HB 116
Modifies the laws regarding the crime of assualt of a law enforcement officer, emergency personnel, or probation and parole officer and the crime of tampering with a judicial officer
LR Number:
Last Action:
7/13/2009 - Vetoed by Governor
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2009
House Handler:

Current Bill Summary

HB 116 - This act expands the crime of assault of a law enforcement officer, emergency personnel, or probation and parole officer in the first, second, or third degree to include a transit operator or an employee of a mass transit system while on duty or in operation of his or her official vehicle.

Juvenile officers, deputy juvenile officers, drug court commissioner-judges, family court commissioner-judges, and administrative law judges are added to the list of individuals who are considered a judicial officer for the purposes of the crime of tampering with a judicial officer.

