SB 0480 Modifies licensing of physical therapists and physical therapists assistants
LR Number:1059S.02P Fiscal Note:1059-02
Committee:Financial and Governmental Organization, Veterans' Affairs & Elections
Last Action:04/08/03 - Referred H Professional Registration & Licensing Journal page:H964
Effective Date:August 28, 2003
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SB 480 - This act modifies provisions relating to the issuance of permanent, provisional and temporary licenses to physical therapists and physical therapist assistants. The Board of Healing Arts may waive the mandatory denial of a license to a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant applicant who fails the licensing examination three or more times if the applicant is licensed, has passed a licensing examination and has practiced in another state for two years without any disciplinary action, or has held an undisciplined provisional license for two years. If the applicant has obtained a higher professional degree since failing the exam three times, then such applicant is approved to sit for the exam an additional three times. The act deletes the requirement that the board shall preserve examination grades or scores for three years.

A provisional license classification is created for both physical therapists and physical therapist assistants. The Board may issue a provisional license to an applicant who has failed the licensing examination three or more times, achieved a passing score on a licensing examination, and otherwise meets all requirements for permanent licensure. The provisionally licensed physical therapist or physical therapist assistant must practice under the direction and supervision of a licensed physical therapist.

The issuance of a temporary license to a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant is limited to six months. A temporary license may be renewed for an additional six months following the first failure of a licensing examination. Such temporary license shall not be renewed after the second failure of a licensing examination. Upon the second failure, the applicant must complete a board-approved remediation program before taking the exam for a third time.

This act is similar to HB 1313 (2002).