SB 0652 Prohibits certain hospitals from preventing any licensed physicians from practicing who complies w/all hospital rules
Sponsor:Singleton Co-Sponsor(s)
LR Number:2652S.03C Fiscal Note:2652-03
Committee:Public Health and Welfare
Last Action:05/17/02 - 001 S Calendar S Bills for Perfection w/SCS Journal page:
Title:SCS SB 652
Effective Date:August 28, 2002
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Current Bill Summary

SCS/SB 652 - This act prohibits certain hospitals from preventing any licensed physician from practicing who complies with all hospital rules. Currently, Section 205.300, RSMo, prohibits public hospitals from discriminating against practitioners of any school of medicine and allows them equal privileges to treat patients. Patient choice of practitioner is also addressed. New language prohibits any hospital which provides Medicaid or Medicare services to patients in this state from excluding any physician from practicing who is licensed in Missouri, in good standing, and who complies with hospital rules. No hospital may deny, restrict, or terminate medical staff or privileges for unrelated economic reasons. All medical staff applications shall be given due process.