SB 553
Requires authorization for certain labor unions to use dues and fees to make political contributions and bars them from withholding earnings from paychecks
LR Number:
Last Action:
5/18/2012 - S Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection--SBs 553 & 435-Brown, with SCS, SS for SCS & SA 1 (pending)
Journal Page:
SCS SBs 553 & 435
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
Upon voter approval

Current Bill Summary

SCS/SBs 553 & 435 - Upon voter approval, this act bars public employee labor unions from withholding fees from employee paychecks. The act requires the employee's consent for public employee labor unions to use fees and dues for political purposes.

The employee must authorize the amount to be used for political contributions. The employee may also stipulate to which committee their fees will be paid. Authorizing or refraining from authorizing any amount shall in no way affect employment.

The labor union must keep records of all authorizations and submit them to the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission.

This act is similar to SB 814 (1998), SB 610 (2006), HB 492 (2011), SB 202 (2011), and identical to SB 435 (2012).

