- Introduced -

SB 874 - This act modifies the regulation and supervision of physician assistants. Section 334.735 currently outlines the duties of physician assistants (PA). This bill modifies the definition of "supervision" to require that there be "direct, on-site" control in the same office where a physician is present.

A new subsection 3 is added to Section 334.735 and states that no PA may perform any of the procedures listed in Section 334.735 on a new patient without the prior examination, evaluation, and diagnosis of the supervising physician. For the treatment of existing patients, the PA must obtain prior approval through a documented order, signed and dated by the physician. Any PA practicing under a physician supervision agreement must notify the Board of Registration for the Healing Arts in order for the Board to track the agreement and make it available to the public.

The current subsection 8 of Section 334.735, which deals with certain physician supervision agreements is deleted. Language is added requiring PAs to carry individual liability insurance in an amount no less than $1 million dollars. Finally, a new subsection 10 is added to state that it will be against public policy to make contracts or agreements that require a physician to supervise a PA without also providing a right to refuse supervision if the PA is not believed to be appropriately competent.