The Joint Committee on Education is a statutory committee created in Section 160.254, RSMo. The Committee has fourteen members, seven from the Senate and seven from the House of Representatives.

Senator Rick Brattin Representative Marlon Anderson
Senator Jill Carter Representative Darin Chappell
Senator Mary Elizabeth Coleman Representative Bishop Davidson
Senator Brad Hudson Representative Ed Lewis
Senator Maggie Nurrenbern Representative Cathy Jo Loy
Senator Nick Schroer Representative Brad Pollitt
Senator Stephen Webber Representative Marlene Terry

The Joint Committee on Education will

• Review and monitor the progress of education in the state’s public schools and institutions of higher education.

• Receive reports from the Commissioner of Education concerning the public schools and from the Commissioner of Higher Education concerning institutions of Higher Education.

• Make recommendations to the General Assembly for legislative action.

Elementary and Secondary Education

• Upon review, approve or deny any expenditures made by the Commissioner of Education pursuant to section 160.530, subsection 5.

Higher Education

• Monitor the establishment of performance measures as required by section 173.1006, RSMo., and report on their establishment to the Governor and the General Assembly.

• Annually review the collection of information under section 173.093, RSMo, to facilitate a more accurate comparison of the actual costs at public and private higher education institutions.

• Within three years of August 28, 2007, review a new model for the funding of public higher education institutions upon submission of such model by the coordinating board for higher education.

• Within three years of August 28, 2007, review the impact of the higher education student funding act established in sections 173.1000 to 173.1006.

Higher Education Funding in Missouri


General Education Requirements: A Look at the Structure of Higher Education
Can Missouri Become a National Computer Science/Information Technology Leader?
The Missouri State Aid Scholarship Programs: Access, A+ and Bright Flight
Teacher Evaluation and Tenure
Implementation of the SB 287 Funding Formula:
    Impact on Missouri School Districts
Study of the Public Schools of Missouri
Urban School Governance Report
A Review of Open Enrollment States: Policies and Practices
Study of the Charter Schools in Missouri
Teacher Effectiveness and Teacher Compensation Report
Early Childhood Care and Education: An Overview

Kevin Gwaltney, Ph.D., Executive Director
State Capitol Building, Rm. 235C
(573) 751-0204

Links of Interest

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Department of Higher Education