HB 1101 - (Franklin)
Public debt appropriations
HB 1102 - (Franklin)
Appropriates money for the State Board of Education and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
HB 1103 - (Franklin)
Appropriations for Higher Education
HB 1104 - (Franklin)
Appropriations for the Departments of Revenue and Transportation
HB 1105 - (Franklin)
Appropriations for the Office of Administration
HB 1106 - (Franklin)
Appropriations for the Departments of Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources
HB 1107 - (Franklin)
Appropriations for the Departments of Economic Development, Insurance and Labor and Industrial Relations
HB 1108 - (Franklin)
Appropriations for the Department of Public Safety
HB 1109 - (Franklin)
Appropriations for the Department of Corrections
HB 1110 - (Franklin)
Appropriations for the Departments of Mental Health/Health; the Bd. of Public Buildings and MO Health Facilities Review
HB 1111 - (Franklin)
Appropriations for the Department of Social Services
HB 1112 - (Franklin)
Appropriations: Public Officers; General Assembly; Judges
HB 1113 - (Franklin)
To appropriate money for real property leases, related services, utilities, and systems furniture
HB 1114 - (Franklin)
Supplemental appropriations
HB 1120 - (Franklin)
Appropriates for planning, expenses and capital improvements
HB 1121 - (Franklin)
Reappropriations Bill
HB 1122 - (Franklin)
Supplemental appropriations
SB 0741
(Maxwell) -
Revises water resource laws