provisions regarding the Fireman's Retirement System of St. Louis

HB 875 - Franz - Modifies multiple provisions relating to employee benefit plans

Retirement - Schools (9)

SB 116 - Griesheimer - Alters the benefits afforded retired teachers who are 70 years old and older

SB 137 - Bray - Allows the hiring of a retired teacher to work up to full-time without losing their retirement benefits

SB 244 - Mayer - Extends the termination date for certain alternative retirement provisions in the teacher and school employee retirement systems

SB 573 - Green - Provides that at least 5 percent of the total investments of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System, Public School Retirement System and Public Education Employee Retirement System shall be invested in Missouri-based companies

SB 623 - Coleman - Modifies provisions regarding certain teacher and state employee retirement systems

SCR 17 - Rupp - Calls on all public retirement systems to divest funds invested in any U.S. State Dept.-designated terrorist-sponsoring states

HB 265 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to education

HB 489 - Baker - Modifies various provisions regarding education

HB 875 - Franz - Modifies multiple provisions relating to employee benefit plans

Retirement - State (13)

SB 401 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to purchases of creditable prior service by members of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System and MoDOT and Patrol Employees’ Retirement System

SB 402 - Crowell - Modifies provisions regarding retirement plan election options within Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 403 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to orders for division of benefits under Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 404 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to the reemployment of retired members of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 405 - Crowell - WITHDRAWN

SB 406 - Crowell - Modifies multiple provisions regarding several employee benefit plans

SB 476 - Crowell - Authorizes the Board of Trustees of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System to invest certain state funds in order to fund retiree health care benefits and to assist with other state benefit programs as requested

SB 492 - Crowell - Modifies several provisions regarding public employee retirement plans

SB 573 - Green - Provides that at least 5 percent of the total investments of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System, Public School Retirement System and Public Education Employee Retirement System shall be invested in Missouri-based companies

SB 628 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions relating to vested members of the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SCR 17 - Rupp - Calls on all public retirement systems to divest funds invested in any U.S. State Dept.-designated terrorist-sponsoring states

SJR 19 - Lager - Modifies procedures by which the General Assembly must approve salary recommendations from the Citizen's Commission on the Compensation of Elected Officials

HB 875 - Franz - Modifies multiple provisions relating to employee benefit plans

Retirement Systems and Benefits - General (22)

SB 125 - Days - Requires state employees to contribute a percentage of income toward their health insurance

SB 127 - Mayer - Modifies provisions within the Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System

SB 172 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions regarding supplemental retirement benefits for Kansas City police officers and civilian employees

SB 244 - Mayer - Extends the termination date for certain alternative retirement provisions in the teacher and school employee retirement systems

SB 268 - Coleman - Modifies provisions regarding benefits and actuarial valuations required for the St. Louis City Police Retirement System

SB 286 - Crowell - Exempts military pensions and retirement income from income taxation

SB 293 - Vogel - Transfers administration of the Deferred Compensation Fund to the Board of Trustees for Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 319 - Clemens - Modifies the income tax exemption for certain annuity, pension, and retirement incomes

SB 373 - Rupp - Establishes a surcharge on criminal cases to fund a defined contribution system for certain law enforcement employees

SB 383 - Koster - Modifies provisions regarding creditable prior service within the prosecuting attorneys and circuit attorneys' retirement system

SB 405 - Crowell - WITHDRAWN

SB 449 - Callahan - Increases the income tax exemption for retirement and pension incomes

SB 476 - Crowell - Authorizes the Board of Trustees of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System to invest certain state funds in order to fund retiree health care benefits and to assist with other state benefit programs as requested

SB 486 - Coleman - Allows the city of St. Louis to control its police force without state intervention by passing an ordinance

SB 492 - Crowell - Modifies several provisions regarding public employee retirement plans

SB 517 - Rupp - Adds certain cancers to the list of diseases which are used to compute firefighters' retirement benefits

SB 609 - Callahan - Exempts social security benefits from income taxation

SB 633 - Loudon - Exempts military pensions and retirement incomes from income taxation

SCR 17 - Rupp - Calls on all public retirement systems to divest funds invested in any U.S. State Dept.-designated terrorist-sponsoring states

HB 319 - Villa - Modifies several provisions regarding the Fireman's Retirement System of St. Louis

HB 636 - Day - Creates an individual income tax credit equal to the amount of the tax that would be due military retirement benefits received by a taxpayer

HB 875 - Franz - Modifies multiple provisions relating to employee benefit plans

Revenue Dept. (66)

SB 19 - Shields - Allows motor vehicle owners to receive refunds for unused registration fees under certain conditions

SB 52 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 82 - Griesheimer - Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 91 - Nodler - Exempts dealers who sell only emergency vehicles from certain dealer licensure requirements

SB 103 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions that relate to the registration of motor vehicles

SB 105 - Graham - Allows license plates to be encased in transparent covers

SB 178 - Green - Bars employers from misclassifying employees as independent contractors

SB 190 - Green - Prohibits commercial inserts or other forms of advertising from accompanying motor vehicle registration notices

SB 200 - Stouffer - Authorizes the Highways and Transportation Commission to take the necessary steps to implement and administer a state plan to conform with the Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005

SB 202 - Stouffer - Creates a tax credit for the use of idle reduction technology

SB 209 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of the Municipal Telecommunications Business License Tax Simplification Act

SB 216 - Crowell - Creates the crime of driving with any controlled substance in the body

SB 226 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to the administration of intoxication-related traffic offenses

SB 238 - Stouffer - Requires removable windshield placards to be renewed every four years rather than two years

SB 239 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 240 - Stouffer - Modifies numerous provisions relating to transportation and motor vehicles

SB 241 - Stouffer - Allows the Department of Revenue to implement the requirements of the Federal Real ID Act

SB 242 - Nodler - Amends various provisions of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement

SB 280 - Griesheimer - Establishes enforcement standards for red light violations detected by automated photo red light enforcement systems

SB 284 - Griesheimer - Authorizes statewide video service franchise agreements

SB 294 - Vogel - Allows the Director of Revenue to require certain tax returns be filed electronically

SB 295 - Vogel - Extends the sunset clause on the Mandatory Insurance Database Program from June 30, 2007, to June 30, 2012

SB 309 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to the realm of surplus lines insurance

SB 335 - Griesheimer - Revises various laws regarding the registration, licensure and sale of motor vehicles

SB 348 - Koster - Enacts various provisions affecting illegal aliens

SB 353 - Engler - Allows hogged wood and chipped wood to qualify for wood energy tax credit

SB 358 - Engler - Modifies several provisions of law relating to the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 377 - McKenna - Increases driver's license suspension periods for motorists who fail to stop for school buses that are loading or unloading children

SB 384 - Coleman - Modifies procedure for replacing stolen license plate tabs and allows license plates to be encased in transparent covers

SB 424 - Green - Bars employers from misclassifying employees as independent contractors

SB 462 - Callahan - Limits the sale of noncompliant cigarettes

SB 479 - Ridgeway - Repeals the motor vehicle safety inspection program, except for school buses, beginning January 1, 2008

SB 484 - Stouffer - Revises procedure for conducting commercial motor vehicle roadside inspections and requires certain vehicle owners to verify registration with motor carrier services in order to obtain or renew license plates

SB 489 - Clemens - Modifies the maximum amount of certain agricultural tax credits that may be issued each fiscal year

SB 501 - Koster - Provides a motor fuel tax exemption for certain organizations that operate public mass transportation authorities

SB 503 - Clemens - Modifies reporting and eligibility requirements for certain agricultural tax credits

SB 543 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to license plates and exempts certain motor vehicles from state safety inspection

SB 544 - Shoemyer - Requires motor vehicle owners to deposit old license plates with the Department of Revenue as part of a recycling program to benefit certain nonprofit organizations

SB 547 - Griesheimer - Creates an exception to the intermediate driver's license passenger restriction for students

SB 556 - Loudon - Establishes the "Missouri Health Insurance Exchange", the "Direct Payment Stop Loss Fund", and creates administrative procedure to collect unpaid medical claims

SB 580 - Stouffer - Requires motorists who have had their driver's licenses suspended or revoked to display restricted license plates

SB 627 - Ridgeway - Prohibits the use of language interpreters in connection with the commercial driver's license examination process

SB 643 - Clemens - Creates a tax credit for implementation of odor abatement best management practices for certain livestock operations

SB 649 - Smith - Creates requirements and provides incentives for environmentally sustainable building design and construction

SB 672 - Vogel - Allows for seizure and forfeiture of contraband cigarettes

SB 700 - Purgason - Creates a tax credit for safety upgrade costs for gas stations

SCR 11 - Purgason - Urges Congress to repeal the implementation of the REAL ID Act

HB 104 - Meiners - Exempts the cost of modifying a vehicle for a disabled person from sales tax on the purchase price of such vehicle

HB 131 - Cooper - Modifies various sales tax provisions and creates a tax credit for certain eligible expenses incurred by freight line companies

HB 224 - Franz - Restricts the driver's license of a convicted sexual offender to no more than one year and revokes the license if the offender fails to register as required by law

HB 227 - Swinger - Creates an income tax credit for storm shelter construction

HB 245 - St. Onge - Requires commercial driver's license tests to be given in the English language

HB 364 - Ervin - Creates an income tax deduction for qualified health insurance premium payments

HB 448 - Spreng - Creates a tax credit equal to sales tax paid for motor vehicles assembled and sold in the state

HB 458 - Sutherland - Phases out the corporate franchise tax

HB 488 - Wasson - Creates a tax credit for the use of idle reduction technology

HB 574 - St. Onge - Modifies procedures for enforcing alcohol-related traffic offenses and allows the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners to delegate powers to hearing officers

HB 596 - St. Onge - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

HB 636 - Day - Creates an individual income tax credit equal to the amount of the tax that would be due military retirement benefits received by a taxpayer

HB 744 - St. Onge - Changes the laws regarding outdoor advertising and commercial drivers' licenses

HB 758 - Brown - Authorizes an income tax credit for employers who hire qualified high school students for summer jobs

HB 796 - Dethrow - Exempts any disabled person 65 years of age or older from the physician's statement requirement when renewing disabled license plates or placards

HB 818 - Ervin - Establishes the Missouri Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and changes the laws regarding the Missouri Health Insurance Pool and small employer insurance availability

HB 891 - Kratky - Creates a tax credit for hiring disabled workers

HB 933 - Grill - Allows an application for a driver's license for a person deployed with the United States armed forces to be signed by a person who holds general power of attorney for the applicant

HB 941 - Kingery - Allows the curators of the University of Missouri to close certain financial records as they relate to donors or potential donors

Revision Bills (1)

SRB 613 - Goodman - Repeals certain laws that have expired, sunset, terminated, or are ineffective

Roads and Highways (36)

SB 17 - Shields - Repeals the motor vehicle safety inspection program and modifies enforcement of the seat belt law

SB 26 - Bartle - Allows Department of Transportation to construct toll roads under certain conditions

SB 27 - Bartle - Modifies regulations regarding sexually oriented billboards

SB 39 - Ridgeway - Allows common household goods carriers to request rate adjustments, makes certain indemnity agreements in motor carrier transportation contracts unenforceable, and subjects intrastate household good movers to motor carrier regulations in certain areas

SB 45 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and motor vehicles

SB 51 - Stouffer - Increases the maximum length of driveaway saddlemount combinations from 75 feet to 97 feet

SB 52 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 82 - Griesheimer - Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 102 - Stouffer - Increases the weight limit for certain motor vehicles equipped with idle reduction technology

SB 104 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to regulation of motor vehicles

SB 129 - Stouffer - Modifies how local governments can regulate outdoor advertising and modifies provisions relating to sexually oriented billboards

SB 130 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of billboards

SB 185 - Green - Establishes the "Drunk Driving Memorial Sign Program"

SB 192 - Crowell - Allows municipalities to use automated traffic control systems to enforce traffic laws under certain conditions

SB 201 - Stouffer - WITHDRAWN

SB 231 - Crowell - Modifies local zoning authorities' control over billboards and allows the Highways and Transportation Commission to void billboard permits under certain conditions

SB 232 - Crowell - Designates a portion of Missouri Route 74/34 within Cape Girardeau County as the "John Oliver Jr. Parkway" and a portion of U.S. Highway 60 contained in Stoddard County as the "Sergeant Carl Dewayne Graham Jr. Memorial Highway"

SB 240 - Stouffer - Modifies numerous provisions relating to transportation and motor vehicles

SB 280 - Griesheimer - Establishes enforcement standards for red light violations detected by automated photo red light enforcement systems

SB 311 - Scott - Modifies several provisions of law relating to transportation development districts

SB 322 - Engler - Modifies various provisions relating to construction-related activities such as changing the requirements for designing and constructing state buildings and expanding commercial zones in certain areas of the state

SB 347 - Shoemyer - Defines "utility vehicle" for purposes of motor vehicle law and enacts various provisions regulating their use

SB 349 - Clemens - Expands the area in which local log trucks and local log truck tractors can operate

SB 371 - Scott - Exempts self-propelled sprayers, floaters, and other forms of implements of husbandry that are used for spraying chemicals or spreading fertilizer from complying with titling, registration and license plate display laws

SB 395 - McKenna - Designates a portion of State Route M between Old Lemay Ferry Road and Moss Hollow Road in the city of Barnhart as the "Officer Stephen Strehl Memorial Highway"

SB 396 - McKenna - Designates a portion of U.S. Highway 61/67 between Wolf Hollow Road and State Route M in the city of Barnhart as the "1922 Sulphur Springs Rail Disaster Memorial Highway"

SB 445 - Goodman - Exempts church bus drivers who transport children from the child passenger restraint system requirements of Section 307.179

SB 484 - Stouffer - Revises procedure for conducting commercial motor vehicle roadside inspections and requires certain vehicle owners to verify registration with motor carrier services in order to obtain or renew license plates

SB 549 - Scott - Adds emergency personnel killed while performing their duties to the list of individuals who are exempt from the formalized highway naming process

SJR 1 - Bartle - Allows the Department of Transportation to construct and maintain toll roads

HB 56 - Sater - Designates a memorial bridge after Senator Bond and designates several memorial highways.

HB 155 - Dusenberg - Exempts motorcyclists age 21 and older from wearing a helmet when operating a motorcycle or motortricycle

HB 596 - St. Onge - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

HB 732 - Parson - Adds emergency personnel killed while performing their duties to the list of individuals who are exempt from the formalized highway naming process set forth in Section 227.299, RSMo

HB 851 - Onder - Provides for state enforcement of federal immigration laws

HCR 17 - Fisher - Recognizes the I-49 Coalition as the official organization for the project to upgrade U.S. Highway 71 to interstate standards

Saint Louis (20)

SB 9 - Kennedy - Modifies the amount of time for which an owner is liable for an occupant's sewer or water bill in St. Louis City

SB 243 - Mayer - Increases the compulsory school attendance age for all children in Missouri to seventeen years of age

SB 247 - Bray - Revises membership qualifications for members of the regional taxicab commissions

SB 268 - Coleman - Modifies provisions regarding benefits and actuarial valuations required for the St. Louis City Police Retirement System

SB 288 - Engler - Authorizes the Governor to convey certain state properties

SB 342 - Kennedy - Allows certain St. Louis police officers to receive additional compensation for overtime

SB 486 - Coleman - Allows the city of St. Louis to control its police force without state intervention by passing an ordinance

SB 551 - Coleman - Repeals the statute authorizing the creation of the transitional school district in the city of St. Louis

SB 561 - Engler - Alters provisions regarding teacher termination hearings

SB 564 - Smith - Modifies which entities may sponsor a charter school

SB 605 - Coleman - Modifies the "coupling provision" of Section 94.660, which currently requires both the city of St. Louis and St. Louis County to approve a transportation sales tax before a transportation sales tax can go into effect in either jurisdiction

SB 618 - Rupp - Establishes the "Milton Friedman 'Put Parents in Charge' Education Program"

SB 652 - Coleman - Modifies provisions regarding elementary and secondary education

SB 654 - Kennedy - Allows the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners to delegate some of its powers to hearing officers

SB 690 - Smith - Creates the "Metropolitan School District Improvement Act"

SB 698 - Ridgeway - Establishes the Betty L. Thompson Scholarship Program

SJR 18 - Shoemyer - Allows counties and St. Louis City to adopt regulations affecting public health and welfare that are more restrictive than state law

HB 41 - Portwood - Modifies various provisions relating to law enforcement

HB 42 - Portwood - Repeals the provision requiring the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners to establish the Bertillon system of identification of criminals and employ assistance to conduct and manage the department and allows the board to use hearing officers

HB 684 - Bruns - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property located in the cities of St. Louis and Kansas City and the counties of St. Francois, Texas, Newton, Greene, and Livingston

Saint Louis County (1)

SB 605 - Coleman - Modifies the "coupling provision" of Section 94.660, which currently requires both the city of St. Louis and St. Louis County to approve a transportation sales tax before a transportation sales tax can go into effect in either jurisdiction

Salaries (18)

SB 70 - Shoemyer - Restricts favorable tax treatment and loan eligibility for employers

SB 211 - Goodman - Modifies requirements for decreasing county officials' salaries

SB 235 - Shields - Modifies certain provisions relating to the Missouri State Water Patrol

SB 249 - Gross - Reinstates federal standards for overtime wages for public employees

SB 255 - Loudon - Reinstates federal standards for overtime wages

SB 279 - Griesheimer - Reinstates federal standards for overtime wages for firefighters, police and EMTs

SB 290 - Engler - Authorizes minimum amounts of compensation for certain corrections personnel

SB 336 - Bray - Requires equal pay for the same work regardless of gender and establishes a commission to study wage disparities

SB 339 - Mayer - Creates the "Fairness in Public Construction Act"

SB 342 - Kennedy - Allows certain St. Louis police officers to receive additional compensation for overtime

SB 392 - Shoemyer - Requires state employee salaries to be annually adjusted by the Consumer Price Index

SB 607 - Smith - Creates a collective bargaining process for public employees

SB 641 - Bray - Creates a collective bargaining process for public employees

SB 662 - Barnitz - Modifies overtime pay for state employees

SCR 2 - Callahan - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SCR 3 - Engler - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SCR 4 - Lager - Disapproves the salary recommendations of the Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

SJR 19 - Lager - Modifies procedures by which the General Assembly must approve salary recommendations from the Citizen's Commission on the Compensation of Elected Officials

Science and Technology (6)

SB 88 - Bartle - Creates the "Office of Enterprise Technology"

SB 121 - Nodler - Requires the utilization of fiber optic networks by certain public governmental bodies

SB 212 - Goodman - Establishes the "Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act"

SB 651 - Loudon - Criminalizes selecting a human embryo for implantation through in vitro fertilization based on the gender of such embryo and genetic engineering of humans

SCR 20 - Crowell - Recognizes October 3rd of each year as Science Day

SJR 20 - Bartle - Modifies constitutional provisions relating to health care research and human cloning

Search and Seizure (1)

SB 672 - Vogel - Allows for seizure and forfeiture of contraband cigarettes

Secretary of State (13)

SB 37 - Days - Creates an advance voting system for elections

SB 138 - Bray - Modifies paperwork requirements in the formation of a new political party

SB 177 - Green - Provides for mandatory minimum punishment for securities fraud crimes against the elderly or disabled

SB 219 - Graham - Bars elected officials and members of the General Assembly from working as lobbyists

SB 366 - Koster - Creates an "Address Confidentiality Program" in the Secretary of State's Office for victims of certain crimes

SB 368 - Barnitz - Modifies requirements for corporate filings

SB 372 - Justus - Creates an "Address Confidentiality Program" in the Secretary of State's Office for victims of certain crimes

SB 506 - Smith - Grants the Commissioner greater latitude in sanctioning those in violation of Missouri securities law

SB 569 - Graham - Bars lobbying firms from employing elected officials

SCR 25 - Scott - Encourages the Conservation Commission to develop a partnership with the Secretary of State to send voter registration information to certain individuals who are not registered to vote

HB 431 - Pratt - Modifies laws relating to business organizations and merchandising practices

HB 527 - Cooper - Limits the time period for the reservation of a corporate name to 180 days

HB 894 - Hoskins - Modifies certain provisions relating to elections

Securities (7)

SB 66 - Rupp - Modifies various provisions of law relating to investments by insurance companies, enforcement powers of the Department of Insurance, and revises title insurance code

SB 132 - Rupp - Allows the state Board of Education to invest in government securities offered at a discount or at less than par value

SB 143 - Nodler - Allows the state Board of Education to invest in government securities offered at a discount or at less than par value

SB 177 - Green - Provides for mandatory minimum punishment for securities fraud crimes against the elderly or disabled

SB 506 - Smith - Grants the Commissioner greater latitude in sanctioning those in violation of Missouri securities law

SCR 26 - Loudon - Encourages the Security and Exchange Commission to create and enforce rules and regulations to eliminate fraud

HB 264 - Cunningham - Allows the state Board of Education to invest in government securities offered at a discount or at less than par value

Sewers and Sewer Districts (4)

SB 21 - Griesheimer - Allows for the formation of and conversion to reorganized common sewer districts

SB 413 - Goodman - Requires septage pumpers to register with the Department of Natural Resources

SB 519 - Shoemyer - Specifies the power of joint municipal utility commissions to tax

SB 619 - Rupp - Allows political corporations to enter into certain financial agreements

Social Services Dept. (30)

SB 16 - Scott - Provides that each child enrolled in kindergarten or first grade is to receive a comprehensive vision examination

SB 25 - Champion - Modifies provisions relating to children's services

SB 35 - Days - Authorizes a court to appoint a standby guardian for a minor

SB 46 - Mayer - Creates the "Faith-Based Organization Liaison Act"

SB 71 - Justus - Modifies provisions on child care subsidies

SB 84 - Champion - Modifies provisions relating to child placements and protection

SB 95 - Bray - Requires applicants for Medicaid and Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool to identify the proposed beneficiary's employer

SB 108 - Wilson - Extends medical assistance beyond the age of eighteen for certain foster children

SB 161 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to education

SB 191 - Days - Enacts provisions on children's mental health

SB 260 - Koster - Modifies provisions on child care subsidies

SB 323 - Graham - Modifies provisions relating to the Community Children's Services Fund and the foster parent's bill of rights

SB 418 - Champion - Increases the monthly personal needs payment under the Supplemental Nursing Care Program

SB 441 - Stouffer - Expands the definition of "eligible donation" for the Residential Treatment Agency Tax Credit Program

SB 490 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to citizens most at risk for exploitation

SB 493 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Interstate Family Support Act"

SB 494 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Premarital Agreement Act"

SB 495 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act"

SB 515 - Justus - Creates requirements for educational needs of children placed in residential care facilities

SB 577 - Shields - Enacts the "Missouri Health Improvement Act of 2007"

SB 581 - Shoemyer - Modifies provisions relating to the state medical assistance program

SB 603 - Days - Revises provisions relating to child support enforcement

SB 653 - Kennedy - Revises the eligibility requirements for the Uninsured Women's Health Program

SB 697 - Ridgeway - Modifies several provisions regarding the rights and duties of foster parents

SCR 5 - Shields - Recognizes November 21, 2007, as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Day (COPD) and November as COPD month in Missouri

HB 39 - Portwood - Establishes a medical assistance program for the employed disabled

HB 353 - Schaaf - Modifies various provisions relating to the reporting and investigation of Medicaid fraud

HB 454 - Jetton - Provides for supplemental food stamp assistance for the elderly

HB 827 - Muschany - Creates requirements for educational needs of children placed in residential care facilities

HCR 15 - Threlkeld - Recognizes November 2007 as "COPD Awareness Month" and November 21, 2007, as "COPD Awareness Day" in Missouri

Sovereign or Official Immunity (1)

SB 533 - Loudon - Measures limits for tort liability for public entities at the time of the occurrence giving rise to the claim

State Departments (12)

SB 78 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to liability for tort claims against the state or its public entities

SB 269 - Scott - Reorganizes State Emergency Management Agency within the Department of Public Safety

SB 312 - Scott - Creates the Fleet Management Fund and modifies laws concerning the Office of Administration

SB 404 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to the reemployment of retired members of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 442 - Stouffer - Amends the requirements for management, design and construction of state buildings

SB 491 - Ridgeway - Provides certain requirements before the state or any of its entities may enter into settlement or consent agreements

SB 528 - Scott - Amends the requirements for state purchasing

SB 532 - Loudon - Modifies Missouri human rights law

SB 533 - Loudon - Measures limits for tort liability for public entities at the time of the occurrence giving rise to the claim

SB 604 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to services provided during natural disaster and terrorist attacks

SB 673 - Bray - Requires the State Treasurer to authorize payments of state agencies and requires settlements to be paid out of the Legal Expense Fund

HB 255 - Bruns - Amends the law relating to the Office of Administration

State Employees (22)

SB 78 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to liability for tort claims against the state or its public entities

SB 125 - Days - Requires state employees to contribute a percentage of income toward their health insurance

SB 146 - Bray - Creates the "Public Employee Due Process Act"

SB 249 - Gross - Reinstates federal standards for overtime wages for public employees

SB 279 - Griesheimer - Reinstates federal standards for overtime wages for firefighters, police and EMTs

SB 338 - Mayer - Provides that no attorney shall be prohibited from providing uncompensated legal services for needy persons

SB 392 - Shoemyer - Requires state employee salaries to be annually adjusted by the Consumer Price Index

SB 401 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to purchases of creditable prior service by members of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System and MoDOT and Patrol Employees’ Retirement System

SB 402 - Crowell - Modifies provisions regarding retirement plan election options within Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 404 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to the reemployment of retired members of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 405 - Crowell - WITHDRAWN

SB 406 - Crowell - Modifies multiple provisions regarding several employee benefit plans

SB 476 - Crowell - Authorizes the Board of Trustees of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System to invest certain state funds in order to fund retiree health care benefits and to assist with other state benefit programs as requested

SB 491 - Ridgeway - Provides certain requirements before the state or any of its entities may enter into settlement or consent agreements

SB 492 - Crowell - Modifies several provisions regarding public employee retirement plans

SB 532 - Loudon - Modifies Missouri human rights law

SB 607 - Smith - Creates a collective bargaining process for public employees

SB 628 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions relating to vested members of the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

SB 641 - Bray - Creates a collective bargaining process for public employees

SB 662 - Barnitz - Modifies overtime pay for state employees

SB 694 - Shields - Provides for continued health care benefits for the surviving spouse and dependents of public safety officers killed or disabled in the line of duty

HB 875 - Franz - Modifies multiple provisions relating to employee benefit plans

State Tax Commission (3)

SB 554 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of real property

HB 608 - Smith - Exempts real and personal property owned by veterans' organizations from property taxes

HB 616 - Wood - Removes the county assessor from a county board of equalization and requires the county commission to appoint two additional members to the board

Sunshine Law (1)

SB 572 - Vogel - Allows the curators of the University of Missouri to close certain financial records relating to donor or potential donors

Surveyors (1)

SB 31 - Nodler - Authorizes the Missouri Board of Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects to impose civil penalties

Tax Credits (13)

SB 8 - Kennedy - Provides a tax credit for modifying a home for a disabled person

SB 70 - Shoemyer - Restricts favorable tax treatment and loan eligibility for employers

SB 156 - Engler - Modifies various provisions pertaining to agriculture and the Department of Agriculture

SB 489 - Clemens - Modifies the maximum amount of certain agricultural tax credits that may be issued each fiscal year

SB 503 - Clemens - Modifies reporting and eligibility requirements for certain agricultural tax credits

SB 643 - Clemens - Creates a tax credit for implementation of odor abatement best management practices for certain livestock operations

SB 649 - Smith - Creates requirements and provides incentives for environmentally sustainable building design and construction

SB 690 - Smith - Creates the "Metropolitan School District Improvement Act"

SB 695 - Kennedy - Provides a tax credit for disability home modification

SB 700 - Purgason - Creates a tax credit for safety upgrade costs for gas stations

HB 448 - Spreng - Creates a tax credit equal to sales tax paid for motor vehicles assembled and sold in the state

HB 457 - Sutherland - Modifies provisions of law providing property tax relief for senior citizens and disabled persons

HB 891 - Kratky - Creates a tax credit for hiring disabled workers

Taxation and Revenue - General (51)

SB 4 - Gross - Extends the Federal Reimbursement Allowance, Pharmacy Tax, Nursing Facility Reimbursement Allowance, and Medicaid Managed Care Reimbursement Allowance sunsets

SB 20 - Griesheimer - Modifies the laws relating to tax increment financing

SB 40 - Ridgeway - Creates various tax incentives for certain energy uses

SB 86 - Champion - Modifies provisions of the Children in Crisis Tax Credit Program

SB 99 - Mayer - Increases by $250 million the assessed value thresholds for tax rates that may be imposed without voter approval by junior college districts

SB 169 - Rupp - Creates a tax credit for qualified equity investments

SB 176 - Green - Modifies the Missouri tax increment financing law

SB 202 - Stouffer - Creates a tax credit for the use of idle reduction technology

SB 209 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of the Municipal Telecommunications Business License Tax Simplification Act

SB 282 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of certain Department of Economic Development Programs

SB 283 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of the Enhanced Enterprise Zone Tax Benefit Program

SB 284 - Griesheimer - Authorizes statewide video service franchise agreements

SB 294 - Vogel - Allows the Director of Revenue to require certain tax returns be filed electronically

SB 301 - Bartle - Creates a tax credit for family friendly work programs

SB 309 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to the realm of surplus lines insurance

SB 318 - Clemens - Authorizes an income tax credit for employer-provided tuition reimbursement programs

SB 324 - Loudon - Modifies provisions of the special needs adoption tax credit program

SB 356 - Gross - Modifies provisions of the transient guest tax for county convention and sports facilities

SB 361 - Goodman - Provides an income tax credit for volunteer firefighters

SB 374 - Rupp - Allows health maintenance organizations to issue high deductible health plans combined with health savings accounts and taxes such policies at a rate of 2 percent for the purpose of funding the First Steps Program

SB 400 - Crowell - Modifies provisions of the Film Production Tax Credit Program

SB 421 - Coleman - Exempts motor fuel used for school buses from the motor fuel tax

SB 441 - Stouffer - Expands the definition of "eligible donation" for the Residential Treatment Agency Tax Credit Program

SB 472 - Clemens - Creates a tax credit for qualifying sales of beef animals

SB 478 - Gross - Limits amount of expenditures of revenue from gaming boat admission fees

SB 501 - Koster - Provides a motor fuel tax exemption for certain organizations that operate public mass transportation authorities

SB 519 - Shoemyer - Specifies the power of joint municipal utility commissions to tax

SB 562 - Rupp - Removes requirement that counties receive prior permission from a municipality in order to implement tax increment finance projects within such municipality

SB 582 - Shoemyer - Modifies provisions of law relating to sales tax

SB 590 - Gibbons - Phases out the corporate franchise tax

SB 642 - Bray - Modifies various tax provisions

SB 661 - Callahan - Creates tax incentives for secondary mining uses

SB 678 - Goodman - Authorizes a transient guest tax to promote tourism for the city of Kimberling City

SB 679 - Goodman - Authorizes a transient guest tax to promote tourism for the city of Hollister

SB 681 - Koster - Requires certain municipalities to receive prior county approval for Tax Increment Financing projects or create a certain form of Tax Increment Financing commission

SB 682 - Koster - Prohibits TIF projects which would result in predominately residential use development

SB 684 - Koster - Requires a two-thirds majority vote for TIF approval in certain situations

SB 687 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of corporate franchise, income, and sales and use tax regarding nexus for tax purposes

SB 706 - Mayer - Modifies provisions of sales and use tax law and the Quality Jobs Act

SJR 16 - Shoemyer - Authorizes political subdivisions to submit ballot measures increasing or decreasing revenue without further statutory authorization

SJR 22 - Koster - Allows for tax relief for the purpose of promoting local economic development

HB 69 - Day - Modifies various provisions relating to political subdivisions

HB 74 - Wilson - Allows rural empowerment zones to exist in any county with 16,000 or fewer residents

HB 104 - Meiners - Exempts the cost of modifying a vehicle for a disabled person from sales tax on the purchase price of such vehicle

HB 165 - Cooper - Enacts the 2007 Municipal Telecommunications Business License Tax Simplification Act

HB 184 - Dempsey - Requires city or county reimbursement to the community children's services fund in an amount equal to the portion of tax revenues used for tax increment finance projects that would have been allocated to the fund

HB 227 - Swinger - Creates an income tax credit for storm shelter construction

HB 327 - Richard - Modifies provisions of certain Department of Economic Development programs

HB 458 - Sutherland - Phases out the corporate franchise tax

HB 818 - Ervin - Establishes the Missouri Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and changes the laws regarding the Missouri Health Insurance Pool and small employer insurance availability

HB 891 - Kratky - Creates a tax credit for hiring disabled workers

Taxation and Revenue - Income (55)

SB 7 - Loudon - Creates an income tax deduction for medical expenses

SB 8 - Kennedy - Provides a tax credit for modifying a home for a disabled person

SB 34 - Bray - Requires amount of taxes paid to another state for property taxes be added back in for income tax calculation

SB 40 - Ridgeway - Creates various tax incentives for certain energy uses

SB 59 - Wilson - Exempts 25 percent of the amount of social security benefits included in senior citizen taxpayers' federal adjusted gross income

SB 162 - Vogel - Modifies the definition of "state agency" with regard to income tax set offs

SB 169 - Rupp - Creates a tax credit for qualified equity investments

SB 178 - Green - Bars employers from misclassifying employees as independent contractors

SB 186 - Green - Creates an income tax deduction for small businesses and farmers that provide health insurance coverage for employees

SB 187 - Green - Creates an income tax deduction for higher education expenses

SB 202 - Stouffer - Creates a tax credit for the use of idle reduction technology

SB 224 - Rupp - Allows married taxpayers filing joint returns to deduct a portion of contributions to the Missouri Higher Education Savings Program from income

SB 230 - Crowell - Exempts social security benefits from income taxation

SB 282 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of certain Department of Economic Development Programs

SB 283 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of the Enhanced Enterprise Zone Tax Benefit Program

SB 286 - Crowell - Exempts military pensions and retirement income from income taxation

SB 294 - Vogel - Allows the Director of Revenue to require certain tax returns be filed electronically

SB 301 - Bartle - Creates a tax credit for family friendly work programs

SB 318 - Clemens - Authorizes an income tax credit for employer-provided tuition reimbursement programs

SB 319 - Clemens - Modifies the income tax exemption for certain annuity, pension, and retirement incomes

SB 348 - Koster - Enacts various provisions affecting illegal aliens

SB 355 - Vogel - Modifies requirements for state and local occupation licenses

SB 361 - Goodman - Provides an income tax credit for volunteer firefighters

SB 400 - Crowell - Modifies provisions of the Film Production Tax Credit Program

SB 422 - Coleman - Creates an income tax check-off for contributions to the After-School Retreat Reading and Assessment Grant Program

SB 424 - Green - Bars employers from misclassifying employees as independent contractors

SB 441 - Stouffer - Expands the definition of "eligible donation" for the Residential Treatment Agency Tax Credit Program

SB 449 - Callahan - Increases the income tax exemption for retirement and pension incomes

SB 450 - Callahan - Modifies income taxation of married couples with taxable incomes of less than $100,000

SB 470 - Graham - Creates a tax credit for contributions to organizations for the preservation of Missouri's civil war sites

SB 472 - Clemens - Creates a tax credit for qualifying sales of beef animals

SB 548 - Justus - Creates the "Missouri Earned Income Tax Credit"

SB 583 - McKenna - Creates an income tax credit for contributions made to provide military personnel with armored protection

SB 608 - Smith - Creates an earned income tax credit

SB 609 - Callahan - Exempts social security benefits from income taxation

SB 620 - Rupp - Provides a dependency exemption for stillbirths

SB 633 - Loudon - Exempts military pensions and retirement incomes from income taxation

SB 642 - Bray - Modifies various tax provisions

SB 667 - Scott - Modifies the Missouri Higher Education Savings Plan

SB 687 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of corporate franchise, income, and sales and use tax regarding nexus for tax purposes

SB 693 - Ridgeway - Exempts Social Security benefits from income taxation

SB 695 - Kennedy - Provides a tax credit for disability home modification

SB 706 - Mayer - Modifies provisions of sales and use tax law and the Quality Jobs Act

HB 74 - Wilson - Allows rural empowerment zones to exist in any county with 16,000 or fewer residents

HB 227 - Swinger - Creates an income tax credit for storm shelter construction

HB 327 - Richard - Modifies provisions of certain Department of Economic Development programs

HB 346 - Munzlinger - Directs the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority to pay certain loan interest, administer dairy business grants, and increase the amount of certain agricultural tax credits issued

HB 364 - Ervin - Creates an income tax deduction for qualified health insurance premium payments

HB 444 - Jetton - Exempts Social Security benefits from income taxation

HB 448 - Spreng - Creates a tax credit equal to sales tax paid for motor vehicles assembled and sold in the state

HB 453 - Jetton - Creates an income tax credit for contributions to food pantries and modifies provisions of the Residential Treatment Agency Tax Credit Program

HB 488 - Wasson - Creates a tax credit for the use of idle reduction technology

HB 636 - Day - Creates an individual income tax credit equal to the amount of the tax that would be due military retirement benefits received by a taxpayer

HB 758 - Brown - Authorizes an income tax credit for employers who hire qualified high school students for summer jobs

HB 891 - Kratky - Creates a tax credit for hiring disabled workers

Taxation and Revenue - Property (22)

SB 22 - Griesheimer - Modifies laws relating to political subdivisions

SB 32 - Bray - Allows senior citizens to defer property tax payments

SB 34 - Bray - Requires amount of taxes paid to another state for property taxes be added back in for income tax calculation

SB 176 - Green - Modifies the Missouri tax increment financing law

SB 253 - Ridgeway - Exempts real and personal property of veterans' organizations from taxation

SB 265 - Green - Prohibits imposition of penalties and interest on certain property tax payments

SB 345 - Shoemyer - Allows counties to impose a property tax to fund cemetery maintenance

SB 365 - Koster - Allows cities to impose a property tax to fund the construction, operation and maintenance of a community health center

SB 478 - Gross - Limits amount of expenditures of revenue from gaming boat admission fees

SB 554 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of real property

SB 562 - Rupp - Removes requirement that counties receive prior permission from a municipality in order to implement tax increment finance projects within such municipality

SB 582 - Shoemyer - Modifies provisions of law relating to sales tax

SB 615 - Callahan - Modifies provisions of the Homestead Preservation Exemption Tax Credit Program

SB 691 - Gross - Requires taxpayers to list all tangible personal property subject to tax in the county of residence

SJR 13 - Vogel - Creates a property tax exemption for personal property of active duty military personnel

SJR 23 - Ridgeway - Limits reassessment of residential real property to years in which transfer of title occurs

SJR 27 - Ridgeway - Exempts business personal property from property taxation

HB 125 - Franz - Modifies provisions relating to the collection of taxes

HB 457 - Sutherland - Modifies provisions of law providing property tax relief for senior citizens and disabled persons

HB 608 - Smith - Exempts real and personal property owned by veterans' organizations from property taxes

HB 616 - Wood - Removes the county assessor from a county board of equalization and requires the county commission to appoint two additional members to the board

HB 741 - Pearce - Establishes the Missouri Economic Development Code and the Regional Economic Development District Law

Taxation and Revenue - Sales and Use (40)

SB 22 - Griesheimer - Modifies laws relating to political subdivisions

SB 30 - Nodler - Expands the sales tax exemption for common carriers

SB 40 - Ridgeway - Creates various tax incentives for certain energy uses

SB 42 - Purgason - Allows retailers to pay sales tax on behalf of customers

SB 81 - Griesheimer - Allows the city of Sullivan and the portion of the Sullivan C-2 School District located in Franklin County to levy a transient guest tax

SB 156 - Engler - Modifies various provisions pertaining to agriculture and the Department of Agriculture

SB 166 - Griesheimer - Modifies various provisions relating to tourism

SB 176 - Green - Modifies the Missouri tax increment financing law

SB 188 - Green - Repeals the timely file discount for sales tax remittance

SB 199 - Stouffer - Exempts contractors from paying sales taxes on materials used in Department of Transportation projects

SB 207 - Gross - Exempts contractors from paying sales taxes on materials used in Department of Transportation projects

SB 209 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of the Municipal Telecommunications Business License Tax Simplification Act

SB 233 - Crowell - Authorizes a sales tax to fund certain services

SB 282 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of certain Department of Economic Development Programs

SB 283 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of the Enhanced Enterprise Zone Tax Benefit Program

SB 294 - Vogel - Allows the Director of Revenue to require certain tax returns be filed electronically

SB 310 - Stouffer - Submits to the voters a one-cent sales tax proposal to assist in the reconstruction, rebuilding, construction, and conversion of Interstate 70 and Interstate 44 into an eight-lane interstate system

SB 355 - Vogel - Modifies requirements for state and local occupation licenses

SB 478 - Gross - Limits amount of expenditures of revenue from gaming boat admission fees

SB 497 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to county officials

SB 540 - Kennedy - Allows the Mehlville School District to impose up to a one percent sales tax to provide revenue for the operation of the school district

SB 562 - Rupp - Removes requirement that counties receive prior permission from a municipality in order to implement tax increment finance projects within such municipality

SB 576 - Bray - Implements the provisions of the streamlined sales and use tax agreement

SB 585 - Crowell - Exempts certain products consumed in the manufacturing process from state and local sales and use tax

SB 602 - Kennedy - Creates a sales and use tax exemption for purchases of aviation fuel for transoceanic flights

SB 605 - Coleman - Modifies the "coupling provision" of Section 94.660, which currently requires both the city of St. Louis and St. Louis County to approve a transportation sales tax before a transportation sales tax can go into effect in either jurisdiction

SB 624 - Coleman - Allows the city of St. Louis to impose a sales tax for public safety purposes

SB 642 - Bray - Modifies various tax provisions

SB 661 - Callahan - Creates tax incentives for secondary mining uses

SB 687 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions of corporate franchise, income, and sales and use tax regarding nexus for tax purposes

SB 706 - Mayer - Modifies provisions of sales and use tax law and the Quality Jobs Act

HB 104 - Meiners - Exempts the cost of modifying a vehicle for a disabled person from sales tax on the purchase price of such vehicle

HB 131 - Cooper - Modifies various sales tax provisions and creates a tax credit for certain eligible expenses incurred by freight line companies

HB 184 - Dempsey - Requires city or county reimbursement to the community children's services fund in an amount equal to the portion of tax revenues used for tax increment finance projects that would have been allocated to the fund

HB 327 - Richard - Modifies provisions of certain Department of Economic Development programs

HB 448 - Spreng - Creates a tax credit equal to sales tax paid for motor vehicles assembled and sold in the state

HB 596 - St. Onge - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

HB 741 - Pearce - Establishes the Missouri Economic Development Code and the Regional Economic Development District Law

HB 795 - Flook - Allows for the creation of theater, cultural arts, and entertainment districts in certain cities and counties, defines transect-based zoning, and authorizes certain taxes in certain political subdivisions

HB 915 - Dougherty - Exempts veterans', service, and fraternal organizations from paying taxes on bingo card sales

Teachers (25)

SB 6 - Loudon - Establishes the "Safe Schools Fund" and allows local school districts to utilize such moneys for a variety of safety-related expenses

SB 64 - Goodman - Authorizes school districts to set school opening date up to a certain date prior to Labor Day and provides for exemption to make-up days requirement based on inclement weather

SB 111 - Rupp - Eliminates the Missouri Advisory Council of Certification for Educators and replaces it with a Commissioner's Advisory Council on Teacher Quality

SB 116 - Griesheimer - Alters the benefits afforded retired teachers who are 70 years old and older

SB 136 - Nodler - Eliminates the Missouri Advisory Council of Certification for Educators and replaces it with a Commissioner's Advisory Council on Teacher Quality

SB 137 - Bray - Allows the hiring of a retired teacher to work up to full-time without losing their retirement benefits

SB 146 - Bray - Creates the "Public Employee Due Process Act"

SB 203 - Lager - Adds an additional $500 annual payment to teachers under the Career Ladder Program

SB 244 - Mayer - Extends the termination date for certain alternative retirement provisions in the teacher and school employee retirement systems

SB 389 - Nodler - Modifies several provisions regarding the state's higher education system

SB 399 - Crowell - Modifies the liability protections for school employees and volunteers

SB 435 - Rupp - Requires captioning of electronic video instructional material

SB 443 - Smith - Creates the "Teach for Missouri Act"

SB 480 - Ridgeway - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop mentoring standards for beginning teachers and principals and creates an alternative mechanism for teacher certification

SB 561 - Engler - Alters provisions regarding teacher termination hearings

SB 623 - Coleman - Modifies provisions regarding certain teacher and state employee retirement systems

SB 646 - Wilson - Modifies the definition of "bullying" in a public school's "anti-bullying" policy to include cyberbullying

SB 663 - Barnitz - Requires the board of education to promulgate a rule to allow spouses of military members to receive a provisional teacher's license

SB 690 - Smith - Creates the "Metropolitan School District Improvement Act"

SJR 12 - Crowell - Alters the composition of the state Board of Education

HB 135 - Pearce - Modifies laws regarding military and veterans' affairs

HB 265 - Cunningham - Modifies provisions relating to education

HB 469 - Wallace - Modifies provisions regarding school safety and liability for school personnel

HB 489 - Baker - Modifies various provisions regarding education

HB 620 - Muschany - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to create mentoring standards for beginning teachers and principals and creates an alternative mechanism for teacher certification

Telecommunications (10)

SB 49 - Engler - Modifies the state do-not-call list and requires political phone calls to include a "paid for by" statement

SB 65 - Rupp - Expands the state No-Call List to include automated calls and requires a "paid for by" statement on political phone calls

SB 88 - Bartle - Creates the "Office of Enterprise Technology"

SB 121 - Nodler - Requires the utilization of fiber optic networks by certain public governmental bodies

SB 165 - Scott - Expands the state No-Call List to include automated calls

SB 210 - Crowell - Modifies consumer protection law regarding telephone communication

SB 251 - Ridgeway - Prohibits certain political telephone calls

SB 552 - Bartle - Prohibits the Public Service Commission and political subdivisions from regulating voice over internet protocol (VOIP) service

HB 165 - Cooper - Enacts the 2007 Municipal Telecommunications Business License Tax Simplification Act

HB 801 - Kraus - Modifies provisions relating to telecommunication services and telephone calls

Television (1)

SB 452 - Bartle - Ensures media access near the playing area at certain sports stadiums

Tobacco Products (4)

SB 109 - Wilson - Creates a trust fund and commission for youth smoking prevention

SB 242 - Nodler - Amends various provisions of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement

SB 462 - Callahan - Limits the sale of noncompliant cigarettes

SB 672 - Vogel - Allows for seizure and forfeiture of contraband cigarettes

Tourism (10)

SB 64 - Goodman - Authorizes school districts to set school opening date up to a certain date prior to Labor Day and provides for exemption to make-up days requirement based on inclement weather

SB 81 - Griesheimer - Allows the city of Sullivan and the portion of the Sullivan C-2 School District located in Franklin County to levy a transient guest tax

SB 166 - Griesheimer - Modifies various provisions relating to tourism

SB 299 - Purgason - Modifies various provisions relating to liquor control

SB 356 - Gross - Modifies provisions of the transient guest tax for county convention and sports facilities

SB 376 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions relating to the financial impact of tourism

SB 541 - Graham - Creates the "Missouri's Civil War Trail Fund"

SB 576 - Bray - Implements the provisions of the streamlined sales and use tax agreement

HB 69 - Day - Modifies various provisions relating to political subdivisions

HB 205 - Marsh - Modifies various provisions relating to the promotion of tourism

Transportation (33)

SB 14 - Scott - Authorizes volunteer transportation services for the elderly

SB 39 - Ridgeway - Allows common household goods carriers to request rate adjustments, makes certain indemnity agreements in motor carrier transportation contracts unenforceable, and subjects intrastate household good movers to motor carrier regulations in certain areas

SB 51 - Stouffer - Increases the maximum length of driveaway saddlemount combinations from 75 feet to 97 feet

SB 82 - Griesheimer - Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 139 - Bray - Eliminates the annual State of the State Transportation Address given by the Director of the Department of Transportation to the General Assembly

SB 200 - Stouffer - Authorizes the Highways and Transportation Commission to take the necessary steps to implement and administer a state plan to conform with the Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005

SB 201 - Stouffer - WITHDRAWN

SB 239 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 247 - Bray - Revises membership qualifications for members of the regional taxicab commissions

SB 252 - Ridgeway - Exempts motorcyclists age 21 and older from wearing a helmet when operating a motorcycle or motortricycle

SB 280 - Griesheimer - Establishes enforcement standards for red light violations detected by automated photo red light enforcement systems

SB 310 - Stouffer - Submits to the voters a one-cent sales tax proposal to assist in the reconstruction, rebuilding, construction, and conversion of Interstate 70 and Interstate 44 into an eight-lane interstate system

SB 311 - Scott - Modifies several provisions of law relating to transportation development districts

SB 322 - Engler - Modifies various provisions relating to construction-related activities such as changing the requirements for designing and constructing state buildings and expanding commercial zones in certain areas of the state

SB 331 - Stouffer - Eliminates the annual State of the State Transportation Address given by the Director of the Department of Transportation to the General Assembly

SB 347 - Shoemyer - Defines "utility vehicle" for purposes of motor vehicle law and enacts various provisions regulating their use

SB 349 - Clemens - Expands the area in which local log trucks and local log truck tractors can operate

SB 371 - Scott - Exempts self-propelled sprayers, floaters, and other forms of implements of husbandry that are used for spraying chemicals or spreading fertilizer from complying with titling, registration and license plate display laws

SB 395 - McKenna - Designates a portion of State Route M between Old Lemay Ferry Road and Moss Hollow Road in the city of Barnhart as the "Officer Stephen Strehl Memorial Highway"

SB 396 - McKenna - Designates a portion of U.S. Highway 61/67 between Wolf Hollow Road and State Route M in the city of Barnhart as the "1922 Sulphur Springs Rail Disaster Memorial Highway"

SB 445 - Goodman - Exempts church bus drivers who transport children from the child passenger restraint system requirements of Section 307.179

SB 479 - Ridgeway - Repeals the motor vehicle safety inspection program, except for school buses, beginning January 1, 2008

SB 484 - Stouffer - Revises procedure for conducting commercial motor vehicle roadside inspections and requires certain vehicle owners to verify registration with motor carrier services in order to obtain or renew license plates

SB 521 - Lager - Removes weight limitation on certain farm use vehicles so that any commercial motor vehicle operated in intrastate commerce bearing a class F plate will be exempt from specified commercial motor vehicle laws

SB 605 - Coleman - Modifies the "coupling provision" of Section 94.660, which currently requires both the city of St. Louis and St. Louis County to approve a transportation sales tax before a transportation sales tax can go into effect in either jurisdiction

SB 614 - Stouffer - Establishes an affirmative defense for motorcyclists who proceed through a malfunctioning red light and allows motorcycles to be equipped with headlamp modulators that meet federal standards

HB 28 - Cunningham - Allows common carriers of household goods to request rate adjustments from the State Highways and Transportation Commission and repeals exemption for household carriers under Chapter 390, RSMo

HB 98 - Parson - Authorizes volunteer transportation services for the elderly

HB 155 - Dusenberg - Exempts motorcyclists age 21 and older from wearing a helmet when operating a motorcycle or motortricycle

HB 596 - St. Onge - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

HB 744 - St. Onge - Changes the laws regarding outdoor advertising and commercial drivers' licenses

HB 875 - Franz - Modifies multiple provisions relating to employee benefit plans

HCR 8 - Loehner - Expresses the support of the General Assembly for the installation of a ferryboat on the Missouri River at Chamois.

Transportation Dept. (33)

SB 26 - Bartle - Allows Department of Transportation to construct toll roads under certain conditions

SB 27 - Bartle - Modifies regulations regarding sexually oriented billboards

SB 45 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and motor vehicles

SB 52 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 82 - Griesheimer - Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of motor vehicles

SB 104 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to regulation of motor vehicles

SB 124 - Bray - Creates the "Local Community Rail Security Act of 2007"

SB 128 - Stouffer - Transfers the authority to approve blood alcohol and other chemical testing methods and devices from the Department of Health and Senior Services to the Department of Transportation

SB 129 - Stouffer - Modifies how local governments can regulate outdoor advertising and modifies provisions relating to sexually oriented billboards

SB 130 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of billboards

SB 139 - Bray - Eliminates the annual State of the State Transportation Address given by the Director of the Department of Transportation to the General Assembly

SB 185 - Green - Establishes the "Drunk Driving Memorial Sign Program"

SB 199 - Stouffer - Exempts contractors from paying sales taxes on materials used in Department of Transportation projects

SB 200 - Stouffer - Authorizes the Highways and Transportation Commission to take the necessary steps to implement and administer a state plan to conform with the Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005

SB 201 - Stouffer - WITHDRAWN

SB 207 - Gross - Exempts contractors from paying sales taxes on materials used in Department of Transportation projects

SB 231 - Crowell - Modifies local zoning authorities' control over billboards and allows the Highways and Transportation Commission to void billboard permits under certain conditions

SB 232 - Crowell - Designates a portion of Missouri Route 74/34 within Cape Girardeau County as the "John Oliver Jr. Parkway" and a portion of U.S. Highway 60 contained in Stoddard County as the "Sergeant Carl Dewayne Graham Jr. Memorial Highway"

SB 310 - Stouffer - Submits to the voters a one-cent sales tax proposal to assist in the reconstruction, rebuilding, construction, and conversion of Interstate 70 and Interstate 44 into an eight-lane interstate system

SB 311 - Scott - Modifies several provisions of law relating to transportation development districts

SB 331 - Stouffer - Eliminates the annual State of the State Transportation Address given by the Director of the Department of Transportation to the General Assembly

SB 401 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to purchases of creditable prior service by members of Missouri State Employees' Retirement System and MoDOT and Patrol Employees’ Retirement System

SB 406 - Crowell - Modifies multiple provisions regarding several employee benefit plans

SB 419 - Kennedy - Modifies various provisions relating to natural resources

SB 541 - Graham - Creates the "Missouri's Civil War Trail Fund"

SB 549 - Scott - Adds emergency personnel killed while performing their duties to the list of individuals who are exempt from the formalized highway naming process

SJR 1 - Bartle - Allows the Department of Transportation to construct and maintain toll roads

HB 56 - Sater - Designates a memorial bridge after Senator Bond and designates several memorial highways.

HB 596 - St. Onge - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles

HB 732 - Parson - Adds emergency personnel killed while performing their duties to the list of individuals who are exempt from the formalized highway naming process set forth in Section 227.299, RSMo

HB 744 - St. Onge - Changes the laws regarding outdoor advertising and commercial drivers' licenses

HCR 17 - Fisher - Recognizes the I-49 Coalition as the official organization for the project to upgrade U.S. Highway 71 to interstate standards

HCR 18 - Dempsey - State of the State of Transportation

Treasurer, State (9)

SB 109 - Wilson - Creates a trust fund and commission for youth smoking prevention

SB 219 - Graham - Bars elected officials and members of the General Assembly from working as lobbyists

SB 254 - Nodler - Creates the "Missouri Legacy Fund" to provide college financial assistance

SB 317 - Clemens - Requires individuals to pay restitution to the state for illegally obtained antlered deer intended to be sold

SB 454 - Nodler - Modifies the definition of "eligible job enhancement business" for the purposes of linked deposit loans

SB 455 - Gross - Requires the balance of all state funds in excess of 200 percent be transferred to the state General Revenue Fund every two years

SB 667 - Scott - Modifies the Missouri Higher Education Savings Plan

SB 673 - Bray - Requires the State Treasurer to authorize payments of state agencies and requires settlements to be paid out of the Legal Expense Fund

SJR 7 - Graham - Requires the State Treasurer to provide an estimate of available state revenues each fiscal year

Unemployment Compensation (1)

SB 433 - Callahan - Changes laws relating to unemployment compensation for veterans

Uniform Laws (10)

SB 90 - Nodler - Makes English the language of all official proceedings in the state

SB 119 - Nodler - Makes English the language of all official proceedings in the state

SB 398 - Crowell - Makes a technical correction in the Missouri Uniform Trust Code

SB 493 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Interstate Family Support Act"

SB 494 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Premarital Agreement Act"

SB 495 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act"

SB 496 - Koster - Revises the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act

SJR 4 - Nodler - Makes English the language of all official proceedings in the state

HB 220 - Stevenson - Makes a technical correction to Section 456.5-501 of the Missouri Uniform Trust Code

HJR 7 - Nieves - Makes English the language of all official proceedings in the state

Urban Redevelopment (1)

SB 176 - Green - Modifies the Missouri tax increment financing law

Utilities (15)

SB 9 - Kennedy - Modifies the amount of time for which an owner is liable for an occupant's sewer or water bill in St. Louis City

SB 11 - Coleman - Creates a hot weather rule for maintenance of utility service

SB 94 - Bray - Repeals a portion of the law that provides certain utilities the opportunity to apply for alternate rate schedules

SB 121 - Nodler - Requires the utilization of fiber optic networks by certain public governmental bodies

SB 245 - Goodman - Authorizes nonprofit sewer companies to provide domestic water services in certain areas

SB 262 - Green - Requires cable television companies to automatically issue prorated credits to subscribers for service disruption

SB 390 - Koster - Creates the "Electrical Corporation Responsibility Act"

SB 407 - Shoemyer - Allows public water supply districts to enter into contracts with other water districts and municipalities to supply water

SB 416 - Goodman - Modifies the law with regard to lands held by certain utilities and Public Service Commission approval of certain territorial agreements for water and electric service areas

SB 423 - Green - Requires the Public Service Commission to develop and enforce certain standards for electric utility service

SB 519 - Shoemyer - Specifies the power of joint municipal utility commissions to tax

SB 536 - Lager - Authorizes the Public Service Commission to assess a penalty up to $25,000 for violating any order relating to federal natural gas safety standards

SB 563 - Lager - Allows electric utilities to manage vegetation within specified areas to ensure reliable service

SB 567 - Coleman - Modifies the Cold Weather Rule by extending the forecast period during which service may not be disconnected if the temperature is predicted to fall below 32 degrees

SB 674 - Bray - Requires electric service providers to allow net metering

Veterans (13)

SB 12 - Coleman - Creates an educational grant for children and spouses of veterans who are killed in combat

SB 253 - Ridgeway - Exempts real and personal property of veterans' organizations from taxation

SB 287 - Crowell - Modifies several provisions relating to the distribution of proceeds in the Gaming Commission Fund

SB 433 - Callahan - Changes laws relating to unemployment compensation for veterans

SB 599 - Engler - Creates a military medal of freedom for certain veterans who served in a Middle East war or conflict after 1990

HB 135 - Pearce - Modifies laws regarding military and veterans' affairs

HB 608 - Smith - Exempts real and personal property owned by veterans' organizations from property taxes

HB 636 - Day - Creates an individual income tax credit equal to the amount of the tax that would be due military retirement benefits received by a taxpayer

HB 654 - Stream - Increases grants for veterans' service officer programs, establishes the Stolen Valor Act of 2007, and exempts real and personal property owned by veterans' organizations from taxation

HB 892 - Kratky - Creates a Medal of Freedom for certain veterans who served in a war or conflict between August 2, 1990 and January 1, 2015

HB 915 - Dougherty - Exempts veterans', service, and fraternal organizations from paying taxes on bingo card sales

HB 916 - Dougherty - Exempts veterans, service, and fraternal organizations from paying the 2% gross receipts tax on bingo pull-tab card sales

HB 1014 - Wright - Requires the state to give preference in state purchasing contracts to certain disabled veteran businesses

Veterinarians (4)

SB 206 - Justus - Creates the "Large Carnivore Act" which regulates the possession and care of large carnivores

SB 320 - Clemens - Creates the "Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program" and modifies the Large Animal Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program

HB 46 - Viebrock - Prohibits impoundment of certain farm animals except in certain conditions and adds notification requirements for owners of impounded animals

HB 693 - Quinn - Establishes the Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program and changes the laws regarding the Large Animal Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program

Victims of Crime (8)

SB 5 - Loudon - Modifies the laws on child pornography

SB 177 - Green - Provides for mandatory minimum punishment for securities fraud crimes against the elderly or disabled

SB 332 - Stouffer - Transfers the administration of the Crime Victims' Compensation Fund from the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations to the Department of Public Safety

SB 366 - Koster - Creates an "Address Confidentiality Program" in the Secretary of State's Office for victims of certain crimes

SB 372 - Justus - Creates an "Address Confidentiality Program" in the Secretary of State's Office for victims of certain crimes

SB 429 - Gibbons - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

SB 575 - Justus - Requires rape victims to be informed of their right to request a drug test for the presence of a date rape drug

HB 583 - Johnson - Modifies provisions relating to crime victims

Waste - Radioactive (1)

SB 205 - Stouffer - Assesses fee on certain transporters that ship or transport radioactive waste within the state

Waste - Solid (2)

SB 328 - Engler - Modifies various provisions relating to certain renewable fuel incentives and solid waste laws

SB 535 - Goodman - Removes first and second degrees of criminal disposition of demolition or solid waste and increases certain penalties for violations of solid waste laws

Water Patrol (6)

SB 235 - Shields - Modifies certain provisions relating to the Missouri State Water Patrol

SB 250 - Ridgeway - Modifies certain provisions relating to the Water Patrol

SB 341 - Goodman - Prohibits vessels from displaying spotlights that hinder the night vision of other vessel operators, requires vessels to be operated at slow no-wake speed within 100 feet of emergency vessels and defines the term "skiing" for purposes of watercraft law

SB 363 - Bartle - Limits certain types of vessels from being operated within 300 feet of docks and piers and allows the Commissioner of the Water Patrol to establish an equitable pay plan

SB 694 - Shields - Provides for continued health care benefits for the surviving spouse and dependents of public safety officers killed or disabled in the line of duty

HB 461 - Cooper - Changes the laws regarding the State Water Patrol

Water Resources and Water Districts (7)

SB 157 - Engler - Modifies laws pertaining to dam and reservoir safety

SB 407 - Shoemyer - Allows public water supply districts to enter into contracts with other water districts and municipalities to supply water

SB 419 - Kennedy - Modifies various provisions relating to natural resources

SB 420 - Gibbons - Provides that no more than four, rather than three, members of the Clean Water Commission may be from the same political party

SB 519 - Shoemyer - Specifies the power of joint municipal utility commissions to tax

SB 619 - Rupp - Allows political corporations to enter into certain financial agreements

HB 159 - Bivins - Modifies laws pertaining to dam and reservoir safety

Weapons (5)

SB 60 - Wilson - Expands the crime of unlawful use of a weapon to include discharging a firearm for celebrating in an urban area

SB 378 - Goodman - Prohibits certain persons, including dangerous felons, from possessing an explosive weapon

SB 457 - Purgason - Modifies provisions relating to the transfer of concealable weapons and removes the permitting requirements for such weapons

SB 588 - Bray - Restricts firearm possession for individuals involved in domestic violence

SB 660 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to crime

Workers Compensation (10)

SB 178 - Green - Bars employers from misclassifying employees as independent contractors

SB 182 - Green - Amends requirements for workers' compensation and benefit payments

SB 277 - Koster - Restricts worker's compensation payments for dependents

SB 348 - Koster - Enacts various provisions affecting illegal aliens

SB 424 - Green - Bars employers from misclassifying employees as independent contractors

SB 500 - Koster - Provides additional workers' compensation benefits for public safety workers killed in the line of duty

SB 606 - Loudon - Restricts worker's compensation payments for dependents

SB 665 - Scott - Requires yearly audits of the Second Injury Fund

SB 668 - Loudon - Modifies workers' compensation payments

HB 551 - Dempsey - Provides additional workers' compensation benefits for public safety workers killed in the line of duty