SB 700
Modifies the law relating to workers' compensation premium rates
LR Number:
Last Action:
7/14/2016 - Governor took no action, sent to Secretary of State/Article III, Sec. 31
Journal Page:
CCS SB 700
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2016
House Handler:

Current Bill Summary

CCS/SB 700 - This act modifies numerous provisions relating to workers' compensation.


The act exempts volunteers of qualified tax-exempt veterans' organizations from workers' compensation laws.

This provision is identical to a provision in SCS/HB 2429 (2016), SCS/HCS/HB 1955 (2016), HB 1867 (2016), and SCS/HB 615 (2015).


This act permits volunteer fire protection associations to apply to the State Fire Marshal for grants for the purpose of funding the workers' compensation insurance premiums for the association's volunteer firefighters. Grants shall be disbursed by the Marshal, subject to appropriations, based upon the number of volunteer firefighters which received workers' compensation benefits from claims arising out of and in the course of the prevention or control of fire or the underwater recovery of drowning victims in the preceding calendar year. The schedule is as follows:

• Associations which had 0-5 claims shall be eligible for $2,000;

• Associations which had 6-10 claims shall be eligible for $1,500;

• Associations which had 11-15 claims shall be eligible for $1,000; and

• Associations which had 16-20 claims shall be eligible for $500.

This provision is identical to a provision in HCS/SS/SB 732 (2016), a provision in SCS/SB 613 (2016), and HB 2266 (2016).


Currently, the uniform experience rating plan of workers' compensation insurance must prohibit an adjustment to the experience modification of an employer if the total medical cost does not exceed $1,000, the employer pays all of the medical costs, there is no lost time from the employment (subject to exceptions), and no claim is filed. This act changes the medical cost amount limit to 20% of the current split point of primary and excess losses under the uniform experience rating plan.

Furthermore, the act provides that, for purposes of calculating the premium credit under the Missouri contracting classification premium adjustment program, an employer within the construction group of code classifications may submit to the advisory organization the required payroll record information for the first, second, third, or fourth calendar quarter of the year prior to the workers' compensation policy beginning or renewal date, provided the employer clearly indicates for which quarter the payroll information is being submitted.

These provisions are identical to a provision in SCS/SB 613 (2016), a provision in SCS/HCS/HB 1955 (2016), SB 288 (2015), and HB 1997 (2014).



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