- SB 774 - Lembke - Creates additional measures intended to increase safety at the Department of Mental Health
LR: 4370S.02T SCS SB 774
- 6/18/2010 -- Signed by Governor
- HB 1270 - Meiners - Changes the name of the Crippled Children's Service to the Children's Special Health Care Needs Service and modifies references to crippled children accordingly
LR: 3255L.01T
- 6/18/2010 -- Signed by Governor
- HB 1840 - Wright - Modifies criteria for certain representatives on the Rice Advisory Council
LR: 3935L.03T HCS HB 1840
- 6/18/2010 -- Signed by Governor
- HB 1858 - Zimmerman - Transfers the administration of the Minority Teaching Scholarship and the Minority and Underrepresented Environmental Literacy Program to the Department of Higher Education
LR: 4695S.03T SCS HCS HB 1858
- 6/18/2010 -- Signed by Governor