SB 616
Enacts provisions relating to community health centers
LR Number:
Last Action:
5/14/2010 - In Conference--SCS for SB 616-Goodman, with HA 1, HA 2, HA 3 & HA 4
Journal Page:
SCS SB 616
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2010
House Handler:

Current Bill Summary

SCS/SB 616 - This act provides that any health plan that provides health care services to low income individuals on a prepaid basis and that meets certain conditions shall not be considered engaging in the business of insurance and shall not be subject to health insurance laws. The plan shall be subject to the following conditions:

- Eligibility for the plan is limited to persons who earn less than two hundred percent of the federal poverty level and are not covered under any other group insurance arrangement;

- The plan is operated on a nonprofit basis;

- Covered primary care services are provided to enrollees either by providers on staff of the sponsoring organization or by volunteers recruited from a local medical or osteopathic society who have, in both instances, agreed to provide their services for free or for nominal reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses or expendable supplies directly related to, and incurred as a result of, the service provided to the enrollee;

- Payments to outside contractors for marketing, claims administration and similar services total no more than ten percent of the total charges;

- The plan has received the approval and endorsement of the local medical or osteopathic society in consultation with the Missouri State Medical Association;

-The sponsoring nonprofit organization files an annual report with the secretary of state.

This act also provides that any volunteer or retired volunteer licensed physician, osteopath, dentist, optometrist, pharmacist, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, advanced practice registered nurse, psychiatrist, psychologist, professional counselor or social worker who provides medical or mental health treatment to a patient at a nonprofit faith-based community health center providing health care services for a nominal fee shall not be liable for any civil damages in excess of the health care professional's available insurance for acts or omissions occurring during the provision of the health care services at the nonprofit faith-based community health center unless the damages were occasioned by gross negligence or by willful or wanton acts or omissions by such health care professional.

This act is substantially similar to SB 418 (2009).



No Amendments Found.