SCS/SB 30 - This act modifies provisions relating to public contracts.
Currently, contracts for public construction are barred from containing provisions that require or prohibit the parties from entering into agreements with labor unions on the project or discriminate against parties for doing so when the project is funded by greater than 50% of state funds. Under this act, the same requirements shall apply to contracts funded in any amount with public funds. The act defines "public funds" to include funds belonging to the state, any agency of the state, or any instrumentality or political subdivision thereof.
The act redefines "project labor agreement" to apply to agreements for projects of agencies and instrumentalities of the state. The act bars the usage of such agreements on all public construction projects in the state.
This act repeals all of the prevailing wage laws.
This act is similar to SB 175 (2011), SB 468 (2012), and SCS/SB 596 (2012).