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Motor Carriers

SB 0774 - Goode - Reduces speed limit by five m.p.h. for trucks on certain highways, expressways and interstates of this state
SB 0946 - Jacob - Restricts big trucks to 65 mph on interstates and increases diesel fuel tax and other registration fees
SB 1107 - Childers - Revises laws relating to ambulance districts, fire protection districts and ambulance services
SB 1202 - Westfall - Transfers various powers to the Department of Transportation to implement Governor's Executive Order
HB 1099 - Relford - Revises motor vehicle registration fees and creates the Missouri Highway Safety Fund
HB 1163 - Hosmer - Revises procedure for reinstating drivers' licenses upon proof of disposition of charges for moving traffic
HB 1353 - Rector - Extends commercial zone on south side of Kansas City to Harrisonville along highways 71 and 291.
HB 1806 - Shelton (057) - Prohibits the transportation of hazardous materials through any highway tunnel in this state.
HB 1918 - Koller - Modifies provisions of law relating to evading weight stations
HB 2038 - Relford - Repeals one of two sections relating to certain commercial motor vehicles.
HB 2069 - Koller - Transfers various powers to the department of transportation pursuant to the governor's executive order.
HB 2074 - Cunningham - Regulates lane usage by certain commercial motor vehicles.

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Motor Fuel

SB 0699 - Wiggins - Various modifications to tax laws affecting commercial airlines
SB 0837 - Cauthorn - Revises several agricultural programs
SB 0907 - House - Raises various highway user fees and diverts money from state agencies to fund transportation projects
SB 0915 - Westfall - Raises motor fuel tax and sales tax and diverts other revenues to fund transportation projects
SB 0946 - Jacob - Restricts big trucks to 65 mph on interstates and increases diesel fuel tax and other registration fees
SB 0970 - Westfall - Raises the general sales tax for transportation purposes & revises numerous statutes relating to transportation
SB 0972 - Klindt - Expands tax credits to include new generation fuel processing entity
SB 0990 - Cauthorn - Creates "MO Qualified Biodiesel Producer Incentive Fund" to promote the production of Biodiesel fuel
SB 1016 - Foster - Phases in the use of gasoline-oxygenate blend fuels
SB 1272 - Klindt - Bans fuels mixed with MTBE
SCR 048 - Sims - Opposes the increase in Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE)
HB 1189 - Myers - Requires various specifications for blended fuels
HB 1196 - Barnett - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation, sales tax, and billboard provisions
HB 1348 - Myers - Makes numerous changes to agricultural programs
HB 1750 - Lawson - Prohibits sale or storage of any gasoline within this state to contain more than one-half of one percent by volume of
HB 1775 - Shoemaker - Repeals sunset on motor fuel tax and allows the department of transportation to engage in design-build contracts.
HB 1797 - Hilgemann - Requires the State Treasurer to calculate interest rate based on previous year's annualized rate of return.
HB 1837 - Berkowitz - Modifies the distribution of the Missouri Qualified Fuel Ethanol Producer Incentive Fund and farm equipment buyback
HB 1984 - Froelker - Creates a tax exemption for sales of certain motor vehicles.
HB 2034 - Skaggs - Establishes a motor fuel tax exemption for consumers who privately own a passenger motor vehicle that uses diesel
HB 2131 - Bearden - Provides highway and transportation funding.

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Motor Vehicles

SB 0644 - Mathewson - Allows veterans to obtain a specialized veteran motorcycle license plate
SB 0646 - Staples - Exempts persons 21 years of age or older from wearing motorcycle helmets
SB 0647 - Goode - Amends various provisions regarding the use of child restraint systems in motor vehicles
SB 0660 - Westfall - Prohibits open containers of alcohol in motor vehicles
SB 0703 - Caskey - Revises law regarding tinted windows
SB 0721 - Westfall - Amends several provisions of law regulating traffic offenses
SB 0727 - Yeckel - Revises the law regarding tinted windows
SB 0737 - Cauthorn - Allows 4-H members and parents of 4-H members to obtain special license plates
SB 0745 - Russell - Allows Marines and Navy personnel who participated in combat to receive Combat Action Ribbon license plates
SB 0750 - Goode - Specifies that article used in trade-in to offset sales tax must have had tax paid or been exempted from tax
SB 0757 - Westfall - Creates the Head Injury Fund for use by the Missouri Head Injury Advisory Council
SB 0774 - Goode - Reduces speed limit by five m.p.h. for trucks on certain highways, expressways and interstates of this state
SB 0796 - Mathewson - Increases independent agency fees for motor vehicle registration and driver's licenses
SB 0798 - Westfall - Allows two sets of specialized plates to be issued to U.S. Congressional members
SB 0801 - DePasco - Requires Revenue Department to reinstate driving privileges after court finds in favor of driver
SB 0814 - Childers - Requires director to credit person for suspension served before imposing penalties for an out-of-state conviction
SB 0818 - Westfall - Revises portions of the Model Traffic Ordinance chapter
SB 0915 - Westfall - Raises motor fuel tax and sales tax and diverts other revenues to fund transportation projects
SB 0919 - Klarich - Requires used motor vehicle dealers to attend 6-hour educational seminar in order to obtain or renew license
SB 0925 - Sims - Changes seat belt law from secondary enforcement to primary enforcement
SB 0926 - Kenney - Revises numerous provisions relating to the sale of motor vehicles and vessels
SB 0930 - Stoll - Requires permit drivers to display sign bearing the words "PERMIT DRIVER" while operating a motor vehicle
SB 0946 - Jacob - Restricts big trucks to 65 mph on interstates and increases diesel fuel tax and other registration fees
SB 0957 - Loudon - Creates Operation Enduring Freedom license plates & revises law on historic motor vehicle license plates
SB 0960 - Kenney - Creates the "God Bless America", "Pet Friendly" and "Air Medal" license plates
SB 0966 - Kennedy - Creates the St. Louis College of Pharmacy special license plate
SB 1016 - Foster - Phases in the use of gasoline-oxygenate blend fuels
SB 1037 - Singleton - Authorizes automated traffic enforcement programs
SB 1077 - Klarich - Imposes additional fines and driver's license suspensions on persons failing to yield the right-of-way
SB 1090 - Loudon - Makes it illegal to install fake air bags in automobiles
SB 1093 - Loudon - Revises the process for the registration of historic motor vehicle plates
SB 1098 - Steelman - Allows personal assistive mobility devises to be operated on streets, highways, sidewalks and bicycle paths
SB 1109 - Yeckel - Requires department of revenue to issue information regarding driving while intoxicated to 1st time licensees
SB 1129 - Johnson - Allows for collection of fee on car rentals for economic development
SB 1196 - Kennedy - Suspends registration license and driver's license for failure to pay certain traffic fines
SB 1202 - Westfall - Transfers various powers to the Department of Transportation to implement Governor's Executive Order
SB 1241 - Coleman - Allows persons to receive various specialized license plates and limits certain organizations from sponsoring plates
SB 1253 - Coleman - Persons may receive Delta Sigma Theta or Omega Psi Phi Greek organization license plates after contributing to such org.
SB 1264 - Kenney - Eliminates lienholder possession on certificates of title
SCR 048 - Sims - Opposes the increase in Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE)
SCR 052 - Kennedy - Relating to Customs Harmonization Pilot Project
SJR 040 - Westfall - Revises constitution to provide additional funds for trans- portation and revises funding formula for certain entities
SREM 01 - Caskey - MoDOT purchased Toyota vehicles in apparent violation of the Domestic Product Procurement Act
HB 1038 - Ross - Revises restrictions relating to tinting materials applied to windows of motor vehicles
HB 1050 - Ward - Eliminates fee to be paid for special purple heart license plates
HB 1075 - Nordwald - Revises procedure for landowners to acquire title to abandoned vehicles
HB 1093 - Relford - Allows motorists to obtain various special license plates & limits the issuance of such plates to certain entities
HB 1094 - Relford - Creates special license plate for the Missouri Coroners' and Medical Examiners' Association
HB 1095 - Relford - Requires motor vehicles traveling on four lane highways to move to passing lane to overtake a stationary vehicle on
HB 1099 - Relford - Revises motor vehicle registration fees and creates the Missouri Highway Safety Fund
HB 1159 - Boykins - Persons may receive Delta Sigma Theta or Omega Psi Phi Greek organization license plates after contributing to such org.
HB 1163 - Hosmer - Revises procedure for reinstating drivers' licenses upon proof of disposition of charges for moving traffic
HB 1166 - Crowell - Provides exemption from motorcycle helmet requirement for public parades
HB 1174 - Hickey - Changes the tax on the sale, lease, or rental of motor vehicles to two percent
HB 1189 - Myers - Requires various specifications for blended fuels
HB 1196 - Barnett - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation, sales tax, and billboard provisions
HB 1204 - Seigfreid - Creates special license plate for Friends of Arrow Rock
HB 1205 - Seigfreid - Creates various special license plates related to the military
HB 1214 - Davis - Allows veterans to obtain a specialized veteran motorcycle license plate
HB 1242 - Griesheimer - Allows for a special license plate bearing the words "PREVENT DISASTERS" in recognition of September 11, 2001
HB 1245 - Reinhart - Requires offender to serve minimum of 5 years prison for first or second degree robbery or stealing where a vehicle
HB 1248 - Thompson - Permits application to partially seal traffic records.
HB 1270 - Gratz - Revises various laws pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles
HB 1272 - Smith (011) - Creates special license plate for Missouri Elks Association
HB 1308 - Williams (121) - Establishes requirements for overtaking stationary emergency vehicles on two lane and four lane highways.
HB 1310 - O'Connor - Creates continuing education requirement for used motor vehicle dealers.
HB 1314 - Mays (050) - Modifies law regarding retired military plates
HB 1320 - Reid - Allows for a special license plate for military personnel engaged in "Operation Enduring Freedom"
HB 1331 - Harding - Leaving a child unattended in a motor vehicle in the third degree.
HB 1343 - Villa - Creates a special license plate for Jefferson National Parks Association.
HB 1386 - O'Connor - Revises the law regarding tinted windows
HB 1391 - Smith (011) - Allows 4-H members and parents of 4-H members to obtain special license plates
HB 1397 - Ransdall - Creates special license plate for members of the Missouri Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs
HB 1404 - Kelly (027) - Creates the position of state vehicle fleet manager and establishes the state vehicle fleet tracking system with
HB 1411 - Skaggs - Creates special license plate for Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment Fund, Inc.
HB 1417 - Legan - Relating to the repossession of motor vehicles on behalf of a financial institution.
HB 1448 - Kelly (027) - Allows persons with restricted driving privileges due to Dwi to drive to and from his or her formal program of
HB 1462 - Rizzo - Allows aliens to obtain drivers' licenses after providing certain information to the Department of Revenue.
HB 1463 - Selby - Exempts motor vehicles and boats manufactured in Missouri from sales tax.
HB 1464 - Reid - Allows surviving spouses of persons who owned or would have been eligible to own special military license plates to
HB 1472 - Whorton - Requires Missouri Department of Transportation to implement a program that provides for use of alternative fuels in its
HB 1478 - Lograsso - Creates special license plates for Eagle Scouts and parents of Eagle Scouts, members of the Tribe of Mic-O-Say, and
HB 1504 - Liese - Eliminates requirement of one hundred requests for certain special license plates prior to manufacture
HB 1507 - Koller - Revises motorcycle helmet law and penalty for violation.
HB 1534 - Clayton - Amends the right-of-way-statute by imposing additional fines and license suspensions when the violation resulted
HB 1539 - Clayton - Allows one hardship driving privilege per two year period.
HB 1543 - Shelton (057) - Revises additional fees to be collected by agent of department of revenue from sale of motor vehicle licenses
HB 1569 - Davis - Removes used tires from the provisions relating to the regulation of waste tires by Department of Natural Resources
HB 1583 - Monaco - Creates special license plates for members of the Society for Creative Anachronism and members of the Missouri Civil
HB 1624 - Skaggs - Creates special license plates for Eagle Scouts and parents of Eagle Scouts, members of the Tribe of Mic-O-Say, and
HB 1632 - O'Connor - Allows for a special license plate for members of the Fraternal Order of Police
HB 1683 - Williams (121) - Allows law enforcement officers to stop a vehicle for failure to comply with the seat belt law under certain
HB 1685 - Luetkenhaus - Raises various user fees and diverts funds from various agencies to be used for transportation.
HB 1688 - O'Connor - Creates the Missouri Motor Vehicle Board.
HB 1696 - Bowman - Increases independent agency fees for motor vehicle registration and driver's licenses.
HB 1699 - Hosmer - Raises the age requirements on various school and motor vehicle laws from sixteen to eighteen.
HB 1714 - Hilgemann - Creates a St. Louis College of Pharmacy special license plate
HB 1746 - Koller - Defines electric personal assistive mobility device and where it may be operated.
HB 1750 - Lawson - Prohibits sale or storage of any gasoline within this state to contain more than one-half of one percent by volume of
HB 1755 - Merideth III - Allows for a special license plate for members of the Missouri Travel Council
HB 1764 - Dempsey - Anti-terrorism act.
HB 1772 - Clayton - Increases independent agency fees for motor vehicle registration and driver's licenses.
HB 1778 - Monaco - Allows for a special license plate for members of the Kingdom of Calontir and the Missouri Civil War Reenactors
HB 1779 - Green - Allows for a special license plate for members of the Missouri-Kansas-Nebraska Conference of Teamsters
HB 1786 - Liese - Expands the definition of "street rod" and revises the requirement of the display of two license plates on street
HB 1788 - Ross - Allows for a special license plate for members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
HB 1789 - Ross - Allows special license plates for former members of the General Assembly & revises historic motor vehicle plates law
HB 1815 - Scheve - Creates a Boy Scouts of America special license plate.
HB 1852 - Villa - Allows for a special license plate for members of the Jefferson National Parks Association
HB 1863 - Whorton - Creates the "missouri Biodiesel Incentive Fund".
HB 1864 - Cunningham - Requires operators of motor vehicles to use lighted lamps in certain weather conditions.
HB 1867 - Griesheimer - Allows for a special license plate for members of Missouri Task Force One
HB 1908 - O'Connor - Revises title requirements for salvage vehicles.
HB 1909 - O'Connor - Revises reporting requirements for motor vehicle and boat dealers.
HB 1918 - Koller - Modifies provisions of law relating to evading weight stations
HB 1959 - Shields - Revises fees for certain special license plates.
HB 1969 - Reid - Allows a qualified surviving spouse to obtain a military license plate
HB 1984 - Froelker - Creates a tax exemption for sales of certain motor vehicles.
HB 2007 - O'Connor - Revises the requirements for issuance of license plates.
HB 2008 - O'Connor - Revises provisions relating to the sale and titling of motor vehicles and vessels
HB 2009 - O'Connor - Creates advertising signage requirements for motor vehicle dealers
HB 2020 - Reid - Expands the motor vehicle "lemon law".
HB 2021 - Ross - Allows the department of revenue to take certain actions against applicants who commit fraud to obtain a driver's
HB 2025 - Walton - Allows for a special license plate for members or alumni of certain Greek organizations
HB 2027 - Gambaro - Makes various revisions relating to collection of vehicle-related fees and fines.
HB 2030 - Whorton - Allows a public assistance income disregard for automobile liability insurance premiums.
HB 2031 - O'Connor - Creates continuing education requirement for used motor vehicle dealers.
HB 2032 - Hosmer - Adds driving while a person's license is canceled, suspended or revoked under the laws of another state to Missouri
HB 2038 - Relford - Repeals one of two sections relating to certain commercial motor vehicles.
HB 2041 - Liese - Creates special event license plates.
HB 2042 - Wilson - Requires the use of various child safety restraints in a motor vehicle based on age, weight, and height of the
HB 2051 - Hosmer - Allows single unit residential property owners, possessors or managers to tow a vehicle after notifying law
HB 2054 - Long - Allows all counties to set speed limits on county roads.
HB 2062 - Hosmer - Revises various provisions relating to restricted driving privilege
HB 2069 - Koller - Transfers various powers to the department of transportation pursuant to the governor's executive order.
HB 2074 - Cunningham - Regulates lane usage by certain commercial motor vehicles.
HB 2101 - Cooper - Prohibits use of personal or motor vehicle information for bulk distribution for surveys, marketing, and
HB 2105 - Monaco - Revises point system for drivers' licenses to require points to be assessed at the time of conviction or
HB 2123 - Barry - Allows for a special license plate for the Friends of the Missouri Women's Council
HB 2128 - Wilson - Requires rear seat passengers to wear seat belts.
HB 2133 - Robirds - Allows certain motor vehicles to be exempt from motor vehicle inspections.
HB 2139 - Baker - Clarifies when a license to operate a motor vehicle may be taken and held by law enforcement officers for moving
HB 2145 - Curls - Creates a Girl Scouts of America special license plate.
HB 2157 - Graham - Creates a special license plate for current members or alumni of Delta Sigma Phi.
HB 2175 - Shields - Expands definition of driveaway operations.
HB 2198 - Ward - Creates a sub-account within the state highways and transportation department fund for the purpose of paying
HB 2201 - Hilgemann - Authorizes placement of motor vehicle registration renewal tabs on windshield.
HB 2220 - Naeger - Revises biennial registration requirements for motor vehicles.
HJR 037 - Reid - Proposes a constitutional amendment to change the allocation of general state sales tax on motor vehicles.

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SB 1043 - Bland - Designates Walt Disney Film Studio as a state historic site

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National Guard

SB 1212 - Mathewson - Allows college students called into military service to qualify for tuition refunds & incomplete grades
HB 1474 - Green - Allows state employees on military leave to continue to receive full salary while on leave.
HB 1822 - Walton - Employees charged military leave only for hours which they would have otherwise worked, in one hour increments
HB 2047 - Ransdall - Expands criteria for college students called into military service to qualify for tuition refunds & incomplete grades
HCR 021 - Boucher - Urges the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to provide certain National Guard veterans with active-duty benefits

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Natural Resources Dept.

SB 0649 - Goode - Creates the Invasive Species Council
SB 0708 - Mathewson - Revises membership of Clean Water Commission
SB 0715 - Rohrbach - Creates the Environmental Regulation Consistency Act
SB 0810 - Dougherty - Modifies provisions relating to supplemental assistance payments for the elderly and disabled
SB 0881 - Steelman - Creates the Environmental Hearing Commission
SB 0888 - Gross - PSC must set ratemaking principles before new generation is constructed and DNR must act on permits within 180 days
SB 0971 - Klindt - Requires risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis be prepared when certain environmental rules are promulgated
SB 0984 - Steelman - Revises various provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources
SB 0985 - Steelman - Relates to bond authorization for water, sewer and stormwater projects
SB 1011 - Caskey - Removes references to used tires from the waste tire law and sets emission limits for use of tire derived fuel
SB 1015 - Foster - Revises long-term contract provisions at state parks and creates Endowment Fund for Arrow Rock State Park
SB 1041 - Russell - Authorizes conveyance of property owned by Dept. of Natural Resources to private ownership
SB 1072 - Childers - Revises provisions relating to water permitting for aquaculture facilities
SB 1163 - Steelman - Clarifies provisions in the air emissions banking and trading program
SB 1202 - Westfall - Transfers various powers to the Department of Transportation to implement Governor's Executive Order
HB 1149 - Hegeman - Establishes the Environmental Hearing Commission within the office of administration
HB 1319 - Burton - Relating to tax credits for building coal fired electric generating plants fitted with pollution control devices.
HB 1341 - Marble - Establishes an environmental audit privilege.
HB 1418 - Relford - Revises long-term contract provisions at state parks and creates Endowment Fund for Arrow Rock State Park
HB 1569 - Davis - Removes used tires from the provisions relating to the regulation of waste tires by Department of Natural Resources
HB 1599 - Lowe - Encourages the use of renewable resources.
HB 1650 - Hoppe - Modifies various provisions regarding water resources
HB 1690 - Smith (011) - Makes various revisions relating to hazardous waste management.
HB 1748 - Ransdall - Revises various provisions relating to water resources
HB 1754 - Gratz - Creates the Environmental Regulation Consistency Act.
HB 1782 - Shoemyer - Revises limitation on rural water grants.
HB 1795 - Berkowitz - Authorizes conveyances of certain state property to private ownership
HB 1810 - Holt - Requires department of natural resources to give preference to applications by municipalities for grants for the
HB 2004 - Naeger - Creates the Environmental Regulation Consistency Act.
HB 2036 - Hoppe - Regulates installation and maintenance of underground liquid storage systems.
HB 2040 - Bray - Establishes a permitting process for the construction or modification of chip mills.
HB 2087 - Whorton - Allows energy cost savings contracts

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Newspapers and Publications

HB 1034 - Portwood - Raises the minimum amount of school construction projects requiring competitive bids

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Notary Public

SB 0931 - Klarich - Makes several changes regarding business and commerce

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SB 0684 - Steelman - Modifies the reporting of elder abuse and neglect and the provision of in-home services to the elderly
SB 0752 - House - Requires health plans to cover all services provided or ordered by registered nurse first assistants
SB 1082 - Bland - Outlines minimum staffing requirements for skilled nursing facilities
SB 1182 - Singleton - Modifies the law relating to health care professionals under the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts
SB 1229 - Gibbons - Alters definitions concerning Charles Gallagher Financial Awards and the nursing student loan program
HB 1600 - Treadway - Alters provisions regarding accountants, the executive board of nursing, and placards in pool halls
HB 1706 - Treadway - Applies the definitions of section 335.016 to all of chapter 335>.
HB 1718 - Barry - Enacts and amends various provisions regarding long-term care staffing, career ladder provisions, and quality of
HB 1796 - Crump - Enacts the Nurse Licensure Compact.
HB 1871 - Barry - Allows registered nurses to order therapies under collaborative agreements if the registered nurse is an
HB 1923 - Barry - Establishes a nurse staffing plan for hospitals.
HB 1987 - O'Connor - Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to establish nurse-to-patient staff ratios for hospitals.
HB 2028 - Berkowitz - Establishes the Missouri Career Ladder Initiative Program for nurse assistants providing long-term care.

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Nursing and Boarding Homes

SB 0670 - Sims - Makes a number of changes designed to protect the elderly
SB 0724 - Bentley - Requires certain facilities for children to show proof of accreditation or compliance with safety standards
SB 0736 - Dougherty - Prohibits the refusal of residential treatment services to children with mental disorders or addiction
SB 0877 - Sims - Moves the Missouri Board of Nursing Home Administrators to the Division of Professional Registration
SB 1029 - Sims - Modifies the certificate of need law
SB 1047 - Kenney - Revises the moratorium on the certificate of need expenditure minimum for new beds
SB 1052 - Sims - Defines and regulates assisted living facilities in the state
SB 1082 - Bland - Outlines minimum staffing requirements for skilled nursing facilities
SB 1087 - Gibbons - Revises certificate of need law and enacts a review certification procedure for acute care facilities
SB 1094 - Russell - Extends the sunset on the nursing facility reimbursement allowance and exempts PACE projects from HMO requirements
SB 1146 - Schneider - Defines and regulates assisted living facilities in the state
SB 1175 - Kennedy - Requires certain elder care facilities to provide influenza and pneumonia immunizations to elderly residents
SB 1190 - Schneider - Exempts continuing care retirement communities from the certificate of need law
SB 1240 - Steelman - Requires the division of medical services to annually recalculate the Medicaid nursing home reimbursement amount
HB 1156 - Berkowitz - Allows for a Medicaid reimbursement rate adjustment for participating long-term care facilities that experience a
HB 1201 - Smith (011) - Revises the licensing of nursing home administrators
HB 1208 - Barry - Establishes the criteria for use of the title "registered nurse first assistant" and requires insurance coverage for
HB 1229 - Johnson - Creates various sexual misconduct crimes.
HB 1239 - Hegeman - Requires long-term care facilities and adult day care programs to employ a food services director.
HB 1255 - Smith (011) - Revises law on the licensing of nursing home administrators.
HB 1309 - Boucher - Requires the release of information regarding Class I standard violations by nursing homes to newspapers, radio
HB 1362 - Scheve - Makes various changes regarding Medicaid eligibility and nursing home requirements.
HB 1374 - Kelly (027) - Amends various provisions regarding the standards for nursing homes.
HB 1469 - Hosmer - Creates parity between institutional and noninstitutional eligibility for Medicaid.
HB 1644 - Holand - Expands the list of medical facilities and agencies that must report disciplinary actions.
HB 1654 - Hosmer - Makes numerous changes designed to protect the elderly
HB 1717 - Foley - Revises certificate of need law and enacts a review certification procedure for acute care facilities
HB 1719 - Harlan - Establishes the Missouri Quality of Care Trust Fund to fund various long-term care initiatives and programs.
HB 1781 - Green - Extends the sunset on the nursing facility reimbursement allowance to September 30, 2005
HB 1910 - Barry - Provides standards for assisted living facilities.
HB 1939 - Luetkemeyer - Allows private-pay skilled nursing facilities with residents who reside in the facility for more than one year
HB 1945 - Barry - Exempts continuing care retirement communities from the certificate of need laws.
HB 2003 - Harlan - Amends various provisions regarding the reporting requirements for long-term care facilities.
HB 2082 - Berkowitz - Modifies various provisions relating to Missouri's certificate of need laws.
HB 2135 - Luetkemeyer - Allows private-pay residents in a nonmedicaid skilled nursing facility to receive Medicaid without the facility
HB 2161 - Baker - Modifies the requirements for supplemental nursing payments.

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SB 1097 - Kennedy - Outlines procedures for the comanagement of patients by optometrists and ophthalmologists

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Parks and Recreation

SB 0723 - Bentley - Creates a grant and loan program to promote cultural tourism
SB 1015 - Foster - Revises long-term contract provisions at state parks and creates Endowment Fund for Arrow Rock State Park
SB 1041 - Russell - Authorizes conveyance of property owned by Dept. of Natural Resources to private ownership
SCR 074 - Childers - Renames the conference center at Roaring River State Park the Emory Melton Inn and Conference Center
HB 1343 - Villa - Creates a special license plate for Jefferson National Parks Association.
HB 1418 - Relford - Revises long-term contract provisions at state parks and creates Endowment Fund for Arrow Rock State Park
HB 1535 - Clayton - Designates a portion of State Highway 15 as "the Flower Road".
HB 1795 - Berkowitz - Authorizes conveyances of certain state property to private ownership

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SB 0662 - Westfall - Allows Sheriff to seize misappropriated property held by a pawnbroker; revises felony theft limit to $500
SB 1076 - DePasco - Authorizes pawnshop database for law enforcement purposes
HB 1888 - Barnitz - Revises pawnbroker provisions, theft crime felony limits, third offense stealing charges and bad check costs

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SB 0965 - Stoll - Authorizes certain subpoena power for the board of pharmacy
SB 1149 - Singleton - Adds a tax on the sale of certain tobacco products and creates the "Fund for Lifelong Health"
SB 1238 - Goode - Creates a tax and a credit for retail pharmacies to provide additional funding for the Medicaid pharmacy program
HB 1029 - Phillips - Creates the crime of tampering with pharmaceuticals
HB 1295 - Troupe - Requires pharmacies to notify the Board of Pharmacy of any known mistakes in prescriptions.
HB 1296 - Troupe - Establishes a Medicaid Pharmacy Management Program in the Department of Social Services and a Joint Committee on
HB 1465 - Smith (011) - Creates a cause of action for the fraudulent sale of health-related discount cards.
HB 1577 - Campbell - Crime of tampering with pharmaceuticals.
HB 1714 - Hilgemann - Creates a St. Louis College of Pharmacy special license plate
HB 1873 - Shoemyer - Gives the state board of pharmacy the power to serve a subpoena duces tecum.
HB 1898 - Campbell - Creates a tax and a credit for retail pharmacies to provide additional funding for the Medicaid pharmacy program
HB 2221 - Naeger - Enacts the Pharmacy Benefit Management Regulation Act.
HCR 027 - Reynolds - Urges Congress to pass legislation imposing price controls on the sale of prescription drugs in the United States.

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SB 0651 - Singleton - Requires a health carrier to allow any qualified health care provider to participate in its network
SB 0652 - Singleton - Prohibits certain hospitals from preventing any licensed physicians from practicing who complies w/all hospital rules
SB 0684 - Steelman - Modifies the reporting of elder abuse and neglect and the provision of in-home services to the elderly
SB 0713 - Singleton - Clarifies the use of noncompete clauses in contracts between physicians and hospitals
SB 0714 - Singleton - Allows the state to temporarily license certain health care practitioners during a state public health emergency
SB 0762 - Bland - Establishes the "Missouri Universal Health Assurance Program" to provide health care benefits to all MO citizens
SB 0816 - Gross - Details information to be included in physician abortion reports
SB 0842 - Klarich - Requires managed care organizations to provide chiropractic benefits to enrollees
SB 0929 - Stoll - Modifies the law relating to organ donation and procurement
SB 1024 - Bentley - Requires physicians to maintain adequate and complete medical records for their patients
SB 1056 - Cauthorn - Requires informed consent at least twenty-four hours before an abortion
SB 1063 - Rohrbach - Requires coverage for clinical trials and modifies various provisions regarding health insurance
SB 1097 - Kennedy - Outlines procedures for the comanagement of patients by optometrists and ophthalmologists
SB 1125 - Steelman - Prohibits health carriers from changing health services codes without the permission of the physician
SB 1135 - Yeckel - Requires informed consent by a woman before the performance of an abortion
SB 1145 - Schneider - Modifies the regulation and supervision of physician assistants
SB 1171 - House - Prohibits the disclosure of nonpublic health information
SB 1182 - Singleton - Modifies the law relating to health care professionals under the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts
SB 1207 - Bentley - Requires the state board of registration for the healing arts to accept continuing medical education on autism
SCR 041 - Rohrbach - Establishes the Joint Interim Committee on Primary Care Workplace Adequacy
HB 1425 - Smith (011) - Prohibits the disclosure of nonpublic health information
HB 1643 - Holand - Requires physicians to maintain adequate and complete medical records for their patients

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Physical Therapists

SB 0980 - Singleton - Revises reciprocal licensing procedures for physical therapists

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Planning and Zoning

SB 0887 - Sims - Requires municipalities to provide additional notice about industrial development projects
SB 0987 - Childers - Authorizes all political subdivisions in this state to create geographic information systems
SB 0988 - Caskey - Expands the Kansas City commercial zone to include the City of Harrisonville
HB 1705 - Hollingsworth - Authorizes special use permits in certain counties.
HB 1956 - Hilgemann - Enacts the uniform planned community act.
HB 2011 - Cunningham - Allows qualified common-interest communities to receive compensation from a municipality for trash services.
HB 2076 - Bartle - Prohibits certain businesses from advertising on billboards within two miles of any state highway.

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Political Parties

SB 0675 - Yeckel - Revises election laws
SB 0766 - Steelman - Regulates inaugural and congressional reapportionment committees and provisions of campaign finance disclosure law
SB 1035 - Yeckel - Revises laws related to lobbyists, the Missouri Ethics Commission and campaign finance disclosure
SB 1121 - Yeckel - Revises certain campaign finance requirements
HB 1342 - Farnen - Provides that no election must be held for party committee- man or woman if only one person files prior to the deadline
HB 1470 - Hosmer - Creates parity between institutional and noninstitutional eligibility for Medicaid.
HB 1492 - Seigfreid - Changes campaign finance disclosure report deadlines
HB 1494 - Seigfreid - Permits the ethics commission to impose a fee in ethics proceeding investigations.
HB 2202 - Paone - Changes requirements for nominating committees for candidates for office in special elections.

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Political Subdivisions

SB 0645 - Mathewson - Authorizes Caldwell, DeKalb and Daviess counties to impose a voter approved sales tax to fund jail districts
SB 0657 - House - Limits the ability of the Government to interfere with the exercise of religion
SB 0661 - Westfall - Revises state school aid formula
SB 0663 - Klarich - Limits increases in assessed valuation of real property and modifies reassessment procedures
SB 0681 - Stoll - Revises line 14 of the Foundation Formula
SB 0685 - Steelman - Revises the Sunshine Law
SB 0688 - Gibbons - Limits increases in assessed valuation of real property and modifies reassessment procedures
SB 0691 - Gross - Exempts the homestead of those aged 65 and older from increases in property tax assessments
SB 0709 - Goode - Revises the Sunshine Law
SB 0717 - House - Regulates contracts for services formerly delivered by public bodies
SB 0726 - Childers - September 11th is Emergency Services Day
SB 0754 - House - Provides limited due process rights for certain law enforcement officers
SB 0758 - Bentley - Clarifies registration requirements for offenders
SB 0773 - Goode - Exempts certain leased personal property from taxation
SB 0780 - Bland - Exempts food local sales tax and reduces federal income tax deduction, subject to referendum
SB 0795 - Schneider - Creates Emergency Communications Systems Fund for use of counties and allows certain board to set and collect fees
SB 0886 - Bentley - Allows political subdivisions to provide telecommunication providers with certain services or facilities
SB 0958 - Kinder - Limits the ability of the government to interfere with the exercise of religion
SB 0987 - Childers - Authorizes all political subdivisions in this state to create geographic information systems
SB 0993 - Rohrbach - Revises residency requirements for fire protection district directors & St. Louis police officers & revises bldg. codes
SB 1027 - Kinder - Prohibits certain suits by political subdivisions and the state against firearm manufacturers and dealers
SB 1028 - Russell - Revises process for creation of law enforcement districts
SB 1054 - Steelman - Relates to common sewer districts and sanitary sewer improvement subdistricts
SB 1091 - Loudon - Establishes the open contracting act for state and local public works projects
SB 1101 - Kenney - Revises state treasurer investment policies and creates local government investment pool
SB 1107 - Childers - Revises laws relating to ambulance districts, fire protection districts and ambulance services
SB 1131 - Gibbons - Revises requirements for joint municipal utility commissions and projects
SB 1138 - Childers - Allows ambulance and fire protection districts to impose sales tax and subsequent property tax rate decrease
SB 1167 - Gibbons - Allows fire protection districts to be reimbursed for emergency services in municipal redevelopment areas
SB 1186 - Kenney - Revises power of political subdivisions to impose surcharges and provide telecommunication services and facilities
SB 1231 - Gibbons - Reimburses fire protection and emergency services districts from the special allocation fund
SB 1267 - Westfall - Allows contracts involving multiple political subdivisions located in 3 or more counties to be filed with Sec. of state
SJR 025 - Klarich - Removes authorization for political subdivisions to revise tax levies to adjust for inflation
SJR 027 - Yeckel - Allows approval of school bond issues by simple majority
SJR 034 - Gibbons - Allows joint boards and commissions to own, operate, and issue bonds for joint municipal utility projects
HB 1194 - Gambaro - Allows St. Louis City to have a lien on property for abatement of dangerous buildings
HB 1350 - Liese - Modifies board of directors for community improvement districts
HB 1402 - Burton - Modifies provisions relating to utility projects
HB 1432 - Foley - Modifies laws relating to emergency services
HB 1659 - Kelly (027) - Allows court clerks to collect certain locally-imposed surcharges if authorized by statute
HB 1839 - Seigfreid - Modifies procedure for dissolution of special road districts
HJR 047 - Willoughby - Allows joint boards and commissions to own, operate and issue bonds for joint municipal utility projects

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Prisons and Jails

SB 0645 - Mathewson - Authorizes Caldwell, DeKalb and Daviess counties to impose a voter approved sales tax to fund jail districts
SB 0654 - Rohrbach - Prohibits private prisons or jails
SB 0673 - Childers - Creates crime of sexual contact with an inmate
SB 1066 - Klindt - Allows certification programs for corrections officers
SB 1159 - Rohrbach - Revises leave time and compensation policies for correction officers
SB 1161 - Rohrbach - Requires the department of corrections to formulate two new corrections officer classifications
HB 1076 - Jolly - Increases the time persons arrested for felonies may be held without a charge to thirty-two hours
HB 1078 - Whorton - Authorizes sales tax for regional jail districts and associated court facilities
HB 1285 - Burton - Adds necessary and reasonable medical expenses in addition to the per diem cost of incarceration for which the state
HB 1297 - Troupe - Prohibits privately operated prisons.
HB 1565 - Williams (121) - Provides guidelines for operation of private prisons.
HB 1691 - Curls - Requires that contracts for collect call service for correctional institutions be awarded to the lowest and best
HB 1900 - Scott - Creates the state legal expense fund.

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Probation and Parole

SB 0969 - Westfall - Revises numerous provisions relating to the sex offender registry and other sex crimes
HB 1292 - Troupe - Requires the Board of Probation and Parole to supervise persons found guilty of misdemeanor criminal nonsupport.
HB 1299 - Troupe - Requires that probationers who are detained be released immediately upon the end of their detention.
HB 1324 - Boucher - Any materials generated by Doc are privileged except copies can be sent to subsequent, licensed professionals if
HB 1387 - Boucher - Any materials generated by Doc are privileged except copies can be sent to subsequent, licensed professionals if
HB 1436 - Crawford - Adds a class A misdemeanor (568.040) which board has to provide probation services for.
HB 1579 - Kelly (027) - Requires sex offenders to register within 10 days of conviction, release from incarceration, or placement on
HB 1824 - Boucher - Allows records concerning sex offenders to be released in certain circumstances.
HB 2163 - Smith (011) - Transfers adult probation personnel and services to the circuit courts on July 1, 2004, and establishes a

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Property, Real and Personal

SB 0662 - Westfall - Allows Sheriff to seize misappropriated property held by a pawnbroker; revises felony theft limit to $500
SB 0669 - Bentley - Authorizes removal of property from the Springfield Community Improvement District
SB 0691 - Gross - Exempts the homestead of those aged 65 and older from increases in property tax assessments
SB 0759 - Yeckel - Freezes residential property valuations for senior citizens at local option
SB 0761 - Yeckel - Requires counties to pay PILOTS for certain county-purchased property
SB 0768 - Wiggins - Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property to the Children's Mercy Hospital
SB 0771 - Russell - Exempts boats under 24 feet with electric trolling motors from licensure requirements
SB 0785 - Goode - Allows additional counties to establish homeless programs and increases fees on recorded instruments to $5
SB 0804 - DePasco - Authorizes Governor to convey 12 property interests held by the Department of Mental Health to Kansas City
SB 0806 - Caskey - A portion of property tax collections shall be used for a geographic information system (GIS)
SB 0840 - Gross - Revises the statute of limitations and adds economic loss damages for home improvements
SB 0887 - Sims - Requires municipalities to provide additional notice about industrial development projects
SB 0895 - Yeckel - Amends various provisions related to financial institutions
SB 0901 - Goode - Increases the maximum upper limit income for senior citizens property tax relief
SB 0902 - Goode - Creates a senior citizen's property tax deferral
SB 0926 - Kenney - Revises numerous provisions relating to the sale of motor vehicles and vessels
SB 0931 - Klarich - Makes several changes regarding business and commerce
SB 0995 - Rohrbach - Modifies law with respect to insurance companies purchasing and conveying real estate
SB 1032 - Childers - Allows the treasurer to contract with property locators to assist in locating owners of abandoned property
SB 1040 - Gibbons - Requires an approved plan of development for industrial development projects
SB 1041 - Russell - Authorizes conveyance of property owned by Dept. of Natural Resources to private ownership
SB 1102 - Westfall - Allows county prosecutors and circuit attorneys to prosecute nuisance cases
SB 1124 - Dougherty - Authorizes the governor to convey certain property in the city of St. Louis
SB 1148 - Yeckel - Creates the state property preservation fund
SB 1168 - Russell - Authorizes the conveyance of a clear zone easement to the city of Lebanon and the conveyance of certain state property
SB 1186 - Kenney - Revises power of political subdivisions to impose surcharges and provide telecommunication services and facilities
HB 1046 - Gaskill - Allows person to physically intervene to protect the U.s. flag with reasonable force and not be civilly liable for
HB 1048 - Ward - Freezes property valuation for those 65 and older if they meet income levels
HB 1057 - Byrd - Requires certain procedures for physical assessments of real property
HB 1060 - Griesheimer - Allows an exemption from property taxes for homestead property owned by senior citizens
HB 1075 - Nordwald - Revises procedure for landowners to acquire title to abandoned vehicles
HB 1087 - Linton - Revises property tax assessment laws
HB 1100 - Relford - Makes it a crime to release swine to live in a wild state and permits killing free-roaming hogs
HB 1137 - Byrd - Revises requirements for insurance on property
HB 1185 - Ostmann - Repeals section 250.140 relating to sewage service
HB 1194 - Gambaro - Allows St. Louis City to have a lien on property for abatement of dangerous buildings
HB 1213 - McKenna - Allows Jefferson County to enact ordinances relating to abatement and removal of a nuisance
HB 1230 - Portwood - Creates a homestead exemption from property tax.
HB 1238 - Hegeman - Allows a city or county to submit a ballot question on whether maintenance levies should be assessed before full
HB 1261 - Hohulin - Requires all landowners to control brush growing next to county highways.
HB 1286 - Hoppe - Adds requirements for incorporating public water supply districts.
HB 1302 - Troupe - Creates crime of failure to confine a dog and exceptions to that crime.
HB 1316 - Hanaway - Revises the statute of limitations on certain tort actions.
HB 1325 - Reynolds - Provides a homestead property exemption.
HB 1357 - Relford - Permits municipalities to establish a Historic Preservation Revolving Fund.
HB 1363 - Scheve - Relating to consumer protection from unfair home loans.
HB 1375 - Luetkenhaus - Mortgages may be insured in an amount not to exceed 103% of fair market value of property
HB 1376 - Rizzo - Changes procedures for restoring possession of rehabilitated property.
HB 1390 - Gaskill - Desecration of the United States national flag shall be considered abandonment and any person may take possession
HB 1393 - Whorton - Requires county assessors to be minimally certified as a state licensed appraiser.
HB 1409 - Campbell - Relating to design-build contracts.
HB 1429 - Shoemyer - Requires farmers who plant patented seed and retain seed from the harvest for planting the following planting season
HB 1431 - Scheve - Changes the assessment of real property to every four years.
HB 1459 - Reid - Repeals and enacts section 578.008 without any changes which created the crime of spreading disease to livestock
HB 1467 - Hendrickson - Allows a homestead exemption from property tax assessments for seniors.
HB 1480 - Dempsey - Requires school board approval of tax increment financing plans for areas with residential or multifamily properties.
HB 1500 - Mays (050) - Allows telecommunication providers open competition for the business of tenants.
HB 1505 - Treadway - Alters the definitions that apply to limited and dual real estate agents.
HB 1511 - Fares - Requires a certificate of value to be filed with certain transfers of real property.
HB 1514 - Burton - Requires counties to permit taxpayers to pay personal property taxes in installments of the taxpayer's choosing.
HB 1575 - Treadway - Raises the maximum upper limit for circuit breaker relief for the elderly.
HB 1580 - Barnett - Revises statute concerning county boards of equalization
HB 1608 - Robirds - Bars any legal claim on a lien a contractor holds if a subcontractor has already been paid.
HB 1633 - Hoppe - Changes procedures for tax foreclosure sales.
HB 1657 - Cunningham - Provides additional guidelines for property tax appeals.
HB 1660 - Cunningham - Limits changes in property assessment to 5 percent or the increase in the Cpi.
HB 1669 - Holt - Bases assessment value of certain real property on the date the property the property was sold or conveyed.
HB 1705 - Hollingsworth - Authorizes special use permits in certain counties.
HB 1712 - Monaco - Modifies provisions of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code regarding matters regulated by the Secretary of State
HB 1760 - Mayer - Revises certain provisions relating to stealing.
HB 1761 - Gaskill - Changes the assessed valuation limits for county classifications.
HB 1768 - Hosmer - Provides that liens of judgments or decrees on real estate shall continue for ten years
HB 1769 - Hoppe - Permits cities, villages, and certain counties to enact ordinances regarding removal or abatement of nuisances.
HB 1795 - Berkowitz - Authorizes conveyances of certain state property to private ownership
HB 1811 - Gambaro - Authorizes various conveyances of property
HB 1833 - Hendrickson - Changes requirements for property assessments.
HB 1849 - Barnitz - Authorizes conveyance of state property to the Crawford County Commission
HB 1851 - Curls - Revises the composition and selection of the Kansas City housing commissioners
HB 1855 - Hollingsworth - Creates the State Property Preservation Fund.
HB 1861 - Burcham - Authorizes a conveyance of state property to the Habitat for Humanity of St. Francois County
HB 1866 - Fares - Increases circuit breaker limits.
HB 1874 - Crawford - Allows certain cities to remove weeds or trash on property.
HB 1888 - Barnitz - Revises pawnbroker provisions, theft crime felony limits, third offense stealing charges and bad check costs
HB 1892 - Berkstresser - Allows for reimbursement of expenses in certain condemnation and inverse condemnation cases.
HB 1912 - Cunningham - Requires certificates of value to be filed with the assessor's office upon sale of real property.
HB 1950 - Scheve - Requires that individuals applying or renewing a mortgage broker license must show proof of completion of a
HB 1956 - Hilgemann - Enacts the uniform planned community act.
HB 1964 - Gambaro - Excludes certain neighborhood associations from certain statutes governing real estate agents
HB 1968 - Wilson - Requires landlords of manufactured or mobile home land lease communities to provide 120 days' notice to vacate
HB 1995 - Dempsey - Prohibits any political subdivision from levying a property tax above the calculated rate without voter approval.
HB 2008 - O'Connor - Revises provisions relating to the sale and titling of motor vehicles and vessels
HB 2011 - Cunningham - Allows qualified common-interest communities to receive compensation from a municipality for trash services.
HB 2064 - Walton - Changes requirements for sheriff's deeds given under the Municipal Land Reutilization Law
HB 2118 - O'Connor - Requires installation of approved fire protection sprinkler system for high-rise buildings.
HB 2122 - Wilson - Clarifies the language to be included in the certification on each personal property listing.
HB 2130 - Boykins - Clarifies the deadline for personal property tax returns property listings.
HB 2146 - Campbell - Eliminates escheats and deems such property transferring to the state to be unclaimed property.
HB 2184 - Hartzler - Requires a city's approval before a fire protection district may impose fees within such city.
HB 2188 - Bland - Requires counties to provide for partial payment of property taxes.
HB 2189 - Bland - Changes requirements for sheriff's sales of property.
HB 2191 - Henderson - Permits any county to establish a landlord-tenant court.
HB 2192 - Hendrickson - Requires appropriation of tobacco settlement for use in lieu of personal property tax revenue.
HB 2206 - Fraser - Requires lessors to notify lessees of any proposed rental increase over a certain amount.
HJR 042 - Bearden - Prohibits any increase in the assessed value of real property of more than the percentage of change in Missouri
HJR 046 - Froelker - Proposes a constitutional amendment exempting from taxation certain personal property of disabled veterans.

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HB 1279 - Ostmann - Requires court to order counseling or psychological treatment for children who are cruel to animals and
HB 1553 - Linton - Limits the psychiatric and psychological evaluation of students.
HB 1826 - Hosmer - Specifies when an agency is to notify the attorney general of a possible sexually violent predator and the content of

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Public Assistance

SB 0640 - Russell - Adds a regional child assessment center in Camden county
SB 0732 - Bland - Requires the Division of Family Services to provide an annual report on the status of welfare reform in Missouri
SB 0782 - Bland - Authorizes an appropriation to the MO Housing Development Commission for grants to housing development groups
SB 0785 - Goode - Allows additional counties to establish homeless programs and increases fees on recorded instruments to $5
SB 0790 - Bland - Establishes the General Assembly Scholarship Program funded by a nonresident earnings tax
SB 0810 - Dougherty - Modifies provisions relating to supplemental assistance payments for the elderly and disabled
SB 0924 - Sims - Regulates not-for-profit corporations providing dental services
SB 1042 - Bland - Dedicates additional revenue to the energy assistance program
SB 1069 - Sims - Requires Medicaid eligibility & benefits for home- and community-based services to be equal to institutional care
SB 1111 - Quick - Extends the sunset for the Children's Health Insurance Program to July 1, 2007
SB 1116 - Dougherty - Allows PSC to consider ability to pay as a factor in setting rates
SB 1149 - Singleton - Adds a tax on the sale of certain tobacco products and creates the "Fund for Lifelong Health"
SB 1259 - Loudon - Creates a food recovery program to provide food to needy persons
SCR 046 - Dougherty - Relating to the TANF Reauthorization Act of 2001
HB 1052 - Ward - Allows the Division of Family Services to provide financial assistance to not-for-profit food pantries operating
HB 1053 - Ward - Excludes up to five thousand dollars of total cash value for life insurance policies from the definition of
HB 1079 - Portwood - Expands eligibility for the Missouri Senior Rx Program to include seniors with catastrophic drug costs
HB 1360 - Scheve - Changes the eligibility requirements for public assistance.
HB 1983 - Baker - Removes the time restriction on the income disregard for receipt of temporary assistance for needy families.
HB 2030 - Whorton - Allows a public assistance income disregard for automobile liability insurance premiums.
HCR 013 - Bowman - Urges Congress to pass the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families reauthorization legislation.

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Public Buildings

SB 0634 - Wiggins - Authorizes additional annual funding for Kansas City sports stadiums
SB 0717 - House - Regulates contracts for services formerly delivered by public bodies
SB 0748 - Goode - Authorizes design-build projects in certain instances
SB 0784 - Russell - Requires posting of notice and limits times for application of pesticides, insecticides and herbicides
SB 0821 - Dougherty - Allows division of design and construction to contract for guaranteed energy cost savings
SB 1012 - Caskey - Extends the period of payments from 10 to 20 years on guaranteed energy cost savings contracts
SB 1119 - Johnson - Authorizes Office of Administration to provide security guards at state-owned or leased buildings
SB 1148 - Yeckel - Creates the state property preservation fund
SB 1191 - Jacob - Creates MO Tobacco Settlement Auth. which may issue bonds to be repaid w/net tobacco settlement agreement recoveries
SB 1255 - Steelman - Revises process for addressing issues in public construction contracts
HB 1127 - Smith (011) - Requires lobbyists to wear identification badges
HB 1171 - Hickey - Establishes minimum qualifications for bids for state construction contracts
HB 1315 - Graham - Allows the state of Missouri to be sued under the Americans with disabilities act.
HB 1427 - Hosmer - Relating to oversight of public privatization contracts.
HB 1451 - Kreider - Adds the speaker of the House and the president pro tem of the Senate to the board of public buildings
HB 1592 - Hickey - Indian tribes may be employers; creates the workers memorial fund; testing positive for drug/alcohol is misconduct
HB 2087 - Whorton - Allows energy cost savings contracts
HB 2118 - O'Connor - Requires installation of approved fire protection sprinkler system for high-rise buildings.
HB 2171 - Crawford - Revises and adds provisions relating to design-build contracts.
HCR 034 - Wilson - Approves the Curators of the University of Missouri to enter into a ground lease for the purpose of construction

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Public Officers

SB 0655 - Rohrbach - Revises procedures for gubernatorial appointments
SB 0717 - House - Regulates contracts for services formerly delivered by public bodies
SB 0766 - Steelman - Regulates inaugural and congressional reapportionment committees and provisions of campaign finance disclosure law
SB 0943 - Schneider - Requires state to pay for secondary health insurance coverage for certain public officials over the age of 65
SB 1118 - Loudon - Prohibits elected and appointed officials from appearing in televised commercials or advertisements paid by state funds
SB 1120 - Yeckel - Regulates committees organized to influence congressional apportionment
SJR 035 - Jacob - Repeals legislative term limits
HB 1092 - Reynolds - Permits additional classes of public employees to form and join labor organizations
HB 1098 - Relford - Allows government bodies to hold closed meetings when discussing protection of water supply systems
HB 1132 - Walton - Provides for impeachment of municipal elected officials
HB 1328 - Robirds - Requires Ethics Commission to send notices of late filing fee assessments within five business days of due date.
HB 1708 - Daus - Permits the Recorder of Deeds for the City of St. Louis to be appointed as a local registrar.
HJR 034 - Farnen - Proposes a constitutional amendment to require a re-elected Governor to make new appointments to agencies and

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Public Records, Public Meetings

SB 0659 - House - Revises charter school laws
SB 0685 - Steelman - Revises the Sunshine Law
SB 0686 - Steelman - Prohibits sealing of civil court records, with limited exceptions
SB 0717 - House - Regulates contracts for services formerly delivered by public bodies
SB 0766 - Steelman - Regulates inaugural and congressional reapportionment committees and provisions of campaign finance disclosure law
SB 0830 - House - Allows adopted persons over age 50 to obtain their original birth certificate
SB 0845 - Russell - Exempts from public inspection certain public records furnished by a municipal utility to the PSC
SB 1014 - Klindt - Adopts the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act
SB 1092 - Loudon - Expands authority of courts to set aside past convictions and expunge criminal records
SB 1121 - Yeckel - Revises certain campaign finance requirements
HB 1098 - Relford - Allows government bodies to hold closed meetings when discussing protection of water supply systems
HB 1167 - Crowell - Requires presiding judges to post rule 17 compliance reports in courthouses and notify press
HB 1195 - Selby - Allows adopted adults to have access to their original birth certificates without a court order
HB 1283 - Gaskill - Makes scientific documentation used for the promulgation of regulations or statutes public under the open records law.
HB 1456 - Smith (011) - Allows public hospitals to close portions of their records.
HB 1555 - Linton - Revises law on privacy of elementary and secondary student records.
HB 1693 - Shields - Exempts certificates of release or discharge from active duty from open records law.
HB 1708 - Daus - Permits the Recorder of Deeds for the City of St. Louis to be appointed as a local registrar.
HB 2017 - Kelly (027) - Allows adopted persons over the age of 50 to obtain their original birth certificates.
HB 2064 - Walton - Changes requirements for sheriff's deeds given under the Municipal Land Reutilization Law
HB 2218 - Naeger - Requires expungement for first alcohol related driving offense for persons under 21 and requires Dor to expunge

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Public Safety Dept.

SB 0647 - Goode - Amends various provisions regarding the use of child restraint systems in motor vehicles
SB 0689 - Gibbons - Creates Project Exile
SB 0712 - Singleton - Modifies provisions relating to terrorism
SB 0727 - Yeckel - Revises the law regarding tinted windows
SB 0757 - Westfall - Creates the Head Injury Fund for use by the Missouri Head Injury Advisory Council
SB 0789 - Bland - Requires racial profiling information for every stop of a motor vehicle
SB 0815 - Childers - A percentage of insurance premium taxes shall fund various fire protection programs
SB 0912 - Mathewson - Extends business hours for qualified resorts in Miller, Morgan and Camden counties to sell liquor by the drink
SB 0945 - Stoll - Extends the World War II medallion program from January 1, 2002, to July 1, 2003
SB 0977 - Quick - Would create a $150,000 death benefit for public safety officers killed in the line of duty
SB 1000 - Dougherty - Increases state emergency health powers
SB 1095 - Cauthorn - Creates the "Missouri Sheriff Methamphetamine Relief Team" (MoSMART)
SB 1166 - DePasco - Creates the Missouri Chimney Safety Act
SB 1252 - Bland - Modifies various aspects of the criminal justice system
SB 1265 - Kenney - Creates enforcement provisions to prohibit sale of tobacco products to minors
HB 1095 - Relford - Requires motor vehicles traveling on four lane highways to move to passing lane to overtake a stationary vehicle on
HB 1321 - Selby - Revises the Public Service Officer's or Employee's Child Survivor Grant Program.
HB 1530 - Hoppe - Allows supervisor of liquor control to assess civil penalties for certain violations.
HB 1692 - Overschmidt - Extends business hours for qualified resorts in Miller, Morgan, and Camden counties to sell liquor by the drink
HB 1838 - Hosmer - Requires certification of place of business for motor vehicle dealers, boat dealers and boat manufacturers
HB 1895 - Carnahan - Establishes the Criminal Records and Justice Information Advisory Committee
HB 2042 - Wilson - Requires the use of various child safety restraints in a motor vehicle based on age, weight, and height of the
HB 2053 - Smith (011) - Clarifies registration of tobacco sellers and authorizes Division of Liquor Control to enforce provisions on sale of

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Public Service Commission

SB 0770 - Russell - Revises documentation required for telecommunications companies to charge for Internet services
SB 0843 - Stoll - Allows a landlord to have a security interest in abandoned manufactured homes for unpaid rent and revises procedures
SB 0845 - Russell - Exempts from public inspection certain public records furnished by a municipal utility to the PSC
SB 0870 - Goode - Increases penalty that may be imposed by the PSC for safety related violations of the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act
SB 0872 - Dougherty - Creates the Consumer Clean Energy Act to promote energy efficiency
SB 0888 - Gross - PSC must set ratemaking principles before new generation is constructed and DNR must act on permits within 180 days
SB 0900 - Goode - Allows for aggregate purchasing of natural gas by public school districts & PSC to refund ratepayers certain amounts
SB 0942 - Schneider - Appeals of Public Service Commission orders shall go directly to the Court of Appeals
SB 1013 - Steelman - Allows for transfers of generation of electrical corporations to an affiliated party
SB 1116 - Dougherty - Allows PSC to consider ability to pay as a factor in setting rates
SB 1131 - Gibbons - Revises requirements for joint municipal utility commissions and projects
SB 1170 - Childers - Creates the Public Counsel Fund
SB 1174 - Steelman - Allows consumers with at least 50 employers to file a rate complaint with the Public Service Commission
SB 1186 - Kenney - Revises power of political subdivisions to impose surcharges and provide telecommunication services and facilities
SB 1209 - Goode - Revises PSC provisions regarding appointment of commissioners; ex parte communications & employees of PSC
SB 1234 - Bland - Allows the PSC to consider the ability to pay as factor in setting utility rates and establishes a low-income program
SB 1235 - Bland - Allows the PSC to refund ratepayers for unauthorized use charges, penalties & refunds from pipelines after hearing
SB 1273 - Goode - Allows water corporations to bill for security costs
HB 1142 - Hosmer - Protects certain information furnished by a municipal utility to the Public Service Commission
HB 1388 - Mays (050) - Relating to penalties for violations of orders by the public service commission.
HB 1482 - Mays (050) - Authorizes Public Service Commission to direct allocation of certain sums to gas ratepayers.
HB 1500 - Mays (050) - Allows telecommunication providers open competition for the business of tenants.
HB 1599 - Lowe - Encourages the use of renewable resources.
HB 1865 - Willoughby - Helps facilitate joint municipal utility projects.
HB 1875 - Mays (050) - Allows the Psc to consider a customers' ability to pay when setting utility rates.
HB 1914 - Mays (050) - Provides for the funding of the office of public counsel for the representation of utility customers.
HB 1929 - Burton - Requires the Public Service Commission to establish rules for expedited dispute resolution procedures.
HB 1981 - Shields - Prohibits members of the Public Service Commission from establishing or maintaining a campaign finance committee.
HCR 028 - Willoughby - Establishes a Joint Committee on Utility Regulation and Infrastructure Investment.
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