[C O R R E C T E D]
Reported from the Committee on Local Government April 15, 2003, with recommendation that the House Committee Substitute for Senate Bill No. 275 Do
To repeal section 2, as enacted by senate bill no. 1168, ninety-first general assembly, second regular session, section 2, as enacted by senate committee substitute for house bill no. 1811, ninety-first general assembly, second regular session, and section 3, as enacted by senate bill no. 1041, ninety-first general assembly, second regular session relating to conveyance of property owned by the state, and to authorize the conveyance of property owned by the state in the county of Cole to the Missouri state penitentiary redevelopment commission.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:
Section 1. 1. The governor is hereby authorized and empowered to convey all interest in fee simple absolute in property owned by the state in the county of Cole to the Missouri state penitentiary redevelopment commission. The property to be conveyed, consisting of the facility known historically as the Missouri State Penitentiary, is more particularly described as follows:
All of Inlots 138 thru 157; All of Inlots 187 and 188; All of Inlots 191 thru 257; All of Outlots 46, 48 and 49; All that part of Outlot 50, lying south of the Missouri Pacific Railroad right-of-way; All that part of Outlot 69, lying south of the Missouri Pacific Railroad right-of-way and north of the northerly line of Riverside Drive; All that part of Outlots 47, 51, 70 and 71, lying north of the northerly line of Riverside Drive; All that part of Edwards Street, lying between the easterly line of Chestnut Street and the northerly line of Riverside Drive; All that part of Hough Street, lying between the easterly line of Marshall Street and the westerly line of Linn Street, (partly vacated by Jefferson City Ordinance No. 3256); All that part of Water Street, lying between the easterly line of Lafayette Street and the westerly line of Linn Street, (partly vacated by Jefferson City Ordinance No. 4423); All that part of Marshall Street lying between the Missouri River and the northerly line of State Street; All that part of Lafayette Street, lying between the Missouri River and the northerly line of State Street, (previously vacated by Jefferson City ordinance no. 3256); All that part of Cherry Street lying between the Missouri River and the northerly line of Capitol Avenue; All that part of Chestnut Street, lying between the Missouri River and north of a line between the southeasterly corner of Inlot 149 and the southwesterly corner of Inlot 154, (previously vacated by Jefferson City ordinance no. 4423); All that part of Linn Street, lying between the Missouri River and the northerly line of Water Street, (previously vacated by Jefferson City ordinance no. 4423);
All that part of a 20 foot wide public alley, lying north of and adjacent to the northerly line of Inlots 242 thru 245 and 250 thru 253, east of the easterly line of Cherry Street and west of the westerly line of Linn Street; All that part of a 20 foot wide public alley, lying north of and adjacent to the northerly line of Inlots 191 and 192, 197 thru 200, 205 thru 208, 213 thru 216 and 221 thru 224, between the easterly line of Inlots 185 and 190 and westerly line of Linn Street, (partly vacated by Jefferson City Ordinance No. 3256); All that part of a 20 foot wide public alley, lying north of and adjacent to the northerly line of Inlots 142 thru 145, and 150 thru 153, east of the easterly line of Lafayette Street and west of the westerly line of Chestnut Street; All that part of Sullivan Street lying south of the Missouri Pacific Railroad right-of-way and north of the northerly line of Riverside Drive and that part of said Sullivan Street lying north of the northerly line of Water Street and west of the westerly line of Riverside Drive; Part of the Southwest Quarter of Fractional Section 9; Part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 16; Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 17; and part of Fractional Section 8.
According to the plat of the City of Jefferson, Missouri and according to the Government Land Office Plat of Township 44 North, Range 11 West, dated December 6, 1861.
All of the aforesaid lies within Sections 8, 9,16 & 17 of said Township 44 North, Range 11 West, and within the Corporate Limits of the City of Jefferson, Cole County, Missouri, more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner of Inlot 224; thence S4159'58"W, along the westerly line of the Linn Street right-of-way, 278.75 feet to the southeasterly corner of Inlot 157; thence N4745'41"W, along the southerly line of Inlots 157, 156, 155 and 154 and the westerly extension thereof, 497.50 feet; to a point on the westerly line of the Chestnut Street right-of-way; thence S4159'58"W, along the westerly line of said Chestnut Street right-of-way, 218.78 feet to a point on the northerly line of the Capitol Avenue right-of-way; thence N4742'07"W, along the northerly line of said Capitol Avenue right-of-way, 459.17 feet to the center of the Cherry Street right-of-way; thence N4743'05"W, along the northerly line of said Capitol Avenue right-of-way, 457.61 feet to a point on the easterly line of the Lafayette Street right-of-way; thence N4140'45"E, along the easterly line of said Lafayette Street right-of-way, 497.69 feet to a point intersecting the northerly line of the State Street right-of-way (formerly Water Street); thence N4742'13"W, along the northerly line of said State Street right-of-way, 539.62 feet to a point in the center of the Marshall Street right-of-way; thence N4740'29"W, along the northerly line of said State Street right-of-way, 248.46 feet to the southwesterly corner of Inlot 191; thence N4218'12"E, along the westerly line of said Inlot 191 and along the northerly extension thereof, 218.46 feet to a point intersecting the northerly line of a 20 foot wide alley at the southwest corner of Inlot 186; thence S4741'48"E, along the northerly line of said alley, 69.58 feet to the southwesterly corner of Inlot 187; thence N4218'12"E, along the westerly line of said Inlot 187, and along the northerly extension thereof, to a point where said extended line intersects the southerly bank of the Missouri River; thence meandering Easterly, along the southerly bank of the Missouri River, to a point intersecting the northerly extension of the westerly line of the vacated Linn Street right-of-way; thence S4159'58"W, along said extended line, to a point intersecting the southerly line of the Missouri Pacific Railroad right-of-way; thence Easterly, along the southerly line of said Railroad right-of-way, the following courses: S7632'03"E, 144.89 feet; thence S7716'57"E, 47.18 feet; thence S4845'34"E, 104.71 feet; thence Southeasterly, on a curve to the right, having a radius of 3194.44 feet, an arc distance of 528.26 feet, (the chord of said curve being S7232'42"E, 527.66 feet); thence S6748'27"E, 1054.20 feet; thence Southeasterly, on a curve to the right, having a radius of 11962.27 feet, an arc distance of 802.07 feet, (the chord of said curve being S6553'12"E, 801.92 feet); thence Southeasterly, on a curve to the right, having a radius of 6150.45 feet, an arc distance of 0.66 feet, (the chord of said curve being S6357'46"E, 0.66 feet) to a point intersecting the westerly line of a tract described by deed of record in Book 381, page 481, Cole County Recorder's Office; thence leaving the southerly line of said Missouri Pacific Railroad right-of-way, S2333'02"W, along the westerly line of said tract described in Book 381, page 481, 527.50 feet to the northeasterly corner of Tract B of a Parcel Division Survey of record in Survey Record Book A, page 231 and said corner being on the northerly boundary of a tract described by deed of record in Book 245, page 533, Cole County Recorder's Office; thence N7307'59"W, along the northerly boundary of said Tract B, 305.40 feet to the northwesterly corner thereof and said corner being the most northerly corner of Tract A of said Survey and being the most northerly corner of the subsequent deed of record thereof in Book 410, page 354, Cole County Recorder's Office; thence S1624'11"W, along the westerly boundary of said Tract A, and the southerly extension thereof, 412.09 feet to a point intersecting the northerly line of a 30 foot wide street right-of-way known as Riverside Drive, (formerly River Lane) as shown on the Plat of Renn Addition, of record in Plat Book 2, page 5, Cole County Recorder's Office; thence N8332'22"W, along the northerly line of said Riverside Drive right-of-way, 1316.36 feet to the southeasterly corner of a tract described by deed of record in Book 18, page 255, Cole County Recorder's Office; thence N6953'58"W, along said Riverside Drive right-of-way line and along the southern boundary of said tract described in Book 18, page 255, 610.82 feet; thence S301'23"W, along said Riverside Drive right-of-way line and along the southern boundary of said tract described in Book 18, page 255, 275.00 feet to a point intersecting the southerly line of Outlot 51; thence N4719'29"W, along the southerly line of said Outlot 51 and along the westerly extension thereof, being the northerly line of Water Street, 112.04 feet to a point in the center of Sullivan Street; thence N4745'39"W, along the northerly line of Water Street and the southerly lines of Outlots 47 and 46 and the westerly extension thereof, 1000.29 feet to the westerly line of Linn Street and the POINT OF BEGINNING.
Containing in all 144 acres, more or less.
EXCEPT that part previously conveyed to the Missouri Pacific Railroad.
2. The property may be separated into parcels and conveyed to the commission at different points in time.
3. Consideration for the conveyance shall be the redevelopment of the property in accordance with section 217.905, RSMo.
4. The commissioner of administration shall set the terms and conditions for the sale as the commissioner deems reasonable. Such terms and conditions may include, but are not limited to, the number of appraisals required, the time, place, and terms of the sale.
5. The attorney general shall approve the form of the instrument of conveyance.
Section A. Section 2, as enacted by senate bill no. 1168, ninety-first general assembly, second regular session, section 2, as enacted by senate committee substitute for house bill no. 1811, ninety-first general assembly, second regular session, and section 3, as enacted by senate bill no. 1041, ninety-first general assembly, second regular session, are repealed, to read as follows:
[Section 2. 1. The governor is hereby authorized and empowered to sell, transfer, grant, and convey all interest in fee simple absolute in property owned by the state in the County of Cole to the General Services Administration or the Missouri development finance board. The property to be conveyed is more particularly described as follows:
All of Inlots 187 and 188; All of Inlots 191 thru 200 inclusive; All of Inlots 225 thru 229; All that part of the Hough Street Right-of-way (previously vacated by Jefferson City Ordinance No. 3256); All that part of the Marshall Street Right-of-way lying north of the northerly line of State Street and south of the Missouri Pacific Railroad; All that part of the Lafayette Street Right-of-way (previously vacated by Jefferson City ordinance no. 3256); All that part of a 20 foot wide public alley lying between Marshall Street and Lafayette Street (previously vacated by Jefferson City Ordinance No. 3256); All that part of a 20 foot wide public alley, lying east of the easterly line of Inlots 185 and 190 and west of the westerly line of the Marshall Street Right-of-way; any part of Fractional Section 8, lying south of the Missouri Pacific Railroad and north of Inlots 187 & 188, any part of Fractional Section 8, lying south of the Missouri Pacific Railroad and north of Inlots 225 thru 229 inclusive; according to the plat of the City of Jefferson, Missouri and according to the Government Land Office Plat of Township 44 North, Range 11 West, dated December 6, 1861. All of the aforesaid lies within Fractional Section 8 of said Township 44 North, Range 11 West, and within the Corporate Limits of the City of Jefferson, Cole County, Missouri, more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of Inlot 191; thence N4218'12"E, along the westerly line of said Inlot 191 and along the northerly extension thereof, 218.46 feet to a point intersecting the northerly line of a 20 foot wide alley at the southwest corner of Inlot 186; thence S4741'48"E, along the northerly line of said alley, 69.58 feet to the southwesterly corner of Inlot 187; thence N4218'12"E, along the westerly line of said Inlot 187 and the northerly extension thereof, 259.20 feet; thence S6813'57"E, 766.53 feet to a point intersecting the easterly line of the aforesaid vacated Lafayette Street Right-of-way; thence S4215'04"W, along the easterly line of said vacated Lafayette Street Right-of-way, 746.58 feet to a point intersecting the northerly line of the State Street Right-of-way (formerly Water Street); thence N4742'13"W, along the northerly line of said State Street Right-of-way, 539.62 feet to a point in the center of the Marshall Street Right-of-way; thence N4740'29"W, along the northerly line of said State Street Right-of-way, 248.46 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
2. Consideration for the conveyance shall be the transfer of property of like value to the state of Missouri.
3. The attorney general shall approve the form of the instrument of conveyance.]
[Section 2. 1. The governor is hereby authorized and empowered to sell, transfer, grant, and convey all interest in fee simple absolute in property owned by the state in the County of Cole to the General Services Administration or to the Missouri Development Finance Board. The property to be conveyed is more particularly described as follows:
All of Inlots 187 and 188; All of Inlots 191 thru 200 inclusive; All of Inlots 225 thru 229; All that part of the Hough Street Right-of-way (previously vacated by Jefferson City Ordinance No. 3256); All that part of the Marshall Street Right-of-way lying north of the northerly line of State Street and south of the Missouri Pacific Railroad; All that part of the Lafayette Street Right-of-way (previously vacated by Jefferson City ordinance no. 3256); All that part of a 20 foot wide public alley lying between Marshall Street and Lafayette Street (previously vacated by Jefferson City Ordinance No. 3256); All that part of a 20 foot wide public alley, lying east of the easterly line of Inlots 185 and 190 and west of the westerly line of the Marshall Street Right-of-way; any part of Fractional Section 8, lying south of the Missouri Pacific Railroad and north of Inlots 187 & 188, any part of Fractional Section 8, lying south of the Missouri Pacific Railroad and north of Inlots 225 thru 229 inclusive; according to the plat of the City of Jefferson, Missouri and according to the Government Land Office Plat of Township 44 North, Range 11 West, dated December 6, 1861. All of the aforesaid lies within Fractional Section 8 of said Township 44 North, Range 11 West, and within the Corporate Limits of the City of Jefferson, Cole County, Missouri, more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of Inlot 191; thence N4218'12"E, along the westerly line of said Inlot 191 and along the northerly extension thereof, 218.46 feet to a point intersecting the northerly line of a 20 foot wide alley at the southwest corner of Inlot 186; thence S4741'48"E, along the northerly line of said alley, 69.58 feet to the southwesterly corner of Inlot 187; thence N4218'12"E, along the westerly line of said Inlot 187 and the northerly extension thereof, 259.20 feet; thence S6813'57"E, 766.53 feet to a point intersecting the easterly line of the aforesaid vacated Lafayette Street Right-of-way; thence S4215'04"W, along the easterly line of said vacated Lafayette Street Right-of-way, 746.58 feet to a point intersecting the northerly line of the State Street Right-of-way (formerly Water Street); thence N4742'13"W, along the northerly line of said State Street Right-of-way, 539.62 feet to a point in the center of the Marshall Street Right-of-way; thence N4740'29"W, along the northerly line of said State Street Right-of-way, 248.46 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
2. Consideration for the conveyance shall be the transfer of property of like value to the state of Missouri.
3. The attorney general shall approve the form of the instrument of conveyance.]
[Section 3. 1. The governor is hereby authorized and empowered to sell, transfer, grant, and convey all interest in fee simple absolute in property owned by the state in the County of Cole to the General Services Administration or the Missouri development finance board. The property to be conveyed is more particularly described as follows:
All of Inlots 187 and 188; All of Inlots 191 thru 200 inclusive; All of Inlots 225 thru 229; All that part of the Hough Street Right-of-way (previously vacated by Jefferson City Ordinance No. 3256); All that part of the Marshall Street Right-of-way lying north of the northerly line of State Street and south of the Missouri Pacific Railroad; All that part of the Lafayette Street Right-of-way (previously vacated by Jefferson City ordinance no. 3256); All that part of a 20 foot wide public alley lying between Marshall Street and Lafayette Street (previously vacated by Jefferson City Ordinance No. 3256); All that part of a 20 foot wide public alley, lying east of the easterly line of Inlots 185 and 190 and west of the westerly line of the Marshall Street Right-of-way; any part of Fractional Section 8, lying south of the Missouri Pacific Railroad and north of Inlots 187 & 188, any part of Fractional Section 8, lying south of the Missouri Pacific Railroad and north of Inlots 225 thru 229 inclusive; according to the plat of the City of Jefferson, Missouri and according to the Government Land Office Plat of Township 44 North, Range 11 West, dated December 6, 1861. All of the aforesaid lies within Fractional Section 8 of said Township 44 North, Range 11 West, and within the Corporate Limits of the City of Jefferson, Cole County, Missouri, more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of Inlot 191; thence N4218'12"E, along the westerly line of said Inlot 191 and along the northerly extension thereof, 218.46 feet to a point intersecting the northerly line of a 20 foot wide alley at the southwest corner of Inlot 186; thence S4741'48"E, along the northerly line of said alley, 69.58 feet to the southwesterly corner of Inlot 187; thence N4218'12"E, along the westerly line of said Inlot 187 and the northerly extension thereof, 259.20 feet; thence S6813'57"E, 766.53 feet to a point intersecting the easterly line of the aforesaid vacated Lafayette Street Right-of-way; thence S4215'04"W, along the easterly line of said vacated Lafayette Street Right-of-way, 746.58 feet to a point intersecting the northerly line of the State Street Right-of-way (formerly Water Street); thence N4742'13"W, along the northerly line of said State Street Right-of-way, 539.62 feet to a point in the center of the Marshall Street Right-of-way; thence N4740'29"W, along the northerly line of said State Street Right-of-way, 248.46 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
2. Consideration for the conveyance shall be the transfer of property of like value to the state of Missouri.
3. The attorney general shall approve the form of the instrument of conveyance.]