- Introduced -

SB 1113 - This act provides that Deputy Coroners shall attend additional professional training after being commissioned in order to receive additional compensation.

The act also revises a number of provisions related to coroner's inquests. After notification of a dead body, a coroner has the discretion to issue a warrant to the local Sheriff to summon a jury for a coroner's inquest. Current law requires that a coroner issue such a warrant. Any Sheriff that fails to execute such a warrant shall pay $500. Currently, the Sheriff pays eight dollars. Every person summoned as a juror for a coroner's inquest who fails to appear shall pay $500. Current law provides that such a juror would pay $5.

Currently, jurors are responsible for determining if a person died as the result of a felony. This act would also require jurors to determine if the felonious act was justified. Coroners are empowered to issue summons for evidence, documents and materials of substance. The jury may view the dead body by photographic, electronic or other means.

Any witness who fails to appear without good reason shall be fined an amount not to exceed $1000. Currently, the maximum fine is $10. Any witness subject to a writ of attachment may be discharged upon posting a bond in the sum of $500. Currently, the sum of such bond would be $100.