- Introduced -

SB 672 - This act establishes a Legislative Academy within the Division of Legislative Research. The Academy is designed to educate members of the General Assembly about the organization and operation of state government, appropriations and various other aspects of the legislative and executive branches, as well as the state constitution. This session of the Academy may be conducted during the interim of each biennium following the first regular session of each General Assembly. Participants are eligible for per diem and expense allowances comparable to session rates. For Senate members attending the Academy, two weeks will be devoted to Senate procedural rules and related matters.

The Academy also would assume responsibility for coordinating the Freshman Orientation mandated by Section 21.183. Currently, the tours for incoming legislators are scheduled by the Appropriations Chairs of the respective chambers.

Finally, the act establishes an Advisory Committee to the Legislative Academy comprised of nine former legislators chosen by the Speaker and President Pro Tem. Duties of the Committee will primarily focus upon programming for Academy curriculum. The provisions establishing the Legislative Academy shall expire on December 31, 2006.

This act is similar to SB 50 (2001).