Senator Sims
Bills Co-Sponsored

SB 0650 - Removes statute of limitations for forcible rape and forcible sodomy and armed criminal action
SB 0663 - Limits increases in assessed valuation of real property and modifies reassessment procedures
SB 0675 - Revises election laws
SB 0693 - Increases the foster care reimbursement and adoption subsidy rates over a three-year period
SB 0695 - Expands the Children's Trust Fund Board from seventeen to twenty-one members
SB 0712 - Modifies provisions relating to terrorism
SB 0736 - Prohibits the refusal of residential treatment services to children with mental disorders or addiction
SB 0917 - Allows the Division of Family Services to request license- exempt foster care facilities for reasons for exemption
SB 0953 - Repeals the transferability of adoption tax credits
SB 0975 - Creates a sales tax holiday for school supplies, clothing and computers for nine days in August
SB 1026 - Modifies provisions relating to insurance coverage for cancer treatment and other inherited diseases
SB 1037 - Authorizes automated traffic enforcement programs
SB 1087 - Revises certificate of need law and enacts a review certification procedure for acute care facilities
SB 1127 - Revises the procedures for dispersing funds from the Division of Tourism Supplemental Revenue Fund
SB 1164 - Creates the Sports Center Redevelopment Authority Act
SB 1167 - Allows fire protection districts to be reimbursed for emergency services in municipal redevelopment areas
SB 1209 - Revises PSC provisions regarding appointment of commissioners; ex parte communications & employees of PSC
SB 1215 - Limits insurers' use of credit in their underwriting process and establishes restrictions on termination of insurance

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