SB 0219 Creates the Korean Conflict Medallion Program
Sponsor:Steelman Co-Sponsor(s)
LR Number:0802S.03T Fiscal Note:0802-03
Committee:Financial and Governmental Organization, Veterans' Affairs & Elections
Last Action:06/26/03 - Signed by Governor Journal page:
Title:SS SB 219
Effective Date:Emergency Clause
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SS/SB 219 - The act entitles any Korean Conflict veteran (military service beginning June 27, 1950, and ending January 31, 1955) who was honorably discharged and resides in Missouri to receive a medallion, medal and a certificate of appreciation. The Adjutant General shall determine those persons who are eligible for the award. Applications may be filed during calendar year 2004. Any veteran who meets the qualifications outlined in the act (or any spouse or eldest living survivor of a deceased veteran who would be entitled to a medallion) may apply for a Korean conflict medallion, medal, and a certificate. The "Korean Conflict Veterans' Recognition Award Fund" is created and shall be used to fund the design, manufacture and distribution of the medallions, medals and certificates.

This act allows the Missouri veterans' commission to expend funds from the Veterans' Commission Capital Improvement Trust Fund in order to pay for both the WWII program as well as the creation of the Korean Conflict Medallion program.

Currently, any funds remaining from the medals, medallions and certificates are to be utilized to pay for the buglers at veteran burials. This act removes that provision and states that such monies shall not be transferred to any other fund and shall only be utilized for the awarding of future medals, medallions, and certificates in recognition of service in the armed forces.

Further, the act renders alterations to the WWII medallion program by extending by one year the application deadline for the WWII medallions and allowing the eldest living survivor of a deceased veteran to apply for a WWII medallion.

This act contains an emergency clause.