SS/SCS/SB 29 - This act allows public employee labor unions to withhold fees from public employee paychecks only upon the annual written consent of the employee. The act also requires the public employee's annual consent for public employee labor unions to use fees and dues for political purposes.
The employee must authorize the amount to be used for political contributions to be transferred to the labor union's continuing committee. Authorizing or refraining from authorizing any amount shall in no way affect employment.
The labor union must keep records of all authorizations for political contributions and submit them to the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission.
The act exempts first responders from the new provisions.
This act is similar to SB 814 (1998), SB 610 (2006), HB 492 (2011), SB 202 (2011), SB 435 (2012), and SS/SCS/SB 553 & 435 (2012).