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Motor Carriers

SB 0138 - Goode - Reduces speed limit by five m.p.h. for trucks on certain highways, expressways and interstates of this state
SB 0244 - Staples - Suspends driver's license of those who steal gas, penalizes speeders in work zones, and revises other vehicle laws
SB 0305 - Jacob - Restricts big trucks to 65 mph and raises diesel fuel and registration fees for trucks
HB 0458 - Lawson - Permits the use of flashing signals by church buses
HB 0557 - Kennedy - Creates a regional taxicab commission in the City of St Louis and St Louis County
HB 0614 - Rizzo - Changes definition of "taxicab."
HB 0709 - O'Connor - Revises motor carrier law
HB 0768 - Hosmer - Clarifies that owner-operators of motor vehicles are not employees for workers compensation purposes
HB 0776 - Myers - Revises registration fee schedule for property-carrying local commercial motor vehicles
HB 0868 - Merideth III - Allows school districts to contract with eligible new generation cooperatives for the purchase of biodiesel to

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Motor Fuel

SB 0088 - Kinder - Mandates ethanol phase-in in certain metropolitan areas and allows other areas to adopt ethanol phase-in programs
SB 0244 - Staples - Suspends driver's license of those who steal gas, penalizes speeders in work zones, and revises other vehicle laws
SB 0286 - Mathewson - Increases sales tax to fund transportation projects and requires director to be elected rather than appointed
SB 0310 - Quick - Revises expiration of Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund and changes certain board functions
SB 0396 - Schneider - Raises gas tax by 5 cents and raises registration fees and CDL's to consumer price index level
SB 0450 - Goode - Phases in a six-cent gas tax over six years; raises the sales tax by 1/2 cent and increases registration fees
SB 0459 - Westfall - Removes sunset on aviation fuel, reduces the amount other agencies get from the transportation fund and other changes
SB 0462 - Westfall - Revises numerous provisions relating to agriculture
SB 0525 - Cauthorn - Requires sellers of fuel blended with at least 1% oxygenate by weight to notify buyers at the pump
SB 0527 - Dougherty - Creates a nonrefundable tax credit for using alternative fuels
SB 0615 - Foster - Allows school districts to contract with new generation cooperatives for the purchase of biodiesel fuel
SCR 009 - Loudon - Requests the Governor to opt out of reformulated gas program for St. Louis
HB 0071 - Scheve - Allows Modot to provide financial assistance to not-for-profit elderly and handicapped transportation
HB 0581 - Kreider - Revises numerous provisions relating to agriculture
HB 0924 - Wiggins - Provides new funding for transportation and revises highway bidding and building procedures

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Motor Vehicles

SB 0011 - Russell - Exempts retired members of the military from paying registration fees on one motor vehicle
SB 0013 - Russell - Exempts retired members of the military from paying the additional fee for retired military plates
SB 0018 - Staples - Exempts persons 21 years of age or older from wearing motorcycle helmets
SB 0036 - Westfall - Provides for .08 DWI/BAC and increases collateral consequences
SB 0052 - Childers - Modifies traffic regulations relating to construction zones, bridge weight limits and emergency vehicles
SB 0064 - Carter - Prohibits insurance companies from using a person's credit history when issuing or renewing auto insurance policies
SB 0088 - Kinder - Mandates ethanol phase-in in certain metropolitan areas and allows other areas to adopt ethanol phase-in programs
SB 0091 - Westfall - Requires drivers to take certain actions when emergency vehicle is approaching
SB 0096 - Bentley - Allows Purple Heart recipients to receive free motor vehicle registration and specialized license plates
SB 0138 - Goode - Reduces speed limit by five m.p.h. for trucks on certain highways, expressways and interstates of this state
SB 0140 - Goode - Specifies that article used in trade-in to offset sales tax must have had tax paid or been exempted from tax
SB 0142 - Childers - Allows owners of different classes of motor vehicles to apply for Korean War Veteran license plates
SB 0143 - Childers - Allows any person replacing stolen license plates to receive at no cost up to two license plates per year
SB 0149 - Goode - Revises motor vehicle emissions inspections for certain areas
SB 0151 - Childers - Prohibits insurers from placing applicants in high-risk coverage categories based on no prior insurance coverage
SB 0181 - Caskey - Amends motor vehicle tinted window prohibition
SB 0185 - Loudon - Revises the process for the registration of historic motor vehicles
SB 0199 - Sims - Authorizes automated traffic enforcement programs
SB 0211 - DePasco - Limits sound amplification in motor vehicles
SB 0237 - Westfall - Requires drivers to obey the traffic-related signals and directions of sheriffs and deputy sheriffs
SB 0244 - Staples - Suspends driver's license of those who steal gas, penalizes speeders in work zones, and revises other vehicle laws
SB 0272 - DePasco - Allows drivers to obtain insurance covering themselves as drivers of any vehicle driven by them
SB 0275 - Sims - Allows the placement of a deaf or hearing impaired notation on driver's licenses
SB 0291 - Westfall - Prohibits open containers of alcohol in motor vehicles
SB 0305 - Jacob - Restricts big trucks to 65 mph and raises diesel fuel and registration fees for trucks
SB 0350 - Sims - Regulates individuals who provide amusement hay rides
SB 0396 - Schneider - Raises gas tax by 5 cents and raises registration fees and CDL's to consumer price index level
SB 0400 - Kenney - Revises motor vehicle franchise practices
SB 0404 - DePasco - Requires Revenue Department to reinstate driving privileges after court finds in favor of driver
SB 0406 - Westfall - Allows Director of Revenue to enter into agreements with foreign countries regarding reciprocity of driver's licenses
SB 0407 - Dougherty - Allows motorists to receive Missouri Botanical and various municipal zoo specialized license plates
SB 0420 - Klarich - Creates a Regional Taxicab Commission in St. Louis City and St. Louis County
SB 0421 - Gross - Places certain reimbursements in the Highway Patrol Motor Motor Vehicle Aircraft Fund
SB 0435 - Goode - Exempts registered historic vehicles from emissions testing
SB 0450 - Goode - Phases in a six-cent gas tax over six years; raises the sales tax by 1/2 cent and increases registration fees
SB 0498 - Westfall - Requires Department of Conservation to pay damages to motor vehicles caused by wild elk
SB 0503 - DePasco - Allows cities and 1st class counties to establish an automatic traffic light signal violation monitoring system
SB 0520 - Foster - Clarifies the highest weight for property-carrying local and beyond local commercial vehicles
SB 0527 - Dougherty - Creates a nonrefundable tax credit for using alternative fuels
SB 0542 - Klindt - Allows buses owned or operated by churches, mosques, and synagogues to have flashing warning signals
SB 0549 - Goode - Amends various provisions regarding the use of child restraint systems in motor vehicles
SB 0562 - Gibbons - Allows a tax credit for county vehicle property taxes paid
SB 0565 - Staples - Prohibits Department of Transportation from contracting with truck stops, gas stations or convenience stores
SB 0609 - Westfall - Revises protions of the Model Traffic Ordinance chapter
SB 0615 - Foster - Allows school districts to contract with new generation cooperatives for the purchase of biodiesel fuel
SB 0623 - Westfall - Allows 2 sets of specialized plates to be issued to Missouri members of Congress
SCR 009 - Loudon - Requests the Governor to opt out of reformulated gas program for St. Louis
SJR 015 - Westfall - Amends the Constitution so that 100% of the sales tax on motor vehicles is used for transportation purposes
HB 0038 - Gaskill - Changes law regarding crimes involving alcohol
HB 0051 - Relford - Substantial revision to motor vehicle license plate laws
HB 0070 - Koller - Limits motorcycle helmet requirement to persons under twenty-one years of age
HB 0116 - Hickey - Reduces the sales tax rate on sales and leases of motor vehicles from four percent to two percent
HB 0120 - O'Connor - Amends motor vehicle tinted window prohibition; driver's licenses reciprocity
HB 0126 - Long - Requires use of motor vehicle headlights whenever atmospheric conditions require the use of windshield wipers
HB 0158 - Ross - Requires director of revenue to issue driver's license to persons holding another state's valid driver's license
HB 0159 - Schwab - Exempts parade participants from motorcycle helmet requirement
HB 0163 - Berkowitz - Includes moneys for certain reimbursements within the Highway Patrol Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Revolving Fund
HB 0182 - Thompson - Requires the sealing of certain traffic violation records
HB 0204 - Seigfreid - Adopts legislation authorizing toll roads, provided accompanying constitutional change is passed
HB 0206 - Van Zandt - Authorizes Kansas City, upon voter approval, to impose a license tax on the rental of passenger motor vehicles
HB 0211 - Relford - Substantially revises the motor vehicle license plate law
HB 0238 - Smith (011) - Creates special license plate for parents of Missouri 4-H members
HB 0251 - Crowell - Provides exemption from motorcycle helmet requirement for public parades
HB 0269 - Legan - Requires lenders who contract for repossession of motor vehicle to accept such vehicle and render payment to
HB 0275 - Relford - Authorizes a Mo-Ag Businesses special license plate
HB 0302 - Hosmer - Lowers blood alcohol content from .10 to .08 and revises other measures related to alcohol related offenses
HB 0310 - Ostmann - Creates alternative method of obtaining temporary driving permit
HB 0312 - Lograsso - Limits motorcycle helmet requirement to those under age twenty-one
HB 0342 - Ransdall - Allows donation of additional equipment, including motor vehicles, to any public fire protection entity, under
HB 0389 - Portwood - Phases out the personal property tax on motor vehicles if funding is appropriated from the tobacco settlement trust
HB 0420 - Williams (121) - Removes termination date on motorcycle safety education program
HB 0423 - Dougherty - Creates a state income tax credit for taxpayers who purchase zero emissions vehicles and super-ultra-low
HB 0437 - Griesheimer - Amends the laws regarding vehicle emission testing
HB 0449 - Myers - Requires an uninsured motorist found to be at fault for an automobile accident with an insured motorist to pay the
HB 0458 - Lawson - Permits the use of flashing signals by church buses
HB 0477 - Graham - Creates alternative method of obtaining a temporary driving permit
HB 0488 - Koller - Authorizes a variety of local sales taxes for tourism and economic development purposes
HB 0517 - Hosmer - Creates continuing education requirement for used motor vehicle dealers
HB 0518 - Hartzler - Revises motor vehicle safety provisions
HB 0575 - O'Connor - Revises motor vehicle franchise practices law and creates recreational vehicle franchise law
HB 0629 - Boucher - Authorizes placement of motor vehicle registration renewal tabs on windshield
HB 0648 - Ostmann - Modifies law regarding issuance of a driver's permit
HB 0654 - Reid - Revises driver's license point system
HB 0657 - Reid - Provides liquidated compensatory damages for certain personal injuries
HB 0670 - Campbell - Regulates the use of portable telecommunications devices while operating a motor vehicle
HB 0684 - Kennedy - Revises "amateur radio" license plate law
HB 0685 - Bray - Substantially revises transportation laws
HB 0687 - Hilgemann - Authorizes window decal registration renewal tabs for motor vehicles
HB 0691 - Barnett - Requires Director of Revenue to notify registered motor vehicle owners of upcoming registration
HB 0692 - O'Connor - Authorizes Fraternal Order of Police license plate
HB 0693 - Smith (011) - Revises certain procedures for Administrative Hearing Commission and extends AHC jurisdiction
HB 0700 - Kelly (036) - Modifies certain driver's license provisions and provides for license suspension and setting of bond in fatal motor
HB 0708 - Wilson - Amends various provisions regarding the use of child restraint systems in motor vehicles
HB 0721 - Walton - Expands optional one-year motor vehicle emissions inspection to entire state
HB 0753 - O'Connor - Revises motor vehicle registration sections
HB 0756 - Seigfreid - Enacts the "motor Carrier Fuel Tax Act", increases the state sales tax by 1/2 cent, creates the "state Sales Tax
HB 0765 - Mays (050) - Prohibits camera surveillance of public roadways except for purposes of monitoring traffic flow and community planning
HB 0776 - Myers - Revises registration fee schedule for property-carrying local commercial motor vehicles
HB 0788 - O'Connor - Repeals certain provisions relating to motorcycle franchise practices
HB 0797 - Green - Revises transportation provisions relating to work zones, weights of certain vehicles on certain highways and
HB 0800 - Reid - Revises the motor vehicle "lemon Law."
HB 0822 - Troupe - Authorizes window-decal renewal tabs for motor vehicle registration renewal
HB 0828 - Skaggs - Authorizes "animal friendly" license plate
HB 0838 - Murphy - Requires motor vehicle dealers to obtain proof of financial responsibility before issuing temporary license plates
HB 0893 - Hilgemann - Authorizes special license plates for Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis Zoo, Kansas City Zoo and Springfield Zoo
HB 0896 - Fraser - Authorizes automobile insurance premium discounts for 55 and older drivers who complete a safety course
HB 0912 - Nordwald - Provides for titling of certain property abandoned on privately-owned real estate
HB 0933 - Reid - Clarifies that sales tax applies to sale and lease of motor vehicles and motorcycles
HB 0985 - Abel - Modifies the emissions testing fee and establishes a complaint procedure for vehicle damage claims during
HB 0986 - Reid - Expands the lemon law
HB 1001 - Lawson - Raises the Minimum Insurance Coverage for property damage from $10,000 to $20,000
HJR 007 - Seigfreid - Proposes a constitutional amendment to allow the Highways and Trans. Commission to construct toll roads and facilities

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SB 0132 - Bland - Preserves Walt Disney Film Studio as an historic site

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National Guard

SB 0553 - Klindt - Authorizes Northwest Missouri State to lease property to the City of Maryville and the National Guard
HB 0409 - Surface - Authorizes a conveyance between the Missouri national guard and the city of Joplin
HB 0779 - Barnett - Authorizes Northwest Missouri State to lease property to the City of Maryville and the National Guard

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Natural Resources Dept.

SB 0015 - Mathewson - Revises membership of Clean Water Commission
SB 0020 - Goode - Creates the Non-native Species Council
SB 0058 - Stoll - Establishes a Bird Appreciation Day
SB 0127 - Childers - Revises permit approval process for certain wastewater treatment facilities
SB 0149 - Goode - Revises motor vehicle emissions inspections for certain areas
SB 0256 - Caskey - Pertains to water, stormwater and sewer service
SB 0300 - Rohrbach - Certain DNR rules shall be no stricter than federal regulations with exceptions
SB 0310 - Quick - Revises expiration of Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund and changes certain board functions
SB 0312 - Caskey - Allows appeal of water pollution permit decisions by affected third parties
SB 0335 - Kinder - Establishes audit privileges for voluntary internal environmental audits
SB 0374 - Steelman - Establishes a program of air pollution emissions banking and trading
SB 0415 - House - Revises land reclamation permits and procedures for certain substances, not including coal
SB 0435 - Goode - Exempts registered historic vehicles from emissions testing
SB 0451 - Goode - Allows spending of the Energy Set-aside Program Fund for ad- ministration of DNR's energy responsibilities and activities
SB 0462 - Westfall - Revises numerous provisions relating to agriculture
SB 0470 - Goode - Creates the Second State Capitol Commission
SB 0568 - Mathewson - Authorizes certain property exchanges
SCR 009 - Loudon - Requests the Governor to opt out of reformulated gas program for St. Louis
SCR 018 - Goode - Establishes a joint legislative committee on Telecommunications and Energy
SJR 002 - Goode - Exempts fees collected by Natural Resources Department from definition of revenues used to calculate total state revenue
HB 0006 - Green - Appropriations for the departments of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Conservation
HB 0239 - Smith (011) - Enacts additional notice and hearing requirements for surface mining permits
HB 0296 - Kennedy - Allows the department of natural resources to contract for the provision of technical assistance services to public
HB 0327 - Rizzo - Extends the life of the Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund and changes board duties
HB 0437 - Griesheimer - Amends the laws regarding vehicle emission testing
HB 0453 - Ransdall - Modifies various provisions relating to commerce
HB 0501 - Bowman - Increases the authorization for water pollution bonds; changes sewer district provisions for certain districts
HB 0580 - Hohulin - Exempts agricultural land from any state law, rule or regulation, or any local city or county ordinance that
HB 0581 - Kreider - Revises numerous provisions relating to agriculture
HB 0609 - Gratz - Prohibits certain Dnr rules from being any stricter than federal regulations
HB 0701 - Berkowitz - Allows interested parties to appeal a permit denial for a water containment or point source
HB 0758 - Green - Provides a procedure for filing a claim for a refund of an erroneously paid surcharge on petroleum products
HB 0786 - Marble - Establishes an environmental audit privilege
HB 0802 - Ransdall - Establishes the Missouri Air Emission Banking and Trading Program
HB 0904 - Merideth III - Expands the MO Economic Diversification and Afforestation Act of 1990 to include more recent agroforestry practices
HB 0909 - Davis - Authorizes exchange of property interests between the Department of Natural Resources and the City of Lexington
HB 0914 - Berkstresser - Prohibits persons from applying fertilizers with phosphorus in certain counties
HB 0964 - Carnahan - Establishes a Childhood Lead Testing Program in the Department of Health
HB 0985 - Abel - Modifies the emissions testing fee and establishes a complaint procedure for vehicle damage claims during
HB 1003 - Burton - Allows a tax credit for coal-generated plants built with pollution control devices
HCR 016 - Green - Urges the EPA to provide the St. Louis area with the promised time to meet the ozone standards for air quality

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Newspapers and Publications

SB 0241 - Rohrbach - Allows mutual insurance companies to notify policy holders via newspaper under certain merger conditions

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SB 0035 - House - Requires health plans to cover all services provided or ordered by registered nurse first assistants
SB 0060 - Steelman - Modifies the reporting of elder abuse and neglect and the provision of in-home services to the elderly
SB 0164 - Bland - Outlines minimum staffing requirements for skilled nursing facilities
SB 0379 - Singleton - Requires the Department of Health to report on contracts between managed care entities and nurses

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Nursing and Boarding Homes

SB 0048 - Sims - Modifies the Family Care Safety Registry and other provisions of the law relating to children
SB 0164 - Bland - Outlines minimum staffing requirements for skilled nursing facilities
SB 0235 - Sims - Repeals certificate of need law and enacts law regarding "review certification"
SB 0395 - Carter - Provides additional protection to health care consumers
SB 0449 - Sims - Promotes Alzheimer's Awareness through public recognition and increased training
SB 0465 - Dougherty - Prohibits the refusal of residential treatment services to persons with mental disorders or addiction
SB 0491 - Rohrbach - Modifies election process for nursing home district directors
SB 0559 - Singleton - Requires long term care facilities to return unused medications to pharmacies for reuse and reimbursement
HB 0414 - Hegeman - Requires facilities licensed by the Division of Aging to employ a food services director and requires long-term care
HB 0465 - Smith (011) - Modifies statutory provisions regarding licensure of nursing home administrators
HB 0533 - Johnson - Makes it a crime for an owner or employee of a nursing home to solicit sexual favors from residents
HB 0603 - Hilgemann - Promotes Alzheimer's awareness and creates the Department of Health and Senior Services
HB 0656 - Campbell - Transfers the Office of State Ombudsman from the Division of Aging to the Office of Lieutenant Governor
HB 0680 - Skaggs - Creates a zero expenditure minimum for new services for purposes of the certificate of need laws
HB 0715 - Baker - Makes various changes regarding certificate of need law
HB 0784 - Kelly (027) - Amends various provisions regarding the standards for nursing homes
HB 0877 - Hosmer - Creates parity between institutional and noninstitutional eligibility requirements for Medicaid
HB 0881 - Scott - Modifies election process for nursing home district directors
HB 0992 - Boucher - Allocates a portion of any tobacco settlement moneys for a grant program to increase the availability of ventilators
HB 1017 - Kelley (047) - Enacts the Nurse Licensure Compact

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SB 0552 - Sims - Outlines procedures for the comanagement of patients by certain physicians

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Parks and Recreation

SB 0128 - Childers - Grants immunity from liability for injuries or death resulting from risks of paddlesport activities
SB 0203 - Scott - Exempts food from the sales tax imposed by the metropolitan park and recreation system
SB 0217 - Russell - Prohibits glass food and beverage containers near navigable streams
SB 0238 - Staples - Revises the Tourism Supplemental Revenue Fund
SB 0250 - Bentley - Creates a grant and loan program to promote cultural tourism
SB 0564 - Rohrbach - Allows amusement ride owners to self-inspect in the absence of an available inspector
HB 0124 - Long - Prohibits the possession or use of glass containers within 50 feet of any navigable waterway in the state of Missouri
HB 0473 - Robirds - Makes cut-leaved teasel, common teasel and kudzu vine noxious weeds and requires control

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SB 0622 - Westfall - Allows Sheriff to seize misappropriated property held by a pawnbroker

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SB 0022 - Singleton - Creates the Pharmaceutical Assistance Program to allow the elderly to purchase pharmaceutical insurance
SB 0106 - Steelman - Creates a pharmaceutical assistance program for qualified senior citizens
SB 0165 - Bland - Provides protection for health care consumers
SB 0386 - Singleton - Adds a tax on the sale of certain tobacco products to fund the Missouri Pharmaceutical Assistance Program
SB 0479 - Stoll - Modifies licensure provisions for pharmacists and pharmacies
SB 0559 - Singleton - Requires long term care facilities to return unused medications to pharmacies for reuse and reimbursement
SB 0597 - Singleton - Revises the current prescription drug tax credit for the elderly
SB 0600 - Singleton - Revises the current prescription drug tax credit for the elderly
HB 0169 - Froelker - Establishes a pharmaceutical assistance program in the Division of Aging
HB 0311 - Scheve - Expands the categories of persons allowed to claim the pharmaceutical state income tax credit
HB 0462 - Foley - Makes various amendments regarding the practice of pharmacy
HB 0620 - Froelker - Requires the Department of Health to develop recommendations on methods of reducing medication errors
HB 0757 - Shoemyer - Amends various provisions of law regarding the practice of pharmacy
HB 0807 - Naeger - Establishes a pharmacy discount program for certain Medicaid eligible persons

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SB 0022 - Singleton - Creates the Pharmaceutical Assistance Program to allow the elderly to purchase pharmaceutical insurance
SB 0034 - Kinder - Requires physicians who perform abortions to inform women of the link between abortion and breast cancer
SB 0041 - Kenney - Creates spinal cord injury research grants, administered by a new advisory board created for that purpose
SB 0059 - Steelman - Creates the "Adoption Awareness Law" to promote adoption as an alternative to abortion
SB 0060 - Steelman - Modifies the reporting of elder abuse and neglect and the provision of in-home services to the elderly
SB 0073 - Schneider - Modifies the regulation and supervision of physician assistants
SB 0082 - Singleton - Creates procedures for physicians to engage in negotiations with HMOs and certain other insurance companies
SB 0104 - Bland - Establishes the Missouri Universal Health Assurance Program to provide health care benefits to all Missouri citizens
SB 0117 - Wiggins - Provides additional protection for health care consumers
SB 0121 - Singleton - Requires a health carrier to allow any willing provider to participate in its network if it meets selection standards
SB 0165 - Bland - Provides protection for health care consumers
SB 0207 - Klarich - Expands those who are not liable for information reported to the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts
SB 0216 - Scott - Clarifies appointments to the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts
SB 0219 - Mathewson - Allows a surviving spouse to obtain an autopsy report
SB 0273 - Caskey - Modifies the regulation and supervision of physician assistants
SB 0313 - Caskey - Requires HMOs to provide for 24 chiropractic visits and requires insurance policies to cover chiropractic services
SB 0328 - Yeckel - Requires interchangeable recognition of medical doctors and doctors of osteopathy by insurance companies
SB 0367 - Steelman - Prohibits health carriers from requiring providers to use hospitalists and use all of the carrier's services
SB 0377 - Singleton - Requires the Department of Health to report on contracts between managed care organizations and physicians
SB 0388 - Caskey - Closes portions of hospital records and meetings in certain situations
SB 0477 - Gross - Details information to be included in physician abortion reports
SB 0552 - Sims - Outlines procedures for the comanagement of patients by certain physicians
SB 0558 - Singleton - Clarifies the use of non-compete clauses in contracts between physicians and hospitals
SB 0569 - Singleton - Revises licensure procedures for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants
HB 0078 - Kennedy - Expands those who are not liable for information reported to the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts
HB 0088 - Barry - Prohibits health insurance companies from requiring a woman to go through a primary care physician for access to an
HB 0218 - Farnen - Creates several education and research programs and closes board meetings to student representatives
HB 0544 - Holand - Requires physicians to maintain adequate and complete medical records for their patients
HB 0567 - Treadway - Revises provisions for various boards and professions under the Division of Professional Registration

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Physical Therapists

SB 0569 - Singleton - Revises licensure procedures for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants

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Planning and Zoning

SB 0462 - Westfall - Revises numerous provisions relating to agriculture
HB 0581 - Kreider - Revises numerous provisions relating to agriculture
HB 0930 - Hollingsworth - Authorizes county commissions in certain counties to issue special or conditional use permits

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Political Parties

SB 0028 - Rohrbach - Prohibits poll watchers and challengers in presidential primary elections from collecting certain information
SB 0182 - Loudon - Requires run-off elections when no candidate receives more than fifty percent of the votes in certain contests
SB 0189 - Russell - Requires disclosure of identity of persons making political phone calls
SB 0427 - Loudon - Modifies selection of members of boards of election commissioners
SB 0476 - Yeckel - Revises election laws
HB 0100 - Johnson - Enacts procedures for absentee voting at election authorities and allows election authorities to provide for
HB 0228 - Walton - Changes process of nominating and electing presidential electors to district by district method with two statewide
HB 0281 - Walton - Clarifies that all candidates for nomination to public office may contest primary elections; allows candidates for
HB 0282 - Walton - Changes legislative district committee membership
HB 0297 - Green - Adopts a single-ballot open primary system
HB 0538 - Abel - Creates a single ballot primary pilot project
HB 0577 - Bray - Prohibits persons or entities from making aggregate contributions to political party committees in excess of
HB 0652 - Robirds - Requires candidates for offices requiring bonds to show proof of ability to obtain the bond prior to filing as a
HB 0696 - Monaco - Changes the county political party committee district structure in Jackson County
HB 0710 - Lowe - Requires the listing of an address or phone number on all election literature
HB 0782 - Troupe - Makes absentee ballot lists available to the public
HB 0867 - Walton - Changes process of nominating and electing presidential electors to district by district method with two statewide

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Political Subdivisions

SB 0007 - Scott - Allows notices of hearings on special business districts to be sent by regular mail
SB 0009 - Caskey - Revises Ag. Products Marketing Fund, creates Farmland Protection Act and MO Agricultural Adovcate's Office
SB 0014 - Mathewson - Authorizes a sales tax to fund jail districts
SB 0019 - Goode - Revises the standard of proof and other aspects of the Sunshine Law
SB 0061 - Steelman - Authorizes countywide education sales taxes
SB 0067 - Gross - Exempts the homestead of those aged 65 and older from increases in property tax assessments
SB 0080 - Goode - Revises various utility taxes
SB 0103 - Bland - Exempts local food sales tax and reduces federal income tax deduction, subject to referendum
SB 0123 - Kinder - Prohibits political subdivisions from suing firearms manufacturers for sale or marketing to public
SB 0191 - Goode - St. Louis County third class cities to fill vacancies by appointment; eliminates office of marshal for certain cities
SB 0224 - Russell - Authorizes the creation of law enforcement districts in Camden County funded with property tax
SB 0256 - Caskey - Pertains to water, stormwater and sewer service
SB 0261 - House - Establishes the Religious Freedom Restoration Act
SB 0323 - Childers - Authorizes certain political subdivisions to enact a sales tax, upon voter approval, for specific purposes
SB 0337 - House - Limits the ability of the government to interfere with the exercise of religion
SB 0375 - Steelman - Revises the Sunshine Law
SB 0387 - Goode - Allows electric utilities to recover certain costs impacted by fuel or purchased power price increases
SB 0441 - Caskey - Allows Warrensburg to receive bids to be the depository of city funds from banks at every regular meeting
SB 0462 - Westfall - Revises numerous provisions relating to agriculture
SB 0463 - Westfall - Revises state school aid formula
SB 0491 - Rohrbach - Modifies election process for nursing home district directors
SB 0506 - Cauthorn - Creates the Farmland Protection Act
SB 0513 - House - Regulates contracts for services formerly delivered by public bodies
SB 0534 - Childers - Allows ambulance and fire protection districts to impose sales tax and subsequent property tax rate decrease
SB 0560 - Caskey - Authorizes permits for concealable weapons
SB 0596 - Loudon - Establishes the Open Contracting Act for state and local public works projects
SB 0604 - Jacob - Provides funding for fire safety programs and removes liability for donated fire equipment
SB 0619 - Mathewson - Changes provisions for emergency care service providers; state easement to City of Sedalia
SB 0625 - Stoll - Allows consolidation of sewer districts
SJR 011 - Yeckel - Allows approval of school bond issues by simple majority
HB 0080 - Ross - Authorizes multijurisdictional antifraud enforcement groups; makes various other changes in law enforcement and crimes
HB 0133 - Gambaro - Modifies several property redevelopment provisions
HB 0287 - Williams (121) - Regulates private jails
HB 0473 - Robirds - Makes cut-leaved teasel, common teasel and kudzu vine noxious weeds and requires control
HB 0501 - Bowman - Increases the authorization for water pollution bonds; changes sewer district provisions for certain districts
HB 0581 - Kreider - Revises numerous provisions relating to agriculture
HB 0642 - Relford - Authorizes a sales tax to fund jail districts; state to pay medical costs of state prisoners in county jails
HB 0924 - Wiggins - Provides new funding for transportation and revises highway bidding and building procedures
HJR 005 - Barry - Allows approval of school bond issues by simple majority at certain elections

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Prisons and Jails

SB 0014 - Mathewson - Authorizes a sales tax to fund jail districts
SB 0030 - Rohrbach - Prohibits private prisons or jails
SB 0245 - Caskey - Revises numerous sentencing provisions
SB 0279 - Staples - Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act - Establishes treatment requirements for nonviolent drug offenders
SB 0298 - Quick - Requires the state to reimburse counties for reasonable medical expenses of state prisoners held in county jail
SB 0414 - Childers - Creates crime of sexual contact with an inmate
HB 0046 - Relford - Increases penalty for aiding the escape of a prisoner
HB 0144 - Bonner - Requires warrant checks prior to release of prisoners
HB 0147 - Troupe - Prohibits private prisons
HB 0150 - Troupe - Requires publication of records regarding the death of incarcerated offenders
HB 0152 - Troupe - Prohibits housing of violent and nonviolent offenders in the same cell
HB 0155 - Troupe - Prohibits persons in shock detention from being held beyond their period of detention
HB 0180 - Thompson - Creates a women offender program in the department of corrections
HB 0183 - Thompson - Provides a restitutionary cause of action for wrongful imprisonment
HB 0287 - Williams (121) - Regulates private jails
HB 0528 - Crump - Requires state to pay counties for health care costs of certain state prisoners
HB 0531 - Baker - Prohibits housing of violent and non-violent offenders in the same cell
HB 0621 - Gratz - Creates Missouri State Penitentiary Redevelopment Commission
HB 0642 - Relford - Authorizes a sales tax to fund jail districts; state to pay medical costs of state prisoners in county jails
HB 0645 - Burton - State to pay health care costs of certain prisoners
HB 0724 - Britt - Criminalizes sexual contact between inmates and employees of prisons and correctional facilities
HB 0808 - Gratz - Authorizes the conveyance of property located in Cole County to Jefferson City and the Governor Hotel, LLC

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Probation and Parole

SB 0036 - Westfall - Provides for .08 DWI/BAC and increases collateral consequences
SB 0090 - Kinder - Imposes minimum prison terms for manufacturers of methamphetamine
SB 0245 - Caskey - Revises numerous sentencing provisions
SB 0279 - Staples - Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act - Establishes treatment requirements for nonviolent drug offenders
HB 0347 - Troupe - Requires the Board of Probation and Parole to provide probation services on all criminal nonsupport cases
HB 0406 - Kelley (047) - Creates procedure to review sentences of nonparolable prisoners
HB 0563 - Monaco - Amends various statutes relating to sexual crimes
HB 0583 - Bartle - Revises certain provisions concerning probation and community service
HB 0707 - Barnett - Revises minimum term for parole eligibility for certain offenders
HB 0880 - Crawford - Requires the Board of Probation and Parole to provide probation services on all criminal nonsupport cases

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Property, Real and Personal

SB 0005 - Wiggins - Revises Criminal Activity Forfeiture Act
SB 0007 - Scott - Allows notices of hearings on special business districts to be sent by regular mail
SB 0021 - Goode - Revises the Criminal Activity Forfeiture Act
SB 0067 - Gross - Exempts the homestead of those aged 65 and older from increases in property tax assessments
SB 0086 - Rohrbach - Authorizes certain counties to impose building codes and modifies other provisions of law pertaining to counties
SB 0118 - Goode - Allows additional counties to establish homeless programs and increases fees on recorded instruments to $5
SB 0125 - Bentley - Authorizes removal of property from the Springfield Community Improvement District
SB 0178 - Schneider - Amends law regarding condominium association's bylaws and limited liability company filing requirements
SB 0179 - Rohrbach - Exempts residential mortgage brokers who post sufficient bond from conducting annual certified audits
SB 0243 - DePasco - Allows certain cities to punish property violations with increased penalties
SB 0253 - Gross - Revises the statute of limitations and requires an affidavit to be filed in actions against certain professionals
SB 0281 - Yeckel - Freezes residential property valuation for senior citizens
SB 0307 - Jacob - Modifies the delinquent date for property and personal taxes
SB 0339 - Stoll - Allocates funds from the Veterans' Commission Capital Improvements Trust Fund for veterans' service programs
SB 0347 - Caskey - Sets aside a portion of property taxes for GIS systems & re- quires counties to pay PILOTS for county-purchased property
SB 0370 - Caskey - Revises Principal and Income Act and the rule against perpetuities
SB 0397 - Schneider - Prohibits property owner associations from requiring their members to be members of other associations
SB 0584 - Yeckel - Freezes residential property valuation for senior citizens at local option
SB 0602 - Steelman - Expands list of donees for state surplus property
SB 0613 - Gibbons - Allows state surplus property to be distributed to organizations that assist veterans
SB 0618 - Yeckel - Allows abandoned burial sites revert to the cemetery after seventy-five years
SB 0622 - Westfall - Allows Sheriff to seize misappropriated property held by a pawnbroker
SJR 003 - Goode - Criminal activity forfeiture proceeds shall be divided between schools and law enforcement
HB 0082 - Gambaro - Allows certain political subdivisions to have a mechanic's lien when they have previously paid mechanics to perform
HB 0089 - Ross - Creates crime of theft of transportation of property service
HB 0096 - Scheve - Creates the Unfair Home Improvement Loans Act and revises bonding requirements for mortgage brokers
HB 0118 - Wilson - Requires landlords of manufactured or mobile home land lease communities to provide 180 days notice to vacate
HB 0133 - Gambaro - Modifies several property redevelopment provisions
HB 0170 - Froelker - Increases the state of limitations for contesting erroneously paid state taxes from one to three years, and
HB 0181 - Thompson - Regulates high-cost home loans and establishes lender reporting requirements
HB 0185 - Legan - Authorizes certain counties to impose building codes and modifies other provisions of law pertaining to counties
HB 0205 - Relford - Modifies various provisions relating to conservation
HB 0219 - Townley - Amends various provisions of the fencing law
HB 0229 - Hosmer - Revises the statute of limitations and damages for home improvements
HB 0241 - Smith (011) - Revises the principal and income act and the rule against perpetuities; revises estate tax
HB 0266 - Treadway - Limits to whom real estate brokers and agents may pay commissions or other consideration
HB 0293 - Kennedy - Creates the contiguous property redevelopment fund for compiling and initially redeveloping contiguous properties
HB 0298 - Green - Regulates retainage payments in certain private building contracts
HB 0353 - Bartle - Changes the notice requirements for successors in title seeking to recover rents from tenants
HB 0376 - Fraser - Enacts the Missouri Equalization of Local Governmental Services for Homeowners Act
HB 0387 - Gambaro - Increases eligibility for brownfield remediation to include non-brownfield property on or adjacent to brownfield
HB 0390 - Portwood - Creates the Missouri Homestead Act
HB 0393 - O'Toole - Requires licensure of all termite inspectors when engaging in inspections for real estate transactions
HB 0399 - Berkstresser - Allows for reimbursement of expenses in certain condemnation and inverse condemnation proceedings
HB 0408 - Kelley (047) - Authorizes conveyances of graves in public cemeteries back to the county or municipality
HB 0425 - O'Toole - Revises the operation and participation of the one call notification center for excavators
HB 0432 - Liese - Amends the law regulating mortgage brokers and mortgages.
HB 0448 - Luetkenhaus - Changes the reassessment cycle for real property taxation from every two to every four years
HB 0450 - Myers - Requires the payment of all delinquent property taxes on real estate in order to obtain title by adverse possession
HB 0473 - Robirds - Makes cut-leaved teasel, common teasel and kudzu vine noxious weeds and requires control
HB 0494 - Levin - Increases the maximum property tax credit for the elderly to two thousand dollars and increases eligibility for the
HB 0510 - Overschmidt - Changes law regarding institutional vandalism and vandalism of cemeteries
HB 0516 - Richardson - Revises certain provisions related to stealing
HB 0565 - Monaco - Requires disclosure by landlords and sellers of prior methamphetamine activities on their real property
HB 0596 - Kennedy - Makes a technical change in statute dealing with planned industrial expansion in St. Louis
HB 0611 - Wiggins - A portion of property tax collections shall be used for a geographic information system (gis)
HB 0621 - Gratz - Creates Missouri State Penitentiary Redevelopment Commission
HB 0639 - Farnen - Requires unclaimed property on a dead body to be delivered to the public administrator
HB 0647 - Hickey - Provides for disposition of certain property acquired by the public for airport purposes
HB 0662 - Green - Regulates retainage payments in certain private building contracts
HB 0704 - Gambaro - Allows the City of St. Louis to have a mechanic's lien when it has previously paid to perform abatement
HB 0727 - Hoppe - Regulates the voting rights of persons in public water supply districts
HB 0745 - Farnen - Allows unclaimed property to be collected by a county or city public administrator
HB 0883 - Barnitz - Revises trespass offenses
HB 0912 - Nordwald - Provides for titling of certain property abandoned on privately-owned real estate
HB 1011 - Curls - Allows local housing corporations and neighborhood associations to petition for receivers in nuisance actions

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SB 0357 - Schneider - Modifies licensing provisions for psychologists and professional counselors
HB 0263 - Linton - Limits the psychiatric evaluation of students

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Public Assistance

SB 0046 - Bentley - Modifies the law relating to dentists, dental hygienists and dental care for the needy
SB 0059 - Steelman - Creates the "Adoption Awareness Law" to promote adoption as an alternative to abortion
SB 0099 - Sims - Authorizes state support for federally qualified health centers
SB 0118 - Goode - Allows additional counties to establish homeless programs and increases fees on recorded instruments to $5
SB 0155 - Bland - Establishes the General Assembly Scholarship Program funded by a nonresident earnings tax
SB 0159 - Bland - Authorizes an appropriation to Missouri Housing Development Commission for grants to local housing development groups
SB 0168 - Bland - Allows a waiver of bidding procedures for mental health services in certain situations
SB 0174 - Bland - Requires the Division of Family Services to provide an annual report on the status of welfare reform in Missouri
SB 0236 - Sims - Modifies provisions relating to children and families
SB 0240 - Stoll - Creates the Family and Community Investment Trust to strengthen community support systems for families
SB 0318 - Sims - Expands Medicaid eligibility to one hundred percent of the federal poverty level
SB 0326 - Bland - Dedicated additional revenue to the energy assistance program
SB 0386 - Singleton - Adds a tax on the sale of certain tobacco products to fund the Missouri Pharmaceutical Assistance Program
SB 0419 - Sims - Makes certain disabled workers eligible for Medicaid
SB 0448 - Sims - Extends Medicaid or insurance coverage for breast, cervical and prostate cancer
SB 0551 - Sims - Modifies provisions relating to children and families
SB 0578 - Goode - Revises the Hospital Federal Reimbursement Allowance Program
SCR 014 - Mathewson - Authorizes the creation of a joint legislative committee to study the problems of under-insured Missourians
HB 0056 - Ward - Increases property tax credits for the elderly, exempts the elderly from sales tax on food and enhances Medicaid and
HB 0061 - Ward - Allows the Division of Family Services to provide financial assistance to not-for-profit food pantries operating
HB 0074 - Scheve - Increases the resource limits for public assistance eligibility for single and married persons
HB 0345 - Ostmann - Increases the resource limits for public assistance eligibility for single and married persons
HB 0703 - Hilgemann - Allows additional counties to establish homeless programs and increases fees on recorded instruments to five dollars

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Public Buildings

SB 0102 - Childers - Exempts certain political subdivisions from the state prevailing wage law
SB 0470 - Goode - Creates the Second State Capitol Commission
SB 0513 - House - Regulates contracts for services formerly delivered by public bodies
HB 0010 - Green - Appropriations for the depts. of Health & Mental Health, the Board of Public Bldgs. & the MO Health Faclts. Review Comm.
HB 0073 - Scheve - Requires certain buildings to provide family restrooms
HB 0113 - Hickey - Enacts additional requirements for certain contractors bidding on state building contracts
HB 0490 - Kelly (036) - Prohibits alcohol in the capitol except upon order of the governor
HB 0530 - Hosmer - Regulates state agency privatization contracts; allows political subdivisions to use same regulatory process
HB 0749 - Smith (011) - Establishes the Automated External Defibrillator Advisory Committee
HB 0941 - Ballard - Requires forty-eight hour notice prior to the application of pesticides, insecticides or herbicides in or around
HB 0969 - Graham - Excludes the State Capitol Building from the definition of "state property" for purposes of giving priority to blind
HB 1004 - Monaco - Requires certain construction standards for buildings constructed after July 1, 2002, to provide accessibility
HB 1023 - Hohulin - Requires elevator safety and inspection standards to not be more stringent than federal standards
HCR 031 - Ballard - Strongly recommends that precautions be taken prior to the application of insecticides and herbicides in or around

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Public Officers

SB 0191 - Goode - St. Louis County third class cities to fill vacancies by appointment; eliminates office of marshal for certain cities
SB 0215 - Gross - Increases the handling fees collected from issuers of bad checks by the prosecuting attorney
SB 0341 - Jacob - Requires sheriffs to become certified peace officers
SB 0345 - House - Relating to property maintenance codes
SB 0398 - Rohrbach - Revises procedures for gubernatorial appointments
SB 0441 - Caskey - Allows Warrensburg to receive bids to be the depository of city funds from banks at every regular meeting
SB 0513 - House - Regulates contracts for services formerly delivered by public bodies
SJR 012 - Singleton - Eliminates the Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials (Salary Commission)
HB 0012 - Green - Appropriations for state elected officials, judiciary and the General Assembly
HB 0033 - Gaskill - Allows prosecutors to carry concealed weapons
HB 0093 - Gaskill - Regulates private, unpaid gubernatorial airplane flights and allows for private use of government planes by the
HB 0160 - Bray - "public Employee Due Process Act," creating procedural rights for termination, demotion, or discipline of public
HB 0227 - Walton - Adopts standards and procedures for municipal impeachments
HB 0554 - Barnett - Requires dedicated or earmarked funds to be spent only on the purposes for which they were set aside
HB 0627 - Hendrickson - Changes the election of presidential electors to a district by district method, with the two at-large electors going to
HB 0697 - Treadway - Requires the Ethics Commission to immediately notify persons against whom a complaint has been filed
HB 0846 - Abel - Requires all private attorneys' fees incurred as a result of representing the state of Missouri in tobacco settlement
HB 0921 - Curls - Requires banks, savings and loan associations and credit unions to honor state payroll checks
HCR 007 - - Disapproves the salary recommendations submitted by the Missouri Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected
HJR 008 - Walton - Changes legislative term limits
HJR 012 - Seigfreid - Proposes a constitutional amendment repealing the Missouri Citizen's Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials

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Public Records, Public Meetings

SB 0072 - Loudon - Allows electronic storage of business and public records
SB 0085 - Rohrbach - State employees' home addresses and phone numbers are to be confidential
SB 0157 - Goode - Revises the sunset on disclosure of certain municipal utility records
SB 0220 - Kinder - Adopts the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act
SB 0287 - Klarich - Prohibits Department of Revenue from releasing information from its records regarding peace officers
SB 0299 - Quick - Establishes the Missouri Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund
SB 0309 - Steelman - Prohibits sealing of civil court records, with limited exceptions
SB 0364 - Jacob - Establishes faculty representatives to governing boards of state colleges and universities
SB 0375 - Steelman - Revises the Sunshine Law
SB 0388 - Caskey - Closes portions of hospital records and meetings in certain situations
SB 0426 - Loudon - Expands authority of courts to set aside past convictions and expunge criminal records
SB 0441 - Caskey - Allows Warrensburg to receive bids to be the depository of city funds from banks at every regular meeting
SB 0456 - Stoll - Prohibits institutions of higher education from providing certain student information to parents
SB 0510 - Kenney - Revises charter school laws
SB 0512 - House - Revises Charter School Laws
SB 0513 - House - Regulates contracts for services formerly delivered by public bodies
SB 0561 - Quick - Authorizes Clay County Commissioners to reduce their salaries if they employ a public administrator
SB 0575 - Caskey - Revises public school reporting requirements
HB 0194 - Hosmer - Creates faculty representative on college and university boards and establishes a service learning program
HB 0218 - Farnen - Creates several education and research programs and closes board meetings to student representatives
HB 0255 - Kelly (027) - Increases access to original birth records by adopted adults
HB 0262 - Linton - Limits access to personally identifiable student records
HB 0270 - Legan - Requires roll-call votes for all substantive issues at all public meetings
HB 0355 - Kelly (027) - Allows adopted adults to have access to their original birth certificates without a court order
HB 0403 - Hosmer - Extends open records exception for municipal electric utilities preparing for deregulation until December 31,
HB 0442 - Smith (011) - Exempts certain public hospital records and meetings from the provisions of chapter 610, Rsmo
HB 0524 - Britt - Expands confidentiality of certain records to protect all peace officers
HB 0542 - Ridgeway - Allows for the expungement of certain records pertaining to insurance agents which are maintained by the department of
HB 0567 - Treadway - Revises provisions for various boards and professions under the Division of Professional Registration
HB 0865 - Davis - Revises public school reporting requirements

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Public Safety Dept.

SB 0029 - Rohrbach - Allows certain convicted felons to obtain post-conviction DNA testing
SB 0086 - Rohrbach - Authorizes certain counties to impose building codes and modifies other provisions of law pertaining to counties
SB 0130 - Bland - Requires placement of warning signs in establishments licensed to sell or serve alcoholic beverages
SB 0144 - Bland - Requires racial profiling information for every stop of a motor vehicle
SB 0149 - Goode - Revises motor vehicle emissions inspections for certain areas
SB 0156 - Goode - Modifies alcohol licensing and reporting procedures through the Department of Public Safety
SB 0181 - Caskey - Amends motor vehicle tinted window prohibition
SB 0259 - Childers - A percentage of insurance premium taxes shall fund various fire protection programs
SB 0339 - Stoll - Allocates funds from the Veterans' Commission Capital Improvements Trust Fund for veterans' service programs
SB 0341 - Jacob - Requires sheriffs to become certified peace officers
SB 0350 - Sims - Regulates individuals who provide amusement hay rides
SB 0376 - Childers - Funds programs within Division of Fire Safety, allows fire district sales tax and property tax reduction
SB 0405 - Singleton - Revises Highway Patrol salary increases; deletes mandatory retirement at 60
SB 0421 - Gross - Places certain reimbursements in the Highway Patrol Motor Motor Vehicle Aircraft Fund
SB 0435 - Goode - Exempts registered historic vehicles from emissions testing
SB 0488 - Klindt - Creates the Corrections Officer Standards and Training Commission
SB 0544 - Johnson - Authorizes the Missouri Veterans' Commission to grant an easement to Spectra Communications
SB 0546 - Kenney - Reorganizes authority for licensing and regulation of excursion gambling boats and gaming
SB 0549 - Goode - Amends various provisions regarding the use of child restraint systems in motor vehicles
SB 0556 - DePasco - Authorizes microbrewing licenses on excursion gambling boats and premises
SB 0564 - Rohrbach - Allows amusement ride owners to self-inspect in the absence of an available inspector
SB 0571 - Dougherty - Requires distribution of marriage license fees to the Department of Public Safety for domestic violence shelters
SB 0585 - Carter - Creates state agency to promote crime victims' rights
SB 0604 - Jacob - Provides funding for fire safety programs and removes liability for donated fire equipment
SB 0629 - Jacob - Allows voters to authorize carrying concealed weapons
SJR 003 - Goode - Criminal activity forfeiture proceeds shall be divided between schools and law enforcement
HB 0008 - Green - Appropriations for the Department of Public Safety
HB 0080 - Ross - Authorizes multijurisdictional antifraud enforcement groups; makes various other changes in law enforcement and crimes
HB 0120 - O'Connor - Amends motor vehicle tinted window prohibition; driver's licenses reciprocity
HB 0163 - Berkowitz - Includes moneys for certain reimbursements within the Highway Patrol Motor Vehicle and Aircraft Revolving Fund
HB 0185 - Legan - Authorizes certain counties to impose building codes and modifies other provisions of law pertaining to counties
HB 0207 - Ross - Allows vehicles to be donated for veterans, and provides matching grants for veterans' service officers
HB 0248 - Ward - Creates Corrections Officer Standards and Training Commission
HB 0316 - Graham - Revises liquor control law
HB 0340 - Hoppe - Authorizes new civil penalties for violation of certain liquor control provisions
HB 0374 - Fraser - Prohibits the buying and selling of stolen pets and creates the missing and stolen pet registry
HB 0375 - Fraser - Creates a tax credit for donations to sexual violence crisis service centers
HB 0381 - Hoppe - Creates felony for sale or distribution of gray market ciga- rettes & enforcement provisions to prohibit sales to minors
HB 0382 - Hoppe - Requires city approval of retail liquor licenses in the City of Kansas City
HB 0420 - Williams (121) - Removes termination date on motorcycle safety education program
HB 0455 - Monaco - Provides for canine-handler training and standards
HB 0479 - Hosmer - Substantially revises peace officer selection and training laws
HB 0582 - Bartle - Revises the stalking law
HB 0709 - O'Connor - Revises motor carrier law
HB 0732 - Hosmer - Makes technical revisions to water patrol law and deletes the bonding requirement for water patrol officers
HB 0809 - Carnahan - Modifies peace officer employee rights
HB 0835 - Britt - Revises numerous provisions relating to crimes
HB 0843 - Harding - Requires the registration of kegs of intoxicating liquor
HCR 015 - Ostmann - Establishes a joint interim committee to study the issue of suicide prevention

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Public Service Commission

SB 0150 - Goode - Increases penalties imposed by Public Service Commission for safety related violations of Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act
SB 0187 - Schneider - Appeals of Public Service Commission orders shall go directly to the Court of Appeals
SB 0190 - Russell - Revises documentation required for telecommunications companies to charge for Internet service
SB 0234 - Wiggins - Exempts certain interstate telecommunications services from sales taxes
SB 0346 - Caskey - Expands persons who qualify for Division of Workers' Compensation Administrative Law Judge Retirement System
SB 0387 - Goode - Allows electric utilities to recover certain costs impacted by fuel or purchased power price increases
SB 0432 - Stoll - Enacts Missouri Retail Customer and Worker Protection Act
SB 0455 - Kinder - Revises laws relating to electric utilities
SB 0499 - Mathewson - Establishes retail electric customer choice
SB 0501 - Goode - Allows transfer of electric generating plant to wholesale affiliate and allows limited retail electric choice
SB 0529 - Dougherty - Creates the Consumer Clean Energy Act to promote energy efficiency
SCR 018 - Goode - Establishes a joint legislative committee on Telecommunications and Energy
SJR 006 - Childers - Establishes an election process for selecting Public Service Commissioners
HB 0102 - Mays (050) - Establishes state penalties for violation of the federal Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act; makes municipalities that
HB 0216 - Farnen - Allows the public service commission to phase in any large increases to a water corporation's rates
HB 0289 - Farnen - Allows the public service commission to phase in any large increases to a water corporation's rates
HB 0294 - Smith (011) - Enacts consumer protections for long distance services
HB 0356 - Clayton - Prohibits utilities from charging consumers for underbilling mistakes made by the utility if a correction
HB 0521 - Burton - Instructs the public service commission to develop expedited dispute resolution procedures for utility
HB 0676 - Mays (050) - Regulates the transfer of utility generation assets; amends utility taxation and rate laws
HB 0723 - Mays (050) - Allows electric utilities to recover certain costs impacted by natural gas prices
HB 0766 - Bray - Requires electrical and gas providers to increase use of renewable energy resources
HB 0778 - Boucher - Requires natural gas companies to submit a mitigation strategy for natural gas pricing to the Psc for approval
HB 0823 - Hegeman - Grants preferences in certain instances to rural water supply districts
HCR 009 - Bonner - Declares certain members of the Public Service Commission to be in violation of state law and further declares their
HCR 011 - Haywood - Directs the Psc to freeze all utility rates at their current levels until the utility cost crises is over
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