Read 1st time February 1, 2001, and 1,000 copies ordered printed.

TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.



To repeal sections 160.534, 173.250 and 313.805, RSMo 2000, relating to funding for certain scholarships, and to enact in lieu thereof three new sections relating to the same subject.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

Section A.  Sections 160.534, 173.250 and 313.805, RSMo 2000, are repealed and three new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 160.534, 173.250 and 313.805, to read as follows:

160.534.  For fiscal year 1996 and each subsequent fiscal year, any amount of the excursion gambling boat proceeds deposited in the gaming proceeds for education fund in excess of the amount transferred to the school district bond fund as provided in section 164.303, RSMo, shall be transferred to the state school moneys fund; provided that for fiscal year 2002 and each fiscal year thereafter all funds transferred from the gaming proceeds for education fund in excess of the sum of the amount transferred to the school district bond fund for fiscal year 2001 plus the amount transferred to the state school moneys fund for fiscal year 2001, shall be transferred to the Missouri college guarantee fund established pursuant to section 173.830, RSMo.  Such moneys shall be transferred on a monthly basis and shall be distributed in the manner provided in section 163.031, RSMo.

173.250.  1.  There is hereby established a "Higher Education Academic Scholarship Program" and any moneys appropriated by the general assembly for this program shall be used to provide scholarships for Missouri citizens to attend a Missouri college or university of their choice pursuant to the provisions of this section.

2.  The definitions of terms set forth in section 173.205 shall be applicable to such terms as used in this section.  The term "academic scholarship" means an amount of money paid by the state of Missouri to a qualified college or university student who has demonstrated superior academic achievement pursuant to the provisions of this section.

3.  The coordinating board for higher education shall be the administrative agency for the implementation of the program established by this section, and shall:

(1)  Promulgate reasonable rules and regulations for the exercise of its functions and the effectuation of the purposes of this section, including regulations for granting scholarship deferments;

(2)  Prescribe the form and the time and method of awarding academic scholarships, and shall supervise the processing thereof; and

(3)  Select qualified recipients to receive academic scholarships, make such awards of academic scholarships to qualified recipients and determine the manner and method of payment to the recipient.

4.  A student shall be eligible for initial or renewed academic scholarship if he or she is in compliance with the eligibility requirements set forth in section 173.215 excluding the requirement of financial need and undergraduate status, and in addition meets the following requirements:

(1)  Initial academic scholarships shall be offered in the academic year immediately following graduation from high school to Missouri high school seniors whose composite scores on the American College Testing Program (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) of the College Board are in the top three percent of all Missouri students taking those tests during the school year in which the scholarship recipients graduate from high school. In the freshman year of college, scholarship recipients are required to maintain status as a full-time student;

(2)  Academic scholarships are renewable if the recipient remains in compliance with the applicable provisions of section 173.215 and the recipient makes satisfactory academic degree progress as a full-time student.

5.  A student who is enrolled or has been accepted for enrollment as a postsecondary student at an approved private or public institution beginning with the fall, 1987, term and who meets the other eligibility requirements for an academic scholarship shall, within the limits of the funds appropriated and made available, be offered an academic scholarship in the amount of [two] three thousand dollars for the first academic year of study, which scholarship shall be renewable in the amount of two thousand dollars annually for the second, third and fourth academic years or as long as the recipient is in compliance with the applicable eligibility requirements set forth in section 173.215, provided those years of study are continuous and the student continues to meet eligibility requirements for the scholarship; provided, however, if a recipient ceases all attendance at an approved public or private institution for the purpose of providing service to a nonprofit organization, a state or federal government agency or any branch of the armed forces of the United States, the recipient shall be eligible for a renewal scholarship upon return to any approved public or private institution, provided the recipient:

(1)  Returns to full-time status within twenty-seven months;

(2)  Provides verification in compliance with coordinating board for higher education rules that the service to the nonprofit organization was satisfactorily completed and was not compensated other than for expenses or that the service to the state or federal governmental agency or branch of the armed forces of the United States was satisfactorily completed; and

(3)  Meets all other requirements established for eligibility to receive a renewal scholarship.

6.  A recipient of academic scholarship awarded under this section may transfer from one approved Missouri public or private institution to another without losing eligibility for the scholarship.  If a recipient of the scholarship at any time withdraws from an approved private or public institution so that under the rules and regulations of that institution he or she is entitled to a refund of any tuition, fees or other charges, the institution shall pay the portion of the refund attributable to the scholarship for that term to the coordinating board for higher education.

7.  Other provisions of this section to the contrary notwithstanding, if a recipient has been awarded an initial academic scholarship pursuant to the provisions of this section but is unable to use the scholarship during the first academic year because of illness, disability, pregnancy or other medical need or if a recipient ceases all attendance at an approved public or private institution because of illness, disability, pregnancy or other medical need, the recipient shall be eligible for an initial or renewal scholarship upon enrollment in or return to any approved public or private institution, provided the recipient:

(1)  Enrolls in or returns to full-time status within twenty-seven months;

(2)  Provides verification in compliance with coordinating board for higher education rules of sufficient medical evidence documenting an illness, disability, pregnancy or other medical need of such person to require that that person will not be able to use the initial or renewal scholarship during the time period for which it was originally offered; and

(3)  Meets all other requirements established for eligibility to receive an initial or a renewal scholarship.

313.805.  The commission shall have full jurisdiction over and shall supervise all gambling operations governed by sections 313.800 to 313.850.   The commission shall have the following powers and shall promulgate rules and regulations to implement sections 313.800 to 313.850:

(1)  To investigate applicants and determine the priority and eligibility of applicants for a license and to select among competing applicants for a license the applicant which best serves the interests of the citizens of Missouri;

(2)  To license the operators of excursion gambling boats and operators of gambling games within such boats, to identify occupations within the excursion gambling boat operations which require licensing, and adopt standards for licensing the occupations including establishing fees for the occupational licenses and to license suppliers;

(3)  To adopt standards under which all excursion gambling boat operations shall be held and standards for the facilities within which the gambling operations are to be held.  Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 311, RSMo, to the contrary, the commission may authorize the operation of gambling games on an excursion gambling boat which is also licensed to sell or serve alcoholic beverages, wine, or beer.  The commission shall regulate the wagering structure for gambling excursions including providing a maximum loss of five hundred dollars per individual player per gambling excursion for all excursions prior to January 1, 2002, provided that no limitation on loss shall be in effect on or after January 1, 2001, and provided that any increased state excursion gambling boat proceeds deposited in the gaming proceeds for education fund shall be transferred pursuant to section 160.534, RSMo;

(4)  To enter the premises of excursion gambling boats, facilities, or other places of business of a licensee within this state to determine compliance with sections 313.800 to 313.850;

(5)  To investigate alleged violations of sections 313.800 to 313.850 or the commission rules, orders, or final decisions;

(6)  To assess any appropriate administrative penalty against a licensee, including, but not limited to, suspension, revocation, and penalties of an amount as determined by the commission up to three times the highest daily amount of gross receipts derived from wagering on the gambling games, whether unauthorized or authorized, conducted during the previous twelve months as well as confiscation and forfeiture of all gambling game equipment used in the conduct of unauthorized gambling games.   Forfeitures pursuant to this section shall be enforced as provided in sections 513.600 to 513.645, RSMo;

(7)  To require a licensee, an employee of a licensee or holder of an occupational license to remove a person violating a provision of sections 313.800 to 313.850 or the commission rules, orders, or final orders, or other person deemed to be undesirable from the excursion gambling boat or adjacent facilities;

(8)  To require the removal from the premises of a licensee, an employee of a licensee, or a holder of an occupational license for a violation of sections 313.800 to 313.850 or a commission rule or engaging in a fraudulent practice;

(9)  To require all licensees to file all financial reports required by rules and regulations of the commission;

(10)  To issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and subpoenas duces tecum for the production of books, records, and other pertinent documents, and to administer oaths and affirmations to the witnesses, when, in the judgment of the commission, it is necessary to enforce sections 313.800 to 313.850 or the commission rules;

(11)  To keep accurate and complete records of its proceedings and to certify the records as may be appropriate;

(12)  To ensure that the gambling games are conducted fairly.  No gambling device shall be set to pay out less than eighty percent of all wagers;

(13)  To require all licensees of gambling game operations to use a cashless wagering system whereby all players' money is converted to physical or electronic tokens, electronic cards, or chips which only can be used for wagering on the excursion gambling boat;

(14)  To require excursion gambling boat licensees to develop a system, approved by the commission, that allows patrons the option to prohibit the excursion gambling boat licensee from using identifying information for marketing purposes.  The provisions of this subdivision shall apply only to patrons giving identifying information for the first time.  Such system shall be submitted to the commission by October 1, 2000, and approved by the commission by January 1, 2001.  The excursion gambling boat licensee shall use identifying information obtained from patrons who have elected to have marketing blocked under the provisions of this section only for the purposes of enforcing the requirements contained in sections 313.800 to 313.850.  This section shall not prohibit the commission from accessing identifying information for the purposes of enforcing section 313.004 and sections 313.800 to 313.850;

(15)  To determine which of the authorized gambling games will be permitted on any licensed excursion gambling boat;

(16)  Excursion gambling boats shall cruise, unless the commission finds that the best interest of Missouri and the safety of the public indicate the need for continuous docking of the excursion gambling boat in any city or county authorized pursuant to subsection 10 of section 313.812.  The commission shall base its decision to allow continuously docked excursion gambling boats on any of the following criteria: the docking location or the excursion cruise could cause danger to the boat's passengers, violate federal law or the law of another state, or cause disruption of interstate commerce or possible interference with railway or barge transportation.  In addition, the commission shall consider economic feasibility or impact that would benefit land-based development and permanent job creation.  The commission shall not discriminate among applicants for continuous-docking excursion gambling that are similarly situated with respect to the criteria set forth in this section;

(17)  The commission shall render a finding concerning the possibility of continuous docking, as described in subdivision (15) of this section, within thirty days after a hearing on any request from an applicant or licensee.  Such hearing may be held prior to any final action on licensing to assist an applicant and any city or county in the finalizing of their economic development plan;

(18)  To require any applicant for a license or renewal of a license to operate an excursion gambling boat to provide an affirmative action plan which has as its goal the use of best efforts to achieve maximum employment of African-Americans and other minorities and maximum participation in the procurement of contractual purchases of goods and services.  This provision shall be administered in accordance with all federal and state employment laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Civil Rights Act of 1991.  At license renewal, the licensee will report on the effectiveness of the plan.  The commission shall include the licensee's reported information in its annual report to the joint committee on gaming and wagering;

(19)  To take any other action as may be reasonable or appropriate to enforce sections 313.800 to 313.850 and the commission rules.

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