SB 1079
Enacts a state-wide smoking ban
LR Number:
Last Action:
4/16/2008 - Hearing Cancelled S Pensions, Veterans' Affairs and General Laws Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2008

Current Bill Summary

SB 1079 - This act modifies the provisions of the Missouri Indoor Clean Air Act to prohibit smoking in a public place or a public meeting or within fifteen feet of any entrance to a public place or public meeting. The definition of public place has been amended to include any building or vehicle owned, leased or operated by a governmental entity as well as bars and restaurants. The provision allowing for a designated smoking area in public places has been repealed.

This act also specifies that a person commits the crime of littering if he or she throws any cigarettes, cigarette packages, or other smoking-related items. The crime of littering is a Class A misdemeanor.



No Amendments Found.