
SB 249 - This act creates the Alternative Disability Services Act. The act allows a parent, guardian, or student ages 18-21 to initiate the negotiation of an agreement for an alternative provider of special education services.

The public school must negotiate agreements for the educational costs of students with disabilities in good faith, and the agreements may include provisions for partial or full enrollment of the child in public school, and services and supplementary aids the public school shall provide.

The terms of such an agreement negotiated between a public school and the parent or guardian of a student with disabilities, or a student ages 18-21 may exist until the end of the student's annual Individualized Education Program (IEP)or Individualized Services Plan (ISP) cycle, but may be extended or modified with agreement from the parent or guardian, and the public school.

An agreement may be initiated by a parent, guardian, or student ages 18-21 when the IEP or ISP goals are not being met, the IEP or ISP accommodations or modifications are not being provided, or special education services are not available from certified personnel through the public school.

The education of children with disabilities shall, to the maximum extent appropriate, be with children who do not have disabilities, and shall attend regular class, except in the case of a disability resulting in violent behavior which causes substantial likelihood of injury to the students or others.

The public school must provide to parents, guardians, or students ages 18-21 information regarding where alternative services and supplementary aids may be obtained, the public school's criteria for such services, the public school's criteria under which the alternative services and supplementary aids are obtained.

The public school is required to reimburse alternative providers for services or supplementary aids pursuant to the agreement.

This act is similar to SB 1035 (2018) and HB 2705 (2018).


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