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Taxation and Revenue-Property

SB 0008 - Goode - Creates a senior property tax deferral program
SB 0016 - Childers - Allows first class counties to retain a larger percentage of a portion of the assessed valuation
SB 0020 - Yeckel - Creates a tax exemption for property leased or transferred by certain interstate compact agencies
SB 0071 - Yeckel - Extends a homestead assessment freeze to all property, except when it changes hands
SB 0076 - Gross - Exempts the homestead of those aged 65 and older from increases in property tax assessments
SB 0079 - Loudon - Limits reassessment of property values to the rate of inflation
SB 0080 - Loudon - Prohibits reassessment of previously assessed real property and improvements until a transfer of ownership occurs
SB 0099 - Caskey - Requires a portion of property tax collections shall be used for the geographic information system (GIS)
SB 0120 - Caskey - Allows Cass County to use a small portion of its property tax revenue for collection costs
SB 0122 - Caskey - Enables the assessor in third class counties to make certain entries to the assessor's book after delivery of the book
SB 0172 - Goode - Revises regulation of tax increment financing
SB 0178 - Bland - Enables persons with hardships to pay property taxes in installments
SB 0235 - Quick - Considers the value of a redevelopment area when calculating local indebtedness limit
SB 0253 - Steelman - Creates the Missouri Downtown Economic Stimulus Act
SB 0291 - Caskey - Creates a tax credit program for certain railroad ad valorem property tax
SB 0295 - Shields - Makes various modifications to laws regarding tax sales of land
SB 0359 - Childers - Renders several modifications to the state's education, education funding, and taxation policies
SB 0412 - Foster - Enables tangible personal property to be depreciated in a scheduled manner
SB 0441 - Dougherty - Allows counties to abate a portion of property taxes for certain purposes
SB 0483 - Gross - Enables certain land trusts to be exempt from property taxation
SB 0508 - Bray - Modifies provisions concerning industrial development
SB 0526 - Gross - Prohibits contingent attorney's fees in property tax appeals
SB 0565 - Goode - Relating to job creation and fiscal accountability
SB 0590 - Shields - Enables an increase in the senior citizens' services tax with voter approval and adds a tourism tax
SB 0634 - Coleman - Modifies applicability of certain property taxes to certain tax increment financing projects
SB 0663 - Dolan - Exempts call-up military from the property tax on cars in certain circumstances
SB 0692 - Klindt - Creates the Missouri Rural Economic Stimulus Act
SJR 003 - Gross - Exempts property owned by veterans' organizations from property taxation
HB 0032 - Villa - Establishes penalties for failure to deliver a taxable tangible personal property list to the assessor in St.
HB 0050 - Johnson - Exempts from taxation leased motor vehicles used for government, charitable, educational, or religious purposes.
HB 0055 - Johnson - Revises calculation of state aid.
HB 0057 - Wilson - Clarifies the language to be included in the certification on each personal property tax list
HB 0060 - Sutherland - Changes the time period in which a taxpayer may claim a refund of taxes mistakenly or erroneously paid
HB 0094 - Portwood - Creates the Missouri Homestead Preservation Act.
HB 0110 - Fares - Requires certificates of value to be filed with the assessor's office.
HB 0139 - Crawford - Requires a percentage of ad valorem property tax collections to be used for computerized assessment aids.
HB 0149 - Bivins - Creates the Missouri Homestead Preservation Act.
HB 0150 - Avery - Creates the Missouri Homestead Preservation Act.
HB 0177 - Bland - Enables taxpayers with hardships to pay property taxes in installments.
HB 0191 - Fares - Increases circuit breaker limits.
HB 0213 - Myers - Adds filing of a current property tax receipt to the common law elements of an adverse possession action.
HB 0216 - Myers - Permits the state to withhold lease payments on properties owned by landowners who are delinquent on taxes.
HB 0289 - Dempsey - Creates the Missouri Downtown and Rural Economic Stimulus Act and modifies tax increment financing provisions
HB 0342 - Stefanick - Creates The Missouri Homestead Preservation Act.
HB 0416 - Rector - Changes the collection cost percentage of the amount of ad valorem property tax collections allocated in Cass County.
HB 0422 - Cooper - Creates a tax credit for certain railroad ad valorem property tax.
HB 0517 - Lembke - Establishes the MO Homestead Preservation Act and modifies the rebate amount for the Senior Rx Program
HB 0518 - Portwood - Establishes a schedule for depreciation of tangible personal property.
HB 0627 - Schlottach - Makes various modifications of laws relating to tax sales of land.
HB 0693 - Stefanick - Requires an approved plan of development for industrial development projects.
HB 0701 - Rupp - Provides an exemption from taxes for property involved in structured financing.
HJR 015 - Davis - Proposes a constitutional amendment exempting from taxation personal property of businesses with a value of $5,000 or
HJR 016 - Brown - Proposes a constitutional amendment exempting from taxation property owned by veterans' organizations.

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Taxation and Revenue-Sales and Use

SB 0011 - Kinder - Makes various modifications to taxation
SB 0020 - Yeckel - Creates a tax exemption for property leased or transferred by certain interstate compact agencies
SB 0064 - Goode - Authorizes counties to submit a tax to the voters to support enhanced 911 services
SB 0068 - Childers - Modifies provision regarding refunds of ambulance and fire protection district sales tax
SB 0077 - Gross - Allows refunds of sales tax remitted from coffin sales in limited circumstances
SB 0093 - Shields - Allows an exemption from sales tax on items purchased and given to the state
SB 0124 - Goode - Specifies that article used in trade-in to offset sales tax must have had tax paid or been exempted from tax
SB 0195 - Scott - Enables Platte and Clay counties to levy a one-half percent room tax
SB 0197 - DePasco - Suspends all sales tax exemptions for two years with the exception of food, pharmaceuticals, and related items
SB 0211 - Cauthorn - Specifies that sales at prison stores are subject to sales tax
SB 0228 - Griesheimer - Enables the City of Warrenton and Shannon County to levy a transient guest tax
SB 0244 - Russell - Creates the Exhibition Center and Recreation Facility District Act for certain counties
SB 0250 - Stoll - Allows certain counties to enact a one-half percent sales tax for law enforcement purposes
SB 0251 - Childers - Exempts retailers from sales tax for inventory donated to private or public education entities
SB 0254 - Goode - Increases the taxes on cigarette and tobacco products
SB 0269 - Quick - Enables Excelsior Springs to submit a public safety sales tax to its voters
SB 0273 - Bland - Extends the KC public mass transportation system sales tax from December 31, 2003 to December 31, 2005
SB 0304 - Jacob - Creates a clothing and school supplies sales tax holiday
SB 0305 - Jacob - Makes various tax changes
SB 0362 - Steelman - Requires tobacco product manufacturers to file certain certifications
SB 0501 - Gross - Exempts contractors from paying sales taxes on materials used in department of transportation projects
SB 0502 - Vogel - Creates the Exhibition Center and Recreation Facility District Act for certain counties
SB 0522 - Gross - Provides an additional rate for the capital improvement sales tax
SB 0530 - Childers - Exempts ticket sales for railway excursions that travel fewer than 50 miles from their origination
SB 0536 - Jacob - Enacts various changes to state income and sales tax laws
SB 0610 - Yeckel - Creates a stamp tax on controlled substances
SB 0631 - Bray - Implements the provisions of the streamlined sales and use tax agreement
SB 0688 - Russell - Makes various changes to sales and income tax laws to close loopholes
SB 0691 - Russell - Requires sales and use tax compliance from vendors selling to the state
SJR 017 - Dolan - Revises the current transportation funding scheme with respect to various state agencies
SJR 021 - Cauthorn - Puts to the vote of the people every four years the issue of conservation sales tax
HB 0080 - Bland - Extends the deadline on a certain tax for public mass transportation systems.
HB 0097 - Johnson - Authorizes a sales tax for law enforcement purposes in Jefferson County
HB 0122 - Johnson - Extends the KC public mass transportation sales tax from December 31, 2003, to December 31, 2005
HB 0144 - Luetkemeyer - Authorizes sales taxes for exhibition centers and tourism for certain counties
HB 0181 - Seigfreid - Authorizes a transient guest tax in certain cities
HB 0424 - Sutherland - Establishes a sales tax holiday for certain items.
HB 0483 - Byrd - Provides an alternative method for creating a transportation development district.
HB 0595 - Parker - Provides an additional rate for the capital improvements sales tax.
HB 0600 - Cooper - Makes various modifications to the law on taxation
HB 0687 - Sager - Authorizes a sales tax for transit purposes in Jackson County.

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SB 0041 - Cauthorn - Creates signing bonuses for teachers in rural schools
SB 0067 - Childers - Requires state-sponsored professional development events for teachers to occur on scheduled days
SB 0072 - Bland - Requires charter schools to meet all accreditation standards and requirements
SB 0094 - Shields - Creates a tax credit for teachers' related out-of-pocket expenses
SB 0115 - Dougherty - Allows the department of health to investigate complaints of air quality in public schools
SB 0150 - Bland - Allows school districts to create after-school and summer educational programs for at-risk youth
SB 0159 - Bland - Establishes coordinated health program board to prevent student obesity, cardiovascular disease, & type II diabetes
SB 0180 - Bland - Allows teachers and administrators in KC to come out of retirement & not relinquish retirement benefits for 4 years
SB 0187 - Yeckel - Revises the charter school laws
SB 0264 - Shields - Certain school districts shall not be obligated to comply with certain salary compliance provisions
SB 0265 - Shields - Alters provisions regarding the certification of public school teachers
SB 0296 - Griesheimer - Requires the state board of education to offer two levels of professional teacher certification
SB 0318 - Stoll - Revises the MAP assessment subject matter "test domains" by limiting the scope of said domains
SB 0461 - Bray - Alters provisions regarding teacher termination hearings
SB 0574 - Days - DESE shall award salary supplement grants to priority school employing high quality teachers, subject to appropriations
SCR 006 - Stoll - Urges Congress to repeal the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision of the Social Security Act
SJR 010 - Yeckel - Removes provision limiting distribution of funds to any church, religion, or any preacher or teacher thereof
HB 0168 - Kelly (144) - Creates the crime of sexual contact with a student while on public school property.
HB 0174 - Bland - Retired teachers and administrators in urban school districts.
HB 0281 - Moore - Allows state board of education to offer two professional levels of teacher certification
HB 0288 - Jetton - Establishes the Priority Schools Trust Fund and produces additional alterations to the state's education policy
HB 0316 - Wallace - School districts' compliance with certain salary provisions.
HB 0338 - Smith (118) - Revises the Public School Retirement System.
HB 0385 - Icet - Provides for increase in salaries for teachers.
HB 0449 - Smith (014) - Establishes the Missouri Tutoring Program for Public Schools.
HB 0602 - Schoemehl - Allows the department of elementary and secondary education to award salary supplement grants to priority schools

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SB 0010 - Goode - Creates a no-spam list in Attorney General's office for unsolicited commercial email
SB 0030 - Gross - Creates the Amber Alert System
SB 0039 - Cauthorn - Revises numerous provisions relating to emergency services
SB 0058 - Russell - Revises documentation required for telecommunications companies to charge for Internet service
SB 0107 - Bland - Creates a statewide AMBER Alert program
SB 0221 - Steelman - Prohibits the PSC from imposing any restrictions on high- speed Internet or broadband service
HB 0142 - Dempsey - Prohibits the PSC from imposing any restrictions on high- speed Internet or broadband services
HB 0157 - Johnson - Telemarketing no-call definitions.
HB 0164 - Yates - Requires the Missouri State Highway Patrol to maintain a web site with a registered sexual offender search
HB 0183 - Willoughby - Civil penalties for unsolicited e-mail.
HB 0185 - Phillips - Creates the AMBER Alert System
HB 0227 - Willoughby - Allows electronic payments for criminal repository checks and authorizes the highway patrol to establish procedures
HB 0228 - Pearce - Creates a no-spam list in the Attorney General's office for unsolicited commercial e-mail
HB 0699 - Sager - Creates homeland security communication system act.
HB 0730 - Goodman - Allows telephonic search warrants and make it a crime to intercept cellular or radio transmissions and publish the

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SB 0030 - Gross - Creates the Amber Alert System
SB 0052 - Shields - Modifies the nonresident athletes and entertainers tax
SB 0107 - Bland - Creates a statewide AMBER Alert program
SB 0133 - Loudon - Prohibits elected and appointed officials from appearing in televised commercials or advertisements paid by state money
HB 0185 - Phillips - Creates the AMBER Alert System

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Tobacco Products

SB 0242 - Yeckel - Limits the amount of a supersedeas bond in tobacco products litigation
SB 0254 - Goode - Increases the taxes on cigarette and tobacco products
SB 0362 - Steelman - Requires tobacco product manufacturers to file certain certifications
SB 0512 - Russell - Authorizes the board of public buildings to issue additional revenue bonds for expanded purposes
SB 0671 - DePasco - Allows cigarette retailers to participate in cigarette merchandising, advertising, display, or promotion programs
HB 0263 - Cooper - Enacts enforcement provisions to the 1998 Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement.
HB 0401 - Pratt - Authorizes the board of public buildings to issue additional revenue bonds for expanded purposes

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SB 0155 - Bland - Designates Walt Disney Film Studio as a state historic site
SB 0228 - Griesheimer - Enables the City of Warrenton and Shannon County to levy a transient guest tax
SB 0529 - Childers - Allows certain railroads within Missouri to be designated by the division of tourism as official state railroads
SB 0530 - Childers - Exempts ticket sales for railway excursions that travel fewer than 50 miles from their origination
SB 0631 - Bray - Implements the provisions of the streamlined sales and use tax agreement
SB 0653 - Steelman - Prohibits glass containers on navigable waterways and requires other containers be secured
HB 0181 - Seigfreid - Authorizes a transient guest tax in certain cities

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SB 0137 - Goode - Authorizes design-build projects in certain instances
SB 0193 - Loudon - Allows the Highways and Transportation Commission to construct toll roads
SB 0226 - Klindt - Exempts motorcyclists age 21 and older from wearing a helmet when operating a motorcycle or motortricycle
SB 0230 - Bray - Modifies law on formulation of transportation development districts
SB 0258 - Steelman - Modifies transportation development district law as it relates to special assessments
SB 0271 - Jacob - Restricts big trucks to 65 mph on interstates and increases diesel fuel tax and other registration fees
SB 0273 - Bland - Extends the KC public mass transportation system sales tax from December 31, 2003 to December 31, 2005
SB 0381 - Dolan - Enacts various measures relating to transportation
SB 0400 - Bray - Sets speed limits within school zones and requires drivers to use care with respect to pedestrians and bicyclists
SB 0438 - Clemens - Designates a portion of U.S. Highway 60 as the Korea Veterans' Memorial Freeway
SB 0481 - Dolan - Enacts various accountability measures which pertain to the operation of the department of transportation
SB 0530 - Childers - Exempts ticket sales for railway excursions that travel fewer than 50 miles from their origination
SB 0564 - Gross - Changes governance of the St. Louis International Airport
SJR 004 - Cauthorn - Allows private school students to ride public school buses
SJR 006 - Bartle - Abolishes the Highway Commission and replaces it with a Director of Transportation
SJR 007 - Loudon - Amends the Constitution to allow the commission to design, acquire, construct, maintain, and operate toll facilities
SJR 012 - Mathewson - Increases the motor fuel tax by four cents to retire state road bonds authorized by the General Assembly
SJR 017 - Dolan - Revises the current transportation funding scheme with respect to various state agencies
SJR 020 - Bray - Modifies powers and duties of the state highways and transportation commission
HB 0080 - Bland - Extends the deadline on a certain tax for public mass transportation systems.
HB 0122 - Johnson - Extends the KC public mass transportation sales tax from December 31, 2003, to December 31, 2005
HB 0137 - Crawford - Requires operators of motorcycles and motortricycles who are under twenty-one years of age to wear protective
HB 0140 - Crawford - Reduces the fine for certain motor vehicle infractions.
HB 0247 - Ward - Allows special mobile equipment to be operated on the highways at any time under certain circumstances
HB 0261 - Whorton - Designates a portion of U.S. highway 65 Legion Memorial Highway"
HB 0265 - Cooper - Revises speed regulations for motor vehicles within certain counties.
HB 0275 - Merideth III - Establishes the Missouri Airport Protection Act.
HB 0318 - Baker - Allows Cass County to have county traffic ordinance violations heard by associate circuit judge
HB 0362 - Cunningham - Allows school districts to provide transportation for private and parochial students under certain circumstances.
HB 0483 - Byrd - Provides an alternative method for creating a transportation development district.
HB 0668 - Crawford - Enacts various accountability measures relating to the department of transportation
HB 0687 - Sager - Authorizes a sales tax for transit purposes in Jackson County.
HB 0689 - Adams - Allows courts to suspend an individual's driver's license for up to one hundred twenty days for failure to stop for a
HJR 024 - Crawford - Proposes a constitutional amendment restricting use of transportation revenue.

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Transportation Dept.

SB 0078 - Gross - Allows the Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol employees to purchase certain service for retirement credits
SB 0090 - Kennedy - Allows ten cities to adopt ordinances to install automatic traffic control enforcement systems
SB 0102 - Goode - Creates the Invasive Species Council
SB 0137 - Goode - Authorizes design-build projects in certain instances
SB 0193 - Loudon - Allows the Highways and Transportation Commission to construct toll roads
SB 0227 - Cauthorn - Amends law regarding how certain counties establish speed limits within their jurisdiction
SB 0248 - Gross - Revises provisions of various retirement plans
SB 0289 - Dolan - Names the portion of Highway 71 within Jasper County the "Trooper Charles P. Corbin Memorial Highway"
SB 0450 - Mathewson - Creates the division of community health
SB 0479 - Gross - Specifies the annual leave accrual rate and options for excess accrued leave for the Dept. of Transportation
SB 0481 - Dolan - Enacts various accountability measures which pertain to the operation of the department of transportation
SB 0491 - Scott - Requires the department of transportation to submit to arbitration in certain contract disputes
SB 0501 - Gross - Exempts contractors from paying sales taxes on materials used in department of transportation projects
SB 0587 - Stoll - Increases the COLA for certain special consultants and retirees from 80% to 100% of the consumer price index
SB 0615 - Bartle - Prohibits locating sexually-oriented billboards within one mile of a state highway
SJR 006 - Bartle - Abolishes the Highway Commission and replaces it with a Director of Transportation
SJR 007 - Loudon - Amends the Constitution to allow the commission to design, acquire, construct, maintain, and operate toll facilities
SJR 012 - Mathewson - Increases the motor fuel tax by four cents to retire state road bonds authorized by the General Assembly
SJR 017 - Dolan - Revises the current transportation funding scheme with respect to various state agencies
SJR 020 - Bray - Modifies powers and duties of the state highways and transportation commission
HB 0086 - Ward - Missouri Department of Transportation Employee Salaries comprehensive study.
HB 0162 - Shoemaker - Designates a portion of U.S. Highway 63 in Macon County as the "Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway"
HB 0245 - Marsh - Designates a portion of U.S. Highway 60 as the "Korea War Veterans' Memorial Freeway"
HB 0249 - Seigfreid - Designates a portion of State Route WW within the City of Marshall as "Butterfield Ranch Road"
HB 0261 - Whorton - Designates a portion of U.S. highway 65 Legion Memorial Highway"
HB 0275 - Merideth III - Establishes the Missouri Airport Protection Act.
HB 0327 - Lipke - Enacts various provisions relating to transportation and operation of motor vehicles
HB 0334 - Black - Revises the method of appointment of members of the Highways and Transportation Commission.
HB 0443 - King - Specifies the annual leave accrual rate and options and options for excess accrued leave for Department of
HB 0456 - Haywood - Revises transportation department employees' and highway patrol retirement system.
HB 0461 - St. Onge - Allows certain disputes with the department of transportation to be resolved through arbitration.
HB 0597 - Schlottach - Removes requirement that township clerks file a copy of the township's fiscal and inventory reports with MoDOT
HB 0668 - Crawford - Enacts various accountability measures relating to the department of transportation
HB 0702 - Schlottach - Revises several provisions of law relating to commercial motor vehicles
HB 0725 - Kingery - Provides for the staggering of commercial motor vehicle registrations.
HB 0727 - Crawford - Revise housemovers statutes and move section to new chapter.
HJR 005 - Dusenberg - Proposes a constitutional amendment replacing the Highways and Transportation Commission with a Director of
HJR 024 - Crawford - Proposes a constitutional amendment restricting use of transportation revenue.

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Treasurer, State

SB 0068 - Childers - Modifies provision regarding refunds of ambulance and fire protection district sales tax
SB 0140 - Bland - Establishes the General Assembly Scholarship Program funded by a nonresident earnings tax
SB 0182 - Cauthorn - Requires consent 24-hours prior to an abortion and proof of financial responsibility to perform abortions
SB 0269 - Quick - Enables Excelsior Springs to submit a public safety sales tax to its voters
SB 0276 - Jacob - Creates the Educational Job Retraining Fund which shall be funded by the repeal of the gambling loss limit
SB 0346 - Yeckel - Revises banking laws
SB 0419 - Stoll - Allows motorists to obtain organ donor special license plates
SB 0429 - Vogel - Allows an employer to surrender unclaimed wages of under $50 to the state treasurer after six months
SB 0569 - Yeckel - Revises election laws to comply with the Help America Vote Act of 2002
SB 0658 - Cauthorn - Creates the Missouri Physicians Mutual Insurance Company Act
SCR 001 - Gross - Rejects salary increase recommendations of the Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials
HB 0305 - Jackson - Requires the State Treasurer's office to submit monthly reports to the General Assembly.
HB 0511 - Deeken - Revises election laws to comply with the Help America Vote Act of 2002
HB 0521 - Dethrow - Allows the fire education trust fund to receive moneys from gifts, grants, or appropriations
HJR 009 - Parker - Proposes a constitutional amendment limiting all statewide elected officers to two terms.

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Unemployment Compensation

SB 0002 - Russell - Refines various provisions of employment security law
SB 0044 - Dougherty - Allows employees to take six weeks of paid leave for family or medical reasons
SB 0518 - Steelman - Prohibits ALJs and Administrative Hearing Commissioners from having or contributing to a campaign account
SB 0607 - Loudon - Removes the salaries of elected officials from those not considered wages for unemployment benefits
SB 0614 - Shields - Sets rules that a temporary help firm employee must follow before claiming unemployment
HB 0074 - St. Onge - Brings state into compliance with federal mandates and unemployment security reform
HB 0475 - Yates - Revises employment security.
HB 0642 - Bean, Jr. - Creates right to an accountant for employment security proceedings.

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Uniform Laws

SB 0037 - Klindt - Adopts the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act
SB 0200 - Bland - Enacts reciprocal nurse licensure compact
SB 0310 - Caskey - Revises the partnership, limited partnership, and limited liability company laws
HB 0254 - Byrd - Adopts the Uniform Electronics Transactions Act

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Urban Redevelopment

SB 0235 - Quick - Considers the value of a redevelopment area when calculating local indebtedness limit
SB 0249 - Shields - Revises laws on economic development
SB 0272 - Bland - Revises law concerning redevelopment of distressed communities

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SB 0058 - Russell - Revises documentation required for telecommunications companies to charge for Internet service
SB 0125 - Goode - Allows electric, gas, and water corporations to bill for certain infrastructure costs
SB 0126 - Bland - Allows PSC to refund ratepayers for unauthorized use charges, penalties & refunds from pipelines after a hearing
SB 0127 - Bland - Allows PSC to consider the ability to pay in setting utility rates and may establish programs for low-income residents
SB 0128 - Bland - Dedicates additional revenue to the energy assistance program
SB 0144 - Goode - Revises the sunshine law
SB 0246 - Steelman - Modifies provisions for Public Service Commission residency, staffing, and ex parte communications
SB 0255 - Kinder - Eliminates PSC ratemaking oversight for certain not-for- profit electrical cooperatives
SB 0278 - Steelman - Allows for recovery of certain purchased energy costs by electrical corporations
SB 0290 - Gross - Allows for recovery of certain infrastructure and security costs by electrical corporations
SB 0335 - Goode - Increases penalties imposed by the PSC for safety-related violations of the natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act
SB 0339 - Jacob - Limits disconnections of water service
SB 0439 - Steelman - Requires territorial service agreements for the provision of service in certain sewer districts
SB 0440 - Steelman - Modifies the procedure for disconnection of water services for nonpayment of a sewer bill
SB 0567 - Steelman - Gives authority to create reorganized common sewer districts
SB 0612 - Clemens - Requires Springfield to sell utility services on a non- discriminatory basis and at the same price to nonresidents
HB 0208 - Engler - Revises various provisions regarding the Public Service Commission
HB 0288 - Jetton - Establishes the Priority Schools Trust Fund and produces additional alterations to the state's education policy
HB 0311 - Roark - Requires certain cities to provide electricity to customers outside the city limits at the same price as they charge
HB 0324 - Richard - Permits gas and electric corporations to file contracts with the Public Service Commission for purposes of
HB 0344 - Rector - Enables recovery of certain costs by utilities.
HB 0403 - Rector - Allows for recovery of certain purchased energy costs by electrical corporations.
HB 0404 - Rector - Creates a technical advisory staff for the Psc.
HB 0426 - Rector - Allows water corporations to bill for certain infrastructure system replacement costs.
HB 0527 - Myers - Allows certain aluminum smelting facilities to purchase electrical power on the open market.
HB 0541 - Willoughby - Allows the Public Service Commission to consider the ability to pay in setting utility rates and to establish
HB 0591 - Hobbs - Tax for storm water discharge.
HB 0632 - Shoemaker - Revises utilities rate increase due to homeland security.
HB 0635 - Threlkeld - Revises Hvac services by utilities.

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SB 0219 - Steelman - Creates the Korean Conflict Medallion Program
SB 0325 - Steelman - Alters provisions regarding veterans & mandates that public schools devote one class period observing Veterans Day
SB 0326 - Steelman - Exempts veterans over 65 from state and local taxes
SB 0416 - Yeckel - Alters the distribution of the gaming commission fund
SJR 003 - Gross - Exempts property owned by veterans' organizations from property taxation
HB 0046 - Richard - Flags to fly at half-staff at public building on D-Day, Pearl Harbor Day, Vj Day and Ve Day.
HB 0072 - Luetkemeyer - Makes any Dd 214 filed with the courts exempt from chapter 610 for 50 years with certain exceptions and makes it a
HB 0128 - Willoughby - Honorary high school diplomas for certain civilians, prisoners of war, and other veterans.
HB 0187 - Cooper - Allows honorably discharged veterans to obtain "U.S. VET" motor vehicle license plates
HB 0245 - Marsh - Designates a portion of U.S. Highway 60 as the "Korea War Veterans' Memorial Freeway"
HB 0444 - Jackson - Alters the distribution of the Gaming Commission Fund
HJR 016 - Brown - Proposes a constitutional amendment exempting from taxation property owned by veterans' organizations.

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HB 0761 - Cunningham - Creates laws for animal physical therapists.

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Victims of Crime

SB 0160 - Bland - Makes arson motivated by hate crimes a class A felony
HB 0539 - Dixon - Gives victims the right to be present at all criminal justice proceedings even if such victim is called or may be

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Vital Statistics

SB 0075 - Steelman - Allows the state registrar to issue a certification of stillbirth
SB 0110 - Gross - Details information to be included in physician abortion reports
SB 0322 - Days - Allows adopted persons eighteen and older to obtain copies of their original birth certificate
SB 0397 - Griesheimer - Modifies the law relating to vital records
SB 0435 - Dolan - Creates the Disposition of Fetal Remains Act and allows the state registrar to issue a certification of stillbirth
HB 0382 - Behnen - Requires all death records over fifty years old to be transferred to the Missouri State Archives and permits

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SB 0025 - Steelman - Transfers hearings on environmental issues to the Administrative Hearing Commission
SB 0092 - Coleman - Regulates the prevention and screening of lead poisoning
SB 0334 - Goode - Changes the jurisdiction over underground storage tanks to the Missouri Hazardous Waste Management Commission
SB 0398 - Griesheimer - Creates the Missouri natural resources and environmental commission
SB 0432 - Cauthorn - Makes various changes to commercial motor vehicle laws
SB 0441 - Dougherty - Allows counties to abate a portion of property taxes for certain purposes
SB 0454 - Coleman - Modifies the law relating to lead abatement
SB 0608 - Dougherty - Modifies the law relating to lead abatement
HB 0215 - Myers - Dnr rule making authority for environmental regulations.

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SB 0025 - Steelman - Transfers hearings on environmental issues to the Administrative Hearing Commission
SB 0103 - Goode - Extends the fee on waste tires to 2014
SB 0156 - Bland - Extends the sunset on the waste tire fee to 2011
SB 0329 - Griesheimer - Extends the waste tire collection fee from 2004 to 2014
SB 0361 - Steelman - Revises various provisions regarding waste
SB 0546 - Caskey - Allows Johnson County to adopt and impose landfill fees
SB 0653 - Steelman - Prohibits glass containers on navigable waterways and requires other containers be secured
HB 0624 - Pearce - Allows Johnson County to adopt and impose landfill fees.

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Water Patrol

SB 0001 - Russell - Requires boating safety identification card to operate watercraft for certain individuals
HB 0096 - Luetkemeyer - Boating safety identification card.
HB 0160 - Luetkemeyer - Watercraft regulations.

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Water Resources and Water Districts

SB 0025 - Steelman - Transfers hearings on environmental issues to the Administrative Hearing Commission
SB 0036 - Klindt - Requires risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis be prepared when certain environmental rules are promulgated
SB 0125 - Goode - Allows electric, gas, and water corporations to bill for certain infrastructure costs
SB 0202 - Childers - Requires access to water supply for fire protection entities during emergencies
SB 0252 - Steelman - Authorizes additional bonds for water, sewer, and stormwater projects
SB 0309 - Caskey - Excludes certain environmental accounts from the calculation of Hancock refunds
SB 0398 - Griesheimer - Creates the Missouri natural resources and environmental commission
SB 0440 - Steelman - Modifies the procedure for disconnection of water services for nonpayment of a sewer bill
SB 0560 - Childers - Rewards engineer designs below a per capita cost
SB 0567 - Steelman - Gives authority to create reorganized common sewer districts
SB 0653 - Steelman - Prohibits glass containers on navigable waterways and requires other containers be secured
SB 0655 - Klindt - Excludes agricultural stormwater discharges and return flows from irrigated agriculture from clean water provisions
SB 0656 - Klindt - Requires clean water commission to regulate animal feeding operations
HB 0215 - Myers - Dnr rule making authority for environmental regulations.
HB 0474 - Bivins - Creates water pollution bonds.
HB 0494 - Guest - Amends various provisions relating to concentrated animal feed operations.

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SB 0013 - Kinder - Prohibits certain suits by political subdivisions and the state against firearm manufacturers and dealers
SB 0083 - Cauthorn - Allows issuance of permits to carry concealed weapons
HB 0113 - Jolly - Assault of firefighters equal to assault of a law enforcement officer.
HB 0349 - Crawford - Allows issuance of permits to carry concealed weapons
HB 0654 - Yates - Requires the reporting of knife and explosive weapon wounds as well as gunshot wounds to law enforcement by persons

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Weights and Measures

SB 0654 - Steelman - Requires certain filings of contractors and companies who repair, remove, and close petroleum liquid storage systems

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Workers Compensation

SB 0287 - Childers - Removes work done on behalf of schools from the requirements of the prevailing wage laws in some instances
SB 0313 - Dolan - Expands diseases that are considered occupational disease under Chapter 287, RSMo
SB 0324 - Loudon - Allows the state to order medical examination for Second Injury claims and modifies admissibility of medical reports
SB 0332 - Childers - Limits individuals eligible to receive the prevailing wage and modifies how the prevailing wage is set
SB 0347 - Loudon - Changes definitions within the chapter and modifies regula- tions as to occupational diseases in workers' compensation
SB 0385 - Scott - Modifies how taxes are calculated for workers' compensation policies with deductible options
SB 0518 - Steelman - Prohibits ALJs and Administrative Hearing Commissioners from having or contributing to a campaign account
SB 0533 - Cauthorn - Allows some individuals to waive the protections of the workers' compensation law
HB 0321 - Wilson - Modifies various provisions of the workers' compensation law
HB 0490 - Luetkemeyer - Permits the Division of Workers' Compensation to impose an annual surcharge on every workers' compensation deductible
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