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Taxation and Revenue-Property

SB 0648 - Goode - Allows all counties and St. Louis City to opt out of property tax levy inflation adjustments
SB 0661 - Westfall - Revises state school aid formula
SB 0663 - Klarich - Limits increases in assessed valuation of real property and modifies reassessment procedures
SB 0688 - Gibbons - Limits increases in assessed valuation of real property and modifies reassessment procedures
SB 0691 - Gross - Exempts the homestead of those aged 65 and older from increases in property tax assessments
SB 0716 - House - Exempts residential property owned by the elderly from certain increases in assessed valuation
SB 0759 - Yeckel - Freezes residential property valuations for senior citizens at local option
SB 0761 - Yeckel - Requires counties to pay PILOTS for certain county-purchased property
SB 0787 - Yeckel - Allows counties to give discounts for prepayment of property taxes
SB 0795 - Schneider - Creates Emergency Communications Systems Fund for use of counties and allows certain board to set and collect fees
SB 0802 - DePasco - Creates the crime of fraudulent use of a credit or debit device to "pay" property taxes to obtain auto license tags
SB 0806 - Caskey - A portion of property tax collections shall be used for a geographic information system (GIS)
SB 0808 - Gross - Allows individuals a tax credit on taxes paid on residential property
SB 0824 - Cauthorn - Exempts residential property owned by the elderly from certain increases in assessed valuation
SB 0844 - Loudon - Prohibits reassessment of previously assessed real property and improvements until a transfer of ownership occurs
SB 0901 - Goode - Increases the maximum upper limit income for senior citizens property tax relief
SB 0902 - Goode - Creates a senior citizen's property tax deferral
SB 0947 - Klindt - Revises community colleges' property tax rates, capital improvement subdistricts, & MOHEFA direct deposit agreements
SB 0955 - Loudon - Limits reassessment of property values to the rate of inflation
SB 0989 - Caskey - Expands provisions of new property assessment provisions to include additional county
SB 0997 - Quick - Modifies duties of county collectors with respect to financial institutions
SB 1036 - Yeckel - Extends a homestead assessment freeze to all property, except when it changes hands
SB 1138 - Childers - Allows ambulance and fire protection districts to impose sales tax and subsequent property tax rate decrease
SB 1196 - Kennedy - Suspends registration license and driver's license for failure to pay certain traffic fines
SB 1203 - Yeckel - Creates a tax exemption for property leased or transferred by certain interstate compact agencies
SB 1217 - Coleman - Clarifies the deadline for personal property tax returns
SB 1274 - Gibbons - Modifies procedures for reassessment of property
SB 1275 - Gibbons - Modifies procedures for levying property taxes
SJR 025 - Klarich - Removes authorization for political subdivisions to revise tax levies to adjust for inflation
SJR 039 - Gross - Exempts property owned by veterans' organizations from property taxation
SJR 040 - Westfall - Revises constitution to provide additional funds for trans- portation and revises funding formula for certain entities
HB 1044 - Bearden - Allows a tax credit for property taxes paid on property located in Missouri
HB 1048 - Ward - Freezes property valuation for those 65 and older if they meet income levels
HB 1057 - Byrd - Requires certain procedures for physical assessments of real property
HB 1060 - Griesheimer - Allows an exemption from property taxes for homestead property owned by senior citizens
HB 1087 - Linton - Revises property tax assessment laws
HB 1178 - Gaskill - Creates a tax credit for personal property tax paid on agricultural crops and machinery
HB 1230 - Portwood - Creates a homestead exemption from property tax.
HB 1235 - Hosmer - Changes hearing requirements in real property classification and assessment hearings.
HB 1325 - Reynolds - Provides a homestead property exemption.
HB 1358 - Scheve - Creates a homestead exemption from property tax.
HB 1371 - Shoemyer - Requires counties to allocate a percentage of ad valorem property tax collections for a geographic information
HB 1393 - Whorton - Requires county assessors to be minimally certified as a state licensed appraiser.
HB 1431 - Scheve - Changes the assessment of real property to every four years.
HB 1432 - Foley - Modifies laws relating to emergency services
HB 1467 - Hendrickson - Allows a homestead exemption from property tax assessments for seniors.
HB 1480 - Dempsey - Requires school board approval of tax increment financing plans for areas with residential or multifamily properties.
HB 1511 - Fares - Requires a certificate of value to be filed with certain transfers of real property.
HB 1514 - Burton - Requires counties to permit taxpayers to pay personal property taxes in installments of the taxpayer's choosing.
HB 1541 - Bray - Creates a tax exemption for property leased or transferred by certain interstate compact agencies.
HB 1564 - Bartle - Freezes property assessment for property owners 65 and older.
HB 1575 - Treadway - Raises the maximum upper limit for circuit breaker relief for the elderly.
HB 1580 - Barnett - Revises statute concerning county boards of equalization
HB 1618 - Bearden - Limits increases in real property assessments to the percentage of change in Missouri personal income.
HB 1633 - Hoppe - Changes procedures for tax foreclosure sales.
HB 1634 - Hoppe - Allows requisition of additional funds by land trusts if insufficient funds exist to pay expenses
HB 1657 - Cunningham - Provides additional guidelines for property tax appeals.
HB 1660 - Cunningham - Limits changes in property assessment to 5 percent or the increase in the Cpi.
HB 1669 - Holt - Bases assessment value of certain real property on the date the property the property was sold or conveyed.
HB 1728 - Holt - Clarifies the collection procedures for delinquent taxes.
HB 1761 - Gaskill - Changes the assessed valuation limits for county classifications.
HB 1798 - Hilgemann - Creates a senior citizen property tax deferral.
HB 1833 - Hendrickson - Changes requirements for property assessments.
HB 1866 - Fares - Increases circuit breaker limits.
HB 1883 - Froelker - Changes requirements for refunds of erroneously paid taxes.
HB 1884 - Froelker - Specifies date of receipt of real estate tax payments.
HB 1912 - Cunningham - Requires certificates of value to be filed with the assessor's office upon sale of real property.
HB 1924 - Wagner - Exempts certain property used for purely charitable purposes from taxation.
HB 1995 - Dempsey - Prohibits any political subdivision from levying a property tax above the calculated rate without voter approval.
HB 2018 - Bartle - Requires county clerk of Jackson County to forward tax books for school districts by June 15
HB 2022 - Richardson - Reenacts section 178.870 and allows the establishment of community college capital improvement subdistricts
HB 2064 - Walton - Changes requirements for sheriff's deeds given under the Municipal Land Reutilization Law
HB 2122 - Wilson - Clarifies the language to be included in the certification on each personal property listing.
HB 2130 - Boykins - Clarifies the deadline for personal property tax returns property listings.
HB 2188 - Bland - Requires counties to provide for partial payment of property taxes.
HB 2189 - Bland - Changes requirements for sheriff's sales of property.
HB 2192 - Hendrickson - Requires appropriation of tobacco settlement for use in lieu of personal property tax revenue.
HJR 036 - Bartle - Proposes a constitutional amendment increasing from 15% to 25% the limitation on indebtedness by school districts.
HJR 038 - Linton - Proposes a constitutional amendment removing authorization to revise property tax levies to adjust for inflation.
HJR 042 - Bearden - Prohibits any increase in the assessed value of real property of more than the percentage of change in Missouri
HJR 046 - Froelker - Proposes a constitutional amendment exempting from taxation certain personal property of disabled veterans.

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Taxation and Revenue-Sales and Use

SB 0632 - Schneider - Permits refund of overcollected sales taxes only if they are returned to the original purchasers
SB 0636 - Wiggins - Repeals expiration of K.C. mass transportation sales tax
SB 0645 - Mathewson - Authorizes Caldwell, DeKalb and Daviess counties to impose a voter approved sales tax to fund jail districts
SB 0661 - Westfall - Revises state school aid formula
SB 0664 - Klarich - Earmarks state sales tax revenues for St. Louis multipurpose facilities
SB 0683 - Stoll - Authorizes Festus to impose a hotel-motel sales tax for promotion of tourism
SB 0699 - Wiggins - Various modifications to tax laws affecting commercial airlines
SB 0733 - Steelman - Exempts from state and local sales taxes all sales to athletic events and dues for health and fitness centers
SB 0750 - Goode - Specifies that article used in trade-in to offset sales tax must have had tax paid or been exempted from tax
SB 0755 - Westfall - Exempts retailers from sales tax for inventory donated to private or public education entities
SB 0780 - Bland - Exempts food local sales tax and reduces federal income tax deduction, subject to referendum
SB 0809 - Gross - Exempts movie tickets from state and local sales taxes
SB 0836 - Gross - Codifies Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act
SB 0894 - Kinder - Establishes sales tax holiday, provides tax amnesty & limits sales tax overpayment refunds
SB 0927 - Jacob - Creates a clothing and school supplies sales tax holiday
SB 0928 - Jacob - Exempts health club services from sales tax
SB 0944 - Goode - Increases sales tax by one quarter percent and puts a surcharge on corporate income to fund education
SB 0963 - DePasco - Suspends all sales tax exemptions for two years with the exception of food, pharmaceuticals and related items
SB 0970 - Westfall - Raises the general sales tax for transportation purposes & revises numerous statutes relating to transportation
SB 0975 - Steelman - Creates a sales tax holiday for school supplies, clothing and computers for nine days in August
SB 0999 - Rohrbach - Repeals boat sales tax exemption
SB 1017 - Cauthorn - Expands transient guest tax to include Clark County
SB 1058 - Childers - Exempts ticket sales for railway excursions that travel fewer than fifty miles from their origination
SB 1074 - Goode - Increases the cigarette and tobacco products tax
SB 1084 - Stoll - Allows certain counties to enact a 1% sales tax for law enforcement purposes
SB 1096 - Kennedy - Exempts sales of coffins and the like from state sales and use tax
SB 1127 - Johnson - Revises the procedures for dispersing funds from the Division of Tourism Supplemental Revenue Fund
SB 1128 - Johnson - Authorizes Clay County to submit a hotel tax to a vote of the people
SB 1134 - Yeckel - Creates a stamp tax on controlled substances
SB 1138 - Childers - Allows ambulance and fire protection districts to impose sales tax and subsequent property tax rate decrease
SB 1149 - Singleton - Adds a tax on the sale of certain tobacco products and creates the "Fund for Lifelong Health"
SB 1151 - Kinder - Expands purposes for which certain local tourism taxes can be used
SB 1154 - Gibbons - Creates the simplified sales and use tax administration
SB 1198 - Gibbons - Exempts diabetic medical supplies from local sales taxes
SB 1203 - Yeckel - Creates a tax exemption for property leased or transferred by certain interstate compact agencies
SB 1210 - Johnson - Permits a hotel tax to be submitted to a vote in certain locations
SB 1238 - Goode - Creates a tax and a credit for retail pharmacies to provide additional funding for the Medicaid pharmacy program
SB 1242 - Gibbons - Implements a cap on sales taxes levied by counties and municipalities
SB 1248 - Mathewson - Modifies various provisions related to collection and refund procedures of sales and income taxes
SCR 070 - Singleton - Relating to an increase in the tax upon the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products
SJR 038 - Cauthorn - Would require the conservation sales tax to be resubmitted to the voters every four years
SJR 040 - Westfall - Revises constitution to provide additional funds for trans- portation and revises funding formula for certain entities
HB 1041 - Myers - Makes various revisions to tourism taxes and tax levies in various cities and counties
HB 1070 - Hosmer - Provides for taxation for fire protection districts in all cities with a municipal fire department
HB 1078 - Whorton - Authorizes sales tax for regional jail districts and associated court facilities
HB 1147 - Hartzler - Allows Cass County to impose a one-half percent sales tax for fire protection district operation costs
HB 1150 - Bray - Permits negotiation and provides amnesty for taxes, allows Simplified Sales Tax Admin., & reforms property assessment
HB 1172 - Hickey - Excludes mandatory gratuities from the definition of gross receipts for tax purposes
HB 1174 - Hickey - Changes the tax on the sale, lease, or rental of motor vehicles to two percent
HB 1202 - Smith (011) - Permits refund of overcollected sales taxes only if they are returned to the original purchasers
HB 1220 - Shields - Allows an exemption from sales tax on items purchased and given to the state
HB 1237 - Hegeman - Allows the Department of Revenue to enter into compromise agreements on tax amounts in dispute.
HB 1251 - Thompson - Eliminates local sales and use tax on food.
HB 1288 - Liese - Requires sales tax in a multipurpose facility in St. Louis to be used for maintenance and refurbishment of such
HB 1327 - Portwood - Allows the department of revenue to enter into compromise agreements on tax amounts in dispute.
HB 1333 - Troupe - Creates a temporary exemption from sales tax for retail sales of clothing before the start of the school year.
HB 1355 - Seigfreid - Imposes an additional one percent general sales tax for highways and bridges.
HB 1415 - Koller - Provides sales tax exemption for admission fees and sales tax related to pheasant hunting.
HB 1463 - Selby - Exempts motor vehicles and boats manufactured in Missouri from sales tax.
HB 1488 - Skaggs - Removes the sunset provision on sales tax for mass public transportation
HB 1506 - Merideth III - Changes provisions relating to aviation fuel taxes and matching funds in the aviation trust fund.
HB 1543 - Shelton (057) - Revises additional fees to be collected by agent of department of revenue from sale of motor vehicle licenses
HB 1570 - Koller - Authorizes additional funding for transportation purposes.
HB 1582 - Crump - Requires sellers to accept in good faith any sales tax exemption letter or certificate.
HB 1584 - Kreider - Provides funding for education and transportation purposes.
HB 1626 - Kreider - Establishes the "school Building Property Tax Relief Fund", to be funded by a sales tax increase, with an accompanying
HB 1685 - Luetkenhaus - Raises various user fees and diverts funds from various agencies to be used for transportation.
HB 1727 - O'Toole - Establishes a sales tax holiday for clothing and school supplies.
HB 1765 - Bray - Creates the simplified sales and use tax administration
HB 1820 - Phillips - Authorizes a one-half percent transient guest tax for tourism in certain counties.
HB 1890 - Hilgemann - Codifies Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act
HB 1951 - Hampton - Phases in a states sales tax exemption on caskets, coffins, and urns.
HB 1984 - Froelker - Creates a tax exemption for sales of certain motor vehicles.
HB 2060 - Johnson - Allows certain counties to enact a one percent sales tax for law enforcement purposes.
HB 2099 - Hohulin - Repeals exemptions from taxation that are no longer in effect.
HB 2119 - Crawford - Increases percentage of matching funds for aviation trust fund purposes.
HB 2134 - Holand - Increases the tax on retail sales of food.
HB 2143 - Clayton - Permits certain counties to impose a county sales tax for emergency services without reorganizing the existing board
HB 2216 - Murphy - Imposes a tax on the sales of securities.
HJR 037 - Reid - Proposes a constitutional amendment to change the allocation of general state sales tax on motor vehicles.

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SB 0659 - House - Revises charter school laws
SB 0661 - Westfall - Revises state school aid formula
SB 0667 - Bentley - Establishes teacher salary supplements for National Board teacher certification
SB 0668 - Bentley - Establishes a math grant program, the CAES program, & allows school districts to create after school & summer programs
SB 0674 - Childers - Requires state-sponsored professional development events for teachers to occur on scheduled days
SB 0678 - Bland - Requires charter schools to meet all accreditation standards and requirements
SB 0692 - Gross - School boards to establish the daily observance of one minute of silence in each classroom
SB 0697 - Cauthorn - Creates more funding for textbooks and signing bonuses for rural schools
SB 0722 - Bentley - Renders alterations to policies regarding teachers' licenses and permits temporary administrator certificates
SB 0756 - Westfall - Allows student participation in events of certain organizations during school hours
SB 0767 - Steelman - University of Missouri-Rolla may sponsor charter schools
SB 0783 - Steelman - Requires school districts to provide phonics instruction
SB 0794 - Bland - School districts may create after-school and summer educational programs for at-risk youth
SB 0811 - Dougherty - Salary schedule credit for public school teachers
SB 0829 - Dougherty - Allows the Department of Health to investigate complaints of air quality in public schools
SB 0848 - Singleton - Allows refusal, suspension or revocation of certain professional licenses due to student loan defaults
SB 0864 - Gross - Allows A+ schools reimbursement for attending four-year institutions
SB 0880 - Steelman - Creates Missouri Engineering and Science Academy and summer program for science teachers at UMR
SB 0934 - Foster - Revises minimum salaries for public school teachers
SB 1053 - Bentley - Establishes pilot projects for the payment of incentives to early childhood education professionals
SB 1059 - Bentley - Generates numerous modifications to the state's education policy
SB 1223 - Jacob - Allows certain part-time employees to receive creditable service from the public school retirement system
SB 1233 - Yeckel - Makes various changes to the charter school laws
SB 1237 - Stoll - Establishes the "Missouri Statewide Initiative for Scientific Education Enhancement" (MOSISE)
SB 1250 - Yeckel - Establishes an alternative teacher certification program
SB 1256 - Steelman - Teacher education students employed for at least 2 years as teacher assistants may bypass student teaching requirement
HB 1036 - Willoughby - Allows school boards to establish daily observance of one minute of silence
HB 1066 - Bray - Establishes guidelines for student publications, liability for school districts, and requires faculty advisors to
HB 1083 - Fraser - Prohibits use of corporal punishment in all school districts
HB 1130 - Hosmer - Requires State Board of Education to promote the adoption of service-learning programs and projects among school
HB 1180 - Gaskill - Creates a tax credit for amounts teachers spend on teaching supplies
HB 1199 - Bowman - Requires foreign language instruction in every public elementary school
HB 1200 - Bowman - Requires personal finance instruction prior to graduation for every public high school student
HB 1222 - Shields -
HB 1233 - Harding - Designates the eighth day of May of each year as "missouri Day".
HB 1264 - Gratz - Establishes minute of silence in all public schools.
HB 1281 - Willoughby - Changes notice and resolution of teacher certification disciplinary actions; requires certain personnel to report
HB 1336 - Troupe - Requires school districts to adopt indexed salary schedules.
HB 1338 - Relford - Provides basis for State Board of Education to refuse to issue or renew certificates to teach
HB 1491 - Shelton (057) - Expands minority teaching scholarships from one hundred to two hundred dollars; increases the amount from two thousand
HB 1512 - Johnson - Establishes teacher salary supplements for National Board teacher certification.
HB 1628 - Luetkenhaus - Mandates weekly recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance for school children.
HB 1666 - Holt - Requires Pledge of Allegiance to be recited in all public schools during at least one class no less than once per
HB 1703 - Bowman - Creates a tax credit for amounts teachers spend on teaching supplies.
HB 1710 - Boykins - Establishes the "urban Flight Scholarship Program".
HB 1711 - Graham - Generates numerous changes to the state's education policy including modifications concerning the foundation formula
HB 1724 - Froelker - Increases the benefit formula for public school retirement systems.
HB 1725 - Walton - Creates the "missouri Urban Tutoring Core Pilot Program".
HB 1726 - Walton - Provides guidelines for local school districts in establishing a written policy prohibiting bullying
HB 1736 - Johnson - Creates the "missouri Special Education Teachers' Loan Repayment Assistance Program".
HB 1793 - Shields - Revises minimum teacher salaries.
HB 1817 - Franklin - Makes numerous changes to the state's education policy
HB 1825 - Merideth III - Allows display of various documents in public schools upon completion of certain conditions.
HB 1845 - Copenhaver - Establishes procedure for termination of teachers' contracts.
HB 1901 - Franklin - Establishes the "missouri Paraprofessional-to-Teacher Assistance Program".
HB 1993 - Copenhaver - Allows the payment of incentives to early childhood education professionals based on level of education.
HB 2010 - Cunningham - Creates the "teacher Choice Compensation Package" and fund.
HB 2158 - Berkstresser - Allows public schools to display the motto "in God We Trust" in any classroom, auditorium, and cafeteria.
HB 2178 - Fraser - Requires foreign language instruction in every elementary school.
HB 2207 - Fraser - Allows retired teachers to substitute for eight hundred hours per school year and still retain retirement benefits.

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SB 0665 - Kenney - Regulates Internet access for minors in public libraries and schools and creates RCFL and crime of enticement of a child
SB 0770 - Russell - Revises documentation required for telecommunications companies to charge for Internet services
SB 0836 - Gross - Codifies Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act
SB 0850 - House - Revises the regulation of unsolicited telephone sales calls
SB 0886 - Bentley - Allows political subdivisions to provide telecommunication providers with certain services or facilities
SB 0942 - Schneider - Appeals of Public Service Commission orders shall go directly to the Court of Appeals
SB 1110 - Steelman - Requires landlords to permit equal access for telecommunica- tions and cable providers in certain circumstances
SB 1186 - Kenney - Revises power of political subdivisions to impose surcharges and provide telecommunication services and facilities
SB 1263 - Kenney - Regulates competition between public and private providers of cable television services
SCR 057 - Steelman - Establishes the Joint Legislative Committee on Utility Regulation and Infrastructure Investment
SCR 067 - Caskey - Relating to direct broadcast satellite services
HB 1142 - Hosmer - Protects certain information furnished by a municipal utility to the Public Service Commission
HB 1228 - Johnson - Revises the Telemarketing No-Call Law.
HB 1402 - Burton - Modifies provisions relating to utility projects
HB 1500 - Mays (050) - Allows telecommunication providers open competition for the business of tenants.
HB 1540 - Bartle - Removes current exclusion from telemarketing no-call provision for businesses without present connection and
HB 1675 - Scheve - Prevents broadcasting industry employers from requiring noncompetition clauses.
HB 1831 - Cunningham - Expands the no-call list to include faxes and emails.
HB 1890 - Hilgemann - Codifies Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act
HB 2093 - Reynolds - Requires all television stations with three million dollars in gross revenue to provide real time captioning for
HB 2151 - Kreider - Provides additional regulations for collecting taxes imposed for emergency telephone service.
HB 2208 - Bland - Allows public institutions of higher education to establish local telecommunity centers.
HB 2226 - Mayer - Creates as an unlawful merchandising practice sending unsolicited facsimiles unless prior relationship has been
HCR 041 - Ransdall - Opposes the merger of Echostar and Hughes Electronics.

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SB 1118 - Loudon - Prohibits elected and appointed officials from appearing in televised commercials or advertisements paid by state funds
SB 1263 - Kenney - Regulates competition between public and private providers of cable television services

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Tobacco Products

SB 0964 - DePasco - Allows cigarette retailers to participate in cigarette merchandising, advertising, display or promotion programs
SB 1074 - Goode - Increases the cigarette and tobacco products tax
SB 1149 - Singleton - Adds a tax on the sale of certain tobacco products and creates the "Fund for Lifelong Health"
SB 1219 - Singleton - Creates the Missouri Tobacco Settlement for Healthy Families Trust Fund
SB 1265 - Kenney - Creates enforcement provisions to prohibit sale of tobacco products to minors
SB 1266 - Kenney - Creates felony for sale or distribution of gray market cigarettes
SCR 062 - Mathewson - Relating to the Master Settlement Agreement
SCR 070 - Singleton - Relating to an increase in the tax upon the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products
SJR 031 - Gross - Voters shall determine whether tobacco proceeds are included in or excluded from total state revenues
HB 1073 - Hosmer - Allows Greene County to impose a tax on cigarettes and tobacco products
HB 1164 - Hosmer - Requires refund of overcharged cigarette taxes to consumers
HB 1177 - Gaskill - Repeals section 149.192 relating to preemption of tobacco taxation
HB 1479 - Baker - Enacts the Emergency Preparedness Resource Act.
HB 1653 - Hosmer - Prohibits use of tobacco products in all buildings and grounds of correctional centers by July 1, 2003.
HB 1960 - Monaco - Imposes a sales tax on tobacco products for education and other purposes.
HB 2053 - Smith (011) - Clarifies registration of tobacco sellers and authorizes Division of Liquor Control to enforce provisions on sale of

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SB 0683 - Stoll - Authorizes Festus to impose a hotel-motel sales tax for promotion of tourism
SB 0723 - Bentley - Creates a grant and loan program to promote cultural tourism
SB 1043 - Bland - Designates Walt Disney Film Studio as a state historic site
SB 1058 - Childers - Exempts ticket sales for railway excursions that travel fewer than fifty miles from their origination
SB 1099 - Childers - Regulates businesses engaged in selling prearranged travel- or tourist-related services
SB 1127 - Johnson - Revises the procedures for dispersing funds from the Division of Tourism Supplemental Revenue Fund
SB 1128 - Johnson - Authorizes Clay County to submit a hotel tax to a vote of the people
SB 1129 - Johnson - Allows for collection of fee on car rentals for economic development
SB 1151 - Kinder - Expands purposes for which certain local tourism taxes can be used
SB 1210 - Johnson - Permits a hotel tax to be submitted to a vote in certain locations
SCR 050 - Bentley - Relating to proposed budget cuts to the Division of Tourism
HB 1039 - Luetkemeyer - Allows an income tax credit for admission fees to tourist attractions in Kansas City and St. Louis, and in Camden,
HB 1041 - Myers - Makes various revisions to tourism taxes and tax levies in various cities and counties
HB 1751 - Lawson - Changes calculations for the Tourism Supplemental Revenue Fund.
HB 1755 - Merideth III - Allows for a special license plate for members of the Missouri Travel Council
HB 1928 - Overschmidt - Changes language relating to the tourism supplemental revenue fund.
HB 1935 - Seigfreid - Authorizes a transient guest tax in certain cities.

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SB 0636 - Wiggins - Repeals expiration of K.C. mass transportation sales tax
SB 0703 - Caskey - Revises law regarding tinted windows
SB 0710 - Goode - Raises gas tax, sales tax, registration fees and shifts highway revenues for transportation purposes
SB 0725 - Childers - Requires Transportation Commission to issue permits in order to erect structures which might impede airplane safety
SB 0727 - Yeckel - Revises the law regarding tinted windows
SB 0748 - Goode - Authorizes design-build projects in certain instances
SB 0775 - House - Renames Missouri River Bridge as American Military Veterans Bridge
SB 0805 - DePasco - Extends the commercial zone around Kansas City from 12 to 15 miles
SB 0868 - Cauthorn - Eliminates the requirement that road projects be bid in sections not to exceed 10 miles
SB 0891 - Kenney - Changes ownership requirements for members of a transportation development district
SB 0906 - House - Increases the current admission fees on gambling boats to fund public transit
SB 0907 - House - Raises various highway user fees and diverts money from state agencies to fund transportation projects
SB 0915 - Westfall - Raises motor fuel tax and sales tax and diverts other revenues to fund transportation projects
SB 0921 - Sims - Prohibits transporting of hazardous materials in tunnels and on certain highways designated by highway commission
SB 0946 - Jacob - Restricts big trucks to 65 mph on interstates and increases diesel fuel tax and other registration fees
SB 0950 - Gibbons - Designates a portion of Interstate 44 as the "Henry Shaw Ozark Corridor"
SB 0970 - Westfall - Raises the general sales tax for transportation purposes & revises numerous statutes relating to transportation
SB 0974 - Childers - Eliminates the issuance of permits to haul lumber products and earth-moving equipment under fourteen feet in width
SB 1025 - Jacob - Prohibits erection of new billboards, except billboards under 100 square feet if allowed by local ordinance
SB 1037 - Singleton - Authorizes automated traffic enforcement programs
SB 1046 - Gross - Changes operational control of the St. Louis International Airport
SB 1058 - Childers - Exempts ticket sales for railway excursions that travel fewer than fifty miles from their origination
SB 1077 - Klarich - Imposes additional fines and driver's license suspensions on persons failing to yield the right-of-way
SB 1098 - Steelman - Allows personal assistive mobility devises to be operated on streets, highways, sidewalks and bicycle paths
SB 1108 - Kennedy - Creates St. Louis Regional Taxicab Commission
SB 1200 - Foster - Makes various revisions, including a change in name, to the state Highways and Transportation Commission
SB 1202 - Westfall - Transfers various powers to the Department of Transportation to implement Governor's Executive Order
SB 1208 - Dougherty - Includes certain highways in the City of St. Louis to be considered part of the state highway system
SB 1270 - Klindt - Designates the portion of U.S. Highway 136 in Harrison County as the "Babe Adams Highway"
SB 1272 - Klindt - Bans fuels mixed with MTBE
SJR 032 - House - Modifies constitution to allow gambling boat admission fees to be used for public transit purposes
SJR 033 - Loudon - Allows the commission to study, fund, design, acquire, construct, maintain and operate toll facilities
SJR 037 - Klindt - Authorizes the Department of Transportation to engage in toll road construction and feasibility studies
SJR 040 - Westfall - Revises constitution to provide additional funds for trans- portation and revises funding formula for certain entities
HB 1145 - Green - Names the Missouri River bridge on route 364 that connects St. Louis and St. Charles counties the "american Military
HB 1175 - Hickey - Provides for disposition of certain property acquired by the public for airport purposes
HB 1182 - Gaskill - Regulates private, unpaid gubernatorial airplane flights and allows for private use of government planes by the
HB 1196 - Barnett - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation, sales tax, and billboard provisions
HB 1203 - Seigfreid - Authorizes toll roads provided accompanying constitutional change is passed
HB 1207 - Merideth III - Establishes the Missouri Airport Protection Act
HB 1248 - Thompson - Permits application to partially seal traffic records.
HB 1345 - Naeger - Requires school to provide transportation for certain nonpublic school students.
HB 1353 - Rector - Extends commercial zone on south side of Kansas City to Harrisonville along highways 71 and 291.
HB 1355 - Seigfreid - Imposes an additional one percent general sales tax for highways and bridges.
HB 1389 - Bray - Provides additional funding for transportation purposes.
HB 1442 - Relford - Designates portion of highway 116 in Clinton County as the "david Rice Atchison Memorial Highway".
HB 1472 - Whorton - Requires Missouri Department of Transportation to implement a program that provides for use of alternative fuels in its
HB 1488 - Skaggs - Removes the sunset provision on sales tax for mass public transportation
HB 1506 - Merideth III - Changes provisions relating to aviation fuel taxes and matching funds in the aviation trust fund.
HB 1508 - Koller - Revises various provisions relating to outdoor advertising
HB 1545 - Rizzo - Corrects a reference to public streets.
HB 1570 - Koller - Authorizes additional funding for transportation purposes.
HB 1587 - Troupe - Creates the felony of mass transportation terrorism.
HB 1645 - Griesheimer - Designates a portion of interstate 44 as the "Henry Shaw Ozark Corridor"
HB 1684 - Luetkenhaus - Increases admission fees for gambling boats to help fund transportation projects.
HB 1707 - Miller - Speed Patrol Pilot Project.
HB 1746 - Koller - Defines electric personal assistive mobility device and where it may be operated.
HB 1775 - Shoemaker - Repeals sunset on motor fuel tax and allows the department of transportation to engage in design-build contracts.
HB 1806 - Shelton (057) - Prohibits the transportation of hazardous materials through any highway tunnel in this state.
HB 1863 - Whorton - Creates the "missouri Biodiesel Incentive Fund".
HB 1864 - Cunningham - Requires operators of motor vehicles to use lighted lamps in certain weather conditions.
HB 1868 - Barry - Creates a Regional Taxicab Commission for the City and County of St. Louis.
HB 1918 - Koller - Modifies provisions of law relating to evading weight stations
HB 1922 - Green - Authorizes regional transportation development districts.
HB 2026 - Green - Renames the Missouri river bridge connecting St. Louis and St. Charles counties as the "Veterans Memorial Bridge"
HB 2069 - Koller - Transfers various powers to the department of transportation pursuant to the governor's executive order.
HB 2115 - Koller - Creates the position of inspector general within the department of transportation.
HB 2131 - Bearden - Provides highway and transportation funding.
HB 2165 - Dempsey - Regulates aviation noise levels.
HB 2211 - Henderson - Removes the sunset provision from the motor fuel tax.
HJR 029 - Seigfreid - Proposes a constitutional amendment to allow the Highways and Transportation Commission to construct toll roads and
HJR 031 - Black - Proposes a constitutional amendment to change the name and makeup of the Highways and Transportation Commission.
HJR 043 - Luetkenhaus - Proposes a constitutional amendment to impose gaming boat admission fees to fund public transit projects.
HJR 057 - Koller - Proposes a constitutional amendment imposing additional fuel and sales and use taxes for the purpose of funding

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Transportation Dept.

SB 0649 - Goode - Creates the Invasive Species Council
SB 0710 - Goode - Raises gas tax, sales tax, registration fees and shifts highway revenues for transportation purposes
SB 0725 - Childers - Requires Transportation Commission to issue permits in order to erect structures which might impede airplane safety
SB 0738 - Cauthorn - Allows the Department of Transportation to contract with private individuals to mow and maintain the right-of-ways
SB 0748 - Goode - Authorizes design-build projects in certain instances
SB 0805 - DePasco - Extends the commercial zone around Kansas City from 12 to 15 miles
SB 0851 - Westfall - Modifies various regulations regarding billboards
SB 0867 - Cauthorn - Allows Transportation Commission to enter into design-build contracts
SB 0868 - Cauthorn - Eliminates the requirement that road projects be bid in sections not to exceed 10 miles
SB 0891 - Kenney - Changes ownership requirements for members of a transportation development district
SB 0907 - House - Raises various highway user fees and diverts money from state agencies to fund transportation projects
SB 0915 - Westfall - Raises motor fuel tax and sales tax and diverts other revenues to fund transportation projects
SB 0921 - Sims - Prohibits transporting of hazardous materials in tunnels and on certain highways designated by highway commission
SB 0968 - Westfall - Repeals limit on aviation fuel tax and removes it from the sunset clause
SB 0970 - Westfall - Raises the general sales tax for transportation purposes & revises numerous statutes relating to transportation
SB 0974 - Childers - Eliminates the issuance of permits to haul lumber products and earth-moving equipment under fourteen feet in width
SB 1025 - Jacob - Prohibits erection of new billboards, except billboards under 100 square feet if allowed by local ordinance
SB 1049 - Stoll - Specifies the annual leave accrual rate and options for excess accrued leave for Dept. of Transportation employees
SB 1065 - Staples - Makes various changes to the current billboard law
SB 1133 - Gross - Revises provisions of MOSERS and Highway Employees and High- way Patrol Retirement Systems and the Judicial Plan
SB 1199 - Foster - Designates various portions of highways as the Sergeant Randy Sullivan Memorial Highway and Ozark Mills Country
SB 1200 - Foster - Makes various revisions, including a change in name, to the state Highways and Transportation Commission
SB 1202 - Westfall - Transfers various powers to the Department of Transportation to implement Governor's Executive Order
SB 1208 - Dougherty - Includes certain highways in the City of St. Louis to be considered part of the state highway system
SB 1245 - Jacob - Prohibits new construction of billboards along certain highways and the cutting of trees along the highways
SB 1270 - Klindt - Designates the portion of U.S. Highway 136 in Harrison County as the "Babe Adams Highway"
SCR 052 - Kennedy - Relating to Customs Harmonization Pilot Project
SCR 055 - Steelman - Proclaims the city of Cuba as "Route 66 City of Murals"
SJR 026 - Klarich - Allows legislature to provide funds to the Road Fund, not less than 5% of state revenue, whenever it is deficient
SJR 033 - Loudon - Allows the commission to study, fund, design, acquire, construct, maintain and operate toll facilities
SJR 037 - Klindt - Authorizes the Department of Transportation to engage in toll road construction and feasibility studies
SJR 040 - Westfall - Revises constitution to provide additional funds for trans- portation and revises funding formula for certain entities
HB 1136 - Villa - Adds certain highways in the City of St. Louis to the state highway system
HB 1141 - Naeger - Designates various highways & bridges as memorial highways and designates an official state horse
HB 1145 - Green - Names the Missouri River bridge on route 364 that connects St. Louis and St. Charles counties the "american Military
HB 1176 - Hickey - Authorizes study of airport noise in St. Louis area
HB 1196 - Barnett - Modifies various provisions relating to transportation, sales tax, and billboard provisions
HB 1203 - Seigfreid - Authorizes toll roads provided accompanying constitutional change is passed
HB 1207 - Merideth III - Establishes the Missouri Airport Protection Act
HB 1270 - Gratz - Revises various laws pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles
HB 1353 - Rector - Extends commercial zone on south side of Kansas City to Harrisonville along highways 71 and 291.
HB 1355 - Seigfreid - Imposes an additional one percent general sales tax for highways and bridges.
HB 1389 - Bray - Provides additional funding for transportation purposes.
HB 1400 - Merideth III - Designates a certain bridge in Pemiscot County as the Sgt. Rob Guilliams, Missouri State Highway Patrol Memorial Bridge
HB 1442 - Relford - Designates portion of highway 116 in Clinton County as the "david Rice Atchison Memorial Highway".
HB 1455 - O'Toole - Revises provisions of certain public retirement systems
HB 1472 - Whorton - Requires Missouri Department of Transportation to implement a program that provides for use of alternative fuels in its
HB 1508 - Koller - Revises various provisions relating to outdoor advertising
HB 1570 - Koller - Authorizes additional funding for transportation purposes.
HB 1587 - Troupe - Creates the felony of mass transportation terrorism.
HB 1605 - Dolan - Creates the "show-Me Old Glory" program.
HB 1620 - Ward - Provides adjustments for salaried employees of the department of transportation.
HB 1645 - Griesheimer - Designates a portion of interstate 44 as the "Henry Shaw Ozark Corridor"
HB 1673 - Koller - Designates a portion of highway 63 as the "trooper Kelly L. Poynter Memorial Highway".
HB 1745 - Koller - Designates a portion of U.S. highway 63 in Texas County as the "Trooper Kelly L. Poynter Memorial Highway"
HB 1775 - Shoemaker - Repeals sunset on motor fuel tax and allows the department of transportation to engage in design-build contracts.
HB 1823 - Franklin - Clarifies treatment of retirement payments for state retirees who are reemployed by the state.
HB 1894 - Black - Makes various revisions, including a change in name, to the state highways and transportation commission.
HB 2115 - Koller - Creates the position of inspector general within the department of transportation.
HB 2126 - Shoemaker - Designates the portion of U.s. highway 63 located within Macon County as the "pearl Harbor Memorial Highway".
HB 2138 - Kelly (027) - Various revisions relating to transportation and the state highways and transportation commission.
HB 2211 - Henderson - Removes the sunset provision from the motor fuel tax.
HB 2228 - Lawson - Revises requirements for issuance of bonds by the highways and transportation commission for highway repair and
HCR 020 - Crump - Designates an area in eastern mid-Missouri as the "Arcadia Valley"
HJR 029 - Seigfreid - Proposes a constitutional amendment to allow the Highways and Transportation Commission to construct toll roads and
HJR 031 - Black - Proposes a constitutional amendment to change the name and makeup of the Highways and Transportation Commission.
HJR 052 - Bartle - Proposes a constitutional amendment abolishing the Highways and Transportation Commission and replacing it with a

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Treasurer, State

SB 0790 - Bland - Establishes the General Assembly Scholarship Program funded by a nonresident earnings tax
SB 0795 - Schneider - Creates Emergency Communications Systems Fund for use of counties and allows certain board to set and collect fees
SB 1030 - Kennedy - Changes the custodian of the Statutory County Recorder's Fund
SB 1032 - Childers - Allows the treasurer to contract with property locators to assist in locating owners of abandoned property
SB 1078 - Kennedy - Changes the custodian of the Statutory County Recorder's Fund
SB 1101 - Kenney - Revises state treasurer investment policies and creates local government investment pool
HB 1432 - Foley - Modifies laws relating to emergency services
HB 1441 - Harlan - Allows members of Missouri Higher Education Savings Program Board to designate a proxy, and requires confidentiality of
HB 1735 - Harlan - Creates the Local Government Investment Pool and revolving fund to consist of the aggregate of all funds from local
HB 1776 - Harlan - Relocates custody of the Statutory County Recorder's Fund and limits fees for processing certain adoption documents
HB 1797 - Hilgemann - Requires the State Treasurer to calculate interest rate based on previous year's annualized rate of return.
HB 1855 - Hollingsworth - Creates the State Property Preservation Fund.
HB 1928 - Overschmidt - Changes language relating to the tourism supplemental revenue fund.
HB 2146 - Campbell - Eliminates escheats and deems such property transferring to the state to be unclaimed property.

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Unemployment Compensation

SB 0707 - Russell - Disqualifies individuals for unemployment compensation for failing or refusing to take a drug test
SB 0732 - Bland - Requires the Division of Family Services to provide an annual report on the status of welfare reform in Missouri
HB 1932 - George - Revises calculation of state taxable wage base and provides for Indian tribes as employers for employment security

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Uniform Laws

SB 0739 - Wiggins - Establishes the Uniform Athlete Agents Act
SB 0931 - Klarich - Makes several changes regarding business and commerce
SB 1014 - Klindt - Adopts the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act
SB 1021 - Wiggins - Enacts the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act
HB 1712 - Monaco - Modifies provisions of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code regarding matters regulated by the Secretary of State

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Urban Redevelopment

SB 0992 - Johnson - Authorizes Buchanan County to seek a grant from the Contiguous Property Redevelopment Fund
SB 1167 - Gibbons - Allows fire protection districts to be reimbursed for emergency services in municipal redevelopment areas
SB 1279 - Kinder - Creates several community development projects

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SB 0709 - Goode - Revises the Sunshine Law
SB 0770 - Russell - Revises documentation required for telecommunications companies to charge for Internet services
SB 0797 - Westfall - Allows municipalities in certain counties to use condem- nation in order to construct or acquire natural gas service
SB 0845 - Russell - Exempts from public inspection certain public records furnished by a municipal utility to the PSC
SB 0850 - House - Revises the regulation of unsolicited telephone sales calls
SB 0870 - Goode - Increases penalty that may be imposed by the PSC for safety related violations of the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act
SB 0886 - Bentley - Allows political subdivisions to provide telecommunication providers with certain services or facilities
SB 0888 - Gross - PSC must set ratemaking principles before new generation is constructed and DNR must act on permits within 180 days
SB 0931 - Klarich - Makes several changes regarding business and commerce
SB 0942 - Schneider - Appeals of Public Service Commission orders shall go directly to the Court of Appeals
SB 1013 - Steelman - Allows for transfers of generation of electrical corporations to an affiliated party
SB 1042 - Bland - Dedicates additional revenue to the energy assistance program
SB 1100 - Childers - Creates the "Consumer Clean Energy Act"
SB 1116 - Dougherty - Allows PSC to consider ability to pay as a factor in setting rates
SB 1131 - Gibbons - Revises requirements for joint municipal utility commissions and projects
SB 1170 - Childers - Creates the Public Counsel Fund
SB 1186 - Kenney - Revises power of political subdivisions to impose surcharges and provide telecommunication services and facilities
SB 1234 - Bland - Allows the PSC to consider the ability to pay as factor in setting utility rates and establishes a low-income program
SB 1235 - Bland - Allows the PSC to refund ratepayers for unauthorized use charges, penalties & refunds from pipelines after hearing
SB 1273 - Goode - Allows water corporations to bill for security costs
SCR 057 - Steelman - Establishes the Joint Legislative Committee on Utility Regulation and Infrastructure Investment
SJR 034 - Gibbons - Allows joint boards and commissions to own, operate, and issue bonds for joint municipal utility projects
HB 1142 - Hosmer - Protects certain information furnished by a municipal utility to the Public Service Commission
HB 1388 - Mays (050) - Relating to penalties for violations of orders by the public service commission.
HB 1402 - Burton - Modifies provisions relating to utility projects
HB 1482 - Mays (050) - Authorizes Public Service Commission to direct allocation of certain sums to gas ratepayers.
HB 1599 - Lowe - Encourages the use of renewable resources.
HB 1635 - Hoppe - Allows interest to accrue on deposits held by water corporations
HB 1732 - Ostmann - Repeals section 250.140 relating to sewage service.
HB 1865 - Willoughby - Helps facilitate joint municipal utility projects.
HB 1875 - Mays (050) - Allows the Psc to consider a customers' ability to pay when setting utility rates.
HB 1914 - Mays (050) - Provides for the funding of the office of public counsel for the representation of utility customers.
HB 1929 - Burton - Requires the Public Service Commission to establish rules for expedited dispute resolution procedures.
HB 2083 - Boucher - Funds the Utilicare stabilization program by transferring funds in the custody of circuit courts.
HCR 028 - Willoughby - Establishes a Joint Committee on Utility Regulation and Infrastructure Investment.
HJR 047 - Willoughby - Allows joint boards and commissions to own, operate and issue bonds for joint municipal utility projects

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SB 0644 - Mathewson - Allows veterans to obtain a specialized veteran motorcycle license plate
SB 0676 - Yeckel - Modifies the WW2 medallion program and funding to the Veterans' Commission Capital Improvement Trust Fund
SB 0745 - Russell - Allows Marines and Navy personnel who participated in combat to receive Combat Action Ribbon license plates
SB 0775 - House - Renames Missouri River Bridge as American Military Veterans Bridge
SB 0945 - Stoll - Extends the World War II medallion program from January 1, 2002, to July 1, 2003
SB 0960 - Kenney - Creates the "God Bless America", "Pet Friendly" and "Air Medal" license plates
SCR 051 - Mathewson - Relating to the Missouri Veterans' Commission Capital Improvement Trust Fund
SJR 039 - Gross - Exempts property owned by veterans' organizations from property taxation
HB 1040 - Luetkemeyer - Requires school districts to spend a class period observing the meaning of Veteran's Day
HB 1050 - Ward - Eliminates fee to be paid for special purple heart license plates
HB 1145 - Green - Names the Missouri River bridge on route 364 that connects St. Louis and St. Charles counties the "american Military
HB 1214 - Davis - Allows veterans to obtain a specialized veteran motorcycle license plate
HB 1314 - Mays (050) - Modifies law regarding retired military plates
HB 1379 - Boucher - Provides income tax exemption for pensions for veterans 65 and older.
HB 1398 - Ward - Revises the World War II medallion program
HB 1399 - Ransdall - Modifies the deadline for filing applications for World War II medals from January 1, 2002 to July 1, 2003
HB 1464 - Reid - Allows surviving spouses of persons who owned or would have been eligible to own special military license plates to
HB 1515 - Burton - Extends provisions of the honorary high school diploma program for veterans to include POWs
HB 1519 - Boucher - Designates April 19th of each year as "Patriots Day"
HB 1590 - Dolan - Designates the Missouri River bridge on route 364 connecting St. Louis and St. Charles counties the "american
HB 1613 - Ross - Modifies the Wwii medallion program and funding to the Veterans' Commission Capital Improvement Trust Fund.
HB 2026 - Green - Renames the Missouri river bridge connecting St. Louis and St. Charles counties as the "Veterans Memorial Bridge"

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Victims of Crime

SB 1211 - Coleman - Relieves certain crime victims of the requirement to pay court costs for protective orders & charges against offender
HB 1058 - Haywood - Adds first and second degree arson to a list of hate crimes
HB 1523 - Kelly (027) - Increases the limits for crime victim compensation.
HB 1756 - Reid - Modifies testing of and release of records regarding certain sexually transmitted diseases
HB 1955 - Hilgemann - Neighborhood/community groups may present evidence at a sentencing hearing for a controlled substance offense
HB 2016 - Kelly (027) - Modifies the information required for delivery of prisoners to correctional centers.

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Vital Statistics

SB 0816 - Gross - Details information to be included in physician abortion reports
SB 1132 - Kennedy - Authorizes the recorder of deeds in the city of St. Louis to be named the local registrar for birth and death records
SB 1137 - Bentley - Allows electronic creation and access to birth and death records
HB 1195 - Selby - Allows adopted adults to have access to their original birth certificates without a court order
HB 1670 - Holt - Removes each voter's date of birth from voter registration lists available for public use or inspection.
HB 1708 - Daus - Permits the Recorder of Deeds for the City of St. Louis to be appointed as a local registrar.
HB 1885 - Froelker - Allows a birth certificate to be issued for a stillborn child.
HB 1975 - Hosmer - Permits the electronic creation and retrieval of birth and death records.
HB 1990 - Green - Allows parents to request a death certificate for a stillborn child.

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SB 0881 - Steelman - Creates the Environmental Hearing Commission
SB 1008 - Stoll - Streamlines the process and oversight of cleanups and encourages voluntary cleanup sites

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SB 0881 - Steelman - Creates the Environmental Hearing Commission
SB 1011 - Caskey - Removes references to used tires from the waste tire law and sets emission limits for use of tire derived fuel

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Water Patrol

SB 0771 - Russell - Exempts boats under 24 feet with electric trolling motors from licensure requirements
SB 1083 - Russell - Revises law regarding operation of motorboats and requires i.d. cards to operate watercraft for certain individuals
SB 1112 - Caskey - Enacts various provisions relating to terrorism
SB 1123 - Staples - Modifies various watercraft laws regarding water patrol duties and watercraft violations
HB 1307 - Williams (121) - Revises watercraft regulation and operation.
HB 1686 - Lowe - Requires persons guilty of boating while intoxicated to complete the substance abuse traffic offender program.
HB 1838 - Hosmer - Requires certification of place of business for motor vehicle dealers, boat dealers and boat manufacturers
HB 1872 - Hosmer - Changes requirements for the use of personal flotation devices on watercraft.

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Water Resources and Water Districts

SB 0708 - Mathewson - Revises membership of Clean Water Commission
SB 0881 - Steelman - Creates the Environmental Hearing Commission
SB 0971 - Klindt - Requires risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis be prepared when certain environmental rules are promulgated
SB 0984 - Steelman - Revises various provisions relating to the Department of Natural Resources
SB 0985 - Steelman - Relates to bond authorization for water, sewer and stormwater projects
SB 1072 - Childers - Revises provisions relating to water permitting for aquaculture facilities
SB 1273 - Goode - Allows water corporations to bill for security costs
HB 1286 - Hoppe - Adds requirements for incorporating public water supply districts.
HB 1549 - Lawson - Changes public water supply district laws.
HB 1609 - Robirds - Grants immunity from liability for injuries or death resulting from risks of paddlesports.
HB 1635 - Hoppe - Allows interest to accrue on deposits held by water corporations
HB 1650 - Hoppe - Modifies various provisions regarding water resources
HB 1687 - Relford - Changes requirements for local government bodies who contract for joint utility commissions.
HB 1748 - Ransdall - Revises various provisions relating to water resources
HB 1782 - Shoemyer - Revises limitation on rural water grants.
HB 2040 - Bray - Establishes a permitting process for the construction or modification of chip mills.
HB 2046 - Relford - Changes requirements for local government bodies who contract for water and sewer services.
HB 2113 - Seigfreid - Permits a county to detach from a watershed subdistrict upon approval of a majority of voters in the county.
HCR 011 - Clayton - Supports improved flood protection, navigation, and projects to improve environmental quality
HCR 036 - Clayton - Supports and endorses the federally-funded Upper Mississippi River Comprehensive Plan for systemic flood

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SB 0689 - Gibbons - Creates Project Exile
SB 0938 - Cauthorn - Provides application and licensing requirements for carrying concealed weapons
SB 1027 - Kinder - Prohibits certain suits by political subdivisions and the state against firearm manufacturers and dealers
SB 1112 - Caskey - Enacts various provisions relating to terrorism
SB 1119 - Johnson - Authorizes Office of Administration to provide security guards at state-owned or leased buildings
SB 1122 - Foster - Provides application and licensing requirements for carrying concealed weapons
HB 1344 - Crump - Creates Project Exile
HB 1729 - Barnitz - Specifies the procedures for obtaining a concealed carry endorsement
HB 1777 - Johnson - Enacts various provisions relating to terrorism

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Weights and Measures

SB 1071 - Klindt - Revises current weights and measures law
HB 1189 - Myers - Requires various specifications for blended fuels
HB 2097 - Copenhaver - Revises various provisions relating to weights and measures

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Workers Compensation

SB 0631 - Schneider - Modifies certain provisions of the Second Injury Fund
SB 0706 - Russell - Allows nonattorneys to represent themselves before certain state agencies
SB 0825 - Schneider - Creates commission of administrative law judges of the Division of Workers Compensation
SB 0832 - Schneider - Modifies workers' compensation and second injury fund provisions
SB 1105 - Loudon - Excludes from compensation personal health conditions, injury from idiopathic causes and preexisting conditions
HB 1139 - Byrd - Subjects the state to law suits concerning discrimination under the workers compensation law
HB 1273 - Secrest - Requires denial of workers' compensation payments if an employee has an accident due to alcohol or illicit drugs.
HB 1274 - Secrest - Revises the application of the common law rule of liberal construction for workers' compensation laws.
HB 1276 - Secrest - Revises workers' compensation law.
HB 1277 - Secrest - Revises workers' compensation law.
HB 1280 - Secrest - Eliminates workers' compensation benefits to employee using drugs at the time of an accident.
HB 1523 - Kelly (027) - Increases the limits for crime victim compensation.
HB 1546 - Crowell - Denies workers' compensation benefits for workers whose injuries are caused by voluntary intoxication of drugs or
HB 1742 - Cunningham - Modifies various provisions regarding workers' compensation insurers.
HB 1800 - Secrest - Alters workers' compensation law to require injuries to be the dominant substantial factor for compensation to be
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