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SB 1058 - Childers - Exempts ticket sales for railway excursions that travel fewer than fifty miles from their origination
SB 1202 - Westfall - Transfers various powers to the Department of Transportation to implement Governor's Executive Order
SB 1213 - Mathewson - Requires railroad policemen to be commissioned
HB 2052 - Hosmer - Railroad corporations.

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SB 0657 - House - Limits the ability of the Government to interfere with the exercise of religion
SB 0692 - Gross - School boards to establish the daily observance of one minute of silence in each classroom
SB 0904 - Klindt - Exempts religious, charitable, and nonprofit organizations from food inspection laws in certain circumstances
SB 0958 - Kinder - Limits the ability of the government to interfere with the exercise of religion
SCR 045 - Gross - Relating to student prayer in schools
SJR 030 - Cauthorn - Would allow school districts private school pupils transportation
HB 1036 - Willoughby - Allows school boards to establish daily observance of one minute of silence
HB 1043 - Bearden - Requires school boards to establish the daily observance of one minute of silence in each classroom
HB 1058 - Haywood - Adds first and second degree arson to a list of hate crimes
HB 1148 - Ross - Religious cemeteries may establish scatter gardens in cemetery for scattering of human cremains
HB 1264 - Gratz - Establishes minute of silence in all public schools.
HB 1623 - Luetkenhaus - Requires the school boards of each school district to establish the daily observance of one minute of silence in
HB 1801 - Gambaro - Imposes the compelling state interest test on any governmental restriction on the free exercise of religion.
HB 1825 - Merideth III - Allows display of various documents in public schools upon completion of certain conditions.
HCR 019 - Jetton - Urges Congress to take up and pass the proposed amendment to the U.s. Constitution to permit voluntary prayer in
HCR 022 - Bearden - Urges the United States Congress to pass legislation for a proposed voluntary school prayer amendment to the United
HJR 055 - Bearden - Proposes a constitutional amendment guaranteeing public school students the right to pray.

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Retirement-Local Government

HB 1509 - Rizzo - Changes provisions relating to Kansas City Police and Police Employees' Retirement Fund
HB 1510 - Rizzo - Changes the laws controlling police retirement systems.
HB 1524 - O'Toole - Removes cap on annual percentage increases under the St. Louis firefighter's retirement plan.
HB 1538 - Clayton - Allows certain prosecuting and circuit attorneys to receive prior service credit for retirement.
HB 1734 - Crump - Requires all counties or St. Louis that participate in the sheriff retirement system to also fund the system.
HB 1879 - O'Toole - Authorizes service retirement allowances for St. Louis firefighters at age 62.
HB 1880 - O'Toole - Specifies dollar limit for special advisors and consultants under St. Louis firefighter retirement system.
HB 1989 - Shoemyer - Gives prosecuting and circuit attorneys eligibility pursuant to the prosecuting attorneys and circuit
HB 2080 - Britt - Revises retirement provisions for counties who elected to have a full-time prosecuting attorney prior to 8/28/01
HB 2144 - O'Toole - Changes cost of living adjustments for the St. Louis police retirement system.
HB 2160 - Britt - Establishes a police chief and officer retirement fund for police outside Kansas City and St. Louis.

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SB 1223 - Jacob - Allows certain part-time employees to receive creditable service from the public school retirement system
HB 1724 - Froelker - Increases the benefit formula for public school retirement systems.
HB 2207 - Fraser - Allows retired teachers to substitute for eight hundred hours per school year and still retain retirement benefits.

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SB 0643 - Mathewson - Allows members of the Board of Probation and Parole the use of sick leave to purchase additional creditable service
SB 1133 - Gross - Revises provisions of MOSERS and Highway Employees and High- way Patrol Retirement Systems and the Judicial Plan
SB 1193 - Caskey - Establishes a district attorney system
HB 1223 - Shields - Changes age of eligibility for retirement in the Missouri State Employees Retirement System.
HB 1426 - Davis - Removes the current 50-year age requirement for certain public retirement systems.
HB 1453 - Hosmer - Adds to the Mosers board one judge appointed by the Chief Justice.
HB 1455 - O'Toole - Revises provisions of certain public retirement systems
HB 1529 - Hegeman - Changes the cost-of-living adjustment calculation for state employee retirement plans.
HB 1560 - Hegeman - Requires minimum level contributions for health insurance for certain state retirement systems.
HB 1571 - Skaggs - Allows state retirees retired prior to July 1, 1990, to receive monthly increase of five dollars times number of
HB 1572 - Skaggs - Alters sick leave calculations for state retirement purposes.
HB 1617 - Griesheimer - Increases the benefits of conservation agents and retired conservation agents.
HB 1818 - Hegeman - Increases the annual cost-of-living allowance for public retirement systems from eighty percent to one hundred
HB 1823 - Franklin - Clarifies treatment of retirement payments for state retirees who are reemployed by the state.
HB 1971 - Seigfreid - Qualifies certain individuals as special consultants for the public employee retirement systems.
HB 2106 - Hagan-Harrell - Gives members of the general assembly full retirement benefits if they serve more than two terms.

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Retirement Systems and Benefits-General

SB 0823 - Cauthorn - Exempts pension and retirement income of seniors from state income tax
SB 0939 - Wiggins - Creates a partial lump-sum option for KC police officers retirement system with persons over 26 years experience
SB 0961 - Wiggins - Modifies provisions relating to the Kansas City police retirement system
SB 0967 - Kennedy - Allows spouses or dependents of deceased retired officers & employees receiving a pension to purchase insurance
SB 1001 - Mathewson - Requires all counties or St. Louis who participate in the sheriff retirement system to also fund the system
SB 1049 - Stoll - Specifies the annual leave accrual rate and options for excess accrued leave for Dept. of Transportation employees
SB 1073 - Cauthorn - Allows credit for prior service for prosecuting or circuit attorneys serving as of August 28, 2002
SB 1133 - Gross - Revises provisions of MOSERS and Highway Employees and High- way Patrol Retirement Systems and the Judicial Plan
SB 1247 - Quick - Requires the Kansas City Firefighters Pension Fund to recognize domestic relations orders
SB 1277 - Caskey - Allows for crediting and transfers of creditable service in certain situations for judges
HB 1223 - Shields - Changes age of eligibility for retirement in the Missouri State Employees Retirement System.
HB 1426 - Davis - Removes the current 50-year age requirement for certain public retirement systems.
HB 1453 - Hosmer - Adds to the Mosers board one judge appointed by the Chief Justice.
HB 1455 - O'Toole - Revises provisions of certain public retirement systems
HB 1509 - Rizzo - Changes provisions relating to Kansas City Police and Police Employees' Retirement Fund
HB 1510 - Rizzo - Changes the laws controlling police retirement systems.
HB 1560 - Hegeman - Requires minimum level contributions for health insurance for certain state retirement systems.
HB 1572 - Skaggs - Alters sick leave calculations for state retirement purposes.
HB 1604 - Froelker - Excludes certain amounts of Social Security and military retirement benefits from taxation.
HB 1617 - Griesheimer - Increases the benefits of conservation agents and retired conservation agents.
HB 1674 - O'Toole - Requires retirement plans to file proposed rules with the Joint Committee on Public Employee Retirement
HB 1724 - Froelker - Increases the benefit formula for public school retirement systems.
HB 1818 - Hegeman - Increases the annual cost-of-living allowance for public retirement systems from eighty percent to one hundred
HB 1823 - Franklin - Clarifies treatment of retirement payments for state retirees who are reemployed by the state.
HB 1971 - Seigfreid - Qualifies certain individuals as special consultants for the public employee retirement systems.
HB 1989 - Shoemyer - Gives prosecuting and circuit attorneys eligibility pursuant to the prosecuting attorneys and circuit
HB 2080 - Britt - Revises retirement provisions for counties who elected to have a full-time prosecuting attorney prior to 8/28/01
HB 2106 - Hagan-Harrell - Gives members of the general assembly full retirement benefits if they serve more than two terms.
HB 2144 - O'Toole - Changes cost of living adjustments for the St. Louis police retirement system.
HB 2207 - Fraser - Allows retired teachers to substitute for eight hundred hours per school year and still retain retirement benefits.
HCR 015 - O'Toole - Urges Congress to enact federal legislation to protect employee retirement savings programs

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Revenue Dept.

SB 0632 - Schneider - Permits refund of overcollected sales taxes only if they are returned to the original purchasers
SB 0644 - Mathewson - Allows veterans to obtain a specialized veteran motorcycle license plate
SB 0661 - Westfall - Revises state school aid formula
SB 0664 - Klarich - Earmarks state sales tax revenues for St. Louis multipurpose facilities
SB 0677 - Yeckel - Allows a tax credit for persons who contribute to unplanned pregnancy resource centers
SB 0710 - Goode - Raises gas tax, sales tax, registration fees and shifts highway revenues for transportation purposes
SB 0721 - Westfall - Amends several provisions of law regulating traffic offenses
SB 0734 - Steelman - Creates a tax credit for 25% of the unreimbursed cost of health insurance premiums paid by individuals
SB 0735 - Steelman - Creates a tax credit for contributions to scholarship charities
SB 0741 - Wiggins - Modifies law relating to organ donation and procurement
SB 0745 - Russell - Allows Marines and Navy personnel who participated in combat to receive Combat Action Ribbon license plates
SB 0750 - Goode - Specifies that article used in trade-in to offset sales tax must have had tax paid or been exempted from tax
SB 0755 - Westfall - Exempts retailers from sales tax for inventory donated to private or public education entities
SB 0759 - Yeckel - Freezes residential property valuations for senior citizens at local option
SB 0762 - Bland - Establishes the "Missouri Universal Health Assurance Program" to provide health care benefits to all MO citizens
SB 0769 - Russell - Limits the amount of tax credits redeemed in any given year to that amount appropriated for each tax credit program
SB 0774 - Goode - Reduces speed limit by five m.p.h. for trucks on certain highways, expressways and interstates of this state
SB 0778 - Yeckel - Allows a tax deduction for those who contribute to medical savings accounts
SB 0790 - Bland - Establishes the General Assembly Scholarship Program funded by a nonresident earnings tax
SB 0796 - Mathewson - Increases independent agency fees for motor vehicle registration and driver's licenses
SB 0798 - Westfall - Allows two sets of specialized plates to be issued to U.S. Congressional members
SB 0799 - Westfall - Includes departments of Agriculture, Economic Development and Revenue in merit system
SB 0801 - DePasco - Requires Revenue Department to reinstate driving privileges after court finds in favor of driver
SB 0802 - DePasco - Creates the crime of fraudulent use of a credit or debit device to "pay" property taxes to obtain auto license tags
SB 0808 - Gross - Allows individuals a tax credit on taxes paid on residential property
SB 0814 - Childers - Requires director to credit person for suspension served before imposing penalties for an out-of-state conviction
SB 0815 - Childers - A percentage of insurance premium taxes shall fund various fire protection programs
SB 0820 - Bentley - Allows certain foster parents to receive a dependency exemption on their state income tax returns
SB 0823 - Cauthorn - Exempts pension and retirement income of seniors from state income tax
SB 0843 - Stoll - Allows a landlord to have a security interest in abandoned manufactured homes for unpaid rent and revises procedures
SB 0885 - Bentley - Allows satellite economic development zones in Springfield
SB 0894 - Kinder - Establishes sales tax holiday, provides tax amnesty & limits sales tax overpayment refunds
SB 0899 - Dougherty - Expands state tax credit for contributions to authorized dropout abatement pilot programs
SB 0908 - Gibbons - Terminates the corporation franchise tax law
SB 0909 - Gibbons - Shifts burden of proof on tax credit disputes to Department of Revenue
SB 0910 - Gibbons - Allows abatement and prospective application of taxes in certain situations
SB 0919 - Klarich - Requires used motor vehicle dealers to attend 6-hour educational seminar in order to obtain or renew license
SB 0926 - Kenney - Revises numerous provisions relating to the sale of motor vehicles and vessels
SB 0929 - Stoll - Modifies the law relating to organ donation and procurement
SB 0930 - Stoll - Requires permit drivers to display sign bearing the words "PERMIT DRIVER" while operating a motor vehicle
SB 0966 - Kennedy - Creates the St. Louis College of Pharmacy special license plate
SB 0970 - Westfall - Raises the general sales tax for transportation purposes & revises numerous statutes relating to transportation
SB 0999 - Rohrbach - Repeals boat sales tax exemption
SB 1030 - Kennedy - Changes the custodian of the Statutory County Recorder's Fund
SB 1045 - Bland - Authorizes a 2-year tax free zone in Kansas City
SB 1078 - Kennedy - Changes the custodian of the Statutory County Recorder's Fund
SB 1093 - Loudon - Revises the process for the registration of historic motor vehicle plates
SB 1109 - Yeckel - Requires department of revenue to issue information regarding driving while intoxicated to 1st time licensees
SB 1177 - Coleman - Creates a tax credit for home-based child care
SB 1189 - Westfall - Allows Kingdom of Calontir and the Missouri Civil War Reenactors Association members to receive license plates
SB 1196 - Kennedy - Suspends registration license and driver's license for failure to pay certain traffic fines
SB 1202 - Westfall - Transfers various powers to the Department of Transportation to implement Governor's Executive Order
SB 1241 - Coleman - Allows persons to receive various specialized license plates and limits certain organizations from sponsoring plates
SB 1248 - Mathewson - Modifies various provisions related to collection and refund procedures of sales and income taxes
SB 1253 - Coleman - Persons may receive Delta Sigma Theta or Omega Psi Phi Greek organization license plates after contributing to such org.
SB 1264 - Kenney - Eliminates lienholder possession on certificates of title
SB 1265 - Kenney - Creates enforcement provisions to prohibit sale of tobacco products to minors
SB 1266 - Kenney - Creates felony for sale or distribution of gray market cigarettes
SB 1268 - Westfall - Requires applicant to file statements rather than affidavits when applying for motor vehicle registrations
SB 1279 - Kinder - Creates several community development projects
HB 1035 - Portwood - Requires Department of Revenue to distribute information to first time licensees relating to the dangers of drinking
HB 1038 - Ross - Revises restrictions relating to tinting materials applied to windows of motor vehicles
HB 1039 - Luetkemeyer - Allows an income tax credit for admission fees to tourist attractions in Kansas City and St. Louis, and in Camden,
HB 1044 - Bearden - Allows a tax credit for property taxes paid on property located in Missouri
HB 1050 - Ward - Eliminates fee to be paid for special purple heart license plates
HB 1073 - Hosmer - Allows Greene County to impose a tax on cigarettes and tobacco products
HB 1075 - Nordwald - Revises procedure for landowners to acquire title to abandoned vehicles
HB 1078 - Whorton - Authorizes sales tax for regional jail districts and associated court facilities
HB 1081 - Bearden - Creates a deduction from Missouri adjusted gross income for qualified education expenses
HB 1093 - Relford - Allows motorists to obtain various special license plates & limits the issuance of such plates to certain entities
HB 1094 - Relford - Creates special license plate for the Missouri Coroners' and Medical Examiners' Association
HB 1146 - Coleman - Authorizes an income tax credit for parents providing child care for their or a spouse's child if they receive no
HB 1147 - Hartzler - Allows Cass County to impose a one-half percent sales tax for fire protection district operation costs
HB 1159 - Boykins - Persons may receive Delta Sigma Theta or Omega Psi Phi Greek organization license plates after contributing to such org.
HB 1163 - Hosmer - Revises procedure for reinstating drivers' licenses upon proof of disposition of charges for moving traffic
HB 1164 - Hosmer - Requires refund of overcharged cigarette taxes to consumers
HB 1172 - Hickey - Excludes mandatory gratuities from the definition of gross receipts for tax purposes
HB 1174 - Hickey - Changes the tax on the sale, lease, or rental of motor vehicles to two percent
HB 1178 - Gaskill - Creates a tax credit for personal property tax paid on agricultural crops and machinery
HB 1180 - Gaskill - Creates a tax credit for amounts teachers spend on teaching supplies
HB 1196 - Barnett - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation, sales tax, and billboard provisions
HB 1202 - Smith (011) - Permits refund of overcollected sales taxes only if they are returned to the original purchasers
HB 1204 - Seigfreid - Creates special license plate for Friends of Arrow Rock
HB 1205 - Seigfreid - Creates various special license plates related to the military
HB 1206 - Boucher - Allows taxpayers 65 and older to receive the maximum exemption on pensions regardless of income
HB 1210 - Boucher - Exempts all pension amounts for taxpayers 70 1/2 years of age or older
HB 1214 - Davis - Allows veterans to obtain a specialized veteran motorcycle license plate
HB 1219 - Shields - Creates a state income tax credit for certain small employers who provide health insurance for eligible
HB 1220 - Shields - Allows an exemption from sales tax on items purchased and given to the state
HB 1221 - Shields - Allows school districts to impose an income tax of one percent if approved by the voters
HB 1222 - Shields -
HB 1237 - Hegeman - Allows the Department of Revenue to enter into compromise agreements on tax amounts in dispute.
HB 1242 - Griesheimer - Allows for a special license plate bearing the words "PREVENT DISASTERS" in recognition of September 11, 2001
HB 1251 - Thompson - Eliminates local sales and use tax on food.
HB 1253 - Thompson - Allows a tax credit for donations to people with an income below the federal poverty level.
HB 1265 - Gratz - Requires selective service registration of all male driver's license applicants eighteen to twenty-one years of age
HB 1268 - Boucher - Exempts all public and private retirement allowances from taxation.
HB 1272 - Smith (011) - Creates special license plate for Missouri Elks Association
HB 1278 - Gambaro - Creates a tax credit for contributions to scholarship charity
HB 1288 - Liese - Requires sales tax in a multipurpose facility in St. Louis to be used for maintenance and refurbishment of such
HB 1310 - O'Connor - Creates continuing education requirement for used motor vehicle dealers.
HB 1314 - Mays (050) - Modifies law regarding retired military plates
HB 1327 - Portwood - Allows the department of revenue to enter into compromise agreements on tax amounts in dispute.
HB 1333 - Troupe - Creates a temporary exemption from sales tax for retail sales of clothing before the start of the school year.
HB 1343 - Villa - Creates a special license plate for Jefferson National Parks Association.
HB 1359 - Scheve - Excludes social security benefits from state income taxation.
HB 1379 - Boucher - Provides income tax exemption for pensions for veterans 65 and older.
HB 1382 - Hanaway - Allows full deductibility of individual and corporate federal income tax.
HB 1385 - Bray - Provides a tax credit for assistance and care for the disabled.
HB 1391 - Smith (011) - Allows 4-H members and parents of 4-H members to obtain special license plates
HB 1392 - Holand - Allows school districts to enact income and sales taxes
HB 1397 - Ransdall - Creates special license plate for members of the Missouri Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs
HB 1407 - Wilson - Creates a phased-in earned income tax credit.
HB 1411 - Skaggs - Creates special license plate for Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment Fund, Inc.
HB 1412 - Skaggs - Allows motorists to obtain "I'm Pet Friendly" and "Respect Life" license plates
HB 1415 - Koller - Provides sales tax exemption for admission fees and sales tax related to pheasant hunting.
HB 1416 - Koller - Requires person with immigration visa to notify Dor of that fact upon application for driver's license.
HB 1419 - Shields - Allows a tax credit for qualified contributions to schools.
HB 1462 - Rizzo - Allows aliens to obtain drivers' licenses after providing certain information to the Department of Revenue.
HB 1463 - Selby - Exempts motor vehicles and boats manufactured in Missouri from sales tax.
HB 1464 - Reid - Allows surviving spouses of persons who owned or would have been eligible to own special military license plates to
HB 1478 - Lograsso - Creates special license plates for Eagle Scouts and parents of Eagle Scouts, members of the Tribe of Mic-O-Say, and
HB 1497 - Boucher - Creates a tax credit for builders of universally designed lifetime homes in any political subdivision that has
HB 1504 - Liese - Eliminates requirement of one hundred requests for certain special license plates prior to manufacture
HB 1539 - Clayton - Allows one hardship driving privilege per two year period.
HB 1541 - Bray - Creates a tax exemption for property leased or transferred by certain interstate compact agencies.
HB 1543 - Shelton (057) - Revises additional fees to be collected by agent of department of revenue from sale of motor vehicle licenses
HB 1554 - Linton - Allows a tax credit related to a dependent child's reading level.
HB 1556 - Rizzo - Modifies certain multistate income issues concerning foreign investment service and S corporations
HB 1582 - Crump - Requires sellers to accept in good faith any sales tax exemption letter or certificate.
HB 1583 - Monaco - Creates special license plates for members of the Society for Creative Anachronism and members of the Missouri Civil
HB 1592 - Hickey - Indian tribes may be employers; creates the workers memorial fund; testing positive for drug/alcohol is misconduct
HB 1598 - O'Connor - Adds a new category of motor vehicle dealer and revises the application for licensure process for motor vehicle
HB 1601 - Froelker - Exempts the first two hundred fifty dollars of interest income from state income tax.
HB 1604 - Froelker - Excludes certain amounts of Social Security and military retirement benefits from taxation.
HB 1614 - Ross - Provides additional guidelines regarding income taxes of certain shareholders.
HB 1624 - Skaggs - Creates special license plates for Eagle Scouts and parents of Eagle Scouts, members of the Tribe of Mic-O-Say, and
HB 1626 - Kreider - Establishes the "school Building Property Tax Relief Fund", to be funded by a sales tax increase, with an accompanying
HB 1632 - O'Connor - Allows for a special license plate for members of the Fraternal Order of Police
HB 1637 - Wright - Restores full federal income tax liability deductions for corporations.
HB 1638 - Wright - Creates a tax credit for educational readiness test scores and purchase of educational readiness materials.
HB 1639 - Wright - Changes the income tax rates.
HB 1640 - Wright - Creates a tax credit for a taxpayer whose child receives child care from the taxpayer's spouse.
HB 1661 - Cunningham - Allows full deductibility of individual and corporate federal income tax.
HB 1685 - Luetkenhaus - Raises various user fees and diverts funds from various agencies to be used for transportation.
HB 1696 - Bowman - Increases independent agency fees for motor vehicle registration and driver's licenses.
HB 1699 - Hosmer - Raises the age requirements on various school and motor vehicle laws from sixteen to eighteen.
HB 1703 - Bowman - Creates a tax credit for amounts teachers spend on teaching supplies.
HB 1714 - Hilgemann - Creates a St. Louis College of Pharmacy special license plate
HB 1727 - O'Toole - Establishes a sales tax holiday for clothing and school supplies.
HB 1739 - Cunningham - Creates a tax credit for contributions to scholarship or educational charities.
HB 1746 - Koller - Defines electric personal assistive mobility device and where it may be operated.
HB 1751 - Lawson - Changes calculations for the Tourism Supplemental Revenue Fund.
HB 1772 - Clayton - Increases independent agency fees for motor vehicle registration and driver's licenses.
HB 1776 - Harlan - Relocates custody of the Statutory County Recorder's Fund and limits fees for processing certain adoption documents
HB 1778 - Monaco - Allows for a special license plate for members of the Kingdom of Calontir and the Missouri Civil War Reenactors
HB 1779 - Green - Allows for a special license plate for members of the Missouri-Kansas-Nebraska Conference of Teamsters
HB 1785 - Liese - Exempts from state tax assets and earnings of any higher education savings program qualified by the Internal Revenue
HB 1786 - Liese - Expands the definition of "street rod" and revises the requirement of the display of two license plates on street
HB 1788 - Ross - Allows for a special license plate for members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
HB 1789 - Ross - Allows special license plates for former members of the General Assembly & revises historic motor vehicle plates law
HB 1797 - Hilgemann - Requires the State Treasurer to calculate interest rate based on previous year's annualized rate of return.
HB 1815 - Scheve - Creates a Boy Scouts of America special license plate.
HB 1819 - Scott - Revises the amount of excess revenues generated by fines for moving traffic violations that municipalities must send
HB 1820 - Phillips - Authorizes a one-half percent transient guest tax for tourism in certain counties.
HB 1838 - Hosmer - Requires certification of place of business for motor vehicle dealers, boat dealers and boat manufacturers
HB 1852 - Villa - Allows for a special license plate for members of the Jefferson National Parks Association
HB 1859 - Hendrickson - Excludes military service income from Missouri adjusted gross income.
HB 1862 - May (149) - Allows for a special license plate for members of the Rotary International
HB 1867 - Griesheimer - Allows for a special license plate for members of Missouri Task Force One
HB 1881 - Rizzo - Department of Revenue may require aliens to provide a birth certificate when applying for a driver's license
HB 1896 - Barry - Provides and exemption from sales tax for health and fitness centers.
HB 1908 - O'Connor - Revises title requirements for salvage vehicles.
HB 1909 - O'Connor - Revises reporting requirements for motor vehicle and boat dealers.
HB 1951 - Hampton - Phases in a states sales tax exemption on caskets, coffins, and urns.
HB 1959 - Shields - Revises fees for certain special license plates.
HB 1966 - Froelker - Creates an income tax deduction for National Guard pay.
HB 1969 - Reid - Allows a qualified surviving spouse to obtain a military license plate
HB 1984 - Froelker - Creates a tax exemption for sales of certain motor vehicles.
HB 2007 - O'Connor - Revises the requirements for issuance of license plates.
HB 2008 - O'Connor - Revises provisions relating to the sale and titling of motor vehicles and vessels
HB 2009 - O'Connor - Creates advertising signage requirements for motor vehicle dealers
HB 2021 - Ross - Allows the department of revenue to take certain actions against applicants who commit fraud to obtain a driver's
HB 2025 - Walton - Allows for a special license plate for members or alumni of certain Greek organizations
HB 2027 - Gambaro - Makes various revisions relating to collection of vehicle-related fees and fines.
HB 2029 - Hosmer - Requires certified police reports in certain instances.
HB 2031 - O'Connor - Creates continuing education requirement for used motor vehicle dealers.
HB 2032 - Hosmer - Adds driving while a person's license is canceled, suspended or revoked under the laws of another state to Missouri
HB 2038 - Relford - Repeals one of two sections relating to certain commercial motor vehicles.
HB 2041 - Liese - Creates special event license plates.
HB 2044 - Merideth III - Changes circuit breaker limits for senior citizen property tax relief.
HB 2059 - Hosmer - Allows the director of revenue to hold administrative hearings in regional locations.
HB 2060 - Johnson - Allows certain counties to enact a one percent sales tax for law enforcement purposes.
HB 2062 - Hosmer - Revises various provisions relating to restricted driving privilege
HB 2063 - Seigfreid - Authorizes a sales tax for funding rural economic development.
HB 2065 - Ransdall - Creates an additional charge for the privilege of selling wine.
HB 2069 - Koller - Transfers various powers to the department of transportation pursuant to the governor's executive order.
HB 2077 - Hanaway - Clarifies that income tax deduction for higher education savings program is $8,000 for single taxpayers and $16,000
HB 2099 - Hohulin - Repeals exemptions from taxation that are no longer in effect.
HB 2100 - Hohulin - Makes technical changes to certain sections regulating franchise tax.
HB 2101 - Cooper - Prohibits use of personal or motor vehicle information for bulk distribution for surveys, marketing, and
HB 2105 - Monaco - Revises point system for drivers' licenses to require points to be assessed at the time of conviction or
HB 2107 - Byrd - Increases the Missouri dependency exemption amount.
HB 2119 - Crawford - Increases percentage of matching funds for aviation trust fund purposes.
HB 2123 - Barry - Allows for a special license plate for the Friends of the Missouri Women's Council
HB 2124 - Lograsso - Creates the Tax-Me-More Voluntary Fund.
HB 2125 - Wright - Creates the Show Me Pay More Taxes Voluntary Fund.
HB 2133 - Robirds - Allows certain motor vehicles to be exempt from motor vehicle inspections.
HB 2134 - Holand - Increases the tax on retail sales of food.
HB 2139 - Baker - Clarifies when a license to operate a motor vehicle may be taken and held by law enforcement officers for moving
HB 2143 - Clayton - Permits certain counties to impose a county sales tax for emergency services without reorganizing the existing board
HB 2145 - Curls - Creates a Girl Scouts of America special license plate.
HB 2157 - Graham - Creates a special license plate for current members or alumni of Delta Sigma Phi.
HB 2169 - Cooper - Creates a tax credit for disabled dependent care costs.
HB 2175 - Shields - Expands definition of driveaway operations.
HB 2180 - Froelker - Terminates the corporation franchise tax law.
HB 2201 - Hilgemann - Authorizes placement of motor vehicle registration renewal tabs on windshield.
HB 2205 - Hilgemann - Adds tax computation requirements for corporations.
HB 2216 - Murphy - Imposes a tax on the sales of securities.
HB 2217 - Murphy - Requires fee agents of the department of revenue to be selected by the director pursuant to a competitive bidding
HB 2220 - Naeger - Revises biennial registration requirements for motor vehicles.
HB 2224 - Naeger - Exempts pension and retirement income of seniors from state income tax.
HJR 037 - Reid - Proposes a constitutional amendment to change the allocation of general state sales tax on motor vehicles.

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Revision Bills

SRB1236 - Rohrbach - Repeals obsolete and expired sections of law
HB 2078 - Clayton - Repeals obsolete and expired sections of law

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Roads and Highways

SB 0710 - Goode - Raises gas tax, sales tax, registration fees and shifts highway revenues for transportation purposes
SB 0721 - Westfall - Amends several provisions of law regulating traffic offenses
SB 0738 - Cauthorn - Allows the Department of Transportation to contract with private individuals to mow and maintain the right-of-ways
SB 0804 - DePasco - Authorizes Governor to convey 12 property interests held by the Department of Mental Health to Kansas City
SB 0818 - Westfall - Revises portions of the Model Traffic Ordinance chapter
SB 0851 - Westfall - Modifies various regulations regarding billboards
SB 0867 - Cauthorn - Allows Transportation Commission to enter into design-build contracts
SB 0868 - Cauthorn - Eliminates the requirement that road projects be bid in sections not to exceed 10 miles
SB 0891 - Kenney - Changes ownership requirements for members of a transportation development district
SB 0907 - House - Raises various highway user fees and diverts money from state agencies to fund transportation projects
SB 0915 - Westfall - Raises motor fuel tax and sales tax and diverts other revenues to fund transportation projects
SB 0921 - Sims - Prohibits transporting of hazardous materials in tunnels and on certain highways designated by highway commission
SB 0946 - Jacob - Restricts big trucks to 65 mph on interstates and increases diesel fuel tax and other registration fees
SB 0950 - Gibbons - Designates a portion of Interstate 44 as the "Henry Shaw Ozark Corridor"
SB 0970 - Westfall - Raises the general sales tax for transportation purposes & revises numerous statutes relating to transportation
SB 0974 - Childers - Eliminates the issuance of permits to haul lumber products and earth-moving equipment under fourteen feet in width
SB 1025 - Jacob - Prohibits erection of new billboards, except billboards under 100 square feet if allowed by local ordinance
SB 1037 - Singleton - Authorizes automated traffic enforcement programs
SB 1065 - Staples - Makes various changes to the current billboard law
SB 1077 - Klarich - Imposes additional fines and driver's license suspensions on persons failing to yield the right-of-way
SB 1186 - Kenney - Revises power of political subdivisions to impose surcharges and provide telecommunication services and facilities
SB 1199 - Foster - Designates various portions of highways as the Sergeant Randy Sullivan Memorial Highway and Ozark Mills Country
SB 1208 - Dougherty - Includes certain highways in the City of St. Louis to be considered part of the state highway system
SB 1232 - Singleton - Authorizes voter petition to dissolve road district in Jasper County
SB 1245 - Jacob - Prohibits new construction of billboards along certain highways and the cutting of trees along the highways
SB 1270 - Klindt - Designates the portion of U.S. Highway 136 in Harrison County as the "Babe Adams Highway"
SJR 026 - Klarich - Allows legislature to provide funds to the Road Fund, not less than 5% of state revenue, whenever it is deficient
SJR 033 - Loudon - Allows the commission to study, fund, design, acquire, construct, maintain and operate toll facilities
SJR 037 - Klindt - Authorizes the Department of Transportation to engage in toll road construction and feasibility studies
SJR 040 - Westfall - Revises constitution to provide additional funds for trans- portation and revises funding formula for certain entities
HB 1095 - Relford - Requires motor vehicles traveling on four lane highways to move to passing lane to overtake a stationary vehicle on
HB 1136 - Villa - Adds certain highways in the City of St. Louis to the state highway system
HB 1141 - Naeger - Designates various highways & bridges as memorial highways and designates an official state horse
HB 1145 - Green - Names the Missouri River bridge on route 364 that connects St. Louis and St. Charles counties the "american Military
HB 1155 - Shields - Requires drivers of motor vehicles to use passing lane to overtake stationary emergency vehicle parked on shoulder
HB 1196 - Barnett - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation, sales tax, and billboard provisions
HB 1203 - Seigfreid - Authorizes toll roads provided accompanying constitutional change is passed
HB 1270 - Gratz - Revises various laws pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles
HB 1308 - Williams (121) - Establishes requirements for overtaking stationary emergency vehicles on two lane and four lane highways.
HB 1355 - Seigfreid - Imposes an additional one percent general sales tax for highways and bridges.
HB 1400 - Merideth III - Designates a certain bridge in Pemiscot County as the Sgt. Rob Guilliams, Missouri State Highway Patrol Memorial Bridge
HB 1405 - Burton - Provides for the disincorporation of certain road districts by a vote of the residents of the district.
HB 1442 - Relford - Designates portion of highway 116 in Clinton County as the "david Rice Atchison Memorial Highway".
HB 1466 - Berkowitz - Excludes Missouri Highway Patrol from restrictions on appropriations from state highways and transportation
HB 1508 - Koller - Revises various provisions relating to outdoor advertising
HB 1513 - Burton - Provides for disincorporation of road districts in certain counties.
HB 1534 - Clayton - Amends the right-of-way-statute by imposing additional fines and license suspensions when the violation resulted
HB 1535 - Clayton - Designates a portion of State Highway 15 as "the Flower Road".
HB 1545 - Rizzo - Corrects a reference to public streets.
HB 1570 - Koller - Authorizes additional funding for transportation purposes.
HB 1584 - Kreider - Provides funding for education and transportation purposes.
HB 1587 - Troupe - Creates the felony of mass transportation terrorism.
HB 1590 - Dolan - Designates the Missouri River bridge on route 364 connecting St. Louis and St. Charles counties the "american
HB 1605 - Dolan - Creates the "show-Me Old Glory" program.
HB 1645 - Griesheimer - Designates a portion of interstate 44 as the "Henry Shaw Ozark Corridor"
HB 1673 - Koller - Designates a portion of highway 63 as the "trooper Kelly L. Poynter Memorial Highway".
HB 1685 - Luetkenhaus - Raises various user fees and diverts funds from various agencies to be used for transportation.
HB 1707 - Miller - Speed Patrol Pilot Project.
HB 1720 - Burton - Provides for dissolution of certain road districts by a vote of the people.
HB 1744 - Abel - Declares a moratorium on new outdoor advertising until January 1, 2008.
HB 1745 - Koller - Designates a portion of U.S. highway 63 in Texas County as the "Trooper Kelly L. Poynter Memorial Highway"
HB 1775 - Shoemaker - Repeals sunset on motor fuel tax and allows the department of transportation to engage in design-build contracts.
HB 1789 - Ross - Allows special license plates for former members of the General Assembly & revises historic motor vehicle plates law
HB 1806 - Shelton (057) - Prohibits the transportation of hazardous materials through any highway tunnel in this state.
HB 1819 - Scott - Revises the amount of excess revenues generated by fines for moving traffic violations that municipalities must send
HB 1839 - Seigfreid - Modifies procedure for dissolution of special road districts
HB 1864 - Cunningham - Requires operators of motor vehicles to use lighted lamps in certain weather conditions.
HB 1918 - Koller - Modifies provisions of law relating to evading weight stations
HB 2026 - Green - Renames the Missouri river bridge connecting St. Louis and St. Charles counties as the "Veterans Memorial Bridge"
HB 2039 - Kreider - Allows counties, cities, or villages to designate memorial highways for law enforcement officers killed in line of duty
HB 2054 - Long - Allows all counties to set speed limits on county roads.
HB 2072 - Troupe - Designates the toll bridge at the Lake of the Ozarks as the "w.t. Dawson Toll Bridge".
HB 2074 - Cunningham - Regulates lane usage by certain commercial motor vehicles.
HB 2076 - Bartle - Prohibits certain businesses from advertising on billboards within two miles of any state highway.
HB 2115 - Koller - Creates the position of inspector general within the department of transportation.
HB 2126 - Shoemaker - Designates the portion of U.s. highway 63 located within Macon County as the "pearl Harbor Memorial Highway".
HB 2175 - Shields - Expands definition of driveaway operations.
HB 2198 - Ward - Creates a sub-account within the state highways and transportation department fund for the purpose of paying
HB 2211 - Henderson - Removes the sunset provision from the motor fuel tax.
HB 2213 - Kelly (036) - Loosens restrictions on certain outdoor advertising by non-profit entities.
HB 2228 - Lawson - Revises requirements for issuance of bonds by the highways and transportation commission for highway repair and
HCR 020 - Crump - Designates an area in eastern mid-Missouri as the "Arcadia Valley"
HCR 033 - Robirds - Designates a portion of Ozark County as "ozark Mills Country".
HJR 029 - Seigfreid - Proposes a constitutional amendment to allow the Highways and Transportation Commission to construct toll roads and

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Saint Louis

SB 0648 - Goode - Allows all counties and St. Louis City to opt out of property tax levy inflation adjustments
SB 0659 - House - Revises charter school laws
SB 0664 - Klarich - Earmarks state sales tax revenues for St. Louis multipurpose facilities
SB 0767 - Steelman - University of Missouri-Rolla may sponsor charter schools
SB 0993 - Rohrbach - Revises residency requirements for fire protection district directors & St. Louis police officers & revises bldg. codes
SB 1046 - Gross - Changes operational control of the St. Louis International Airport
SB 1108 - Kennedy - Creates St. Louis Regional Taxicab Commission
SB 1124 - Dougherty - Authorizes the governor to convey certain property in the city of St. Louis
SB 1164 - Coleman - Creates the Sports Center Redevelopment Authority Act
SB 1261 - Dougherty - Authorizes St. Louis to abate the property owner's dwelling at the owner's expense for exceeding certain lead levels
SB 1279 - Kinder - Creates several community development projects
SCR 040 - Sims - Urges the Governor to appoint a task force to develop plans that will help keep the Ford-Hazelwood Plant open
SCR 043 - Loudon - Requests the state of Illinois to enact legislation that requires parental consent to obtain an abortion
HB 1041 - Myers - Makes various revisions to tourism taxes and tax levies in various cities and counties
HB 1136 - Villa - Adds certain highways in the City of St. Louis to the state highway system
HB 1176 - Hickey - Authorizes study of airport noise in St. Louis area
HB 1193 - Byrd - Establishes procedures for appointing the circuit clerk of St. Louis City
HB 1194 - Gambaro - Allows St. Louis City to have a lien on property for abatement of dangerous buildings
HB 1209 - Villa - Changes vacation, holiday, and off-duty time for certain police officers
HB 1288 - Liese - Requires sales tax in a multipurpose facility in St. Louis to be used for maintenance and refurbishment of such
HB 1352 - Troupe - Revises the qualifications, election, and districting of the members of the City of St. Louis School Board.
HB 1460 - Hilgemann - Allows St. Louis public schools the power to raise the compulsory attendance age for that district from 16 to 17
HB 1524 - O'Toole - Removes cap on annual percentage increases under the St. Louis firefighter's retirement plan.
HB 1585 - Troupe - Requires the assessor of the City of St. Louis to be elected.
HB 1634 - Hoppe - Allows requisition of additional funds by land trusts if insufficient funds exist to pay expenses
HB 1708 - Daus - Permits the Recorder of Deeds for the City of St. Louis to be appointed as a local registrar.
HB 1773 - Shelton (057) - Modifies the compensation, vacation, and holidays of members of the City of St. Louis Police Department
HB 1809 - Brooks - Creates procedures under which Kansas City school board members may be removed from office in a recall election
HB 1868 - Barry - Creates a Regional Taxicab Commission for the City and County of St. Louis.
HB 1879 - O'Toole - Authorizes service retirement allowances for St. Louis firefighters at age 62.
HB 1880 - O'Toole - Specifies dollar limit for special advisors and consultants under St. Louis firefighter retirement system.
HB 1889 - Foley - Creates the Sports Center Redevelopment Authority.
HB 1931 - Johnson - Allows spouses or dependent's of deceased retired officers and employees of the police department receiving a pension
HB 2064 - Walton - Changes requirements for sheriff's deeds given under the Municipal Land Reutilization Law
HB 2141 - Villa - Exempts certain transitional school districts from tax abatement and tax increment allocation financing.

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Saint Louis County

SB 1108 - Kennedy - Creates St. Louis Regional Taxicab Commission
SB 1164 - Coleman - Creates the Sports Center Redevelopment Authority Act
SB 1279 - Kinder - Creates several community development projects
SJR 025 - Klarich - Removes authorization for political subdivisions to revise tax levies to adjust for inflation
HB 1041 - Myers - Makes various revisions to tourism taxes and tax levies in various cities and counties
HB 1176 - Hickey - Authorizes study of airport noise in St. Louis area
HJR 038 - Linton - Proposes a constitutional amendment removing authorization to revise property tax levies to adjust for inflation.

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SB 0811 - Dougherty - Salary schedule credit for public school teachers
SB 0996 - Quick - Authorizes county commissions to pay the salaries of deputy circuit clerks and division clerks
SB 1066 - Klindt - Allows certification programs for corrections officers
SB 1179 - Caskey - Allows the Cole Co. Salary Commission to increase the salary of treasurer to equal the salary of public administrator
SCR 071 - Singleton - Relating to a state employee pay raise
HB 1773 - Shelton (057) - Modifies the compensation, vacation, and holidays of members of the City of St. Louis Police Department
HB 2137 - Crump - Increases compensation for county treasurers

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Savings and Loan

SB 0884 - DePasco - Creates new restrictions on interest that can be charged in payday loans
SB 0940 - Wiggins - Creates new restrictions on payday loans

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Science and Technology

SB 0880 - Steelman - Creates Missouri Engineering and Science Academy and summer program for science teachers at UMR
HB 1042 - Bearden - Regulates unsolicited electronic mail messages
HB 1211 - Smith (011) - Revises the crime of invasion of privacy
HB 1257 - Smith (011) - Revises law on technological crimes.
HB 1282 - Gaskill - Enacts the Common Sense Scientific and Technical Evidence Act.
HB 1283 - Gaskill - Makes scientific documentation used for the promulgation of regulations or statutes public under the open records law.
HB 1493 - Seigfreid - Requires the ethics commission to provide a copy of the commission's reporting files to the general assembly.
HB 1536 - Clayton - Makes it a crime to lure a child over the internet for purpose of engaging in sexual activity.
HB 1642 - Monaco - Relating to the uniform electronic transactions act.
HB 1704 - Bowman - Creates tax credits for donations by business firms to schools.
HB 1831 - Cunningham - Expands the no-call list to include faxes and emails.
HB 1906 - Green - Requires transfer of excess cash in certain state funds to general revenue & restricts spending on abortion & cloning
HB 1930 - Burton - Prohibits state agencies from offering electronic commerce services that are similar to those offered by the private
HB 1947 - Reid - Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to establish and administer a program for the registration of
HB 1975 - Hosmer - Permits the electronic creation and retrieval of birth and death records.
HB 1976 - Bartle - Requires a sender of an unsolicited e-mail to remove a person from their mailing list if the person indicates they
HB 2067 - Cooper - Prohibits unsolicited email messages.
HB 2090 - Bearden - Prohibits disclosure of home addresses of professional licensees or applicants without written consent.
HCR 038 - Abel - Urges the Governor to issue an executive order to address the issue of computer software piracy.

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Secretary of State

SB 0665 - Kenney - Regulates Internet access for minors in public libraries and schools and creates RCFL and crime of enticement of a child
SB 0675 - Yeckel - Revises election laws
SB 0717 - House - Regulates contracts for services formerly delivered by public bodies
SB 0749 - Goode - Specifies the effective dates for laws passed by initiative and vetoed bills when veto is overridden
SB 0812 - Russell - Requires all executive orders to be published in the Missouri Register after January 1, 2003
SB 1218 - Coleman - Modifies time for election authority to complete verification of initiative or referendum petition signatures
SB 1258 - Loudon - Limits the state's allowable fees for processing adoption documents to $100
SB 1267 - Westfall - Allows contracts involving multiple political subdivisions located in 3 or more counties to be filed with Sec. of state
HB 1461 - Seigfreid - Revises election and campaign finance laws
HB 1712 - Monaco - Modifies provisions of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code regarding matters regulated by the Secretary of State
HB 1776 - Harlan - Relocates custody of the Statutory County Recorder's Fund and limits fees for processing certain adoption documents
HB 1957 - Luetkemeyer - Grants an investment agent a temporary license if they transfer to another broker-dealer that is licensed by the

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SB 0931 - Klarich - Makes several changes regarding business and commerce
SB 1009 - Rohrbach - Modifies the law on insurance company investments and modifies law regarding long-term care insurance
HB 1712 - Monaco - Modifies provisions of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code regarding matters regulated by the Secretary of State

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Sewers and Sewer Districts

SB 0984 - Steelman - Revises various provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources
SB 0985 - Steelman - Relates to bond authorization for water, sewer and stormwater projects
SB 1054 - Steelman - Relates to common sewer districts and sanitary sewer improvement subdistricts
HB 1185 - Ostmann - Repeals section 250.140 relating to sewage service
HB 1650 - Hoppe - Modifies various provisions regarding water resources
HB 1687 - Relford - Changes requirements for local government bodies who contract for joint utility commissions.
HB 1732 - Ostmann - Repeals section 250.140 relating to sewage service.
HB 1748 - Ransdall - Revises various provisions relating to water resources
HB 1807 - Hoppe - Changes requirements for formation of common sewer districts.
HB 2046 - Relford - Changes requirements for local government bodies who contract for water and sewer services.

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Social Services Dept.

SB 0640 - Russell - Adds a regional child assessment center in Camden county
SB 0677 - Yeckel - Allows a tax credit for persons who contribute to unplanned pregnancy resource centers
SB 0684 - Steelman - Modifies the reporting of elder abuse and neglect and the provision of in-home services to the elderly
SB 0693 - Dougherty - Increases the foster care reimbursement and adoption subsidy rates over a three-year period
SB 0702 - Caskey - Creates the Older Visually Impaired Missourians Fund
SB 0724 - Bentley - Requires certain facilities for children to show proof of accreditation or compliance with safety standards
SB 0736 - Dougherty - Prohibits the refusal of residential treatment services to children with mental disorders or addiction
SB 0762 - Bland - Establishes the "Missouri Universal Health Assurance Program" to provide health care benefits to all MO citizens
SB 0793 - Bland - Modifies the Grandparents as Foster Parents Program
SB 0810 - Dougherty - Modifies provisions relating to supplemental assistance payments for the elderly and disabled
SB 0820 - Bentley - Allows certain foster parents to receive a dependency exemption on their state income tax returns
SB 0828 - Dougherty - Details rights and responsibilities of foster parents
SB 0833 - Schneider - Requires certain departments to notify the Attorney General's office before entering into certain contracts
SB 0917 - Dougherty - Allows the Division of Family Services to request license- exempt foster care facilities for reasons for exemption
SB 0920 - Caskey - Makes rehabilitation services for the blind the Division of Rehabilitation Services for the Blind
SB 0923 - Sims - Modifies various provisions relating to children and families
SB 1042 - Bland - Dedicates additional revenue to the energy assistance program
SB 1069 - Sims - Requires Medicaid eligibility & benefits for home- and community-based services to be equal to institutional care
SB 1082 - Bland - Outlines minimum staffing requirements for skilled nursing facilities
SB 1111 - Quick - Extends the sunset for the Children's Health Insurance Program to July 1, 2007
SB 1224 - Coleman - Establishes the Parental Child Support Responsibility Program
SB 1240 - Steelman - Requires the division of medical services to annually recalculate the Medicaid nursing home reimbursement amount
HB 1053 - Ward - Excludes up to five thousand dollars of total cash value for life insurance policies from the definition of
HB 1157 - Relford - Bases funding for the nutritional services programs of the Division of Aging on the actual number of meals served in
HB 1216 - Johnson-61 - Requires certain state departments to create a state suicide prevention plan
HB 1253 - Thompson - Allows a tax credit for donations to people with an income below the federal poverty level.
HB 1309 - Boucher - Requires the release of information regarding Class I standard violations by nursing homes to newspapers, radio
HB 1374 - Kelly (027) - Amends various provisions regarding the standards for nursing homes.
HB 1410 - Campbell - Provides for a salary increase for certain state family workers who complete a family development credentialing
HB 1443 - Barry - Modifies provisions relating to child abandonment
HB 1481 - Bray - Delineates the rights and responsibilities of foster parents.
HB 1887 - Baker - Modifies the reporting of elder abuse and neglect and the provisions of in-home services to the elderly.
HB 1910 - Barry - Provides standards for assisted living facilities.
HB 1926 - Fraser - Extends the sunset on the Children's Health Insurance Program to July 1, 2007
HB 1983 - Baker - Removes the time restriction on the income disregard for receipt of temporary assistance for needy families.
HB 2049 - Baker - Allows programs for all-inclusive care for the elderly (pace) projects an exemption from the certificate of
HB 2061 - Willoughby - Adds the Clay-Platte Child Assessment Center to the list of regional assessment centers funded by the Department of
HB 2083 - Boucher - Funds the Utilicare stabilization program by transferring funds in the custody of circuit courts.
HB 2109 - Lawson - Modifies various provisions regarding the disclosure of mental health information.
HB 2135 - Luetkemeyer - Allows private-pay residents in a nonmedicaid skilled nursing facility to receive Medicaid without the facility
HB 2155 - Willoughby - Adds the Clay-Platte child assessment center to the list of regional assessment centers funded by the Department of
HB 2167 - Burton - Allows a not-for-profit provider to operate multiple living units for the mentally retarded and developmentally
HCR 012 - Campbell - Disapproves and suspends 13 Csr 70-20.031(3) and 13 Csr 70-20.034(2) relating to the lists of excludable and

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Soil Conservation

SCR 042 - Klindt - Urges the General Assembly to designate "Menfro soil" as the official state soil of Missouri
HCR 008 - Myers - Designates Menfro soil as the official state soil of Missouri.

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Sovereign or Official Immunity

HB 1055 - Byrd - Waives the state's sovereign immunity for purposes of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act
HB 1315 - Graham - Allows the state of Missouri to be sued under the Americans with disabilities act.

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State Departments

SB 0671 - Sims - Requires governmental food establishments to give preference to foods with calcium in certain circumstances
SB 0696 - Cauthorn - Requires performance-based budgeting for state departments
SB 0747 - Russell - Nonattorneys may represent corporations in certain state proceedings
SB 0831 - Loudon - Establishes December 15th as Bill of Rights Day
SB 0905 - Klindt - Modifies state budgeting process
SB 1014 - Klindt - Adopts the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act
SB 1038 - DePasco - Prohibits the state from engaging in electronic commerce services which duplicate or compete with the private sector
SB 1091 - Loudon - Establishes the open contracting act for state and local public works projects
SB 1150 - Kinder - Limits state agency contracts for legal services
SB 1221 - Stoll - Creates the Missouri Sunset Act
HB 1196 - Barnett - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation, sales tax, and billboard provisions
HB 1306 - Williams (121) - Creates the Missouri Multicultural Center and Program within the Office of Lieutenant Governor
HB 1395 - Ransdall - Adopts a preference for state purchasing of recycled toner cartridges.
HB 1404 - Kelly (027) - Creates the position of state vehicle fleet manager and establishes the state vehicle fleet tracking system with
HB 1423 - Gratz - Enacts the Missouri Sunset Act establishing the sunset advisory commission to review the effectiveness and
HB 1445 - Smith (011) - Exempts security plans for public buildings from the state's sunshine laws.
HB 1450 - Marble - Requires written notification of retainage clauses in public building contracts.
HB 1472 - Whorton - Requires Missouri Department of Transportation to implement a program that provides for use of alternative fuels in its
HB 1615 - Barnett - Prohibits state departments or agencies from using dedicated or earmarked funds for other than intended
HB 1631 - Byrd - Requires specific written authorization for collective bargaining fees to be deducted from a state employee's pay.
HB 1753 - Gratz - Creates a small business regulatory fairness board.
HB 1855 - Hollingsworth - Creates the State Property Preservation Fund.
HB 1876 - Kelly (027) - Authorizes the Office of Administration to provided armed security guards at state owned or leased facilities.
HB 1906 - Green - Requires transfer of excess cash in certain state funds to general revenue & restricts spending on abortion & cloning
HB 1930 - Burton - Prohibits state agencies from offering electronic commerce services that are similar to those offered by the private
HCR 038 - Abel - Urges the Governor to issue an executive order to address the issue of computer software piracy.
HJR 041 - Bartle - Proposes a constitutional amendment to require a two-fiscal year budget cycle, with zero-based budgeting.
HJR 049 - Graham - Proposes a constitutional amendment to increase the state revenue limit.

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State Employees

SB 0943 - Schneider - Requires state to pay for secondary health insurance coverage for certain public officials over the age of 65
SB 1049 - Stoll - Specifies the annual leave accrual rate and options for excess accrued leave for Dept. of Transportation employees
SB 1118 - Loudon - Prohibits elected and appointed officials from appearing in televised commercials or advertisements paid by state funds
SB 1159 - Rohrbach - Revises leave time and compensation policies for correction officers
SB 1161 - Rohrbach - Requires the department of corrections to formulate two new corrections officer classifications
SB 1220 - Sims - Requires criminal history check for certain persons related to the gaming industry, & state gaming & lottery commissions
SB 1260 - Loudon - Requires the office of administration to include certain products in the cafeteria plan for state employees
SCR 071 - Singleton - Relating to a state employee pay raise
HB 1349 - Seigfreid - Requires all state employees who have accrued more than forty hours of compensatory time to be paid for any
HB 1423 - Gratz - Enacts the Missouri Sunset Act establishing the sunset advisory commission to review the effectiveness and
HB 1445 - Smith (011) - Exempts security plans for public buildings from the state's sunshine laws.
HB 1446 - Luetkenhaus - Modifies health provisions relating to clinical trials, cancer second opinions and other various health issues
HB 1455 - O'Toole - Revises provisions of certain public retirement systems
HB 1529 - Hegeman - Changes the cost-of-living adjustment calculation for state employee retirement plans.
HB 1571 - Skaggs - Allows state retirees retired prior to July 1, 1990, to receive monthly increase of five dollars times number of
HB 1572 - Skaggs - Alters sick leave calculations for state retirement purposes.
HB 1594 - Gratz - Revises provisions relating to state employees' pay
HB 1620 - Ward - Provides adjustments for salaried employees of the department of transportation.
HB 1631 - Byrd - Requires specific written authorization for collective bargaining fees to be deducted from a state employee's pay.
HB 1741 - Cunningham - Allows state employees to opt out of the health insurance plan offered by the state.
HB 1767 - Crawford - Commissioner of administration cannot deduct service fees required to be remitted unless employee authorizes the
HB 1774 - Crawford - Requires all state employees who have accrued more than forty hours of compensatory time to be paid for any
HB 1822 - Walton - Employees charged military leave only for hours which they would have otherwise worked, in one hour increments
HB 1823 - Franklin - Clarifies treatment of retirement payments for state retirees who are reemployed by the state.
HB 1827 - Cunningham - Provides that no branch of government shall employ an inmate or other person with a criminal record in a position
HB 1854 - Crawford - Allows state employees compensation for overtime work.
HB 1897 - Gratz - Provides state employees with additional annual leave and sick leave hours in any fiscal year in which they do not
HB 1905 - Moore - Provides an additional salary adjustment for state employees so the total salary adjustment at least equals
HB 1930 - Burton - Prohibits state agencies from offering electronic commerce services that are similar to those offered by the private
HB 1934 - Merideth III - Permits continued pay for state employees on extended military leaves of absence.
HB 1949 - Curls - Relating to state payroll checks.
HB 1997 - Cooper - Excludes elected officials of the state of Missouri from receiving state health insurance benefits.
HB 2173 - Crump - Includes in the flexible benefit plan for state employees an option for coverage for medical and other benefits
HB 2214 - Moore - Provides every state employee with an annual salary adjustment at least equal to the average increase in all

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State Tax Commission

SB 0663 - Klarich - Limits increases in assessed valuation of real property and modifies reassessment procedures
SB 0688 - Gibbons - Limits increases in assessed valuation of real property and modifies reassessment procedures
SB 0759 - Yeckel - Freezes residential property valuations for senior citizens at local option
HB 1048 - Ward - Freezes property valuation for those 65 and older if they meet income levels
HB 1057 - Byrd - Requires certain procedures for physical assessments of real property
HB 1060 - Griesheimer - Allows an exemption from property taxes for homestead property owned by senior citizens
HB 1087 - Linton - Revises property tax assessment laws
HB 1230 - Portwood - Creates a homestead exemption from property tax.
HB 1235 - Hosmer - Changes hearing requirements in real property classification and assessment hearings.
HB 1325 - Reynolds - Provides a homestead property exemption.
HB 1358 - Scheve - Creates a homestead exemption from property tax.
HB 1371 - Shoemyer - Requires counties to allocate a percentage of ad valorem property tax collections for a geographic information
HB 1393 - Whorton - Requires county assessors to be minimally certified as a state licensed appraiser.
HB 1431 - Scheve - Changes the assessment of real property to every four years.
HB 1432 - Foley - Modifies laws relating to emergency services
HB 1467 - Hendrickson - Allows a homestead exemption from property tax assessments for seniors.
HB 1511 - Fares - Requires a certificate of value to be filed with certain transfers of real property.
HB 1514 - Burton - Requires counties to permit taxpayers to pay personal property taxes in installments of the taxpayer's choosing.
HB 1541 - Bray - Creates a tax exemption for property leased or transferred by certain interstate compact agencies.
HB 1564 - Bartle - Freezes property assessment for property owners 65 and older.
HB 1575 - Treadway - Raises the maximum upper limit for circuit breaker relief for the elderly.
HB 1580 - Barnett - Revises statute concerning county boards of equalization
HB 1585 - Troupe - Requires the assessor of the City of St. Louis to be elected.
HB 1618 - Bearden - Limits increases in real property assessments to the percentage of change in Missouri personal income.
HB 1657 - Cunningham - Provides additional guidelines for property tax appeals.
HB 1660 - Cunningham - Limits changes in property assessment to 5 percent or the increase in the Cpi.
HB 1669 - Holt - Bases assessment value of certain real property on the date the property the property was sold or conveyed.
HB 1728 - Holt - Clarifies the collection procedures for delinquent taxes.
HB 1798 - Hilgemann - Creates a senior citizen property tax deferral.
HB 1833 - Hendrickson - Changes requirements for property assessments.
HB 1866 - Fares - Increases circuit breaker limits.
HB 1883 - Froelker - Changes requirements for refunds of erroneously paid taxes.
HB 1884 - Froelker - Specifies date of receipt of real estate tax payments.
HB 1912 - Cunningham - Requires certificates of value to be filed with the assessor's office upon sale of real property.
HB 1924 - Wagner - Exempts certain property used for purely charitable purposes from taxation.
HB 1995 - Dempsey - Prohibits any political subdivision from levying a property tax above the calculated rate without voter approval.
HB 2018 - Bartle - Requires county clerk of Jackson County to forward tax books for school districts by June 15
HB 2045 - Ross - Changes provisions relating to S corporation shareholders and income taxes.
HB 2122 - Wilson - Clarifies the language to be included in the certification on each personal property listing.
HB 2130 - Boykins - Clarifies the deadline for personal property tax returns property listings.
HB 2188 - Bland - Requires counties to provide for partial payment of property taxes.
HB 2189 - Bland - Changes requirements for sheriff's sales of property.
HB 2192 - Hendrickson - Requires appropriation of tobacco settlement for use in lieu of personal property tax revenue.
HJR 042 - Bearden - Prohibits any increase in the assessed value of real property of more than the percentage of change in Missouri

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Sunshine Law

SB 0685 - Steelman - Revises the Sunshine Law
SB 0709 - Goode - Revises the Sunshine Law
SB 0717 - House - Regulates contracts for services formerly delivered by public bodies
SB 0779 - Yeckel - Makes several changes to the Sunshine Law governing meetings and records of public entities
SB 0854 - Gross - Creates the "Terrorism Prevention Act"
SB 1112 - Caskey - Enacts various provisions relating to terrorism
SB 1221 - Stoll - Creates the Missouri Sunset Act
HB 1098 - Relford - Allows government bodies to hold closed meetings when discussing protection of water supply systems

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SB 0744 - Caskey - Allow Cass County to elect a county surveyor
SB 1007 - Stoll - Changes name of the MO Board of Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors & Landscape Architect

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Taxation and Revenue-General

SB 0661 - Westfall - Revises state school aid formula
SB 0699 - Wiggins - Various modifications to tax laws affecting commercial airlines
SB 0710 - Goode - Raises gas tax, sales tax, registration fees and shifts highway revenues for transportation purposes
SB 0735 - Steelman - Creates a tax credit for contributions to scholarship charities
SB 0750 - Goode - Specifies that article used in trade-in to offset sales tax must have had tax paid or been exempted from tax
SB 0769 - Russell - Limits the amount of tax credits redeemed in any given year to that amount appropriated for each tax credit program
SB 0773 - Goode - Exempts certain leased personal property from taxation
SB 0788 - Yeckel - Revises distribution of gaming tax proceeds for schools
SB 0815 - Childers - A percentage of insurance premium taxes shall fund various fire protection programs
SB 0856 - Russell - Authorizes a new enterprise zone for Wright County and for the city of Carl Junction in Jasper County
SB 0883 - DePasco - Creates a one-dollar donation option on tax returns for the Workers Memorial Fund
SB 0897 - Dougherty - Creates the Urban Flight Scholarship Program
SB 0899 - Dougherty - Expands state tax credit for contributions to authorized dropout abatement pilot programs
SB 0907 - House - Raises various highway user fees and diverts money from state agencies to fund transportation projects
SB 0908 - Gibbons - Terminates the corporation franchise tax law
SB 0909 - Gibbons - Shifts burden of proof on tax credit disputes to Department of Revenue
SB 0910 - Gibbons - Allows abatement and prospective application of taxes in certain situations
SB 0915 - Westfall - Raises motor fuel tax and sales tax and diverts other revenues to fund transportation projects
SB 0953 - Loudon - Repeals the transferability of adoption tax credits
SB 0970 - Westfall - Raises the general sales tax for transportation purposes & revises numerous statutes relating to transportation
SB 1023 - Bentley - Changes economic development programs regarding distressed communities and small business investment tax credits
SB 1045 - Bland - Authorizes a 2-year tax free zone in Kansas City
SB 1117 - Dougherty - Revises economic development programs regarding distressed communities and small business investment tax credits
SB 1134 - Yeckel - Creates a stamp tax on controlled substances
SB 1220 - Sims - Requires criminal history check for certain persons related to the gaming industry, & state gaming & lottery commissions
SB 1248 - Mathewson - Modifies various provisions related to collection and refund procedures of sales and income taxes
SJR 031 - Gross - Voters shall determine whether tobacco proceeds are included in or excluded from total state revenues
SJR 036 - Jacob - Creates a fund to hold excess revenue of the state
HB 1039 - Luetkemeyer - Allows an income tax credit for admission fees to tourist attractions in Kansas City and St. Louis, and in Camden,
HB 1044 - Bearden - Allows a tax credit for property taxes paid on property located in Missouri
HB 1048 - Ward - Freezes property valuation for those 65 and older if they meet income levels
HB 1057 - Byrd - Requires certain procedures for physical assessments of real property
HB 1060 - Griesheimer - Allows an exemption from property taxes for homestead property owned by senior citizens
HB 1070 - Hosmer - Provides for taxation for fire protection districts in all cities with a municipal fire department
HB 1073 - Hosmer - Allows Greene County to impose a tax on cigarettes and tobacco products
HB 1078 - Whorton - Authorizes sales tax for regional jail districts and associated court facilities
HB 1081 - Bearden - Creates a deduction from Missouri adjusted gross income for qualified education expenses
HB 1087 - Linton - Revises property tax assessment laws
HB 1143 - Rizzo - Revises various provisions relating to economic development
HB 1146 - Coleman - Authorizes an income tax credit for parents providing child care for their or a spouse's child if they receive no
HB 1147 - Hartzler - Allows Cass County to impose a one-half percent sales tax for fire protection district operation costs
HB 1150 - Bray - Permits negotiation and provides amnesty for taxes, allows Simplified Sales Tax Admin., & reforms property assessment
HB 1164 - Hosmer - Requires refund of overcharged cigarette taxes to consumers
HB 1172 - Hickey - Excludes mandatory gratuities from the definition of gross receipts for tax purposes
HB 1174 - Hickey - Changes the tax on the sale, lease, or rental of motor vehicles to two percent
HB 1177 - Gaskill - Repeals section 149.192 relating to preemption of tobacco taxation
HB 1178 - Gaskill - Creates a tax credit for personal property tax paid on agricultural crops and machinery
HB 1180 - Gaskill - Creates a tax credit for amounts teachers spend on teaching supplies
HB 1196 - Barnett - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation, sales tax, and billboard provisions
HB 1206 - Boucher - Allows taxpayers 65 and older to receive the maximum exemption on pensions regardless of income
HB 1210 - Boucher - Exempts all pension amounts for taxpayers 70 1/2 years of age or older
HB 1219 - Shields - Creates a state income tax credit for certain small employers who provide health insurance for eligible
HB 1220 - Shields - Allows an exemption from sales tax on items purchased and given to the state
HB 1221 - Shields - Allows school districts to impose an income tax of one percent if approved by the voters
HB 1222 - Shields -
HB 1230 - Portwood - Creates a homestead exemption from property tax.
HB 1235 - Hosmer - Changes hearing requirements in real property classification and assessment hearings.
HB 1237 - Hegeman - Allows the Department of Revenue to enter into compromise agreements on tax amounts in dispute.
HB 1251 - Thompson - Eliminates local sales and use tax on food.
HB 1253 - Thompson - Allows a tax credit for donations to people with an income below the federal poverty level.
HB 1268 - Boucher - Exempts all public and private retirement allowances from taxation.
HB 1278 - Gambaro - Creates a tax credit for contributions to scholarship charity
HB 1288 - Liese - Requires sales tax in a multipurpose facility in St. Louis to be used for maintenance and refurbishment of such
HB 1325 - Reynolds - Provides a homestead property exemption.
HB 1327 - Portwood - Allows the department of revenue to enter into compromise agreements on tax amounts in dispute.
HB 1333 - Troupe - Creates a temporary exemption from sales tax for retail sales of clothing before the start of the school year.
HB 1355 - Seigfreid - Imposes an additional one percent general sales tax for highways and bridges.
HB 1358 - Scheve - Creates a homestead exemption from property tax.
HB 1359 - Scheve - Excludes social security benefits from state income taxation.
HB 1371 - Shoemyer - Requires counties to allocate a percentage of ad valorem property tax collections for a geographic information
HB 1379 - Boucher - Provides income tax exemption for pensions for veterans 65 and older.
HB 1382 - Hanaway - Allows full deductibility of individual and corporate federal income tax.
HB 1385 - Bray - Provides a tax credit for assistance and care for the disabled.
HB 1392 - Holand - Allows school districts to enact income and sales taxes
HB 1393 - Whorton - Requires county assessors to be minimally certified as a state licensed appraiser.
HB 1407 - Wilson - Creates a phased-in earned income tax credit.
HB 1415 - Koller - Provides sales tax exemption for admission fees and sales tax related to pheasant hunting.
HB 1419 - Shields - Allows a tax credit for qualified contributions to schools.
HB 1431 - Scheve - Changes the assessment of real property to every four years.
HB 1439 - Myers - Authorizes a tax credit for investments in certain eligible new generation cooperatives.
HB 1463 - Selby - Exempts motor vehicles and boats manufactured in Missouri from sales tax.
HB 1467 - Hendrickson - Allows a homestead exemption from property tax assessments for seniors.
HB 1476 - Graham - Establishes a penalty for passing bad checks to county and township collectors.
HB 1480 - Dempsey - Requires school board approval of tax increment financing plans for areas with residential or multifamily properties.
HB 1488 - Skaggs - Removes the sunset provision on sales tax for mass public transportation
HB 1496 - Green - Revises tax increment financing in St. Louis metropolitan area
HB 1497 - Boucher - Creates a tax credit for builders of universally designed lifetime homes in any political subdivision that has
HB 1506 - Merideth III - Changes provisions relating to aviation fuel taxes and matching funds in the aviation trust fund.
HB 1511 - Fares - Requires a certificate of value to be filed with certain transfers of real property.
HB 1514 - Burton - Requires counties to permit taxpayers to pay personal property taxes in installments of the taxpayer's choosing.
HB 1541 - Bray - Creates a tax exemption for property leased or transferred by certain interstate compact agencies.
HB 1543 - Shelton (057) - Revises additional fees to be collected by agent of department of revenue from sale of motor vehicle licenses
HB 1554 - Linton - Allows a tax credit related to a dependent child's reading level.
HB 1556 - Rizzo - Modifies certain multistate income issues concerning foreign investment service and S corporations
HB 1564 - Bartle - Freezes property assessment for property owners 65 and older.
HB 1570 - Koller - Authorizes additional funding for transportation purposes.
HB 1575 - Treadway - Raises the maximum upper limit for circuit breaker relief for the elderly.
HB 1580 - Barnett - Revises statute concerning county boards of equalization
HB 1582 - Crump - Requires sellers to accept in good faith any sales tax exemption letter or certificate.
HB 1584 - Kreider - Provides funding for education and transportation purposes.
HB 1592 - Hickey - Indian tribes may be employers; creates the workers memorial fund; testing positive for drug/alcohol is misconduct
HB 1601 - Froelker - Exempts the first two hundred fifty dollars of interest income from state income tax.
HB 1604 - Froelker - Excludes certain amounts of Social Security and military retirement benefits from taxation.
HB 1614 - Ross - Provides additional guidelines regarding income taxes of certain shareholders.
HB 1618 - Bearden - Limits increases in real property assessments to the percentage of change in Missouri personal income.
HB 1626 - Kreider - Establishes the "school Building Property Tax Relief Fund", to be funded by a sales tax increase, with an accompanying
HB 1630 - Johnson - Increases the amount of reimbursement a district can receive for providing emergency services.
HB 1633 - Hoppe - Changes procedures for tax foreclosure sales.
HB 1637 - Wright - Restores full federal income tax liability deductions for corporations.
HB 1638 - Wright - Creates a tax credit for educational readiness test scores and purchase of educational readiness materials.
HB 1639 - Wright - Changes the income tax rates.
HB 1640 - Wright - Creates a tax credit for a taxpayer whose child receives child care from the taxpayer's spouse.
HB 1657 - Cunningham - Provides additional guidelines for property tax appeals.
HB 1660 - Cunningham - Limits changes in property assessment to 5 percent or the increase in the Cpi.
HB 1661 - Cunningham - Allows full deductibility of individual and corporate federal income tax.
HB 1669 - Holt - Bases assessment value of certain real property on the date the property the property was sold or conveyed.
HB 1685 - Luetkenhaus - Raises various user fees and diverts funds from various agencies to be used for transportation.
HB 1703 - Bowman - Creates a tax credit for amounts teachers spend on teaching supplies.
HB 1704 - Bowman - Creates tax credits for donations by business firms to schools.
HB 1709 - Boykins - Expands state tax credit for contributions to authorized dropout abatement pilot programs.
HB 1727 - O'Toole - Establishes a sales tax holiday for clothing and school supplies.
HB 1728 - Holt - Clarifies the collection procedures for delinquent taxes.
HB 1739 - Cunningham - Creates a tax credit for contributions to scholarship or educational charities.
HB 1751 - Lawson - Changes calculations for the Tourism Supplemental Revenue Fund.
HB 1775 - Shoemaker - Repeals sunset on motor fuel tax and allows the department of transportation to engage in design-build contracts.
HB 1785 - Liese - Exempts from state tax assets and earnings of any higher education savings program qualified by the Internal Revenue
HB 1797 - Hilgemann - Requires the State Treasurer to calculate interest rate based on previous year's annualized rate of return.
HB 1798 - Hilgemann - Creates a senior citizen property tax deferral.
HB 1816 - Selby - Authorizes an additional two percent sales tax on fireworks.
HB 1820 - Phillips - Authorizes a one-half percent transient guest tax for tourism in certain counties.
HB 1833 - Hendrickson - Changes requirements for property assessments.
HB 1848 - Hegeman - Requires certain tax credits administered by the Department of Economic Development to be capped per fiscal year.
HB 1859 - Hendrickson - Excludes military service income from Missouri adjusted gross income.
HB 1866 - Fares - Increases circuit breaker limits.
HB 1877 - Foley - Creates the Schools of the Future Fund and establishes various funding sources
HB 1883 - Froelker - Changes requirements for refunds of erroneously paid taxes.
HB 1884 - Froelker - Specifies date of receipt of real estate tax payments.
HB 1890 - Hilgemann - Codifies Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act
HB 1912 - Cunningham - Requires certificates of value to be filed with the assessor's office upon sale of real property.
HB 1924 - Wagner - Exempts certain property used for purely charitable purposes from taxation.
HB 1928 - Overschmidt - Changes language relating to the tourism supplemental revenue fund.
HB 1935 - Seigfreid - Authorizes a transient guest tax in certain cities.
HB 1951 - Hampton - Phases in a states sales tax exemption on caskets, coffins, and urns.
HB 1960 - Monaco - Imposes a sales tax on tobacco products for education and other purposes.
HB 1966 - Froelker - Creates an income tax deduction for National Guard pay.
HB 1984 - Froelker - Creates a tax exemption for sales of certain motor vehicles.
HB 1995 - Dempsey - Prohibits any political subdivision from levying a property tax above the calculated rate without voter approval.
HB 2018 - Bartle - Requires county clerk of Jackson County to forward tax books for school districts by June 15
HB 2022 - Richardson - Reenacts section 178.870 and allows the establishment of community college capital improvement subdistricts
HB 2034 - Skaggs - Establishes a motor fuel tax exemption for consumers who privately own a passenger motor vehicle that uses diesel
HB 2044 - Merideth III - Changes circuit breaker limits for senior citizen property tax relief.
HB 2045 - Ross - Changes provisions relating to S corporation shareholders and income taxes.
HB 2060 - Johnson - Allows certain counties to enact a one percent sales tax for law enforcement purposes.
HB 2063 - Seigfreid - Authorizes a sales tax for funding rural economic development.
HB 2065 - Ransdall - Creates an additional charge for the privilege of selling wine.
HB 2077 - Hanaway - Clarifies that income tax deduction for higher education savings program is $8,000 for single taxpayers and $16,000
HB 2099 - Hohulin - Repeals exemptions from taxation that are no longer in effect.
HB 2100 - Hohulin - Makes technical changes to certain sections regulating franchise tax.
HB 2107 - Byrd - Increases the Missouri dependency exemption amount.
HB 2119 - Crawford - Increases percentage of matching funds for aviation trust fund purposes.
HB 2122 - Wilson - Clarifies the language to be included in the certification on each personal property listing.
HB 2124 - Lograsso - Creates the Tax-Me-More Voluntary Fund.
HB 2125 - Wright - Creates the Show Me Pay More Taxes Voluntary Fund.
HB 2131 - Bearden - Provides highway and transportation funding.
HB 2134 - Holand - Increases the tax on retail sales of food.
HB 2141 - Villa - Exempts certain transitional school districts from tax abatement and tax increment allocation financing.
HB 2143 - Clayton - Permits certain counties to impose a county sales tax for emergency services without reorganizing the existing board
HB 2151 - Kreider - Provides additional regulations for collecting taxes imposed for emergency telephone service.
HB 2166 - Scott - Relating to unemployment taxes for Indian tribes in compliance with the federal mandate.
HB 2169 - Cooper - Creates a tax credit for disabled dependent care costs.
HB 2180 - Froelker - Terminates the corporation franchise tax law.
HB 2188 - Bland - Requires counties to provide for partial payment of property taxes.
HB 2189 - Bland - Changes requirements for sheriff's sales of property.
HB 2192 - Hendrickson - Requires appropriation of tobacco settlement for use in lieu of personal property tax revenue.
HB 2205 - Hilgemann - Adds tax computation requirements for corporations.
HB 2216 - Murphy - Imposes a tax on the sales of securities.
HB 2224 - Naeger - Exempts pension and retirement income of seniors from state income tax.
HCR 017 - Marble - Supports the passage of H.r.2962 which would provide full and mandatory funding of the state distributions for
HJR 037 - Reid - Proposes a constitutional amendment to change the allocation of general state sales tax on motor vehicles.
HJR 042 - Bearden - Prohibits any increase in the assessed value of real property of more than the percentage of change in Missouri
HJR 046 - Froelker - Proposes a constitutional amendment exempting from taxation certain personal property of disabled veterans.
HJR 050 - Green - Proposes a constitutional amendment creating the Budget Control Fund and transferring certain amounts of excess
HJR 057 - Koller - Proposes a constitutional amendment imposing additional fuel and sales and use taxes for the purpose of funding

To Top
Taxation and Revenue-Income

SB 0661 - Westfall - Revises state school aid formula
SB 0677 - Yeckel - Allows a tax credit for persons who contribute to unplanned pregnancy resource centers
SB 0699 - Wiggins - Various modifications to tax laws affecting commercial airlines
SB 0734 - Steelman - Creates a tax credit for 25% of the unreimbursed cost of health insurance premiums paid by individuals
SB 0735 - Steelman - Creates a tax credit for contributions to scholarship charities
SB 0778 - Yeckel - Allows a tax deduction for those who contribute to medical savings accounts
SB 0780 - Bland - Exempts food local sales tax and reduces federal income tax deduction, subject to referendum
SB 0790 - Bland - Establishes the General Assembly Scholarship Program funded by a nonresident earnings tax
SB 0808 - Gross - Allows individuals a tax credit on taxes paid on residential property
SB 0820 - Bentley - Allows certain foster parents to receive a dependency exemption on their state income tax returns
SB 0823 - Cauthorn - Exempts pension and retirement income of seniors from state income tax
SB 0894 - Kinder - Establishes sales tax holiday, provides tax amnesty & limits sales tax overpayment refunds
SB 0899 - Dougherty - Expands state tax credit for contributions to authorized dropout abatement pilot programs
SB 0944 - Goode - Increases sales tax by one quarter percent and puts a surcharge on corporate income to fund education
SB 0959 - Kenney - Director of Revenue may issue opinion whether certain invest ment corporations may use multistate income calculation
SB 0982 - Kennedy - Creates a tax credit for modifying a house to accommodate a disabled person
SB 1020 - Stoll - Allows a taxpayer to claim a portion of the federal earned income tax credit against their state tax liability
SB 1023 - Bentley - Changes economic development programs regarding distressed communities and small business investment tax credits
SB 1045 - Bland - Authorizes a 2-year tax free zone in Kansas City
SB 1104 - Mathewson - Prevents carried-back tax credits from accruing interest from prior taxable years
SB 1117 - Dougherty - Revises economic development programs regarding distressed communities and small business investment tax credits
SB 1153 - Gibbons - Creates a flat tax on individual income
SB 1158 - Rohrbach - Clarifies classification of nonresident professional athletes for income tax purposes
SB 1173 - Yeckel - Requires income tax to be withheld by Missouri venues where professional entertainers perform
SB 1177 - Coleman - Creates a tax credit for home-based child care
SB 1225 - Bentley - Extends the taxation of nonresident professional athletes & entertainers to 2015
SB 1248 - Mathewson - Modifies various provisions related to collection and refund procedures of sales and income taxes
HB 1039 - Luetkemeyer - Allows an income tax credit for admission fees to tourist attractions in Kansas City and St. Louis, and in Camden,
HB 1044 - Bearden - Allows a tax credit for property taxes paid on property located in Missouri
HB 1081 - Bearden - Creates a deduction from Missouri adjusted gross income for qualified education expenses
HB 1143 - Rizzo - Revises various provisions relating to economic development
HB 1146 - Coleman - Authorizes an income tax credit for parents providing child care for their or a spouse's child if they receive no
HB 1150 - Bray - Permits negotiation and provides amnesty for taxes, allows Simplified Sales Tax Admin., & reforms property assessment
HB 1178 - Gaskill - Creates a tax credit for personal property tax paid on agricultural crops and machinery
HB 1180 - Gaskill - Creates a tax credit for amounts teachers spend on teaching supplies
HB 1206 - Boucher - Allows taxpayers 65 and older to receive the maximum exemption on pensions regardless of income
HB 1210 - Boucher - Exempts all pension amounts for taxpayers 70 1/2 years of age or older
HB 1221 - Shields - Allows school districts to impose an income tax of one percent if approved by the voters
HB 1222 - Shields -
HB 1237 - Hegeman - Allows the Department of Revenue to enter into compromise agreements on tax amounts in dispute.
HB 1253 - Thompson - Allows a tax credit for donations to people with an income below the federal poverty level.
HB 1268 - Boucher - Exempts all public and private retirement allowances from taxation.
HB 1278 - Gambaro - Creates a tax credit for contributions to scholarship charity
HB 1345 - Naeger - Requires school to provide transportation for certain nonpublic school students.
HB 1359 - Scheve - Excludes social security benefits from state income taxation.
HB 1379 - Boucher - Provides income tax exemption for pensions for veterans 65 and older.
HB 1382 - Hanaway - Allows full deductibility of individual and corporate federal income tax.
HB 1385 - Bray - Provides a tax credit for assistance and care for the disabled.
HB 1392 - Holand - Allows school districts to enact income and sales taxes
HB 1407 - Wilson - Creates a phased-in earned income tax credit.
HB 1419 - Shields - Allows a tax credit for qualified contributions to schools.
HB 1439 - Myers - Authorizes a tax credit for investments in certain eligible new generation cooperatives.
HB 1497 - Boucher - Creates a tax credit for builders of universally designed lifetime homes in any political subdivision that has
HB 1554 - Linton - Allows a tax credit related to a dependent child's reading level.
HB 1556 - Rizzo - Modifies certain multistate income issues concerning foreign investment service and S corporations
HB 1592 - Hickey - Indian tribes may be employers; creates the workers memorial fund; testing positive for drug/alcohol is misconduct
HB 1601 - Froelker - Exempts the first two hundred fifty dollars of interest income from state income tax.
HB 1604 - Froelker - Excludes certain amounts of Social Security and military retirement benefits from taxation.
HB 1614 - Ross - Provides additional guidelines regarding income taxes of certain shareholders.
HB 1637 - Wright - Restores full federal income tax liability deductions for corporations.
HB 1638 - Wright - Creates a tax credit for educational readiness test scores and purchase of educational readiness materials.
HB 1639 - Wright - Changes the income tax rates.
HB 1640 - Wright - Creates a tax credit for a taxpayer whose child receives child care from the taxpayer's spouse.
HB 1661 - Cunningham - Allows full deductibility of individual and corporate federal income tax.
HB 1672 - Gambaro - Modifies the law regarding income tax liability of professional entertainers and athletes
HB 1703 - Bowman - Creates a tax credit for amounts teachers spend on teaching supplies.
HB 1709 - Boykins - Expands state tax credit for contributions to authorized dropout abatement pilot programs.
HB 1739 - Cunningham - Creates a tax credit for contributions to scholarship or educational charities.
HB 1785 - Liese - Exempts from state tax assets and earnings of any higher education savings program qualified by the Internal Revenue
HB 1848 - Hegeman - Requires certain tax credits administered by the Department of Economic Development to be capped per fiscal year.
HB 1851 - Curls - Revises the composition and selection of the Kansas City housing commissioners
HB 1859 - Hendrickson - Excludes military service income from Missouri adjusted gross income.
HB 1966 - Froelker - Creates an income tax deduction for National Guard pay.
HB 2044 - Merideth III - Changes circuit breaker limits for senior citizen property tax relief.
HB 2045 - Ross - Changes provisions relating to S corporation shareholders and income taxes.
HB 2077 - Hanaway - Clarifies that income tax deduction for higher education savings program is $8,000 for single taxpayers and $16,000
HB 2107 - Byrd - Increases the Missouri dependency exemption amount.
HB 2124 - Lograsso - Creates the Tax-Me-More Voluntary Fund.
HB 2125 - Wright - Creates the Show Me Pay More Taxes Voluntary Fund.
HB 2169 - Cooper - Creates a tax credit for disabled dependent care costs.
HB 2205 - Hilgemann - Adds tax computation requirements for corporations.
HB 2224 - Naeger - Exempts pension and retirement income of seniors from state income tax.
HCR 017 - Marble - Supports the passage of H.r.2962 which would provide full and mandatory funding of the state distributions for
HJR 050 - Green - Proposes a constitutional amendment creating the Budget Control Fund and transferring certain amounts of excess
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