As many are aware,
I have no hesitation when it comes to standing up and defending
our rights as outlined by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Not everyone agrees with my stance on firearms in our country,
but I strongly feel that word needs to be spread regarding the
importance of this American freedom. I have serious concerns
regarding the preservation of our free country — we must ensure
our constitutional rights are passed on to our children and
Since the tragic school shooting in Connecticut,
many individuals have expressed to me that there should be further
restrictions on weapons that are specifically designed to hold
several rounds of ammunition or have a military-like appearance.
I’ve also heard from individuals all across the board who say
we should “give in,” or compromise regarding gun control. Though
I respect the opinions of my fellow Missourians, I firmly believe
we have a solid right to own firearms, and it should be Missourians’
preference as to how many firearms they own.
Allow me to explain.
Our Founding Fathers were very clear as to why they thought
Americans should own weapons. If individuals would collectively
take a short amount of time to actually research what our Founding
Fathers stated about gun ownership and control, they would see
that what many arbitrarily refer to as “assault rifles” would
fit squarely with what our Founding Fathers wanted us to possess.
Keep in mind, our country’s first leaders had just escaped tyranny
and experienced firsthand the consequences of a power-hungry
government. Our Founding Fathers knew that unarmed people become
“subjects,” while people who are free to protect themselves
are “citizens.” They knew that government, by its very nature,
would continually seek more power and that it had an insatiable
hunger for more of our money and our liberty. Our great leaders
wanted American citizens to be free to protect themselves from,
God forbid, a tyrannical government.
Now, am I afraid our government
will become an absolute dictatorship in my lifetime? No; however,
I do understand the very nature of government, and a tyrannical
government could someday be possible. As American citizens,
we must guard today what we want tomorrow, and therefore, we
can never allow
government to take even one small step further in the direction
of restricting citizens’ right to own firearms.
may argue that my position is old-fashioned and doesn’t apply
to modern times, and although I disagree, here is a more “modern”
reason why our Second Amendment Rights are vital to us now.
You may or may not be familiar with the absolute financial crisis
— no, emergency — our country
is in, but I'm acutely aware. We are living in a time when it
is possible for the American dollar to lose its standing as
the international medium of exchange.
As it stands right now,
countries have to buy and sell on the international market using
U.S. dollars — this means when countries buy oil from OPEC (Organization
of the Petroleum Exporting Countries), they use U.S. currency.
I could go into lengthy detail to explain all the aspects of
how America, as we know it, could literally cease to exist if
we lose the coveted position the U.S. dollar currently holds
as the international medium of exchange. However, I will say
this: the America you are accustomed to would no longer exist,
and it is possible (even likely) that we could become weakened
to the point of inviting an invading army. If that were to ever
occur, and I pray it doesn't, I want an AR-15 in every closet
of every house in America. Some Missourians do not believe this
situation would happen, and I fervently pray they are correct.
I fail to receive comfort in believing that the weakening of
our nation could never happen, and I would feel much better
if American citizens were armed.
Gun control laws empower the
government by making the people weak and encourage criminals
because they have no regard for what the law states. Increased
gun control would disarm the innocent and weaken those who follow
the law. I want all my constituents and loved ones to know that
I will never back
down, not even one inch, on the subject of gun control, and
I will fight any measure in the Legislature that further restricts
our God-given right to defend ourselves. Gun control is not
about guns — it’s about control.
I appreciate you reading this
important Capitol Report, and please stay tuned to the imperative
discussions we will have in the upper chamber throughout the
2013 legislative session. Thank you and God bless.