SB 0400 Sets speed limits within school zones and requires drivers to use care with respect to pedestrians and bicyclists
Sponsor:Bray Co-Sponsor(s)
LR Number:1385S.02I Fiscal Note:1385-02
Last Action:02/17/03 - Second Read and Referred S Transportation Committee Journal page:S244
Effective Date:August 28, 2003
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SB 400 - This act provides that a motor vehicle shall not be driven or parked within a bicycle lane.

This act establishes a 20 mph speed limit within school zones. The governing body may establish a lower speed limit if needed for public safety.

This act requires motorists to exercise due care to avoid colliding with pedestrians and bicyclists and exercise proper precaution upon observing children and confused, incapacitated, or intoxicated persons.

This act holds motorists who intentionally, recklessly or negligently collide with pedestrians or cyclists liable for a minimum of $500 in compensatory damages. If the motorist does the same act but has six or more points on his or her driver's license, or has a prior conviction for an intoxication-related offense or has previously caused personal injury to a pedestrian or cyclist, the person shall be liable for a minimum of $1000 in compensatory damages and shall have his or her driver's license revoked for a period of one year.