SB 0994 Allows citizens to register their vehicles, pay taxes and access various agency services via the Internet
LR Number:4420S.01I Fiscal Note:4420-01
Committee:Financial and Governmental Organization
Last Action:03/06/00 - Hearing Conducted S Financial & Governmental Journal page:
Organizations Committee
Effective Date:August 28, 2000
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SB 994 - This act allows citizens to register their vehicles, pay taxes, and access various agency services via the Internet.

This act requires the Department of Revenue to establish a system, in counties where personal property taxes are accessible by computer, where citizens can register their vehicles by the Internet. The online license renewal system shall be available by January 1, 2002.

The Department of Revenue must also establish a system to allow citizens to file and pay their state taxes by the Internet. This system must be established by January 1, 2002.

These provisions are contained in truly agreed to SS HS HCS HB 1797 (2000).

This act requires various agencies to develop a technology master plan to study ways to improve services to the public. The technology master plan shall include at least one pilot project which would make the agency's services available through the Internet. Each agency must submit a copy of its technology master plan to the Office of Administration by December 31, 2000.

This act also requires the Office of Administration to implement a system in which the purchasing of supplies can be accomplished by the Internet. The online purchasing system must be available by January 1, 2002.

This act requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to establish a grant program to provide funds for school districts to purchase computer software designed for the reactive acquisition of vocabulary elements.

This act requires the Department of Economic Development to establish a program to provide contract consulting services to minority entrepreneurs by the Internet. This online program must be available by January 1, 2002.