SJR 3 - This proposed constitutional amendment, if approved by voters, increases the motor fuel tax by three and one-half cents on diesel fuel and one and one-half cents on all other motor fuel. The new motor vehicle fuel taxes would be apportioned as the rest of the motor vehicle tax proceeds are currently apportioned.
This proposed constitutional amendment would also repeal the provision that allots funds for the supplementary state highways; and transfer control and maintenance of the supplementary state highways to the county highway commissions as of January 1, 2019.
This proposed constitutional amendment provides funding to the county highway commissions at levels equal to the lesser of: the average percentage of the current state road fund moneys expended on the transferred highways over the three fiscal years prior to the enactment of the proposed amendment, or the average dollar amount expended on the transferred highways over the three fiscal years prior to the enactment of the proposed amendment.
If approved by voters, the provisions of this proposed constitutional amendment would take effect on January 1, 2019.
This joint resolution is substantially similar to SJR 18 (2016).