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SB 0054 - Bland - Lowers age for jury duty from 21 to 18 and excuses certain students
SB 0267 - Klarich - Revises various civil and criminal procedures
HB 0336 - Townley - Expands the classes of persons entitled to be excused from jury duty to include persons licensed to practice
HB 0456 - Monaco - Reduces the minimum age of eligibility for jury service from 21 to 18 years and excuses from jury service full-time
HB 0540 - Hosmer - Authorizes counties or a city not within a county to elect between two different juror compensation schemes
HB 0919 - Kennedy - Requires the court to excuse from jury duty certain primary care givers where the court finds that no reasonable
HB 0945 - Hosmer - Raises juror pay and transfers certain Greene County court fees to justice fund

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Kansas City

SB 0004 - Wiggins - Peace officers information within the Dept. of Revenue is confidential and changes salary for Kansas City police
SB 0031 - DePasco - Extends the commercial zone around Kansas City from 12 to 15 miles
SB 0076 - Wiggins - Extends the termination date on the Kansas City public transportation sales tax from 2001 to 2003
SB 0132 - Bland - Preserves Walt Disney Film Studio as an historic site
SB 0133 - Steelman - University of Missouri-Rolla may sponsor charter schools
SB 0146 - Bland - Establishes Pilot Program of Urban Early Compulsory School Attendance
SB 0171 - Bland - Authorizes a two-year tax free zone in Kansas City
SB 0249 - Wiggins - New baseball stadium in St. Louis; funding for several stadiums in Kansas City & St. Louis
SB 0290 - Wiggins - Revises pension benefits for prosecuting attorneys, police officers and firemen
SB 0407 - Dougherty - Allows motorists to receive Missouri Botanical and various municipal zoo specialized license plates
SB 0427 - Loudon - Modifies selection of members of boards of election commissioners
SB 0462 - Westfall - Revises numerous provisions relating to agriculture
SB 0510 - Kenney - Revises charter school laws
SB 0512 - House - Revises Charter School Laws
SB 0547 - Wiggins - Relating to the election of board members of certain school districts
SB 0630 - Bland - Establishes planning commission for Kansas City Missouri School District
HB 0041 - Bonner - Enacts various laws regarding sports authorities in certain counties
HB 0060 - Rizzo - Raises Kansas City police salaries
HB 0095 - Wilson - Allows urban school districts to start school prior to September 1st
HB 0321 - Skaggs - Extends the termination date on the Kansas City public transportation sales tax from 2001 to 2003
HB 0382 - Hoppe - Requires city approval of retail liquor licenses in the City of Kansas City
HB 0395 - Skaggs - Provides for charter school employees retirement benefits
HB 0581 - Kreider - Revises numerous provisions relating to agriculture
HB 0660 - Hagan-Harrell - Makes various changes in the Public School Retirement System
HB 0742 - Harding - Authorizes the Governor to sell certain property in Platte County
HB 0783 - Hoppe - Allows cities with over 400,000 inhabitants to enact property ordinances

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Labor and Industrial Relations Dept.

SB 0039 - Klarich - Creates procedures for disbursements from the Tort Victim's Compensation Fund
SB 0077 - Russell - Allows non-attorneys to represent themselves before certain state agencies
SB 0102 - Childers - Exempts certain political subdivisions from the state prevailing wage law
SB 0114 - Loudon - Deems a positive test for controlled substances misconduct connected with work
SB 0183 - Schneider - Modifies certain provisions of the Second Injury Fund
SB 0380 - House - Makes technical changes in industrial classification system for employer unemployment contributions
SB 0416 - Stoll - Requires employers to keep records regarding child employees and makes technical changes to child labor chapter
SB 0417 - Schneider - Modifies certain provisions of the Second Injury Fund and interest payments in workers' claims
SB 0452 - DePasco - Prohibits discrimination based on a person's sexual orientation
SB 0496 - Schneider - Modifies Second Injury Fund provisions
SB 0505 - Loudon - Expands meaning of "owner-operator" of a vehicle for hire for purposes of workers' compensation
SB 0513 - House - Regulates contracts for services formerly delivered by public bodies
SB 0526 - Dougherty - Replaces the inspection section with the Division of Labor Standards
SB 0579 - Loudon - Modifies certain provisions of the Second Injury Fund
SB 0580 - Loudon - Modifies some workers' compensation provisions
SB 0585 - Carter - Creates state agency to promote crime victims' rights
SB 0596 - Loudon - Establishes the Open Contracting Act for state and local public works projects
HB 0007 - Green - Appropriations for the departments of Economic Development, Insurance and Labor and Industrial Relations
HB 0107 - Clayton - Creates procedures for disbursements from the Tort Victim's Compensation Fund
HB 0579 - Luetkemeyer - Allows certain corporate officers to opt out of worker compensation
HB 0586 - Wagner - Repeals obsolete labor law and updates and reorganizes existing sections concerning the Department of Labor and
HB 0661 - Wagner - Repeals obsolete labor law and updates and reorganizes existing sections concerning the Department of Labor and
HB 0839 - Secrest - Requires impartial, rather than liberal, interpretation of workers' compensation law
HB 0840 - Secrest - Makes evidence of intoxication conclusively presumed proximate cause of workers' compensation injuries
HB 0841 - Secrest - Revises workers' compensation law
HB 0842 - Secrest - Modifies workers' compensation law to determine relative contributions to injury by multiple employers, and gives
HB 0970 - Naeger - For purposes of worker compensation law, makes positive tests for drug use proximate cause of injuries resulting to
HB 0971 - Secrest - Revises provisions related to dismissal of workers' compensation cases
HB 0997 - Byrd - Waives sovereign immunity for purposes of worker compensation and prohibits the state from retaliatory

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Labor and Management

SB 0062 - Carter - Requires that employers give employees time off to serve as election judges
SB 0075 - Wiggins - Enacts the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act
SB 0102 - Childers - Exempts certain political subdivisions from the state prevailing wage law
SB 0114 - Loudon - Deems a positive test for controlled substances misconduct connected with work
SB 0120 - Goode - Establishes good faith employee negotiations for certain public employees
SB 0338 - House - Allows unemployment benefits for workers enrolled in an approved, unpaid full-time training program
SB 0452 - DePasco - Prohibits discrimination based on a person's sexual orientation
SB 0550 - Sims - The state grants consent to be sued under the Americans with Disabilities Act
SB 0596 - Loudon - Establishes the Open Contracting Act for state and local public works projects
HB 0063 - Reynolds - Changes mandatory time-and-a-half compensation for amusement and entertainment workers from fifty-two hours to
HB 0064 - Reynolds - Expands the classes of public employees that may join labor organizations
HB 0099 - Johnson - Enacts civil protections for election judges
HB 0115 - Hickey - Enacts the Missouri Equal Pay Act
HB 0162 - Bray - Creates a cause of action for wrongful discharge of an employee
HB 0570 - Green - Allows unemployment beneifts for workers enrolled in an approved, unpaid full-time training program
HB 0586 - Wagner - Repeals obsolete labor law and updates and reorganizes existing sections concerning the Department of Labor and
HB 0587 - Wagner - Revises child labor laws
HB 0661 - Wagner - Repeals obsolete labor law and updates and reorganizes existing sections concerning the Department of Labor and
HB 0720 - Bray - Revises pay equity law
HB 0771 - Secrest - Revises unlawful employment practices section

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Lakes, Rivers and Waterways

SB 0230 - Childers - Authorizes Taney, Stone, Barry and Ozark counties to impose a sales tax for economic development programs
SB 0323 - Childers - Authorizes certain political subdivisions to enact a sales tax, upon voter approval, for specific purposes

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Landlords and Tenants

SB 0001 - Schneider - Makes changes to court procedures; authorizes payments from Tort Victims' Fund
SB 0089 - Kinder - Creates and amends crimes relating to controlled substances and anhydrous ammonia
SB 0162 - Bland - Restricts a landlord from entering a lessee's premises without a reasonable business purpose and notice
SB 0267 - Klarich - Revises various civil and criminal procedures
SB 0268 - Schneider - Eliminates certain trials de novo; chief ALJs elected for two-year terms
SB 0297 - DePasco - Allows self-service storage facilities to collect late fees
HB 0118 - Wilson - Requires landlords of manufactured or mobile home land lease communities to provide 180 days notice to vacate
HB 0133 - Gambaro - Modifies several property redevelopment provisions
HB 0353 - Bartle - Changes the notice requirements for successors in title seeking to recover rents from tenants

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Law Enforcement Officers and Agencies

SB 0004 - Wiggins - Peace officers information within the Dept. of Revenue is confidential and changes salary for Kansas City police
SB 0005 - Wiggins - Revises Criminal Activity Forfeiture Act
SB 0014 - Mathewson - Authorizes a sales tax to fund jail districts
SB 0021 - Goode - Revises the Criminal Activity Forfeiture Act
SB 0030 - Rohrbach - Prohibits private prisons or jails
SB 0089 - Kinder - Creates and amends crimes relating to controlled substances and anhydrous ammonia
SB 0124 - Kinder - Allows community notification regarding registered sex offenders, based on assessment of danger
SB 0144 - Bland - Requires racial profiling information for every stop of a motor vehicle
SB 0196 - Scott - Expands responsibility of the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners
SB 0198 - Staples - Authorizes Ripley, Oregon and Shannon counties to impose a law enforcement sales tax of up to one percent
SB 0199 - Sims - Authorizes automated traffic enforcement programs
SB 0224 - Russell - Authorizes the creation of law enforcement districts in Camden County funded with property tax
SB 0237 - Westfall - Requires drivers to obey the traffic-related signals and directions of sheriffs and deputy sheriffs
SB 0246 - Caskey - Licenses bail bondsmen and surety recovery agents
SB 0255 - Gross - Defines improper computer electronic mail communications
SB 0287 - Klarich - Prohibits Department of Revenue from releasing information from its records regarding peace officers
SB 0290 - Wiggins - Revises pension benefits for prosecuting attorneys, police officers and firemen
SB 0341 - Jacob - Requires sheriffs to become certified peace officers
SB 0488 - Klindt - Creates the Corrections Officer Standards and Training Commission
SB 0503 - DePasco - Allows cities and 1st class counties to establish an automatic traffic light signal violation monitoring system
SB 0560 - Caskey - Authorizes permits for concealable weapons
SB 0573 - Dougherty - Compensation and employment benefits for St. Louis City Police
SB 0609 - Westfall - Revises protions of the Model Traffic Ordinance chapter
SB 0622 - Westfall - Allows Sheriff to seize misappropriated property held by a pawnbroker
SJR 003 - Goode - Criminal activity forfeiture proceeds shall be divided between schools and law enforcement
HB 0046 - Relford - Increases penalty for aiding the escape of a prisoner
HB 0047 - Relford - Authorizes a sales tax for regional jail and court facilities
HB 0049 - Relford - Creates the policemen and sheriff's deputies trust fund
HB 0054 - Ward - Makes the highway patrol annex building in St. Francois County into a district headquarters building
HB 0060 - Rizzo - Raises Kansas City police salaries
HB 0064 - Reynolds - Expands the classes of public employees that may join labor organizations
HB 0080 - Ross - Authorizes multijurisdictional antifraud enforcement groups; makes various other changes in law enforcement and crimes
HB 0090 - Ross - Creates minimum jail sentences for driving without a license or with a revoked license
HB 0144 - Bonner - Requires warrant checks prior to release of prisoners
HB 0155 - Troupe - Prohibits persons in shock detention from being held beyond their period of detention
HB 0177 - Thompson - Requires peace officers' employment records to be available to hiring law enforcement agencies and evidence of
HB 0183 - Thompson - Provides a restitutionary cause of action for wrongful imprisonment
HB 0220 - Hosmer - Requires registration of sexual offenders upon release from custody even if offender does not leave county where
HB 0246 - Smith (011) - Provides authority to combat technological crimes
HB 0253 - Ross - Regulates certain activities of bail bondsmen
HB 0254 - Kelly (027) - Requires certain health-related information to be provided to the Department of Corrections on delivery of an offender
HB 0260 - Kennedy - Increases the salary and benefits of certain police officers and their beneficiaries in the city of St. Louis
HB 0302 - Hosmer - Lowers blood alcohol content from .10 to .08 and revises other measures related to alcohol related offenses
HB 0320 - Williams (121) - Revises watercraft safety and operating standards
HB 0368 - Champion - Requires persons at scene of accident or emergency to obey lawful orders of law enforcement officers
HB 0394 - O'Toole - Expands responsibility of the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners
HB 0428 - Kelly (036) - Creates crime of eluding a law enforcement official
HB 0430 - Kelly (036) - Creates the policemen's and sheriff's deputies' trust fund, for minimum peace officer salaries
HB 0440 - Boucher - Expands Dna profiling system to include all convicted felons
HB 0444 - Kreider - Modifies criminal forfeiture laws
HB 0455 - Monaco - Provides for canine-handler training and standards
HB 0476 - Froelker - Creates crime of driving with excessive blood alcohol content
HB 0479 - Hosmer - Substantially revises peace officer selection and training laws
HB 0489 - Selby - Expands college grant program for permanently injured or killed workers' spouses or children to include volunteer
HB 0491 - George - Eliminates office of marshall in third classification cities contracting for police services
HB 0513 - Hosmer - Changes sentencing procedure after amendment of a criminal statute and changes holding period for arrest for certain
HB 0524 - Britt - Expands confidentiality of certain records to protect all peace officers
HB 0525 - Monaco - Creates a cause of action for firefighters, peace officer and emergency medical personnel for injuries they sustain
HB 0527 - Luetkenhaus - Mandates compensatory time for employees of the highway patrol who work more than full-time in any week
HB 0548 - O'Toole - Makes various changes to the deferred retirement option plan (drop) for the St. Louis Police Retirement System
HB 0582 - Bartle - Revises the stalking law
HB 0608 - Gambaro - Requires resolution of suspensions of St Louis police personnel within 30 days
HB 0615 - Koller - Increases the maximum allowable local sales tax for law enforcement from one-half of one percent to one percent
HB 0621 - Gratz - Creates Missouri State Penitentiary Redevelopment Commission
HB 0622 - Villa - Increases the vacation and holiday provisions for the St. Louis City police department
HB 0640 - Johnson - Creates board of private investigator examiners and regulates private investigators
HB 0641 - Jolly - Regulations length and condition of confinement of persons arrested without a warrant
HB 0642 - Relford - Authorizes a sales tax to fund jail districts; state to pay medical costs of state prisoners in county jails
HB 0724 - Britt - Criminalizes sexual contact between inmates and employees of prisons and correctional facilities
HB 0731 - Britt - Expands authorized use, and limitations on use, of certain chemical Bac test to local law enforcement
HB 0765 - Mays (050) - Prohibits camera surveillance of public roadways except for purposes of monitoring traffic flow and community planning
HB 0809 - Carnahan - Modifies peace officer employee rights
HB 0835 - Britt - Revises numerous provisions relating to crimes
HB 0853 - Crump - Authorizes concealable firearms permits
HB 0863 - Dempsey - Removes requirement that St. Louis police chief be promoted from within the department
HB 1019 - Cooper - Permits court-ordered testing of persons whose bodily fluids have come in contact with certain employees

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SB 0001 - Schneider - Makes changes to court procedures; authorizes payments from Tort Victims' Fund
SB 0002 - Schneider - Requires condemnors who abandon proceedings to pay the landowner's costs and expenses
SB 0027 - Johnson - Relating to exposure of humans to rabies or zoonotic disease and requiring owners to register primate animals
SB 0037 - Westfall - Classifies attempted theft of anhydrous ammonia as a crime; owner immunity
SB 0039 - Klarich - Creates procedures for disbursements from the Tort Victim's Compensation Fund
SB 0066 - Gibbons - Protects a parent from liability for relinquishing custody of a newborn to a hospital
SB 0071 - Loudon - Provides immunity from liability for public entities for certain sporting-type injuries
SB 0083 - Singleton - Increases parental/guardian liability for certain acts of children and minors
SB 0089 - Kinder - Creates and amends crimes relating to controlled substances and anhydrous ammonia
SB 0100 - Childers - Provides civil immunity to certain crime victims and Good Samaritans for injuries to perpetrators
SB 0109 - Gross - Increases immunity from liability for volunteers of non- profit organizations from simple to gross negligence
SB 0117 - Wiggins - Provides additional protection for health care consumers
SB 0123 - Kinder - Prohibits political subdivisions from suing firearms manufacturers for sale or marketing to public
SB 0128 - Childers - Grants immunity from liability for injuries or death resulting from risks of paddlesport activities
SB 0129 - Childers - Modifies joint and several liability, the collateral source rules of evidence, and punitive damages
SB 0197 - Johnson - Expands grant of immunity for the donation of certain fire equipment
SB 0248 - Wiggins - Revises dram shop liability
SB 0302 - Johnson - Creates liability for double damages for knowing destruction or damage of crops
SB 0428 - Loudon - Establishes standard for vicarious liability of employer for harassment of employee by supervisor
SB 0433 - Kinder - Revises dram shop liability
SB 0516 - Yeckel - Allows waiver of portion of appeal bonds for certain defendants
SB 0604 - Jacob - Provides funding for fire safety programs and removes liability for donated fire equipment
HB 0030 - Gaskill - Limits liability of persons defending the U.s. flag
HB 0034 - Gaskill - Prohibits courts of law from modifying common law to create new causes of action
HB 0037 - Gaskill - Prohibits persons less than eighteen years of age from possessing tobacco products
HB 0107 - Clayton - Creates procedures for disbursements from the Tort Victim's Compensation Fund
HB 0115 - Hickey - Enacts the Missouri Equal Pay Act
HB 0183 - Thompson - Provides a restitutionary cause of action for wrongful imprisonment
HB 0184 - Legan - Provides that the Department of Conservation shall be liable for all damage caused by wild elk
HB 0193 - Hosmer - Creates civil penalties for false monetary or property-related claims against the state
HB 0229 - Hosmer - Revises the statute of limitations and damages for home improvements
HB 0230 - Hosmer - Plaintiff shall obtain second professional opinion before filing an action against an architect, engineer, or
HB 0253 - Ross - Regulates certain activities of bail bondsmen
HB 0258 - Koller - Allows concealed firearms
HB 0269 - Legan - Requires lenders who contract for repossession of motor vehicle to accept such vehicle and render payment to
HB 0349 - Hosmer - Makes various changes regarding protection of the elderly laws
HB 0421 - Graham - Revises dram shop liability
HB 0449 - Myers - Requires an uninsured motorist found to be at fault for an automobile accident with an insured motorist to pay the
HB 0474 - Froelker - Requires uninsured motorists to pay certain property and out-of-pocket medical expenses before seeking damages, and
HB 0481 - Luetkenhaus - Allows donation of additional equipment, including motor vehicles, to any public fire protection entity, under
HB 0525 - Monaco - Creates a cause of action for firefighters, peace officer and emergency medical personnel for injuries they sustain
HB 0588 - Rizzo - Establishes the qualifications for persons performing spinal manipulation
HB 0633 - Boucher - A durable power of attorney cannot be executed until every member of the immediate family consent
HB 0634 - Scheve - Prohibits certain noncompetition contracts in the broadcasting industry
HB 0651 - Robirds - Limits parental liability for the damages caused by the acts of their seventeen year old children
HB 0657 - Reid - Provides liquidated compensatory damages for certain personal injuries
HB 0665 - Shields - Immunizes teachers in public schools from tort liability for reporting violent acts of students
HB 0700 - Kelly (036) - Modifies certain driver's license provisions and provides for license suspension and setting of bond in fatal motor
HB 0708 - Wilson - Amends various provisions regarding the use of child restraint systems in motor vehicles
HB 0771 - Secrest - Revises unlawful employment practices section
HB 0774 - Hosmer - Modifies various provisions regarding the handling of cases involving sexual violent predators
HB 0811 - Portwood - Revises crime of involuntary manslaughter
HB 0832 - Gaskill - Limits liability of persons defending the U.s. flag
HB 0835 - Britt - Revises numerous provisions relating to crimes
HB 0853 - Crump - Authorizes concealable firearms permits
HB 0890 - Hendrickson - Authorizes municipalities to regulate adult establishments
HB 0915 - Graham - The state of Missouri consents to be sued in state court under the Americans with Disabilities Act
HB 0954 - Hosmer - Revises driver's license suspension and revocation procedures for persons under twenty-one years of age
HB 0981 - Willoughby - Grants immunity for teachers; waives sovereign immunity for workers' comp, family leave
HB 1005 - Monaco - Liability Insurance coverage for punitive damages
HB 1019 - Cooper - Permits court-ordered testing of persons whose bodily fluids have come in contact with certain employees

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Libraries and Archives

SB 0042 - Kenney - Regulates Internet access for minors; creates summer academy at UMR; and modifies child care program safety requirements
SB 0258 - Rohrbach - Modifies provisions relating to court fees
SB 0271 - Schneider - Removes time limit for establishing a circuit court library fee
HB 0407 - Kelley (047) - Regulates Internet access by minors in public schools and libraries
HB 0507 - Johnson - Creates state income tax credits for donations of high technology equipment to school districts and for donations
HB 0529 - Hosmer - Allows circuit judges to use monies received from the court surcharge for family court services as well as the county

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SB 0078 - Russell - Requires the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to provide $80.00 per pupil for driver's education
SB 0081 - Goode - Creates crime of aggravated driving with excessive blood alcohol content
SB 0092 - Westfall - Exempts driver's license applicants with certain religious beliefs from providing their social security number
SB 0136 - Wiggins - Modifies membership and duties of the Organ Donation Advisory Committee; allows increased contributions
SB 0244 - Staples - Suspends driver's license of those who steal gas, penalizes speeders in work zones, and revises other vehicle laws
SB 0254 - Gross - Eliminates Missouri's motor voter registration program
SB 0275 - Sims - Allows the placement of a deaf or hearing impaired notation on driver's licenses
SB 0356 - Schneider - Revenue may enforce violations of administrative supervision
SB 0396 - Schneider - Raises gas tax by 5 cents and raises registration fees and CDL's to consumer price index level
SB 0404 - DePasco - Requires Revenue Department to reinstate driving privileges after court finds in favor of driver
SB 0406 - Westfall - Allows Director of Revenue to enter into agreements with foreign countries regarding reciprocity of driver's licenses
SB 0436 - Goode - Requires licensee to apply for a duplicate commercial driver's license when a name change occurs
SB 0540 - Klindt - Prohibits Revenue Department from collecting information which can individually identify a person
HB 0038 - Gaskill - Changes law regarding crimes involving alcohol
HB 0090 - Ross - Creates minimum jail sentences for driving without a license or with a revoked license
HB 0158 - Ross - Requires director of revenue to issue driver's license to persons holding another state's valid driver's license
HB 0251 - Crowell - Provides exemption from motorcycle helmet requirement for public parades
HB 0252 - Hosmer - Raises the age requirements on various school and motor vehicle laws from sixteen to eighteen
HB 0302 - Hosmer - Lowers blood alcohol content from .10 to .08 and revises other measures related to alcohol related offenses
HB 0310 - Ostmann - Creates alternative method of obtaining temporary driving permit
HB 0337 - Ross - Makes several revisions to alcohol-related offenses, and creates crime of recklessly contributing to an accident
HB 0467 - Smith (011) - Creates certain evidentiary rights for defendants in driver's license suspension and revocation cases
HB 0477 - Graham - Creates alternative method of obtaining a temporary driving permit
HB 0648 - Ostmann - Modifies law regarding issuance of a driver's permit
HB 0654 - Reid - Revises driver's license point system
HB 0700 - Kelly (036) - Modifies certain driver's license provisions and provides for license suspension and setting of bond in fatal motor
HB 0711 - Green - Limits to appropriated amounts payment of court costs and attorney fees by Department of Revenue in certain cases
HB 0805 - Mayer - Provides for driver education of participants in federal residential job training programs
HB 0819 - Hosmer - Revises intoxication-related offenses
HB 0857 - Koller - Revises driver's licensing provisions for those over age 70
HB 0897 - Kreider - Prohibits Revenue Department from collecting information which can individually identify a person

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Licenses-Liquor and Beer

SB 0156 - Goode - Modifies alcohol licensing and reporting procedures through the Department of Public Safety
SB 0311 - Mathewson - Allows resorts in certain counties which sell liquor by the drink to apply to remain open until 3:00 a.m.
SB 0556 - DePasco - Authorizes microbrewing licenses on excursion gambling boats and premises
HB 0058 - Ward - Allows renewal of liquor license without notarization of renewal application
HB 0843 - Harding - Requires the registration of kegs of intoxicating liquor

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SB 0167 - Bland - Modifies the licensure requirements of persons dealing with lead-bearing substances
SB 0327 - Yeckel - Allows the certification of naturopathic practitioners
SB 0546 - Kenney - Reorganizes authority for licensing and regulation of excursion gambling boats and gaming
SB 0570 - Singleton - Transfers the licensure of emergency medical technicians to the Board of Registration for the Healing Arts
SB 0590 - Russell - Licensing of certain construction personnel
SB 0599 - Singleton - Modifies regulation of horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering
SB 0619 - Mathewson - Changes provisions for emergency care service providers; state easement to City of Sedalia
HB 0066 - Reynolds - Regulates and licenses tanning bed operators
HB 0157 - Hosmer - Changes date for return of marriage licenses to the issuing official; prohibits same sex marriage
HB 0249 - Treadway - Requires licenses for amusement machine operators
HB 0626 - Hosmer - Removes the Social Security number requirement on marriage licenses for applicants who do not have a SSN
HB 0738 - Liese - Modifies financial services law, particularly unsecured consumer loans and banking

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Licenses-Motor Vehicle

SB 0004 - Wiggins - Peace officers information within the Dept. of Revenue is confidential and changes salary for Kansas City police
SB 0011 - Russell - Exempts retired members of the military from paying registration fees on one motor vehicle
SB 0013 - Russell - Exempts retired members of the military from paying the additional fee for retired military plates
SB 0036 - Westfall - Provides for .08 DWI/BAC and increases collateral consequences
SB 0096 - Bentley - Allows Purple Heart recipients to receive free motor vehicle registration and specialized license plates
SB 0111 - Gross - Revenue Department to cooperate in federal-state agreement to recognize disabled persons license plates
SB 0142 - Childers - Allows owners of different classes of motor vehicles to apply for Korean War Veteran license plates
SB 0143 - Childers - Allows any person replacing stolen license plates to receive at no cost up to two license plates per year
SB 0149 - Goode - Revises motor vehicle emissions inspections for certain areas
SB 0185 - Loudon - Revises the process for the registration of historic motor vehicles
SB 0396 - Schneider - Raises gas tax by 5 cents and raises registration fees and CDL's to consumer price index level
SB 0407 - Dougherty - Allows motorists to receive Missouri Botanical and various municipal zoo specialized license plates
SB 0435 - Goode - Exempts registered historic vehicles from emissions testing
SB 0442 - Caskey - Allows individuals to obtain a Safari Club license plate after paying a special fee
SB 0450 - Goode - Phases in a six-cent gas tax over six years; raises the sales tax by 1/2 cent and increases registration fees
SB 0520 - Foster - Clarifies the highest weight for property-carrying local and beyond local commercial vehicles
SB 0549 - Goode - Amends various provisions regarding the use of child restraint systems in motor vehicles
SB 0623 - Westfall - Allows 2 sets of specialized plates to be issued to Missouri members of Congress
HB 0051 - Relford - Substantial revision to motor vehicle license plate laws
HB 0120 - O'Connor - Amends motor vehicle tinted window prohibition; driver's licenses reciprocity
HB 0125 - Long - Removes the fee for placards for the permanently and temporarily disabled
HB 0156 - Kennedy - Authorizes St Loius College of Pharmacy license plates
HB 0211 - Relford - Substantially revises the motor vehicle license plate law
HB 0217 - Surface - Authorizes Elks Lodge license plate
HB 0238 - Smith (011) - Creates special license plate for parents of Missouri 4-H members
HB 0275 - Relford - Authorizes a Mo-Ag Businesses special license plate
HB 0333 - Relford - Creates special license plate for coroners and medical examiners
HB 0367 - Champion - Authorizes nonemergenecy medical transportation programs
HB 0496 - Surface - Authorizes Elk's Lodge license plate
HB 0681 - Skaggs - Authorizes "hearing Impaired Kids Endowment Fund, Inc." license plate
HB 0684 - Kennedy - Revises "amateur radio" license plate law
HB 0687 - Hilgemann - Authorizes window decal registration renewal tabs for motor vehicles
HB 0691 - Barnett - Requires Director of Revenue to notify registered motor vehicle owners of upcoming registration
HB 0692 - O'Connor - Authorizes Fraternal Order of Police license plate
HB 0729 - Green - Revises motor vehicle licensing
HB 0753 - O'Connor - Revises motor vehicle registration sections
HB 0755 - Boucher - Creates volunteer disabled parking enforcement program
HB 0797 - Green - Revises transportation provisions relating to work zones, weights of certain vehicles on certain highways and
HB 0822 - Troupe - Authorizes window-decal renewal tabs for motor vehicle registration renewal
HB 0828 - Skaggs - Authorizes "animal friendly" license plate
HB 0838 - Murphy - Requires motor vehicle dealers to obtain proof of financial responsibility before issuing temporary license plates
HB 0893 - Hilgemann - Authorizes special license plates for Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis Zoo, Kansas City Zoo and Springfield Zoo
HB 0912 - Nordwald - Provides for titling of certain property abandoned on privately-owned real estate

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SB 0035 - House - Requires health plans to cover all services provided or ordered by registered nurse first assistants
SB 0046 - Bentley - Modifies the law relating to dentists, dental hygienists and dental care for the needy
SB 0095 - Kenney - Requires those who engage in the profession of housemoving to become licensed and obtain permits for moves
SB 0193 - Rohrbach - Governs the qualifications for licensing insurance producers and revises deduction for insurance examination fees
SB 0202 - Wiggins - Enacts the Uniform Athlete Agents Act
SB 0210 - DePasco - Creates a home builders licensure board to license and regulate residential home builders
SB 0216 - Scott - Clarifies appointments to the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts
SB 0229 - Jacob - Authorizes certain design and build contracts when the contractor is not licensed in Missouri
SB 0246 - Caskey - Licenses bail bondsmen and surety recovery agents
SB 0253 - Gross - Revises the statute of limitations and requires an affidavit to be filed in actions against certain professionals
SB 0260 - Gross - Plaintiff must file an affidavit of a like professional in a suit against an architect, engineer or surveyor
SB 0306 - Jacob - Requires insurers to provide notice to consumers regarding confidentiality of financial and health information
SB 0325 - Foster - Requires foresters to be registered with the Missouri Board of Registered Foresters
SB 0357 - Schneider - Modifies licensing provisions for psychologists and professional counselors
SB 0384 - House - Adds additional criteria for the denial or revocation of dietitians' licenses
SB 0385 - Mathewson - Enacts new licensure requirements for accountants
SB 0479 - Stoll - Modifies licensure provisions for pharmacists and pharmacies
SB 0489 - Bentley - Provides for the licensure of baccalaureate social workers
SB 0518 - DePasco - Creates State Board of Auctioneers to regulate auctioneers
SB 0538 - Yeckel - Allows residential mortgage brokers to post bond instead of providing annual audits
SB 0546 - Kenney - Reorganizes authority for licensing and regulation of excursion gambling boats and gaming
SB 0569 - Singleton - Revises licensure procedures for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants
SB 0599 - Singleton - Modifies regulation of horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering
SB 0605 - Jacob - Modifies law regarding licensing of surplus lines insurance
HB 0048 - Relford - Revises provisions for funeral directors and embalmers
HB 0096 - Scheve - Creates the Unfair Home Improvement Loans Act and revises bonding requirements for mortgage brokers
HB 0105 - Johnson - Exempts hair braiders from the licensing requirements in chapter 329
HB 0192 - Hosmer - Enacts penalties on professional licensees who fail to repay their student loans
HB 0230 - Hosmer - Plaintiff shall obtain second professional opinion before filing an action against an architect, engineer, or
HB 0243 - Treadway - Modifies the licensure requirements for cosmetologists, haridressers and manicurists
HB 0245 - Treadway - Enacts the Missouri Accountancy Act
HB 0266 - Treadway - Limits to whom real estate brokers and agents may pay commissions or other consideration
HB 0267 - Treadway - Modifies various provisions relating to the licensure of design professionals
HB 0288 - Campbell - Authorizes certain design and build contracts when the contractor is not licensed in Missouri
HB 0314 - Treadway - Provides for the licensure of baccalaureate social workers
HB 0393 - O'Toole - Requires licensure of all termite inspectors when engaging in inspections for real estate transactions
HB 0396 - Barry - Creates the Board of Ionizing Radiation Technology
HB 0400 - Treadway - Redefines the supervision of physician assistants by physicians
HB 0416 - O'Connor - Establishes regulations and licensing provisions regarding the practice of naturopathic medicine
HB 0431 - Barry - Makes a technical change regarding temporary licenses for military personnel in trauma training
HB 0462 - Foley - Makes various amendments regarding the practice of pharmacy
HB 0465 - Smith (011) - Modifies statutory provisions regarding licensure of nursing home administrators
HB 0469 - Selby - Requires certificates of registration for physicians to be easily readable from a reasonable distance
HB 0567 - Treadway - Revises provisions for various boards and professions under the Division of Professional Registration
HB 0568 - Treadway - Amends various provisions regarding professional registration
HB 0631 - Johnson - Amends various provisions regarding licensed dietitians
HB 0640 - Johnson - Creates board of private investigator examiners and regulates private investigators
HB 0695 - Shoemyer - Revises the licensing and regulatory scheme for dentists and dental hygienists
HB 0716 - Treadway - Amends various licensure provisions for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants
HB 0744 - Treadway - Makes various revisions regarding the licensure of professional counselors
HB 0752 - Johnson - Amends various provisions regarding the practice of cosmetology
HB 0806 - Troupe - Establishes certification procedures for naturopaths
HB 0817 - Kennedy - Provides procedures for the licensure of addiction counselors
HB 0899 - Gratz - Establishes procedures for the licensure of auctioneers
HB 1016 - Hoppe - Allows psychologists to administer, order and prescribe medications after obtaining certification and training

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SB 0610 - Westfall - Modifies law relating to county collectors and the county commission of Clay County
HB 0327 - Rizzo - Extends the life of the Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund and changes board duties
HB 0738 - Liese - Modifies financial services law, particularly unsecured consumer loans and banking

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SB 0583 - Yeckel - Modifies lobbyist regulations and campaign finance laws

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HB 0036 - Gaskill - Places certain prohibitions and restrictions on lottery advertising
HB 0086 - Kennedy - Prohibits licensed game retailers from selling or allowing their employees to sell lottery tickets to employees and

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Manufactured Housing

SB 0051 - Childers - Requires Department of Economic Development to establish six rural housing development programs
SB 0317 - Stoll - Exempts used manufactured homes and certain used modular units from complying with manufactured housing codes

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Marriage and Divorce

SB 0135 - Wiggins - Revises the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement law
SB 0180 - Klarich - State policy is to recognize marriage only between a male and a female
SB 0227 - Jacob - Life insurance beneficiary designations made after August 28 shall not be presumed revoked upon divorce
SB 0296 - Gross - Modifies provisions relating to children and families
SB 0502 - Jacob - Changes public school retirement benefits for divorced members
SB 0571 - Dougherty - Requires distribution of marriage license fees to the Department of Public Safety for domestic violence shelters
HB 0032 - Gaskill - Changes the waiting period for a marriage license
HB 0157 - Hosmer - Changes date for return of marriage licenses to the issuing official; prohibits same sex marriage
HB 0422 - Froelker - Creates heirloom birth certificates an marriage licenses suitable for display
HB 0454 - Monaco - Allows a guardian and conservator who is the spouse of ward to remain guardian or conservator after divorce

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SB 0047 - Sims - Certain health care professionals may provide dental treat- ments and establishes a dental hygienist advisory commission
SB 0060 - Steelman - Modifies the reporting of elder abuse and neglect and the provision of in-home services to the elderly
SB 0318 - Sims - Expands Medicaid eligibility to one hundred percent of the federal poverty level
SB 0419 - Sims - Makes certain disabled workers eligible for Medicaid
SB 0448 - Sims - Extends Medicaid or insurance coverage for breast, cervical and prostate cancer
SB 0559 - Singleton - Requires long term care facilities to return unused medications to pharmacies for reuse and reimbursement
SB 0578 - Goode - Revises the Hospital Federal Reimbursement Allowance Program
HB 0055 - Ward - Includes the services of chiropractors in Medicaid coverage
HB 0074 - Scheve - Increases the resource limits for public assistance eligibility for single and married persons
HB 0329 - Hollingsworth - Expands eligibility for medical assistance to include persons who are aged, blind or disabled with annual incomes
HB 0504 - Ward - Excludes the cash value of insurance policies for purposes of determining eligibility for Medicaid and Medicare for
HB 0512 - Baker - Provides medical assistance to employed persons with disabilities pursuant to the federal Ticket to Work Act
HB 0612 - Baker - Provides additional protections and services for persons with disabilities
HB 0762 - Barry - Requires insurance companies and Medicaid to provide additional health services to women
HB 0807 - Naeger - Establishes a pharmacy discount program for certain Medicaid eligible persons
HB 0877 - Hosmer - Creates parity between institutional and noninstitutional eligibility requirements for Medicaid
HB 0887 - Troupe - Establishes a Medicaid Pharmacy Management Program in the Department of Social Services and a Joint Committee on
HB 0955 - Green - Revises the Hospital Federal Reimbursement Allowance Program

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Medical Procedures and Personnel

SB 0034 - Kinder - Requires physicians who perform abortions to inform women of the link between abortion and breast cancer
SB 0035 - House - Requires health plans to cover all services provided or ordered by registered nurse first assistants
SB 0046 - Bentley - Modifies the law relating to dentists, dental hygienists and dental care for the needy
SB 0047 - Sims - Certain health care professionals may provide dental treat- ments and establishes a dental hygienist advisory commission
SB 0060 - Steelman - Modifies the reporting of elder abuse and neglect and the provision of in-home services to the elderly
SB 0066 - Gibbons - Protects a parent from liability for relinquishing custody of a newborn to a hospital
SB 0073 - Schneider - Modifies the regulation and supervision of physician assistants
SB 0082 - Singleton - Creates procedures for physicians to engage in negotiations with HMOs and certain other insurance companies
SB 0099 - Sims - Authorizes state support for federally qualified health centers
SB 0106 - Steelman - Creates a pharmaceutical assistance program for qualified senior citizens
SB 0117 - Wiggins - Provides additional protection for health care consumers
SB 0121 - Singleton - Requires a health carrier to allow any willing provider to participate in its network if it meets selection standards
SB 0163 - Bland - Establishes a Needle Exchange Program within the Department of Health
SB 0165 - Bland - Provides protection for health care consumers
SB 0207 - Klarich - Expands those who are not liable for information reported to the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts
SB 0219 - Mathewson - Allows a surviving spouse to obtain an autopsy report
SB 0235 - Sims - Repeals certificate of need law and enacts law regarding "review certification"
SB 0266 - Bland - Expands programs within the Department of Health
SB 0273 - Caskey - Modifies the regulation and supervision of physician assistants
SB 0313 - Caskey - Requires HMOs to provide for 24 chiropractic visits and requires insurance policies to cover chiropractic services
SB 0327 - Yeckel - Allows the certification of naturopathic practitioners
SB 0328 - Yeckel - Requires interchangeable recognition of medical doctors and doctors of osteopathy by insurance companies
SB 0349 - Sims - Clarifies continuing coverage for prosthetic devices or reconstructive surgery due to breast cancer
SB 0379 - Singleton - Requires the Department of Health to report on contracts between managed care entities and nurses
SB 0393 - Sims - Expands provisions regarding dental services
SB 0395 - Carter - Provides additional protection to health care consumers
SB 0434 - Sims - Allows expanded funding for Department of Health programs
SB 0446 - Singleton - Requires specific amounts of training before a person may perform certain chiropractic procedures
SB 0448 - Sims - Extends Medicaid or insurance coverage for breast, cervical and prostate cancer
SB 0449 - Sims - Promotes Alzheimer's Awareness through public recognition and increased training
SB 0477 - Gross - Details information to be included in physician abortion reports
SB 0479 - Stoll - Modifies licensure provisions for pharmacists and pharmacies
SB 0552 - Sims - Outlines procedures for the comanagement of patients by certain physicians
SB 0558 - Singleton - Clarifies the use of non-compete clauses in contracts between physicians and hospitals
SB 0581 - Yeckel - Requires disclosure to the Department of Health of the transfer of human fetal parts for research purposes
HB 0078 - Kennedy - Expands those who are not liable for information reported to the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts
HB 0087 - Barry - Requires insurance coverage for services provided by registered nurse first assistants and licensed physician
HB 0122 - Dougherty - Prohibits the use of genetic information or test results for insurance purposes
HB 0191 - Hosmer - Provides for the emergency temporary commitment of a person with active tuberculosis
HB 0279 - Shoemyer - Expands the newborn screening requirements to include more treatable and manageable disorders
HB 0291 - Graham - Enacts the Dedication to Donation Act
HB 0328 - Harlan - Makes several modifications to the managed care and insurance statutes
HB 0367 - Champion - Authorizes nonemergenecy medical transportation programs
HB 0400 - Treadway - Redefines the supervision of physician assistants by physicians
HB 0402 - Boucher - Allows copies of certain records and reports to be mailed or faxed to treatment providers and therapists assigned to
HB 0416 - O'Connor - Establishes regulations and licensing provisions regarding the practice of naturopathic medicine
HB 0525 - Monaco - Creates a cause of action for firefighters, peace officer and emergency medical personnel for injuries they sustain
HB 0544 - Holand - Requires physicians to maintain adequate and complete medical records for their patients
HB 0546 - Baker - Includes personal care attendants in the definition of provider and enhances the penalties for persons who violate
HB 0564 - Barry - Prohibits the transfer of human fetal parts for valuable consideration
HB 0588 - Rizzo - Establishes the qualifications for persons performing spinal manipulation
HB 0603 - Hilgemann - Promotes Alzheimer's awareness and creates the Department of Health and Senior Services
HB 0607 - Treadway - Expands provisions allowing gratuitous dental services
HB 0635 - Barry - Requires the department of health to adopt a blood-borne pathogen standard for occupational exposure of public
HB 0722 - Walton - Requires health care professionals to inform their patients about Edta chelation therapy
HB 0741 - Levin - Exempts the first six thousand dollars of expenditures for custodial care and durable medical equipment from state
HB 0757 - Shoemyer - Amends various provisions of law regarding the practice of pharmacy
HB 0762 - Barry - Requires insurance companies and Medicaid to provide additional health services to women
HB 0785 - Kennedy - Allows certain health care providers to enter into comanagement arrangements for the care and treatment of eye
HB 0807 - Naeger - Establishes a pharmacy discount program for certain Medicaid eligible persons
HB 0821 - Hosmer - Expands the Missouri Kidney Program to provide immuno- suppressive pharmaceuticals to other transplant patients
HB 0907 - Cunningham - Amends the requirements for informed consent prior to the performance of an abortion
HB 0913 - Barry - Amends the statute regarding informed consent prior to the performance of an abortion
HB 0949 - Barry - Clarifies whistleblower protection for health care employees
HB 1016 - Hoppe - Allows psychologists to administer, order and prescribe medications after obtaining certification and training
HCR 018 - Barry - Encourages state agencies and state-funded institutions to improve access to quality health care for women

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Mental Health

SB 0048 - Sims - Modifies the Family Care Safety Registry and other provisions of the law relating to children
SB 0099 - Sims - Authorizes state support for federally qualified health centers
SB 0168 - Bland - Allows a waiver of bidding procedures for mental health services in certain situations
SB 0184 - Johnson - Expands ability of boards to fund sheltered workshops and other services for persons with developmental disabilities
SB 0465 - Dougherty - Prohibits the refusal of residential treatment services to persons with mental disorders or addiction
SB 0601 - House - Allows certain counties to collect sales tax for childrens services
HB 0315 - Foley - Establishes the Office of State Ombudsman for Recipients of Mental Health Services in the Lieutenant Governor's Office
HB 0369 - Boucher - Revises death penalty law
HB 0502 - Ward - Authorizes a conveyance of certain property in St. Francois County to the American Legion
HB 0630 - Wilson - Changes the name of the Division of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities to the Division of Developmental
HB 0993 - Lawson - Modifies the statutes relating to the qualification and disqualification of employees of the Department of Mental

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Mental Health Dept.

SB 0048 - Sims - Modifies the Family Care Safety Registry and other provisions of the law relating to children
SB 0087 - Rohrbach - Requires assessment to be filed with petition for civil commitment of sexually violent predators
SB 0104 - Bland - Establishes the Missouri Universal Health Assurance Program to provide health care benefits to all Missouri citizens
SB 0168 - Bland - Allows a waiver of bidding procedures for mental health services in certain situations
SB 0184 - Johnson - Expands ability of boards to fund sheltered workshops and other services for persons with developmental disabilities
SB 0192 - Schneider - Prohibits capital punishment of a mentally retarded person and restricts use of evidence obtained from such a person
SB 0200 - Sims - Creates Women Offender Program in the Department of Corrections
SB 0465 - Dougherty - Prohibits the refusal of residential treatment services to persons with mental disorders or addiction
HB 0010 - Green - Appropriations for the depts. of Health & Mental Health, the Board of Public Bldgs. & the MO Health Faclts. Review Comm.
HB 0134 - Selby - Requires mental hospitals and facilities to quarterly report the use of electroconvulsive therapies to the
HB 0283 - Ward - Authorizes a conveyance of certain property in St. Francois County to the American Legion
HB 0302 - Hosmer - Lowers blood alcohol content from .10 to .08 and revises other measures related to alcohol related offenses
HB 0315 - Foley - Establishes the Office of State Ombudsman for Recipients of Mental Health Services in the Lieutenant Governor's Office
HB 0630 - Wilson - Changes the name of the Division of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities to the Division of Developmental
HB 0993 - Lawson - Modifies the statutes relating to the qualification and disqualification of employees of the Department of Mental
HCR 015 - Ostmann - Establishes a joint interim committee to study the issue of suicide prevention

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Merchandising Practices

SB 0070 - Loudon - Prohibits certain fraudulent use of the Internet
SB 0089 - Kinder - Creates and amends crimes relating to controlled substances and anhydrous ammonia
SB 0112 - Loudon - Prohibits ticket scalping for entertainment events
SB 0170 - Bland - Prohibits sale of firearms without a trigger locking device
SB 0355 - Steelman - Extends unlawful merchandising practices law to those regulated by Dept. of Insurance and Div. of Credit Unions
SB 0514 - Singleton - Requires compliance with federal law in drug labeling
SB 0548 - House - Revises the regulation of unsolicited telephone sales calls
SB 0608 - Yeckel - Restricts certain sales of precursors to methamphetamine
HB 0067 - Reynolds - Regulates small business franchises
HB 0850 - Fraser - Prohibits the sale of the name and credit card numbers of consumers without their consent

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Merit System

SB 0492 - Westfall - Includes departments of Agriculture, Economic Development and Revenue in merit system
SB 0493 - Westfall - Includes Agriculture Department in merit system

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Military Affairs

SB 0011 - Russell - Exempts retired members of the military from paying registration fees on one motor vehicle
SB 0013 - Russell - Exempts retired members of the military from paying the additional fee for retired military plates
SB 0096 - Bentley - Allows Purple Heart recipients to receive free motor vehicle registration and specialized license plates
SB 0142 - Childers - Allows owners of different classes of motor vehicles to apply for Korean War Veteran license plates
SB 0188 - Russell - Exempts military retirement benefits from state income tax
SB 0212 - Gross - Exempts military income, including retirement income, from state income tax
SB 0252 - Singleton - Authorizes the Missouri National Guard and the City of Joplin to exchange two parcels of property
SB 0339 - Stoll - Allocates funds from the Veterans' Commission Capital Improvements Trust Fund for veterans' service programs
SCR 016 - Yeckel - Asks Congress to adopt a comprehensive military voting rights act
HB 0344 - Graham - Creates a state income tax credit for all personal property taxes paid by active duty military personnel
HB 0431 - Barry - Makes a technical change regarding temporary licenses for military personnel in trauma training
HB 0441 - Holt - Allows World War I, World War II and Korean War veterans to receive a high school diploma
HB 0932 - Gratz - Automatically registers all males between the ages of 18 and 26 who apply for a driver's license with the selective
HB 0990 - Hendrickson - Exempts military income from state income tax

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Mining and Oil and Gas Production

SB 0331 - DePasco - Revises the operation and participation of the one call notification center for excavators
SB 0415 - House - Revises land reclamation permits and procedures for certain substances, not including coal
HB 0425 - O'Toole - Revises the operation and participation of the one call notification center for excavators
HB 0453 - Ransdall - Modifies various provisions relating to commerce

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SB 0172 - Bland - Authorizes state income tax credit for purchase of goods or services from qualified minority business enterprise
SB 0401 - Singleton - Establishes Multicultural Center and program
SB 0497 - Westfall - Creates state aid payment for educating pupils with limited English proficiency
SCR 008 - Caskey - Recognizes the Northern Cherokee Indian people of Missouri
HB 0592 - Williams (121) - Creates the multicultural program and committee within the office of the lieutenant governor

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Mortgages and Deeds

SB 0179 - Rohrbach - Exempts residential mortgage brokers who post sufficient bond from conducting annual certified audits
SB 0538 - Yeckel - Allows residential mortgage brokers to post bond instead of providing annual audits
HB 0219 - Townley - Amends various provisions of the fencing law

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Motels and Hotels

SB 0238 - Staples - Revises the Tourism Supplemental Revenue Fund
SB 0365 - Steelman - Authorizes certain political subdivisions to impose a sales tax for specific purposes
SB 0617 - Steelman - Modifies current tax incentives for community economic development
HB 0488 - Koller - Authorizes a variety of local sales taxes for tourism and economic development purposes
HB 0957 - Harding - Allows city of Parkville to impose a transient guest tax
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