WHEREAS, the members of the Missouri Senate strive to maintain the ethical integrity of the institution to which they were elected by the citizens of this state; and

WHEREAS, ethical considerations are part of any decisions regarding the hiring of staff personnel, particularly in the highest office of this body; and

WHEREAS, section 105.452, RSMo, prohibits any employee from using confidential information obtained in the course of employment with the intent to result in financial gain for any business with which he is associated; and

WHEREAS, financial disclosure reports of political committees shall, pursuant to law, file accurate and complete reports of expenditures, including the amount of indebtedness and the purpose of any expenditures, with potential civil and criminal penalties for violations; and

WHEREAS, section 105.483, RSMo, requires any decision making public servant to file financial interest statements; and

WHEREAS, the Code of Conduct for the staff of the Senate prohibits employees from using their positions "in a manner designed to create personal gain,...abuse the privileges of Senate employment, or be untruthful to the Senate"; and

WHEREAS, the Senate Code of Conduct further holds staff to a high standard of knowledge and conduct with regard to the law; and

WHEREAS, the office of the President Pro Tem has a duty to all Senators regardless of political party, and any conduct of political activity on the part of staff of the Pro Tem presents an inherent conflict of interest; and

WHEREAS, the Chief of Staff for President Pro Tem Peter Kinder maintains ownership interest in a political consulting corporation which has publicly reported to have experienced substantial financial gain during his tenure of employment with the Senate; and

WHEREAS, serious concerns have been raised concerning an inherent conflict of interest in the dual roles of the Chief of Staff for President Pro Tem Peter Kinder, which warrant inquiry by the members of the Senate;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the members of the Missouri Senate, Ninety-first General Assembly, hereby request a full and fair public investigation and subsequent report by the Senate Committee on Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics to ascertain the exact nature and extent of the financial interest held by the Chief of Staff for President Pro Tem Peter Kinder in an political consulting company, whether such financial interest presents the appearance or existence of ethical, civil or criminal violations, and whether relevant information concerning such financial interest was purposely omitted from financial disclosure reports; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we hereby request that an open hearing of the Committee on Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics be convened the week of February 11, 2002, as immediate action is necessary to protect the integrity and honor of the Missouri Senate.

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