For Immediate Release:
June 13, 2013
Contact: (573) 751-2420
Governor Signs into Law Bill Containing Provision Based on Sen. Walsh's Legislation to Inform Missouri
College Students about Dangers of Meningitis

JEFFERSON CITY—The governor signed into law yesterday legislation that changes how public health authorities address the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis. Included in the bill is a provision based on Sen. Walsh’s legislation, Senate Bill 421, which aims to protect Missouri college students from meningitis.

Senate Bill 197 requires higher education institutions in Missouri to implement a targeted testing program on their campuses for tuberculosis for all on-campus students and faculty upon enrollment.

The legislation also contains a provision identical to Sen. Walsh’s legislation that requires Missouri’s colleges and universities to provide a brochure informing students and their families about meningococcal disease, commonly known as meningitis.

“Meningitis spreads quickly when people live in close quarters, making college campuses particularly vulnerable to outbreaks,” said Sen. Walsh. “We need students and parents to both be aware of the dangers of this disease, what symptoms to look out for and how to protect themselves. Providing them with accurate, detailed information is one of the best ways we can prevent outbreaks of meningitis among our college students.”

Meningitis disease affects the lining of the brain and spinal cord when it is infected with certain bacteria. Symptoms often include severe headaches, fever, altered mental states, sensitivity to light and vomiting.

Last year, contaminated steroid shots led to a national meningitis outbreak that resulted in the deaths of more than 100 people. While that form of the disease was noncommunicable, the incident raised awareness of the dangerous disease.

With the governor’s signature, Senate Bill 197 will go into effect on Aug. 28.

For more information on meningitis, click here or visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

To follow the status of Sen. Walsh’s legislative actions, visit her Senate website at