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SB 0291 - Caskey - Creates a tax credit program for certain railroad ad valorem property tax
SB 0529 - Childers - Allows certain railroads within Missouri to be designated by the division of tourism as official state railroads
SB 0530 - Childers - Exempts ticket sales for railway excursions that travel fewer than 50 miles from their origination
HB 0422 - Cooper - Creates a tax credit for certain railroad ad valorem property tax.
HB 0435 - Engler - Requires operators of commercial motor vehicles to reduce speed and check that a railroad track is clear of an

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SJR 011 - Bartle - Reduces number of representatives from 163 to 105 and increases number of senators from 34 to 35

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SB 0012 - Kinder - Enacts the Religious Freedom Restoration Act
SB 0082 - Klindt - Exempts religious, charitable, and nonprofit organizations from food inspection laws in certain circumstances
SB 0347 - Loudon - Changes definitions within the chapter and modifies regula- tions as to occupational diseases in workers' compensation
SB 0533 - Cauthorn - Allows some individuals to waive the protections of the workers' compensation law
SB 0571 - Loudon - Includes Christian Science practitioners within the definition of Minister for mandated reports of child abuse
SCR 017 - Cauthorn - Expresses support of Senate to faith-based and community organizations
SJR 009 - Yeckel - Removes portion of the Missouri Constitution which prohibits distribution of state funds to religious organizations
SJR 010 - Yeckel - Removes provision limiting distribution of funds to any church, religion, or any preacher or teacher thereof
HB 0045 - Stevenson - Modifies the compulsory school attendance age to eighteen.
HB 0206 - Hunter - Exempts food sales made by religious, charitable and nonprofit organizations from the state food code laws and
HB 0258 - Haywood - Establishes lists of specific crimes which if motivated by race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual
HB 0445 - Portwood - Includes Christian Science practitioners in the definition of "minister" for purposes of mandatory child abuse reports
HB 0665 - Rupp - Allows students seeking theology or divinity degrees to participate in the Missouri College Guarantee Program.
HB 0712 - Hanaway - Prohibits governmental authorities from interfering with the free exercise of religion.

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Retirement-Local Government

SB 0188 - Cauthorn - Exempts pension and retirement income of seniors from state income tax
SB 0516 - Kennedy - Allows members of the St. Louis Police Retirement System to purchase their DROP period
HB 0131 - Deeken - Revises provisions for the local government employees retirement system
HB 0152 - Johnson - Modifies retirement provisions for Kansas City police and the teacher and nonteacher public school retirement systems
HB 0180 - Johnson - Kc police retirement system.
HB 0195 - Curls - Kc police retirement system.
HB 0246 - Bishop - Revises provisions of the Kansas City Police and Civilians Retirement Systems
HB 0298 - Wildberger - Expands the diseases covered for firefighter's retirement benefits.
HB 0347 - Dempsey - Revises Local Government Employees' Retirement System.
HB 0348 - Dempsey - Revises provisions of optional retirement and beneficiary election provisions of the LAGERS system
HB 0735 - Bruns - Revises firemen's retirement systems.

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SB 0180 - Bland - Allows teachers and administrators in KC to come out of retirement & not relinquish retirement benefits for 4 years
SB 0188 - Cauthorn - Exempts pension and retirement income of seniors from state income tax
SB 0233 - Foster - Modifies the provisions of the public school and nonteacher retirement systems
SB 0247 - Dolan - Modifies the provisions of the public school and nonteacher retirement systems
SB 0248 - Gross - Revises provisions of various retirement plans
SB 0420 - Stoll - Extends the 25 and out provisions of the public school and nonteacher retirement systems
SB 0503 - Jacob - Allows certain teachers who job-share to receive creditable service for retirement and pro-rata leave and holidays
HB 0152 - Johnson - Modifies retirement provisions for Kansas City police and the teacher and nonteacher public school retirement systems
HB 0174 - Bland - Retired teachers and administrators in urban school districts.
HB 0338 - Smith (118) - Revises the Public School Retirement System.
HB 0346 - Dempsey - Modifies the provisions of the public school and nonteacher retirement systems and Kansas City teacher retirement

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SB 0078 - Gross - Allows the Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol employees to purchase certain service for retirement credits
SB 0100 - Caskey - Changes the eligibility age for retirement under MOSERS and HTEHPRS systems
SB 0118 - Shields - Changes the eligibility age for retirement under MOSERS and HTEHPRS systems
SB 0188 - Cauthorn - Exempts pension and retirement income of seniors from state income tax
SB 0248 - Gross - Revises provisions of various retirement plans
SB 0262 - Clemens - Exempts all public and private retirement benefits from income tax
SB 0462 - Gross - Creates a medical insurance incentive for state employees who retire after 1/1/03, and before 11/1/03
SB 0542 - Caskey - Revises compensation and retirement benefits for administrative law judges
SB 0587 - Stoll - Increases the COLA for certain special consultants and retirees from 80% to 100% of the consumer price index
SB 0588 - Stoll - Allows members of MOSERS who retired prior to July 1, 1990, an additional $5 per month times years of creditable service
SB 0601 - Griesheimer - Provides conservation agents and retirees with an additional benefit under the year 2000 plan
SR 0900 - Mathewson - Creates an interim committee to study the streamlining of state employee benefits
HB 0270 - Smith (118) - Allows administrative law judges and legal advisors hired after 2003 to be included in the state employees retirement
HB 0431 - Stevenson - Adds one judge to the membership of the board of trustees for MOSERS
HB 0443 - King - Specifies the annual leave accrual rate and options and options for excess accrued leave for Department of
HB 0456 - Haywood - Revises transportation department employees' and highway patrol retirement system.
HB 0557 - King - Revises sick leave accruals used in determining eligibility for normal retirement under state retirement plans.
HB 0583 - Smith (118) - Creates new medical and retirement incentive plans.
HB 0649 - Skaggs - Increases the Cola from certain special consultants and retirees from 80% to 1000% of the consumer price index.
HB 0650 - Skaggs - Allows members of Mosers who retired prior to July 1, 1990, an additional $5 per month times years of creditable

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Retirement Systems and Benefits-General

SB 0078 - Gross - Allows the Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol employees to purchase certain service for retirement credits
SB 0188 - Cauthorn - Exempts pension and retirement income of seniors from state income tax
SB 0212 - Bartle - Modifies provisions for highway patrol salary schedules and the Kansas City police retirement system
SB 0220 - Bartle - Creates a partial lump-sum option plan for KC police officers retirement system and changes board membership
SB 0248 - Gross - Revises provisions of various retirement plans
SB 0262 - Clemens - Exempts all public and private retirement benefits from income tax
SB 0340 - Wheeler - Allows an equalizing COLA adjustment for certain employees of the Kansas City police retirement system
SB 0341 - Wheeler - Revises provisions of the Kansas City Police and Civilians Retirement Systems
SB 0342 - Dolan - Adds various forms of cancer to the diseases currently presumed to be suffered by firemen in the line of duty
SB 0456 - Kennedy - Allows a self-directed deferred retirement plan program for the St. Louis Firefighters Retirement System
SB 0462 - Gross - Creates a medical insurance incentive for state employees who retire after 1/1/03, and before 11/1/03
SB 0479 - Gross - Specifies the annual leave accrual rate and options for excess accrued leave for the Dept. of Transportation
SB 0516 - Kennedy - Allows members of the St. Louis Police Retirement System to purchase their DROP period
SB 0542 - Caskey - Revises compensation and retirement benefits for administrative law judges
SB 0587 - Stoll - Increases the COLA for certain special consultants and retirees from 80% to 100% of the consumer price index
SB 0588 - Stoll - Allows members of MOSERS who retired prior to July 1, 1990, an additional $5 per month times years of creditable service
SB 0601 - Griesheimer - Provides conservation agents and retirees with an additional benefit under the year 2000 plan
SB 0627 - Coleman - Clarifies provisions for the deferred retirement option plan (DROP) for St. Louis City Police Retirement System
SB 0645 - Kennedy - Addresses benefits of survivors of a police officer and those who may use the deferred retirement option plan
HB 0131 - Deeken - Revises provisions for the local government employees retirement system
HB 0143 - Moore - Exempts all pension amounts from taxation for taxpayers 65 or older.
HB 0152 - Johnson - Modifies retirement provisions for Kansas City police and the teacher and nonteacher public school retirement systems
HB 0180 - Johnson - Kc police retirement system.
HB 0195 - Curls - Kc police retirement system.
HB 0246 - Bishop - Revises provisions of the Kansas City Police and Civilians Retirement Systems
HB 0298 - Wildberger - Expands the diseases covered for firefighter's retirement benefits.
HB 0346 - Dempsey - Modifies the provisions of the public school and nonteacher retirement systems and Kansas City teacher retirement
HB 0431 - Stevenson - Adds one judge to the membership of the board of trustees for MOSERS
HB 0600 - Cooper - Makes various modifications to the law on taxation
HB 0650 - Skaggs - Allows members of Mosers who retired prior to July 1, 1990, an additional $5 per month times years of creditable

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Revenue Dept.

SB 0004 - Caskey - Creates the Antiterrorism Fund and Fight Terrorism license plate
SB 0011 - Kinder - Makes various modifications to taxation
SB 0017 - Childers - Allows a percentage of insurance premium taxes to fund various fire protection programs
SB 0019 - Yeckel - Allows a tax deduction for those who contribute to medical savings accounts
SB 0023 - Bland - Establishes the "Missouri Universal Health Assurance Program" to provide health care benefits to all MO citizens
SB 0026 - Steelman - Creates a tax credit for 10% of contributions to health reimbursement arrangements
SB 0054 - Griesheimer - Allows biennial vehicle emissions testing in certain attainment areas
SB 0068 - Childers - Modifies provision regarding refunds of ambulance and fire protection district sales tax
SB 0089 - Kennedy - Requires that amateur radio license plates contain the words "AMATEUR RADIO" in place of the words "SHOW-ME-STATE"
SB 0095 - Shields - Establishes a small business health insurance tax credit program to offset employee health insurance premium costs
SB 0117 - Shields - Modifies law as it relates to driveaway operations and land improvement contractor's commercial motor vehicles
SB 0124 - Goode - Specifies that article used in trade-in to offset sales tax must have had tax paid or been exempted from tax
SB 0134 - Loudon - Allows surviving spouses/other relatives of a peace officer killed in line of duty to receive special license plates
SB 0140 - Bland - Establishes the General Assembly Scholarship Program funded by a nonresident earnings tax
SB 0141 - Gross - Limits the availability of low income housing tax credits
SB 0148 - Goode - Reduces speed limit by 5 mph for trucks on certain highways, expressways and interstates of this state
SB 0151 - Bland - Authorizes a two-year tax free zone in Kansas City
SB 0163 - Bland - Authorizes the department of revenue to use biometric identification methods for driver license purposes
SB 0171 - Loudon - Allows surviving spouses/other relatives of a firefighter killed in the line of duty to receive license plates
SB 0177 - Wheeler - Requires aliens to provide notarized copies of birth certificates to obtain a driver's license
SB 0183 - Dougherty - Requires security features on temporary registration tags and makes it a crime to counterfeit or alter such tags
SB 0216 - Foster - Allows members of the Missouri Association of State Troopers Emergency Relief Society to obtain special license plates
SB 0240 - Mathewson - Allows honorably discharged veterans to obtain "U.S. VET" motor vehicle license plates
SB 0244 - Russell - Creates the Exhibition Center and Recreation Facility District Act for certain counties
SB 0251 - Childers - Exempts retailers from sales tax for inventory donated to private or public education entities
SB 0261 - Clemens - Allows members of the MO Foxtrotting Horse Breed Association to obtain specialized license plates
SB 0270 - Foster - Establishes the Highway Patrol Trust Fund and imposes a surcharge on licenses to fund it
SB 0293 - Vogel - Allows the department of revenue to specify the minimum income tax filing level
SB 0320 - Stoll - Creates a phased-in earned income tax credit
SB 0331 - Childers - Allows any qualified applicant for the "SILVER STAR" license plate to obtain two sets of plates
SB 0343 - Dolan - Revises disabled license plate law and creates numerous special license plates
SB 0355 - Stoll - Allows persons registering their vehicle to make a $1 donation to the organ donor program
SB 0356 - Stoll - Makes a technical change in the organ donation license law
SB 0362 - Steelman - Requires tobacco product manufacturers to file certain certifications
SB 0368 - Gibbons - Allows members of the Missouri State Society Daughters of the American Revolution to obtain special license plates
SB 0369 - Gibbons - Creates the "Friends of Kids with Cancer" license plate
SB 0381 - Dolan - Enacts various measures relating to transportation
SB 0382 - Dolan - Allows motorists to obtain Special Olympics Missouri license plates
SB 0386 - Cauthorn - Creates the Respect Life license plate and establishes a fund to promote alternatives to abortion
SB 0402 - Dolan - Modifies the law regarding Children's Trust Fund license plates
SB 0403 - Dolan - Allows members of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers to receive special license plates
SB 0419 - Stoll - Allows motorists to obtain organ donor special license plates
SB 0437 - Yeckel - Allows a tax credit for persons who contribute to pregnancy resource centers
SB 0484 - Shields - Allows members or alumni of Alpha Phi Omega to obtain specialized license plates
SB 0487 - Dolan - Modifies certain court fees associated with court reporters
SB 0490 - Dolan - Requires alcohol related reports submitted by law enforcement officers to be certified
SB 0517 - Jacob - Increases length of revocation periods and amount of liability insurance that must be carried by certain drivers
SB 0536 - Jacob - Enacts various changes to state income and sales tax laws
SB 0581 - Clemens - Amends various provisions regarding special license plates
SB 0691 - Russell - Requires sales and use tax compliance from vendors selling to the state
SJR 020 - Bray - Modifies powers and duties of the state highways and transportation commission
HB 0073 - Luetkemeyer - Creates the Missouri Higher Education Deposit Program
HB 0075 - Ruestman - Allows any qualified applicant for the "SILVER STAR" license plate to obtain two sets of plates
HB 0080 - Bland - Extends the deadline on a certain tax for public mass transportation systems.
HB 0083 - Bland - Waste tires - chg of expiration date.
HB 0115 - Myers - Fee on new tire sales extended.
HB 0144 - Luetkemeyer - Authorizes sales taxes for exhibition centers and tourism for certain counties
HB 0170 - Kelly (144) - Creates special license plate for members of the Missouri Foxtrotting Horse Breed Association.
HB 0181 - Seigfreid - Authorizes a transient guest tax in certain cities
HB 0187 - Cooper - Allows honorably discharged veterans to obtain "U.S. VET" motor vehicle license plates
HB 0214 - Myers - Provides additional guidelines on income taxation of nonresident entertainers and athletes.
HB 0257 - Munzlinger - Allows specific tax credits to be taken on a quarterly basis
HB 0263 - Cooper - Enacts enforcement provisions to the 1998 Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement.
HB 0283 - Green - Defines street rods and regulates registration of such vehicles.
HB 0304 - Avery - Requires department of revenue to develop separate forms and standards for inspections of motorcycles.
HB 0306 - Seigfreid - Authorizes all counties to levy a sales tax for community services for children.
HB 0327 - Lipke - Enacts various provisions relating to transportation and operation of motor vehicles
HB 0345 - Cunningham - Creates a tax credit for contributions to scholarship charities.
HB 0371 - Dusenberg - Amends various commercial motor vehicle laws
HB 0381 - Holand - Allows school districts to enact income and sales taxes.
HB 0397 - Roark - Permits exclusion from computation of adjusted gross income of taxable income received in other states.
HB 0398 - Cunningham - Creates a tax credit for education-related costs.
HB 0409 - Jolly - Changes the requirements for claiming and reporting on economic incentive programs.
HB 0458 - Wilson - Creates a phased-in earned income tax credit.
HB 0478 - Moore - Allows members of Optimist International to obtain special license plates bearing the organization's official emblem
HB 0493 - Bruns - Creates the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers special license plate
HB 0515 - Cooper - Changes income tax return filing requirements and authorizes direct deposit of income tax refunds.
HB 0598 - Schlottach - Revises disabled license plate law, emissions testing law, and creates numerous special license plates
HB 0600 - Cooper - Makes various modifications to the law on taxation
HB 0614 - Bivins - Revises provisions relating to renewal of an intermediate driver's license.
HB 0680 - Hanaway - Provides income tax credits for approved retained business facilities.
HB 0687 - Sager - Authorizes a sales tax for transit purposes in Jackson County.
HB 0702 - Schlottach - Revises several provisions of law relating to commercial motor vehicles
HB 0726 - Cooper - Establishes the Joint Committee on Tax Policy.
HB 0731 - Burnett - Revises provision relating to reinstatement of drivers' licenses.

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Revision Bills

HB 0618 - Yates - A revision bill that repeals expired and outdated sections.

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Roads and Highways

SB 0090 - Kennedy - Allows ten cities to adopt ordinances to install automatic traffic control enforcement systems
SB 0193 - Loudon - Allows the Highways and Transportation Commission to construct toll roads
SB 0227 - Cauthorn - Amends law regarding how certain counties establish speed limits within their jurisdiction
SB 0259 - Steelman - Imposes additional surcharges and drivers' license suspensions on any person failing to yield the right-of-way
SB 0271 - Jacob - Restricts big trucks to 65 mph on interstates and increases diesel fuel tax and other registration fees
SB 0289 - Dolan - Names the portion of Highway 71 within Jasper County the "Trooper Charles P. Corbin Memorial Highway"
SB 0381 - Dolan - Enacts various measures relating to transportation
SB 0384 - Dolan - Prohibits trucks from being driven in the far left-hand lane on certain highways of this state
SB 0400 - Bray - Sets speed limits within school zones and requires drivers to use care with respect to pedestrians and bicyclists
SB 0423 - Childers - Designates a portion of Highway 65 in Taney County as the "Trooper Jimmie Linegar Memorial Highway"
SB 0432 - Cauthorn - Makes various changes to commercial motor vehicle laws
SB 0438 - Clemens - Designates a portion of U.S. Highway 60 as the Korea Veterans' Memorial Freeway
SB 0481 - Dolan - Enacts various accountability measures which pertain to the operation of the department of transportation
SB 0495 - Yeckel - Lowers speed limits on trucks and prohibits trucks from driving in the left-hand lane on certain highways
SB 0594 - Bray - Allows operators of low-speed vehicles to use public highways under certain conditions
SB 0598 - Childers - Establishes the Corporal Bobbie J. Harper Memorial Highway on U.S. Highway 71 in McDonald County
SB 0615 - Bartle - Prohibits locating sexually-oriented billboards within one mile of a state highway
SB 0661 - Wheeler - Allows regionally accredited post-secondary educational facilities to be eligible for tourist signs
SB 0697 - Nodler - Designates a George Washington Carver Memorial Highway on a portion of Interstate 44 in Jasper and Newton Counties
SJR 007 - Loudon - Amends the Constitution to allow the commission to design, acquire, construct, maintain, and operate toll facilities
SJR 012 - Mathewson - Increases the motor fuel tax by four cents to retire state road bonds authorized by the General Assembly
SJR 017 - Dolan - Revises the current transportation funding scheme with respect to various state agencies
SJR 020 - Bray - Modifies powers and duties of the state highways and transportation commission
HB 0137 - Crawford - Requires operators of motorcycles and motortricycles who are under twenty-one years of age to wear protective
HB 0140 - Crawford - Reduces the fine for certain motor vehicle infractions.
HB 0162 - Shoemaker - Designates a portion of U.S. Highway 63 in Macon County as the "Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway"
HB 0245 - Marsh - Designates a portion of U.S. Highway 60 as the "Korea War Veterans' Memorial Freeway"
HB 0247 - Ward - Allows special mobile equipment to be operated on the highways at any time under certain circumstances
HB 0249 - Seigfreid - Designates a portion of State Route WW within the City of Marshall as "Butterfield Ranch Road"
HB 0261 - Whorton - Designates a portion of U.S. highway 65 Legion Memorial Highway"
HB 0265 - Cooper - Revises speed regulations for motor vehicles within certain counties.
HB 0283 - Green - Defines street rods and regulates registration of such vehicles.
HB 0304 - Avery - Requires department of revenue to develop separate forms and standards for inspections of motorcycles.
HB 0327 - Lipke - Enacts various provisions relating to transportation and operation of motor vehicles
HB 0334 - Black - Revises the method of appointment of members of the Highways and Transportation Commission.
HB 0371 - Dusenberg - Amends various commercial motor vehicle laws
HB 0389 - Walsh - Requires headlamps on motor vehicles to be lighted during inclement weather.
HB 0594 - Emery - Establishes the procedures for disincorporation of a road district in Jasper County
HB 0684 - Jones - Sets speed limits within school zones and requires drivers to use care with respect to pedestrians and bicyclists.
HB 0707 - Rector - Extends the commercial zone on the south side of Kansas City to Harrisonville along highways 71 and 291.
HB 0711 - Davis - Sets speed limits within school zones and requires motorists to exercise caution with respect to bicyclists,
HB 0722 - Schaaf - Revises provision relating to use of seat belts.
HB 0727 - Crawford - Revise housemovers statutes and move section to new chapter.
HJR 024 - Crawford - Proposes a constitutional amendment restricting use of transportation revenue.

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Saint Louis

SB 0047 - Kennedy - Allows St. Louis City to have a lien on property for abatement of dangerous buildings
SB 0253 - Steelman - Creates the Missouri Downtown Economic Stimulus Act
SB 0286 - Dougherty - Allows metropolitan school districts the power to raise the compulsory attendance age to 17
SB 0303 - Gibbons - Allows licensed ground ambulance services in St. Louis to transport patients within a 130-mile radius
SB 0441 - Dougherty - Allows counties to abate a portion of property taxes for certain purposes
SB 0451 - Loudon - Requires appointment of St. Louis city circuit clerk
SB 0497 - Yeckel - Creates the Show-Me Parental Choice Tax Credit Program
SB 0513 - Kennedy - Removes discretion of board of police commissioners as to paid vacation and holidays in some situations
SB 0516 - Kennedy - Allows members of the St. Louis Police Retirement System to purchase their DROP period
SB 0527 - Gross - Revises the fee structure for merchants' licenses
SB 0564 - Gross - Changes governance of the St. Louis International Airport
SB 0575 - Kennedy - Requires St. Louis City police members receive pay for unused vacation time annually rather than lose it
SB 0590 - Shields - Enables an increase in the senior citizens' services tax with voter approval and adds a tourism tax
SB 0608 - Dougherty - Modifies the law relating to lead abatement
SB 0627 - Coleman - Clarifies provisions for the deferred retirement option plan (DROP) for St. Louis City Police Retirement System
SB 0634 - Coleman - Modifies applicability of certain property taxes to certain tax increment financing projects
HB 0032 - Villa - Establishes penalties for failure to deliver a taxable tangible personal property list to the assessor in St.
HB 0262 - Hilgemann - Allows the board of education for the St. Louis City school district to adopt a resolution raising the mandatory
HB 0289 - Dempsey - Creates the Missouri Downtown and Rural Economic Stimulus Act and modifies tax increment financing provisions
HB 0373 - Byrd - Appointment of circuit clerks in any city not within a county.
HB 0471 - Jackson - Prohibits residency requirements for peace officers in a certain jurisdiction.
HB 0511 - Deeken - Revises election laws to comply with the Help America Vote Act of 2002
HB 0735 - Bruns - Revises firemen's retirement systems.

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Saint Louis County

SB 0199 - Childers - Modifies the classification of counties, and various other provisions related to counties and county government
SB 0218 - Goode - Authorizes imposition of lateral sewer service repair fee in certain situations
SB 0253 - Steelman - Creates the Missouri Downtown Economic Stimulus Act
SB 0301 - Bray - Increases maximum lateral sewer service repair fee to be imposed from $28 to $50 per year
SB 0441 - Dougherty - Allows counties to abate a portion of property taxes for certain purposes
SB 0527 - Gross - Revises the fee structure for merchants' licenses
SB 0562 - Griesheimer - Authorizes conveyance of state property located in St. Louis County to the City of Pacific
HB 0289 - Dempsey - Creates the Missouri Downtown and Rural Economic Stimulus Act and modifies tax increment financing provisions

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SB 0014 - DePasco - Revises maximum allowable salary for certain Kansas City police officers
SB 0170 - Quick - Authorizes the Clay County Commission to pay the salaries of deputy circuit clerks and division clerks
SB 0181 - Cauthorn - Allows certain state employees compensation to be automatic- ally adjusted according to the Consumer Price Index level
SB 0287 - Childers - Removes work done on behalf of schools from the requirements of the prevailing wage laws in some instances
SB 0332 - Childers - Limits individuals eligible to receive the prevailing wage and modifies how the prevailing wage is set
SB 0374 - Shields - Allows certain state employees an option of how they will be compensated for overtime work
SB 0426 - Griesheimer - Modifies time state employees may receive paid leave for volunteering as a Red Cross disaster service volunteer
SB 0429 - Vogel - Allows an employer to surrender unclaimed wages of under $50 to the state treasurer after six months
SB 0499 - Bartle - Reduces salaries of members of the General Assembly for FY2004 to a sum equal to 97% of their FY2003 salary
SB 0547 - Caskey - Modifies pay schedules for certain county clerks and treasurers
SB 0604 - Vogel - Makes various salary and job qualification changes at the local government level
SJR 015 - Gross - Abolishes the Missouri Citizen's Commission on Compensation
HB 0052 - Seigfreid - State Employee Overtime pay in lieu of compensatory time.
HB 0086 - Ward - Missouri Department of Transportation Employee Salaries comprehensive study.
HB 0134 - Crawford - State employees overtime pay.
HB 0199 - Jolly - Raises the maximum annual base salaries of certain ranks of Kansas City police officers
HB 0212 - Behnen - Requires the superintendent of the highway patrol to submit a salary schedule which compares the salaries of officers
HB 0271 - Merideth III - Permits continued pay for state employees on extended military leaves of absence.

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Savings and Loan

SB 0346 - Yeckel - Revises banking laws
HB 0221 - Luetkemeyer - Revises banking laws

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Science and Technology

SB 0176 - Wheeler - Authorizes the bureau of communicable diseases to monitor epidemiological studies for suspected bioterrorist agents
SB 0191 - Bartle - Prohibits individuals from engaging in or using public funds and facilities for human cloning
SB 0493 - Kennedy - Modifies the law relating to the screening of genetic diseases and birth defects
SB 0506 - Clemens - Includes the use of lasers within the definition of dentistry
SB 0511 - Kinder - Establishes the Joint Committee on the Life Sciences
SB 0595 - Steelman - Establishes the comprehensive patient education and healthcare cost improvement pilot program
SB 0648 - Shields - Allows the Missouri Development Finance Board to create a life sciences funding district
HB 0142 - Dempsey - Prohibits the PSC from imposing any restrictions on high- speed Internet or broadband services
HB 0163 - Pratt - Makes it a crime to engage in human cloning.
HB 0183 - Willoughby - Civil penalties for unsolicited e-mail.
HB 0209 - Lembke - Prohibits the cloning of human beings.
HB 0254 - Byrd - Adopts the Uniform Electronics Transactions Act
HB 0302 - Morris - Establishes a statewide crime laboratory system within the department of public safety.
HB 0388 - Wilson - Allows certain first class counties to create a geographical information system
HB 0465 - Hanaway - Establishes the Joint Committee on the Life Sciences
HB 0481 - Crowell - Prohibits the use of public funds for health and social services programs to subsidize abortion services
HB 0688 - Hanaway - Creates the Life Sciences Research Trust Fund and the board for its administration
HB 0699 - Sager - Creates homeland security communication system act.

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Secretary of State

SB 0050 - Coleman - Modifies time for election authority to complete verification of initiative or referendum petition signatures
SB 0143 - Goode - Specifies the effective dates for vetoed bills when veto is overridden
SB 0394 - Bartle - Modifies law governing corporate formalities
SB 0427 - Bartle - Adopts Missouri Securities Act of 2003
SB 0531 - Childers - Eliminates the presidential primary in Missouri
SB 0569 - Yeckel - Revises election laws to comply with the Help America Vote Act of 2002
SB 0623 - Foster - Creates procedures for challenges to fiscal notes in initiatives and referenda
HB 0104 - Hoskins - Permits election day voter registration at polling places.
HB 0380 - Byrd - Adopts Missouri Securities Act of 2003
HB 0482 - Byrd - Permits the required signatures on corporate filings with the Secretary of State to be a facsimile, a conformed
HB 0511 - Deeken - Revises election laws to comply with the Help America Vote Act of 2002
HB 0603 - Self - Creates contracts to collect delinquent fees owed to the secretary of state.
HB 0604 - Self - Revises notary public requirements.
HB 0641 - Bean, Jr. - Changes procedures for reviewing fiscal notes for ballot measures.
HB 0718 - Schaaf - Requires the Secretary of State to create the Missouri Catalog of Assistance Programs to provide a single
HJR 006 - Yates - Proposes a constitutional amendment limiting all statewide officers to two terms.

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SB 0018 - Yeckel - Creates the Missouri Higher Education Deposit Program
SB 0394 - Bartle - Modifies law governing corporate formalities
SB 0427 - Bartle - Adopts Missouri Securities Act of 2003
HB 0073 - Luetkemeyer - Creates the Missouri Higher Education Deposit Program
HB 0380 - Byrd - Adopts Missouri Securities Act of 2003

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Sewers and Sewer Districts

SB 0218 - Goode - Authorizes imposition of lateral sewer service repair fee in certain situations
SB 0252 - Steelman - Authorizes additional bonds for water, sewer, and stormwater projects
SB 0297 - Griesheimer - Allows access to state-operated sewer lines
SB 0301 - Bray - Increases maximum lateral sewer service repair fee to be imposed from $28 to $50 per year
SB 0439 - Steelman - Requires territorial service agreements for the provision of service in certain sewer districts
SB 0440 - Steelman - Modifies the procedure for disconnection of water services for nonpayment of a sewer bill
SB 0560 - Childers - Rewards engineer designs below a per capita cost
SB 0567 - Steelman - Gives authority to create reorganized common sewer districts

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Social Services Dept.

SB 0023 - Bland - Establishes the "Missouri Universal Health Assurance Program" to provide health care benefits to all MO citizens
SB 0024 - Steelman - Modifies various provisions relating to the protection of the elderly
SB 0043 - Dougherty - Establishes the "Office of the Child Advocate for Children's Protection & Services"
SB 0085 - Dougherty - Requires certain facilities for children to show proof of accreditation and compliance with safety standards
SB 0087 - Dougherty - Eliminates time restrictions for special needs children under Missouri's Health Insurance Program for children
SB 0128 - Bland - Dedicates additional revenue to the energy assistance program
SB 0139 - Bland - Modifies the grandparents as foster parents program
SB 0147 - Bland - Outlines minimum staffing requirements for skilled nursing facilities
SB 0184 - Bartle - Allows the sexual offender registry to be posted on the Internet
SB 0209 - Steelman - Requires the division of medical services to annually recalculate the Medicaid nursing home reimbursement amount
SB 0266 - Shields - Requires the department of mental health to develop plans for children and persons on waiting lists
SB 0306 - Steelman - Requires courts to appoint a guardian ad litem where there are substantiated allegations of child abuse and neglect
SB 0330 - Caskey - Allows child support orders to be sent to employers by regular or certified mail
SB 0430 - Champion - Modifies the law relating to children's protective services
SB 0437 - Yeckel - Allows a tax credit for persons who contribute to pregnancy resource centers
SB 0510 - Kinder - Extends the expiration date for the federal reimbursement allowance program for hospitals
SB 0556 - Kinder - Modifies various provisions relating to the protection of the elderly
SB 0571 - Loudon - Includes Christian Science practitioners within the definition of Minister for mandated reports of child abuse
SB 0572 - Dougherty - Allows foster children to receive a tuition and fee waiver to state-funded colleges or universities
SB 0593 - Foster - Modifies the law pertaining to hot-line calls for alleged child abuse and neglect
SB 0609 - Scott - Modifies the law relating to protective services for children
SB 0624 - Foster - Adds the Ozark Foothills Child Assessment Center as a center which the Department of Social Services shall fund
SB 0628 - Coleman - Creates the Dominic James Memorial Foster Care Reform Act of 2003
SB 0638 - Days - Requires license-exempt residential care facilities to provide a notice of parental responsibility
SB 0685 - Gibbons - Creates a comprehensive children's mental health service system
SB 0695 - Goode - Modifies various provisions relating to medical services and eligibility
SB 0696 - Coleman - Establishes the child support responsibility act
HB 0037 - Johnson - Establishes the Missouri Rx card program to provide prescription drug discounts to certain Medicare-eligible
HB 0059 - Johnson - Requires the department of mental health to develop a state suicide prevention plan and creates a council on pain mgt.
HB 0085 - Ward - Permits the Division of Family Services to provide financial assistance to certain not-for-profit food
HB 0089 - Ward - Excludes the cash value of life insurance policies of with a total cash value of five thousand dollars or less from
HB 0196 - Sager - Requires the Department of Social Services to conduct or contract for an advertising campaign for the recruitment of
HB 0219 - Myers - Prohibits case workers employed by the Division of Family Services from working outside their assigned counties on a
HB 0286 - Bearden - Modifies provisions relating to the federal reimbursement allowance, Senior Rx Program, and pharmacy provider tax
HB 0356 - Smith (118) - Allows products made by youths in the division of youth services program to be sold at no more than 110% of cost
HB 0445 - Portwood - Includes Christian Science practitioners in the definition of "minister" for purposes of mandatory child abuse reports
HB 0459 - Bean, Jr. - Establishes a comprehensive children's mental health services system.
HB 0481 - Crowell - Prohibits the use of public funds for health and social services programs to subsidize abortion services
HB 0575 - Dethrow - Adds the Ozark Foothills and the North Central Missouri child assessment centers
HB 0628 - Sutherland - Amends and enacts various provisions regarding the protection of the elderly.
HB 0647 - Icet - Provides for appointment of special road district commissioners in certain counties.
HB 0679 - Hanaway - Modifies various provisions of the law relating to foster care and protective services for children
HCR 011 - Moore - Creates the Joint Legislative Committee on Out-of-School Programs

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Sovereign or Official Immunity

HB 0451 - Byrd - Enacts the State Employees' Protection Act.

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State Departments

SB 0033 - Loudon - Establishes the Open Contracting Act
SB 0037 - Klindt - Adopts the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act
SB 0040 - Cauthorn - Requires performance-based budgeting for state departments
SB 0097 - Russell - Non-attorneys may represent corporations in certain state proceedings
SB 0129 - Gross - Prohibits expenditure of state funds by public officials or employees to support or oppose a ballot measure or candidate
SB 0196 - Scott - The state may not automatically purchase goods or services from MO Voc. Ent. if MO businesses provide the services
SB 0297 - Griesheimer - Allows access to state-operated sewer lines
SB 0299 - Champion - Requires performance-based budgeting and creates the Sunset Act
SB 0308 - Steelman - Creates the Missouri Calcium Initiative
SB 0398 - Griesheimer - Creates the Missouri natural resources and environmental commission
SB 0436 - Klindt - Authorizes an appropriation from the Budget Reserve Fund
SB 0511 - Kinder - Establishes the Joint Committee on the Life Sciences
SB 0521 - Gross - Addresses public entity's requirement of surety bonds and establishes the open contracting act
SB 0544 - Gross - Creates the Missouri Sunset Act
SB 0635 - Mathewson - Modifies statutes to reflect reorganization of executive branch departments by executive order
SB 0693 - Klindt - Changes numerous state employee workplace provisions
SCR 018 - Mathewson - Creates an interim committee to study the streamlining of state employee benefits
SR 0900 - Mathewson - Creates an interim committee to study the streamlining of state employee benefits
HB 0046 - Richard - Flags to fly at half-staff at public building on D-Day, Pearl Harbor Day, Vj Day and Ve Day.
HB 0050 - Johnson - Exempts from taxation leased motor vehicles used for government, charitable, educational, or religious purposes.
HB 0052 - Seigfreid - State Employee Overtime pay in lieu of compensatory time.
HB 0098 - Graham - Allows the state of Missouri to be sued under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
HB 0118 - Icet - State auditor reports of agencies with significant concern to go to appropriation hearings.
HB 0134 - Crawford - State employees overtime pay.
HB 0158 - Zweifel - State Auditor Report - same as 0315l.01i.
HB 0202 - Portwood - Creates the Missouri Calcium Initiative
HB 0254 - Byrd - Adopts the Uniform Electronics Transactions Act
HB 0271 - Merideth III - Permits continued pay for state employees on extended military leaves of absence.
HB 0303 - Rupp - Expands the cafeteria benefit plan options for state employees.
HB 0314 - Engler - Prohibits public entities from requiring certain people to obtain a surety bond from a particular company
HB 0341 - Deeken - Creates the State Property Preservation Fund.
HB 0383 - Green - Authorizes Privatization Contracts for State services.
HB 0414 - Bean, Jr. - Restricts prevailing wages requirements for workmen in relation to schools.
HB 0448 - Mayer - Establishes the Open Contracting Act.
HB 0451 - Byrd - Enacts the State Employees' Protection Act.
HB 0465 - Hanaway - Establishes the Joint Committee on the Life Sciences
HB 0585 - Abel - Revises procurement by the State of Missouri and reverse auctions.
HB 0593 - Deeken - Enacts the State Employees' Protection Act
HB 0652 - Bearden - Revises performance-based budgeting.
HB 0681 - Bearden - Requires new state programs authorized by the General Assembly to contain a sunset provision.
HB 0713 - Bruns - The State may not automatically purchase good or services from Missouri Vocational Enterprises when Missouri
HB 0718 - Schaaf - Requires the Secretary of State to create the Missouri Catalog of Assistance Programs to provide a single
HB 0720 - Merideth III - Changes the State Personnel Law to the State Human Resources Law.
HCR 017 - LeVota - Encourages the Governor to utilize the services of management consultants or efficiency experts to review and
HJR 026 - Roark - Proposes a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget submission by the Governor without voter-approved

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State Employees

SB 0098 - Russell - Gives some employees a judicial remedy against labor organizations and allows revocation of their certification
SB 0100 - Caskey - Changes the eligibility age for retirement under MOSERS and HTEHPRS systems
SB 0118 - Shields - Changes the eligibility age for retirement under MOSERS and HTEHPRS systems
SB 0119 - Russell - Prohibits labor organizations from acting as the exclusive representative in some instances
SB 0129 - Gross - Prohibits expenditure of state funds by public officials or employees to support or oppose a ballot measure or candidate
SB 0132 - Loudon - Requires Office of Administration to include certain products in the cafeteria plan for state employees
SB 0133 - Loudon - Prohibits elected and appointed officials from appearing in televised commercials or advertisements paid by state money
SB 0181 - Cauthorn - Allows certain state employees compensation to be automatic- ally adjusted according to the Consumer Price Index level
SB 0236 - DePasco - Creates a one-dollar check-off on income tax returns to fund the workers memorial
SB 0248 - Gross - Revises provisions of various retirement plans
SB 0294 - Vogel - Requires criminal history check for certain persons related to the gaming and civilian review boards
SB 0317 - Stoll - Establishes a December 15, 2003, deadline for a MCHCP study which is presently required by law but possesses no deadline
SB 0367 - Scott - Requires criminal history check for certain persons related to the gaming industry and the state gaming commission
SB 0374 - Shields - Allows certain state employees an option of how they will be compensated for overtime work
SB 0426 - Griesheimer - Modifies time state employees may receive paid leave for volunteering as a Red Cross disaster service volunteer
SB 0450 - Mathewson - Creates the division of community health
SB 0462 - Gross - Creates a medical insurance incentive for state employees who retire after 1/1/03, and before 11/1/03
SB 0479 - Gross - Specifies the annual leave accrual rate and options for excess accrued leave for the Dept. of Transportation
SB 0693 - Klindt - Changes numerous state employee workplace provisions
SCR 018 - Mathewson - Creates an interim committee to study the streamlining of state employee benefits
SR 0900 - Mathewson - Creates an interim committee to study the streamlining of state employee benefits
HB 0052 - Seigfreid - State Employee Overtime pay in lieu of compensatory time.
HB 0086 - Ward - Missouri Department of Transportation Employee Salaries comprehensive study.
HB 0134 - Crawford - State employees overtime pay.
HB 0163 - Pratt - Makes it a crime to engage in human cloning.
HB 0271 - Merideth III - Permits continued pay for state employees on extended military leaves of absence.
HB 0303 - Rupp - Expands the cafeteria benefit plan options for state employees.
HB 0443 - King - Specifies the annual leave accrual rate and options and options for excess accrued leave for Department of
HB 0451 - Byrd - Enacts the State Employees' Protection Act.
HB 0455 - Thompson - Mandates coverage for alopecia in persons 18 & under for the Medicaid program, MC+ & the MO Consolidated Health Care Plan
HB 0473 - Seigfreid - Modifies the basis used for determining health insurance premium costs for state employees in the Missouri
HB 0523 - Dusenberg - Requires criminal history check for certain persons related to the gaming industry
HB 0557 - King - Revises sick leave accruals used in determining eligibility for normal retirement under state retirement plans.
HB 0583 - Smith (118) - Creates new medical and retirement incentive plans.
HB 0593 - Deeken - Enacts the State Employees' Protection Act
HB 0640 - Walton - Establishes Emancipation Day as a state holiday
HB 0720 - Merideth III - Changes the State Personnel Law to the State Human Resources Law.

To Top
State Tax Commission

SB 0526 - Gross - Prohibits contingent attorney's fees in property tax appeals
HB 0094 - Portwood - Creates the Missouri Homestead Preservation Act.
HB 0110 - Fares - Requires certificates of value to be filed with the assessor's office.
HB 0139 - Crawford - Requires a percentage of ad valorem property tax collections to be used for computerized assessment aids.
HB 0149 - Bivins - Creates the Missouri Homestead Preservation Act.
HB 0150 - Avery - Creates the Missouri Homestead Preservation Act.
HB 0177 - Bland - Enables taxpayers with hardships to pay property taxes in installments.
HB 0213 - Myers - Adds filing of a current property tax receipt to the common law elements of an adverse possession action.
HB 0342 - Stefanick - Creates The Missouri Homestead Preservation Act.
HB 0422 - Cooper - Creates a tax credit for certain railroad ad valorem property tax.
HB 0701 - Rupp - Provides an exemption from taxes for property involved in structured financing.
HJR 015 - Davis - Proposes a constitutional amendment exempting from taxation personal property of businesses with a value of $5,000 or
HJR 016 - Brown - Proposes a constitutional amendment exempting from taxation property owned by veterans' organizations.

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Sunshine Law

SB 0144 - Goode - Revises the sunshine law
SB 0158 - Bland - Creates the State Board of Public Records
SB 0198 - Caskey - Modifies DNA profiling system
SB 0411 - Shields - Allows closure of operational plans and documents used to respond to certain critical incidents
SB 0414 - Steelman - Revises provisions of the sunshine law
HB 0054 - Jolly - Revises the Dna profiling system to included all types of pleas and convictions and all felony offenses and makes
HB 0179 - Bland - Creates the State Board of Public Records.

To Top

SB 0062 - Caskey - Allows Cass County to elect a county surveyor

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Tax Credits

SB 0084 - Cauthorn - Allows specific tax credits be taken on a quarterly basis
SB 0094 - Shields - Creates a tax credit for teachers' related out-of-pocket expenses
SB 0141 - Gross - Limits the availability of low income housing tax credits
SB 0229 - Bray - Makes changes to economic development distressed communities and small business investment tax credit programs
SB 0249 - Shields - Revises laws on economic development
SB 0283 - Klindt - Reenacts legislation repealed by a prior unconstitutional bill
SB 0291 - Caskey - Creates a tax credit program for certain railroad ad valorem property tax
SB 0320 - Stoll - Creates a phased-in earned income tax credit
SB 0458 - Childers - Extends the sunset on the dry fire hydrant tax credit
SB 0497 - Yeckel - Creates the Show-Me Parental Choice Tax Credit Program
SB 0504 - Clemens - Authorizes a satellite enterprise zone in Springfield
SB 0565 - Goode - Relating to job creation and fiscal accountability
SB 0583 - Nodler - Repeals the Small Business Guaranty Fee Tax Credit
SB 0599 - Childers - Makes various revisions to programs managed by the department of economic development
SB 0620 - Loudon - Modifies the BUILD program and implements certain job retention provisions
SB 0639 - Foster - Limits the amount and the applicability of the historic preservation tax credit
HB 0197 - Johnson - Makes various changes to distressed community, enterprise zone, and community rehabilitation laws

To Top
Taxation and Revenue-General

SB 0011 - Kinder - Makes various modifications to taxation
SB 0017 - Childers - Allows a percentage of insurance premium taxes to fund various fire protection programs
SB 0028 - Gross - Specifies calculation of revenue estimates for governor's recommended budget each fiscal year
SB 0046 - Kennedy - Provides a tax credit for modifying a home for a disabled person
SB 0064 - Goode - Authorizes counties to submit a tax to the voters to support enhanced 911 services
SB 0084 - Cauthorn - Allows specific tax credits be taken on a quarterly basis
SB 0095 - Shields - Establishes a small business health insurance tax credit program to offset employee health insurance premium costs
SB 0124 - Goode - Specifies that article used in trade-in to offset sales tax must have had tax paid or been exempted from tax
SB 0135 - Goode - Exempts certain leased personal property from taxation
SB 0151 - Bland - Authorizes a two-year tax free zone in Kansas City
SB 0172 - Goode - Revises regulation of tax increment financing
SB 0195 - Scott - Enables Platte and Clay counties to levy a one-half percent room tax
SB 0199 - Childers - Modifies the classification of counties, and various other provisions related to counties and county government
SB 0228 - Griesheimer - Enables the City of Warrenton and Shannon County to levy a transient guest tax
SB 0229 - Bray - Makes changes to economic development distressed communities and small business investment tax credit programs
SB 0253 - Steelman - Creates the Missouri Downtown Economic Stimulus Act
SB 0272 - Bland - Revises law concerning redevelopment of distressed communities
SB 0299 - Champion - Requires performance-based budgeting and creates the Sunset Act
SB 0304 - Jacob - Creates a clothing and school supplies sales tax holiday
SB 0309 - Caskey - Excludes certain environmental accounts from the calculation of Hancock refunds
SB 0326 - Steelman - Exempts veterans over 65 from state and local taxes
SB 0336 - Bray - Changes economic development programs regarding distressed communities and small business investment tax credits
SB 0362 - Steelman - Requires tobacco product manufacturers to file certain certifications
SB 0377 - Childers - Creates a malpractice settlement tax
SB 0385 - Scott - Modifies how taxes are calculated for workers' compensation policies with deductible options
SB 0396 - Kennedy - Expands the sponsorship and mentoring program tax credits to apply to other taxes
SB 0497 - Yeckel - Creates the Show-Me Parental Choice Tax Credit Program
SB 0500 - Loudon - Removes the aggregate cap for the adoption tax credit program
SB 0536 - Jacob - Enacts various changes to state income and sales tax laws
SB 0602 - Cauthorn - Exempts natural gas used in the production of ethanol from taxation
SB 0610 - Yeckel - Creates a stamp tax on controlled substances
SB 0620 - Loudon - Modifies the BUILD program and implements certain job retention provisions
SB 0648 - Shields - Allows the Missouri Development Finance Board to create a life sciences funding district
SB 0675 - Gross - Eliminates certain funds and charges interest against certain other funds
SB 0689 - Russell - Eliminates the timely filing withholding discount
SB 0690 - Russell - Adds certain tax compliance measures for certain businesses
SB 0692 - Klindt - Creates the Missouri Rural Economic Stimulus Act
SJR 002 - Bland - Repeals portions of the Hancock Amendment concerning total state revenues and tax increases
SJR 005 - Bland - Creates a fund to hold excess revenue of the state
SJR 012 - Mathewson - Increases the motor fuel tax by four cents to retire state road bonds authorized by the General Assembly
SJR 014 - Jacob - Amends the Constitution to create a Revenue Stabilization Fund
HB 0080 - Bland - Extends the deadline on a certain tax for public mass transportation systems.
HB 0119 - Dempsey - Requires school board approval of tax increment financing plans for areas with residential or multifamily properties.
HB 0122 - Johnson - Extends the KC public mass transportation sales tax from December 31, 2003, to December 31, 2005
HB 0149 - Bivins - Creates the Missouri Homestead Preservation Act.
HB 0150 - Avery - Creates the Missouri Homestead Preservation Act.
HB 0191 - Fares - Increases circuit breaker limits.
HB 0214 - Myers - Provides additional guidelines on income taxation of nonresident entertainers and athletes.
HB 0236 - Reinhart - Creates a tax credit for fees paid to the Small Business Administration.
HB 0257 - Munzlinger - Allows specific tax credits to be taken on a quarterly basis
HB 0289 - Dempsey - Creates the Missouri Downtown and Rural Economic Stimulus Act and modifies tax increment financing provisions
HB 0293 - Johnson - Limits license tax amounts in certain cities.
HB 0306 - Seigfreid - Authorizes all counties to levy a sales tax for community services for children.
HB 0342 - Stefanick - Creates The Missouri Homestead Preservation Act.
HB 0381 - Holand - Allows school districts to enact income and sales taxes.
HB 0397 - Roark - Permits exclusion from computation of adjusted gross income of taxable income received in other states.
HB 0398 - Cunningham - Creates a tax credit for education-related costs.
HB 0409 - Jolly - Changes the requirements for claiming and reporting on economic incentive programs.
HB 0514 - Cooper - Permits a carry-forward of certain net operating losses.
HB 0515 - Cooper - Changes income tax return filing requirements and authorizes direct deposit of income tax refunds.
HB 0517 - Lembke - Establishes the MO Homestead Preservation Act and modifies the rebate amount for the Senior Rx Program
HB 0518 - Portwood - Establishes a schedule for depreciation of tangible personal property.
HB 0569 - Merideth III - Reforms certain economic development incentives.
HB 0591 - Hobbs - Tax for storm water discharge.
HB 0600 - Cooper - Makes various modifications to the law on taxation
HB 0627 - Schlottach - Makes various modifications of laws relating to tax sales of land.
HB 0680 - Hanaway - Provides income tax credits for approved retained business facilities.
HB 0693 - Stefanick - Requires an approved plan of development for industrial development projects.
HB 0701 - Rupp - Provides an exemption from taxes for property involved in structured financing.
HB 0726 - Cooper - Establishes the Joint Committee on Tax Policy.
HJR 015 - Davis - Proposes a constitutional amendment exempting from taxation personal property of businesses with a value of $5,000 or
HJR 016 - Brown - Proposes a constitutional amendment exempting from taxation property owned by veterans' organizations.

To Top
Taxation and Revenue-Income

SB 0011 - Kinder - Makes various modifications to taxation
SB 0018 - Yeckel - Creates the Missouri Higher Education Deposit Program
SB 0019 - Yeckel - Allows a tax deduction for those who contribute to medical savings accounts
SB 0026 - Steelman - Creates a tax credit for 10% of contributions to health reimbursement arrangements
SB 0027 - Gibbons - Creates a single-rate tax on individual income with increased personal exemptions
SB 0046 - Kennedy - Provides a tax credit for modifying a home for a disabled person
SB 0052 - Shields - Modifies the nonresident athletes and entertainers tax
SB 0094 - Shields - Creates a tax credit for teachers' related out-of-pocket expenses
SB 0140 - Bland - Establishes the General Assembly Scholarship Program funded by a nonresident earnings tax
SB 0141 - Gross - Limits the availability of low income housing tax credits
SB 0151 - Bland - Authorizes a two-year tax free zone in Kansas City
SB 0188 - Cauthorn - Exempts pension and retirement income of seniors from state income tax
SB 0229 - Bray - Makes changes to economic development distressed communities and small business investment tax credit programs
SB 0236 - DePasco - Creates a one-dollar check-off on income tax returns to fund the workers memorial
SB 0249 - Shields - Revises laws on economic development
SB 0262 - Clemens - Exempts all public and private retirement benefits from income tax
SB 0272 - Bland - Revises law concerning redevelopment of distressed communities
SB 0283 - Klindt - Reenacts legislation repealed by a prior unconstitutional bill
SB 0293 - Vogel - Allows the department of revenue to specify the minimum income tax filing level
SB 0309 - Caskey - Excludes certain environmental accounts from the calculation of Hancock refunds
SB 0320 - Stoll - Creates a phased-in earned income tax credit
SB 0336 - Bray - Changes economic development programs regarding distressed communities and small business investment tax credits
SB 0359 - Childers - Renders several modifications to the state's education, education funding, and taxation policies
SB 0375 - Steelman - Creates an enterprise zone in Pulaski County and the City of Richland
SB 0377 - Childers - Creates a malpractice settlement tax
SB 0396 - Kennedy - Expands the sponsorship and mentoring program tax credits to apply to other taxes
SB 0437 - Yeckel - Allows a tax credit for persons who contribute to pregnancy resource centers
SB 0458 - Childers - Extends the sunset on the dry fire hydrant tax credit
SB 0504 - Clemens - Authorizes a satellite enterprise zone in Springfield
SB 0536 - Jacob - Enacts various changes to state income and sales tax laws
SB 0554 - Klindt - Extends the carry-back operating losses from farming from 2 years to 3 years
SB 0565 - Goode - Relating to job creation and fiscal accountability
SB 0583 - Nodler - Repeals the Small Business Guaranty Fee Tax Credit
SB 0596 - Childers - Creates a 10% tax credit for new revenue of a new or expanded business
SB 0599 - Childers - Makes various revisions to programs managed by the department of economic development
SB 0620 - Loudon - Modifies the BUILD program and implements certain job retention provisions
SB 0639 - Foster - Limits the amount and the applicability of the historic preservation tax credit
SB 0677 - Vogel - Makes the federal accelerated depreciation decoupling permanent
SB 0678 - Vogel - Modifies corporate income tax apportionment and the tax rate
SB 0687 - Russell - Modifies multistate corporate income calculations to disallow the classification of non-Missouri source income
SB 0688 - Russell - Makes various changes to sales and income tax laws to close loopholes
SB 0689 - Russell - Eliminates the timely filing withholding discount
SJR 002 - Bland - Repeals portions of the Hancock Amendment concerning total state revenues and tax increases
SJR 018 - Coleman - Enables the legislature to issue bonds for education purposes
HB 0073 - Luetkemeyer - Creates the Missouri Higher Education Deposit Program
HB 0107 - Shoemyer - Allows a tax credit for up to fifty percent of any cash fund investments made in eligible new generation processing
HB 0119 - Dempsey - Requires school board approval of tax increment financing plans for areas with residential or multifamily properties.
HB 0130 - Shoemyer - Allows a tax credit of up to fifty percent of cash fund investments in eligible new generation processing entities.
HB 0143 - Moore - Exempts all pension amounts from taxation for taxpayers 65 or older.
HB 0190 - Fares - Extends the distribution of funds raised by the nonresident athletes and entertainers tax.
HB 0191 - Fares - Increases circuit breaker limits.
HB 0197 - Johnson - Makes various changes to distressed community, enterprise zone, and community rehabilitation laws
HB 0214 - Myers - Provides additional guidelines on income taxation of nonresident entertainers and athletes.
HB 0236 - Reinhart - Creates a tax credit for fees paid to the Small Business Administration.
HB 0257 - Munzlinger - Allows specific tax credits to be taken on a quarterly basis
HB 0345 - Cunningham - Creates a tax credit for contributions to scholarship charities.
HB 0381 - Holand - Allows school districts to enact income and sales taxes.
HB 0397 - Roark - Permits exclusion from computation of adjusted gross income of taxable income received in other states.
HB 0398 - Cunningham - Creates a tax credit for education-related costs.
HB 0409 - Jolly - Changes the requirements for claiming and reporting on economic incentive programs.
HB 0421 - Cooper - Lowers the corporate income tax to five and one-fourth percent.
HB 0449 - Smith (014) - Establishes the Missouri Tutoring Program for Public Schools.
HB 0458 - Wilson - Creates a phased-in earned income tax credit.
HB 0514 - Cooper - Permits a carry-forward of certain net operating losses.
HB 0515 - Cooper - Changes income tax return filing requirements and authorizes direct deposit of income tax refunds.
HB 0516 - Hobbs - Excludes Social Security benefits from state income taxation.
HB 0600 - Cooper - Makes various modifications to the law on taxation
HB 0647 - Icet - Provides for appointment of special road district commissioners in certain counties.
HB 0680 - Hanaway - Provides income tax credits for approved retained business facilities.
HB 0739 - Viebrock - Removes the two million dollar cap on the special needs child adoption tax credit and eliminates the credit for
HB 0747 - Cooper - Eliminates the two million dollar cap on the tax credits for nonrecurring adoption expenses.
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