The latest innovation to address the
goal of improving public education is called the Common Core State
Standards Initiative, also referred to as “Common Core.” There
is room for honest disagreement on its potential, but my view is
that Common Core is a decisive, if not calculated, move toward
a one-size-fits-all curriculum directed by the federal government.
In what may have begun as a state initiative to establish fundamental
minimums for a high school education, a monster has been created
that removes parents and high quality teachers further from the
Few educators or parents would disagree that teacher
quality is the most important factor in student achievement. In
an attempt to realize consistent student outcomes, the Common Core
curriculum will instead shackle the potential of our best teachers
and hide the deficiencies of our worst. What little remains of
the innovation and direct accountability of local control will
be lost. Those states making the greatest gains in student outcome
are winning with more local control, not less.
Consider the federal
government’s removal of prayer and the Bible from public schools
in 1962 and 1963. Since the Bible and school prayer were outlawed,
America has seen a 694 percent increase in violent crimes, even
though crime had been decreasing for decades before 1962. What
does history tell us about the significance of the government decree
to abandon prayer and the character of scripture?
Allow me to share
with you some information regarding
the history of the Bible and prayer in our public schools.
- The name of the first education law in America was the Northwest
Ordinance Act, which required territories that wanted to become
a state to first agree to an education plan that would include
teaching religion, morality, and knowledge.
- The founder of public schools under the U.S. Constitution was
Dr. Benjamin Rush.
- In 1791, Dr. Rush wrote a document stating that the reason
we should start public schools in America is to teach the Word
of God.
- In 1791, Dr. Rush wrote a book titled, “Use of the Bible in
Schools.” Dr. Rush lists as one of the reasons the Bible should
never be removed from America’s schoolrooms, “Because
if the Bible is removed, there will be an explosion in crime
requiring educators to spend so much time on discipline at the
expense of academic education.”
- Phonics and the alphabet taught in the New England Premier
were taught by connecting each letter of the alphabet with a
rhyming sentence that taught Christian doctrines or Bible verses.
- The following was a question from the 1st Grade New England
Premier: What are the benefits that in this life do accompany
or flow from justification, adoption and sanctification?”
Two U.S. Supreme Court decisions decided by a 6-1 vote in 1962,
and an 8-1 vote in 1963, tossed out 171 years of history and documented
education success. The United States moved education off the rock
of “in God we trust” and onto the sand of “big government knows
best.” One look at the results reveals the foolishness of those
decisions and exposes the failure of moving control of public education
from parents and school boards to government — ever-increasing
costs and flat to declining results. It’s time to restore the foundation.
principles that prepared extraordinary leaders and established
this country as the greatest on earth are no longer legal or politically
correct; the government forbids us to teach these quality values
in public schools. Now, the government that took prayer and the
Bible out of public schools threatens to take over the curriculum
that remains via “Common Core.” Somewhere, we have taken the wrong
path and are going in the wrong direction. As parents, we must
once again take charge of the education of our children. The fundamentals
of right and wrong, good character, and honest principles that
are universal and absolute must be laid as a foundation before
wrapping ourselves in the trappings of education for knowledge’s
sake. What we know doesn't help until we know right from wrong.
within the confines of postmodern government, some states are showing
progress in reduced dropout rates, improved test scores, and other
positive student outcomes. We are studying those states and hope
to adopt the reforms that can be adapted to Missouri schools. Your
prayers and suggestions are welcome; without them, we are likely
to fail. We cannot allow this to happen — if we fail, our children
and grandchildren would likely follow suit. We need to build for
them a bright future in which they can learn, grow, and prosper
in our good country.
I appreciate you reading this Legislative Report,
and please don’t hesitate to contact my office at (573) 751-2108
if you have any questions. Thank you and God bless.