SB 145
Requires health benefit plans cover diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders
LR Number:
Last Action:
6/19/2015 - Signed by Governor
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2015
House Handler:

Current Bill Summary

SS/SCS/SB 145 - This act requires health benefit plans delivered, issued for delivery, continued or renewed on or after January 1, 2017, in accordance with current law requirements for coverage of mental health disorders, to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders. The act further requires that the provided coverage include a broad array of specialist services as proscribed as necessary by the patient's treatment team. Coverage under this act is limited to medically necessary treatment and the treatment plan must include all elements necessary for a health benefit plan to pay claims. Under the act medical necessity determinations and care management for the treatment of eating disorders shall consider the overall medical and mental health needs of the individual with the eating disorder and shall not be based solely on weight. Coverage may be subject to other general exclusions and limitations of the contract or benefit plan not in conflict with the act.

This act is similar to SCS/SB 769 (2014), HB 1493 (2014), SB 160 (2013), SB 634 (2012), SB 229 (2011), SB 744 (2010), SB 463 (2009), and HB 519 (2009).



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