Multimedia |
This page features multimedia links of Sen. Ryan Silvey. These links provide constituents and the press the opportunity to listen to and watch Sen. Silvey address issues that are important to him and the citizens of the 17th Senatorial District.
If you have any questions or comments about the issues below, please contact Sen. Silvey's office. And if you are having technical problems watching or downloading the links below, please contact Senate Communications at (573) 751-3824. |
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The audio and video below comes from the floor of the Missouri Senate on May 7, 2014, and feature Sen. Silvey presenting HB 1303. |
Senator Silvey presents House Bill 1303, which would establish the Missouri Student Religious Liberties Act. The measure has been sent to the governor for his signature. (1:56) |
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The audio and video below comes from the floor of the Missouri Senate on Feb. 24, 2014, and feature Sen. Silvey presenting SJR 45. |
Senator Silvey presents Senate Joint Resolution 45, which — upon voter approval — would prohibit the governor from controlling the rate of expenditures of, and withholding funds from, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the payment of public debt. (4:09) |
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