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Motor Carriers

SB 1233 - Dolan - Creates license plates, revises law on salvage title, modifies towing law and modifies other motor vehicle laws
SB 1383 - Scott - Allows motor carriers to submit to voluntary audits and prohibits local enforcement of commercial motor vehicle laws
HB 1280 - Kingery - Provides for the staggering of commercial motor vehicle registrations
HB 1419 - Harris - Requires display of name of company and commercial entity on commercial vehicles or trailers.
HB 1437 - Sutherland - Allows motor carriers to elect to have voluntary audits conducted by the highways and transportation commission
HB 1525 - Meadows - Allows courts to suspend an individual's driver's license for up to one hundred and twenty days for failing to stop
HB 1592 - Crawford - Relates to motor carriers.

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Motor Fuel

HB 1575 - Mayer - Reenacts sections 416.615 and 416.640 that were found unconstitional because of single subject rule

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Motor Vehicles

SB 0710 - Goode - Modifies the passenger seat belt laws and prohibits installation of fraudulent or defective airbags
SB 0722 - Jacob - Increases length of revocation periods and amount of liability insurance that must be carried by certain drivers
SB 0744 - Cauthorn - Exempts motorcyclists who are age 21 or older from wearing a helmet when operating a motorcycle or motortricycle
SB 0748 - Kennedy - Requires that amateur radio license plates contain the words "AMATEUR RADIO" in place of the words "SHOW-ME-STATE"
SB 0757 - Shields - Modifies the law for "driveaway operation" and extends the area of operation for certain motor vehicles
SB 0771 - Bray - Allows operators of low-speed vehicles to use public highways and modifies commercial zone boundaries
SB 0772 - Bray - Allows certain motor vehicles that stop to load or unload passengers to use alternately flashing warning signals
SB 0779 - Russell - Prohibits the issuance of special overwidth permits for manufactured homes in certain circumstances
SB 0788 - Childers - Exempts persons operating fire equipment during non-emergency functions from possessing a CDL
SB 0820 - Coleman - Requires law enforcement officers to provide specified notice before administering portable chemical test
SB 0824 - Griesheimer - Modifies law regarding the seizure of motor vehicles that have missing or illegible identification numbers
SB 0825 - Griesheimer - Modifies the law relating to the evasion of weigh stations
SB 0840 - Goode - Enacts provisions relating to towing and creates a process to notify state when a motor vehicle is transferred
SB 0851 - Gross - Changes procedure for Motor vehicle emissions inspections in certain cases
SB 0887 - Goode - Modifies the offset for reducing the taxable purchase price of a vehicle
SB 0894 - Goode - Amends the current Missouri bumper height law for certain motor vehicles
SB 0899 - Goode - Amends the school bus inspection law to include the inspection of frames on school buses
SB 0900 - Goode - Modifies various laws relating to emissions, hot rod licensing, and local log trucks
SB 0905 - Foster - Allows members of the MO Assoc. of State Troopers Emergency Relief Society to obtain license plates with org. emblem
SB 0919 - Gibbons - Revises the law relating to disabled license plates and placards and the use of designated disabled parking spaces
SB 0939 - Coleman - Limits ability to carry a concealed weapon in a passenger compartment to those with a concealed carry endorsement
SB 0956 - Scott - Allows persons operating animal driven vehicles to use lanterns and reflective material during nighttime hours
SB 0957 - Scott - Modifies seat belt evidence rule and modifies sovereign immunity principles with respect to public employees
SB 1009 - Griesheimer - Regulates the sale of motor vehicle extended service contracts
SB 1031 - Bray - Proposes several measures relating to bicycle safety
SB 1042 - Griesheimer - Applies administrative hearing commission procedures to motor vehicle dealer license denials
SB 1048 - Nodler - Revises proof of property taxes procedure for motor vehicles registration for certain tax-exempt organizations
SB 1088 - Steelman - Modifies ATV law to allow passengers to ride on ATVs if such vehicles are designed to carry more than one person
SB 1143 - Dolan - Creates crimes relating to motor vehicles
SB 1144 - Dolan - Revises the law relating to disabled license plates and placards and the use of designated disabled parking spaces
SB 1145 - Kennedy - Allows various jurisdictions to adopt ordinances to install automatic traffic control enforcement systems
SB 1146 - Dougherty - Regulates the use of traffic-control devices known as "Traffic Signal Preemption Systems"
SB 1186 - Bland - Requires motor vehicle dealers to display buyers guide and obtain used care buyer's acknowledgment of its receipt
SB 1192 - Steelman - Imposes additional surcharges and driver's license suspensions on any person failing to yield the right-of-way
SB 1233 - Dolan - Creates license plates, revises law on salvage title, modifies towing law and modifies other motor vehicle laws
SB 1251 - Dolan - Repeals mandatory inspections on certain vehicles and revises law regarding motor vehicle registration
SB 1260 - Dolan - Permits law enforcement officers to enforce the seat belt law if violation is clearly visible
SB 1262 - Dolan - Revises the law regarding salvage vehicles
SB 1263 - Dolan - Revises the law regarding car rental insurance agreements
SB 1270 - Yeckel - Regulates the operation of motor scooters
SB 1285 - Wheeler - Allows certain fee offices to collect the statutory fees for processing motor vehicle transactions
SB 1356 - Jacob - Prohibits transporting a concealable firearm in a vehicle without a concealed firearm endorsement
SB 1358 - Jacob - Prohibits the carrying of concealed firearms in certain locations
SB 1381 - Loudon - Prohibits recovery of noneconomic damages for injuries incurred during certain motor vehicle violations
SB 1383 - Scott - Allows motor carriers to submit to voluntary audits and prohibits local enforcement of commercial motor vehicle laws
SJR 044 - Dolan - Revises the current transportation funding scheme with respect to various state agencies
HB 0818 - Daus - Prohibits insurers from having an ownership interest in auto body repair shops.
HB 0921 - Walsh - Requires headlamps to be lighted during inclement weather and makes violation an infraction with a ten dollar fine
HB 0925 - Threlkeld - Creates the crime of leaving a child unattended in a motor vehicle in the third degree.
HB 0928 - Bivins - Revises law on intermediate driver's license with respect to effect of expiration on a weekend or legal holiday
HB 0937 - Moore - Allows members of Optimist International to obtain specialized license plates
HB 0946 - Crawford - Makes changes to the Transportation Department, billboards, development districts and other transportation issues
HB 0973 - Cooper - Extends certain environmental regulatory fees.
HB 0995 - Dusenberg - Revises law on bumper heights for pickup trucks.
HB 1062 - Crawford - Requirements for licensing street rods and custom vehicles.
HB 1105 - Crawford - Establishes additional regulations for driver's licenses, nondriver's licences, and permits.
HB 1108 - Crawford - Creates a National Rifle Association special license plate.
HB 1111 - Crawford - Changes certain provisions governing transfer, towing, and abandoning motor vehicles.
HB 1114 - Skaggs - Creates special license plates for relatives of firefighters and peace officers killed or injured in line of duty
HB 1123 - Smith (014) - Requires 250 applications in order to issue specialized license plates
HB 1142 - Daus - Allows operators of low-speed vehicles to use public highways under certain conditions
HB 1167 - Kelly (144) - Allows members of the Missouri Foxtrotting Horse Breed Association to receive special license plates
HB 1200 - Schaaf - Allows law enforcement officers to make a vehicle stop for a seat belt violation so long as the violation is clearly
HB 1201 - Dusenberg - Allows Kansas City to adopt ordinances dealing with the removal of damaged vehicles under certain conditions
HB 1239 - Spreng - Exempts motor vehicles manufactured in Missouri from state sales tax.
HB 1259 - Threlkeld - Applies Administrative Hearing Commission procedures to motor vehicle dealer license denials
HB 1280 - Kingery - Provides for the staggering of commercial motor vehicle registrations
HB 1284 - Engler - Revises the law regarding salvage vehicles
HB 1285 - Engler - Modifies law regarding auto insurance with respect to car rental companies and the Transportation Commission
HB 1288 - Threlkeld - Pertains to contractual agreements between manufacturers and other merchants
HB 1317 - Kingery - Allows members of the Boy Scouts to obtain specialized license plates
HB 1329 - Wilson - Allows the court to impound the vehicle or vehicles driven by a person convicted of driving while intoxicated or
HB 1335 - Hilgemann - Creates the "freedom = Choice" license plate and corresponding fund to pay for family planning services.
HB 1366 - Dougherty - Allows for reimbursement of one year of the registration fee paid for biennial plates when plates are returned
HB 1396 - Cunningham - Requires that all residences and commercial businesses display their addresses so that they are clearly visible
HB 1405 - Dougherty - Creates the Missouri Association of State Troopers Emergency Relief Society special license plate
HB 1408 - Mayer - Allows director of revenue to refuse to issue or renew motor vehicle registration if owner of motor vehicle owes
HB 1432 - Whorton - Requires all diesel fuel sold or offered for sale in the state of Missouri on or after July 1, 2006, to contain at
HB 1489 - Barnitz - Modifies ATV law to allow passengers to ride on ATVs if such vehicles are designed to carry more than one person
HB 1582 - Schlottach - Relates to motor vehicle licensing.
HB 1583 - Schlottach - Relates to motor vehicle licensing and contains new provisions relating to special license plates.
HB 1600 - Crawford - Provides that concealed carry endorsements on drivers' licenses shall expire three years from the date of the
HB 1660 - Lager - Modifies laws pertaining to accident reports and their disclosure
HB 1663 - Sander - Provides for certain special license plates.
HB 1666 - Ruestman - Creates a special license plate for the American Heart Association with the Go Red For Women emblem.
HB 1688 - Jones - Provides that inspection stations conducting emissions testing shall maintain liability insurance to cover
HB 1690 - Jones - Provides that owners or operators of motor vehicle inspection stations shall maintain liability insurance to
HB 1697 - Cooper - Revises provision governing transactions involving trade-ins or rebates.
HB 1721 - Jetton - Prohibits recovery for damages if the owner or operator fails to maintain financial responsibility or if certain

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HB 1235 - Schaaf - Authorizes a sales tax for museum purposes in Andrew County.
HB 1308 - Dougherty - Authorizes a museum and tourism-related sales tax in certain cities.

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National Guard

HB 0989 - Barnitz - Authorizes a conveyance of state property located in Dent County to the City of Salem
HB 1275 - Wilson - Authorizes conveyance of state property located in Newton County to the City of Neosho

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Natural Resources Dept.

SB 0739 - Klindt - Requires DNR to provide an impact statement on rules and state the reasons for denial of permits
SB 0741 - Klindt - Broadens the purpose of the Natural Resources Protection Fund
SB 0759 - Griesheimer - Extends the waste tire collection fee from 2004 to 2014
SB 0785 - Goode - Creates the Invasive Species Council
SB 0901 - Goode - Changes jurisdiction over underground storage tanks from the Clean Water Commission to the MO Hazardous Waste Management
SB 0911 - Bland - Extends the sunset on the waste tire fee to 2011
SB 0936 - Gross - Establishes a system of environmental audits to reduce state and local regulation
SB 0943 - Goode - Modifies provisions of Unmarked Human Burial Act
SB 0949 - Steelman - Transfers hearings on environmental issues to the Administrative Hearing Commission
SB 0988 - Steelman - Modifies waste tire fees and subsequent programs relating to those fees
SB 0989 - Gross - Establishes a system of environmental audits to reduce state and local regulation
SB 1065 - Steelman - Extends the sunset for certain hazardous waste fees
SB 1070 - Gross - Modifies procedures for protection of shipwreck sites
SB 1128 - Cauthorn - Revises laws regulating concentrated animal feeding operations
SB 1254 - Klindt - Expands the Missouri Air Emission Reduction Fund
SB 1315 - Steelman - Modifies sections relating to excavation activities of noncommercial operators
SB 1379 - Cauthorn - Encourages the use of renewable energy
SB 1380 - Cauthorn - Encourages the use of renewable energy
HB 0774 - Sander - Extends the waste tire fee to 2009
HB 0849 - Hubbard - Revises lead abatement statutes.
HB 0933 - Bivins - Regulates the disclosure of environmental audit reports.
HB 0980 - Myers - Requires DNR to provide a regulatory impact report for certain rulemaking processes and reasons to deny permits
HB 1097 - Schaaf - Revises lead abatement statutes.
HB 1177 - Guest - Modifies various provisions related to concentrated animal feeding operations
HB 1181 - Selby - Suspends the motor vehicle emissions inspection program.
HB 1276 - Sander - Allows moneys in the Natural Resources Protection Fund to be used to fund programs that encourage alternative energy
HB 1277 - Townley - Creates task force for restructuring hazardous waste fees and allows in state waste facilities receiving out state
HB 1455 - Black - Provides for payment to independent contractors used by the Dnr to help with review of construction permit
HB 1472 - Lowe - Revises renewable resources.
HB 1536 - Schlottach - Changes allocation of solid waste management fund moneys.
HB 1546 - Moore - Creates ground water protection fund and restricts info Dnr personnel can divulge about Dnr contractors.
HB 1567 - Townley - Specifies procedures for gravel removal by noncommercial operators.
HB 1602 - St. Onge - Expands land reclamation commission's power to regulate mining.
HB 1609 - Fraser - Requires entities emitting more than 30 lbs. of mercury per year to pay a fine.
HB 1688 - Jones - Provides that inspection stations conducting emissions testing shall maintain liability insurance to cover
HCR 025 - Harris - Urges the Air and Land Protection Division of the Department of Natural Resources to assist any applicant
HCR 026 - Harris - Urges the Air and Land Protection Division of the Department of Natural Resources to permit plasma-arc torch

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Newspapers and Publications

SB 0937 - Gross - Creates the Missouri Catalog of Assistance Program
HB 1734 - Munzlinger - Authorizes public notices to be published in certain newspapers.

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Notary Public

SB 1113 - Loudon - Revises registration and duties of notaries public
HB 1193 - Self - Revises procedures and requirements for notaries public

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SB 0749 - Kennedy - Recognizes "registered nurse first assistants" and authorizes certification by the Board of Nursing
SB 0967 - Shields - Alters definitions concerning Charles Gallagher Financial Award and the Nursing Student Loan Program
SB 1004 - Shields - Restricts persons who can administer drugs by injection
SB 1127 - Cauthorn - Enacts the reciprocal nurse licensure compact
SB 1218 - Quick - Provides title protection for advanced practice registered nurses
SB 1255 - Dougherty - Authorizes advanced practice nurses to prescribe certain controlled substances
SB 1292 - Bray - Requires safe staffing and quality care in all veterans homes and mental health facilities
SB 1342 - Cauthorn - Authorizes a study of the nursing shortage in this state
HB 1425 - Black - Adds provisions dealing with licensing of advanced practice registered nurses.

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Nursing and Boarding Homes

SB 0729 - Steelman - Requires the Division of Medical Services to annually recalculate the Medicaid nursing home reimbursement amount
SB 0763 - Bartle - Limits certificate of need to only long-term care facilities
SB 0804 - Foster - Modifies provision relating to Alzheimer's Demonstration Projects
SB 1123 - Gibbons - Requires the Division of Medical Services to annually recalculate the Medicaid nursing home reimbursement amount
SB 1157 - Scott - Changes the name of residential care facilities to assisted living facilities
SB 1300 - Loudon - Prohibits the sheltering of certain assets by individuals in long-term care facilities
HB 0943 - Johnson - Changes the name of residential care facilities to assisted living facilities.
HB 1043 - Behnen - Allows the board of nursing home administrators to hold disciplinary hearings and nursing home administrators to
HB 1230 - Schneider - Exempts continuing care retirement communities from certificate of need.
HB 1302 - Lager - Modifies the calculation for the Medicaid per diem reimbursement rate for nursing homes.
HB 1441 - Graham - Modifies the requirements for the long-term care ombudsman program.
HB 1531 - Bringer - Permits nursing home districts to establish and maintain senior housing in any county of the third classification

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SB 0844 - Yeckel - Authorizes surgical comanagement arrangements

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Parks and Recreation

SB 0732 - Gross - States the duties of the Metropolitan Park and Recreation System
SB 0735 - Foster - Establishes the Missouri State Park Board
SB 0810 - Klindt - Allows immunity from civil liability for certain landowners owning land adjoining public trails
SB 1197 - Quick - Requires regional recreational district board members in Clay County to be elected
SB 1246 - Quick - Grants additional powers to park rangers in certain counties
SJR 049 - Klindt - Resubmits the parks and recreation tax to a vote of the people starting in 2008
HB 0841 - Angst - Prohibits use of glass containers on vessels in navigable waterways
HB 0896 - Mayer - Establishes the Missouri State Park Board and states its organization and powers.
HB 1187 - Ervin - Changes the procedure allowing Clay County to operate concession stands at privately operated marinas
HB 1494 - Ervin - Requires regional recreational district board members in Clay County to be elected

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SB 0775 - Wheeler - Creates the Missouri Office of Pharmaceutical Reporting
SB 1119 - Cauthorn - Protects the conscience rights of pharmaceutical professionals
SB 1158 - Bray - Creates the "Women's Right To Know Act"
SB 1160 - Shields - Establishes the Prescription Drug Repository Program within the Department of Health and Senior Services
SB 1396 - Shields - Modifies the law relating to pharmacists, pharmacies, pharmaceutical services and drug distributors
SCR 028 - Kennedy - Urges the President of the United States to lift the ban on Canadian pharmaceuticals
HB 0898 - Johnson - Establishes the Prescription Drug Repository Program in the Department of Health and Senior Services
HB 0987 - Ward - Establishes a prescription monitoring program in the Department of Health and Senior Services.
HB 1044 - Behnen - Amends various provisions regarding the regulation of pharmacies.

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SB 0706 - Mathewson - Enacts various medical malpractice measures
SB 0727 - Steelman - Enacts various civil liability reforms
SB 0790 - Yeckel - Modifies the penalty for physicians who perform abortions
SB 0795 - Bland - Establishes the "Missouri Universal Health Assurance Program" to provide health care benefits to all MO citizens
SB 0844 - Yeckel - Authorizes surgical comanagement arrangements
SB 0904 - Gross - Details information to be included in physician abortion reports
SB 0963 - Shields - Allows public hospitals in Clay County to close certain records and meetings
SB 0974 - Dougherty - Modifies the State Legal Expense Fund
SB 1001 - Wheeler - Creates licensure requirements for end stage renal disease dialysis facilities
SB 1004 - Shields - Restricts persons who can administer drugs by injection
SB 1036 - Steelman - Prohibits health carriers from changing health services codes without the permission of the physician
SB 1039 - Yeckel - Regulates the licensing of naturopathic physicians
SB 1067 - Bland - Establishes the Missouri Universal Health Assurance Program to provide health care benefits to all Missouri citizens
SB 1094 - Scott - Enacts various tort reform measures
SB 1158 - Bray - Creates the "Women's Right To Know Act"
SB 1179 - Steelman - Modifies provisions relating to medical malpractice insurance
SB 1245 - Wheeler - Allows physicians to jointly negotiate with certain health carriers
SB 1317 - Steelman - Improves access to vital records
SB 1392 - Goode - States that Section 334.253 does not prohibit the employment of physical therapists in certain rehabilitation facilities
SB 1396 - Shields - Modifies the law relating to pharmacists, pharmacies, pharmaceutical services and drug distributors
HB 0898 - Johnson - Establishes the Prescription Drug Repository Program in the Department of Health and Senior Services
HB 0914 - Portwood - Permits a pregnant woman to determine the final disposition of the remains of a fetal death.
HB 1178 - Myers - Prohibits the Board of Registration for the Healing Arts from disciplining federal government whistle-blowers.
HB 1196 - Behnen - Establishes the Missouri Medical Malpractice Mutual Insurance Company as an independent public corporation to
HB 1305 - Byrd - Modifies the law regarding medical malpractice insurance regarding the setting of rates, cancellation of policies etc
HB 1339 - Cunningham - Enacts various provisions relating to consent for abortion
HB 1346 - Jetton - Tort reform.
HB 1355 - Byrd - Limits punitive damage awards in certain cases.
HB 1374 - Crawford - Creates the "respect Life" special license plate, establishes the Alternative to Abortion Support Fund, and
HB 1423 - Stefanick - Requires organ procurement organizations to use its best efforts to find a suitable recipient for an anatomical gift
HB 1429 - Johnson - Incrementally increases the Medicaid reimbursement for health care providers over the next five fiscal years.
HB 1522 - Page - Authorizes surgical comanagement arrangements.
HB 1570 - Stefanick - Restricts the ability of health insurers to change the diagnosis and treatment codes entered by providers.
HB 1581 - Zweifel - Prohibits health insurers from discriminating against any willing provider in the geographic region of the health
HB 1766 - Burnett - Amends various provisions relating to medical malpractice insurance.

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Physical Therapists

SB 1181 - Yeckel - Modifies licensure for physical therapists and physical therapy assistants
SB 1392 - Goode - States that Section 334.253 does not prohibit the employment of physical therapists in certain rehabilitation facilities
SB 1400 - Loudon - Allows practice of physical therapy on animals with prescription from a veterinarian

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Planning and Zoning

HB 1225 - Johnson - Revises regulations governing the subdivision of land.

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Political Parties

SB 1230 - Clemens - Modifies the campaign contribution limit to avoid certain disclosure filings
SB 1327 - Coleman - Requires declaration of party affiliation in order to vote in a primary election
HB 0776 - Johnson - Changes the limits on the amounts of certain campaign contributions.
HB 0900 - Taylor - Requires certain proofs of U.s. citizenship for those registering to vote.
HB 0906 - LeVota - Regulates phone bank usage during campaigns.
HB 0944 - Hoskins - Requires the Missouri Ethics Commission to disclose complaints.
HB 0951 - Crowell - Prohibits members of the Public Service Commission from establishing or maintaining campaign committees.
HB 0988 - LeVota - Increases membership on political party committees in townships in Jackson County
HB 1039 - Yates - Clarifies the filing location for campaign finance disclosure reports.
HB 1265 - Wildberger - Regulates phone bank usage during campaigns.
HB 1685 - Carnahan - Provides for in person absentee voting in all elections.
HB 1765 - Zweifel - Removes lobbyist reporting requirements for expenditures made when certain committee or caucus members are present.

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Political Subdivisions

SB 0736 - Loudon - Establishes the Open Contracting Act for state and local public works projects
SB 0810 - Klindt - Allows immunity from civil liability for certain landowners owning land adjoining public trails
SB 0829 - Bray - Makes various modifications in regard to due process of public employees
SB 0889 - Goode - Revises the sunshine law
SB 0909 - Bartle - Increases maximum fine in certain cities from $500 to $1000
SB 0936 - Gross - Establishes a system of environmental audits to reduce state and local regulation
SB 0947 - Russell - Creates requirements for orders and ordinances of political subdivisions relating to amateur radio antennas
SB 0960 - Gibbons - Makes clarifications to the property assessment law
SB 0961 - Champion - Creates requirements for orders and ordinances of political subdivisions relating to amateur radio antennas
SB 0989 - Gross - Establishes a system of environmental audits to reduce state and local regulation
SB 1020 - Steelman - Revises provisions of the Sunshine Law
SB 1093 - Gibbons - Allows political subdivisions and other public entities to invest public funds
SB 1112 - Clemens - Modifies provision on uncontested elections for trustees of community college districts
SB 1162 - Jacob - Expands the type of securities that may be used for certain subdivisions
SB 1183 - Dolan - Changes provisions about regulations governing the subdivision of land
SB 1187 - Wheeler - Allows project plans and specifications of state facilities to be open to certain groups to encourage competition
SB 1197 - Quick - Requires regional recreational district board members in Clay County to be elected
SB 1230 - Clemens - Modifies the campaign contribution limit to avoid certain disclosure filings
SB 1248 - Callahan - Establishes certain employment rights of emergency response personnel aimed at preventing strikes
SB 1264 - Scott - Modifies the laws governing the condemnation of real property by the state or any political subdivision thereof
SB 1269 - Yeckel - Modifies various local tax laws
SB 1353 - Bray - Makes a joint municipal public safety communication center a political subdivision
SCR 039 - Nodler - Relating to implementing energy savings performance
HB 0822 - Luetkemeyer - Creates requirements for orders and ordinances of political subdivisions relating to amateur radio antennas
HB 0975 - Johnson - Modifies certain provisions governing land trusts
HB 1321 - Schaaf - Establishes additional regulations on neighborhood improvement districts
HB 1362 - Hobbs - Authorizes county planning commissions to accept additional forms of security for certain improvements
HB 1494 - Ervin - Requires regional recreational district board members in Clay County to be elected

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Prisons and Jails

SB 0713 - Quick - Eliminates the death penalty
SB 0812 - Cauthorn - Specifies that sales at prison stores are subject to sales tax
SB 0921 - Caskey - Establishes that review hearings to place offenders in administrative segregation are not contested cases
SB 0986 - Cauthorn - Creates the crime of endangering a corrections employee
SB 1000 - Bartle - Allows changes to provisions on DNA profiling, including DNA testing of all felony and sexual offenders
SB 1026 - Mathewson - Requires the DNA testing of all felons entering the Dept. of Corrections and other felons leaving a county jail
SB 1229 - Caskey - Excludes commercially produced tobacco products from items that cannot knowingly be delivered to a jail or prison
SB 1348 - Coleman - Eliminates mandatory minimum sentencing for certain felons
HB 1179 - Corcoran - Allows use of court curcharge to pay for housing and other expenses of prisoners
HB 1188 - Lipke - Revises various statutes relating to fees and costs in criminal cases
HB 1215 - Engler - Makes it a Class D felony for an individual who has been civilly committed as a sexual predator to escape
HB 1631 - Dixon - Eliminates requiring county superintendents of public welfare to provide supervision for parolees

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Property, Real and Personal

SB 0709 - Goode - Creates a senior property tax deferral program
SB 0730 - Gross - Creates the Missouri Homestead Preservation Act
SB 0746 - Dougherty - Modifies various provisions relating to lead abatement
SB 0751 - Coleman - Modifies the law relating to lead abatement
SB 0841 - Childers - Authorizes conveyance of state property to Pierce City
SB 0847 - Bland - Enables persons with hardships to pay property taxes in installments
SB 0875 - Caskey - Modifies the percentage of property taxes deposited in the county assessment fund
SB 0893 - Goode - Revises regulation of tax increment financing
SB 0950 - Griesheimer - Limits the class by class rollback provisions in the property tax law to only Saint Louis County
SB 1012 - Caskey - Modifies the interest provisions for redemption of property
SB 1076 - Caskey - Revises law on nonprobate transfers
SB 1079 - Callahan - Creates a homestead assessment freeze for the elderly
SB 1105 - Shields - Increases dollar amount of property exempt from bankruptcy proceedings
SB 1114 - Loudon - Extends the expiration date of a section relating to removal of nuisances
SB 1184 - Griesheimer - Modifies the assessment of business tangible personal property
SB 1212 - Wheeler - Conveys state property, known as the Felix Building to the Truman Medical Center
SB 1221 - Kinder - Authorizes a $350,000,000 bond issuance for construction and renovation of facilities of higher education
SB 1264 - Scott - Modifies the laws governing the condemnation of real property by the state or any political subdivision thereof
SB 1271 - Coleman - Regulates the prevention and screening of lead poisoning
SB 1275 - Vogel - Establishes depreciation tables for television broadcasting equipment
SB 1276 - Vogel - Classifies noncommercial hangars as within the residential property class
SB 1296 - Callahan - Authorizes the conveyance of state property in the Kansas City area
SB 1312 - Callahan - Requires payments in lieu of tax in certain 353 redevelopment areas
SB 1340 - Callahan - Authorizes charging of vehicle-related fees and fines to personal property tax bills
SB 1385 - Scott - Places an annual one dollar disaster mitigation fee on most residential and business insurance policies within the state
SJR 036 - Foster - Exempts livestock and grain from property taxation
HB 0788 - Graham - Regulates rock climbing walls over ten feet tall.
HB 0795 - Johnson - Modifies various provisions concerning county government
HB 0801 - Smith (118) - Authorizes conveyance of state property in Pettis County
HB 0812 - Bland - Allows certain taxpayers with hardships to pay property taxes in installments.
HB 0823 - Cooper - Changes calculation and reporting of assessed valuation requirements for certain counties.
HB 0859 - Dusenberg - Provides an income tax credit for surviving spouses of public safety officers.
HB 0903 - Fares - Increases circuit breaker limits.
HB 0905 - Wilson - Requires notice for mobile homeowners to vacate.
HB 0927 - Bivins - Limits increases in property tax on property owned by senior citizens.
HB 0947 - Crawford - Adds Cameron, Boonville & Kirksville to the cities which may order the abatement of weeds or trash when in violation
HB 0952 - Crowell - Requires the Department of Transportation to report annually on real property inventory and transactions.
HB 0958 - Crawford - Increases the percentage of ad valorem property tax collections deposited in county assessment funds.
HB 0965 - Rector - Clarifies immunity from civil liability for certain landowners.
HB 0971 - Cooper - Creates a tax credit for certain railroad ad valorem property tax.
HB 0975 - Johnson - Modifies certain provisions governing land trusts
HB 0985 - Wood - Revises laws on the practice of real estate
HB 0990 - Portwood - Changes the regulation of residential mortgage brokers.
HB 0993 - Dougherty - Freezes the assessment of residential property owned by those 62 and older.
HB 0997 - Muckler - Creates the Missouri Homestead Preservation Act.
HB 1058 - Goodman - Remedies available for tenant default on utility and rent payments.
HB 1071 - Goodman - Authorizes a conveyance of various pieces of state property
HB 1072 - Jetton - Provides a regulatory framework for historic shipwreck protection.
HB 1090 - Bishop - Allows property insurance for real estate transferred by beneficiary deed to automatically continue with the grantee
HB 1097 - Schaaf - Revises lead abatement statutes.
HB 1129 - Haywood - Makes it a crime to burn a cross or cause a cross to be burned if done with the intent to intimidate any person or
HB 1158 - Portwood - Allows taxpayers in St. Louis county to pre-pay real property tax in quarterly installments.
HB 1166 - Pratt - Establishes dispute resolution procedures for disputes arising out of alleged defective residential construction.
HB 1201 - Dusenberg - Allows Kansas City to adopt ordinances dealing with the removal of damaged vehicles under certain conditions
HB 1225 - Johnson - Revises regulations governing the subdivision of land.
HB 1309 - Villa - Establishes penalties for failure to deliver a taxable tangible personal property assessment return.
HB 1336 - Ervin - Extends immunity from civil liability to owners of land next to certain dedicated trail systems.
HB 1350 - Byrd - Modifies the property exemptions from attachment and execution.
HB 1367 - Lembke - Establishes a homestead protection act.
HB 1371 - Dempsey - Creates a Missouri Homestead Protection Act authorizing counties to freeze certain property assessments.
HB 1445 - Mayer - Authorizes the Governor to convey the National Guard Armory to the City of Dexter
HB 1467 - Sutherland - Provides for increases in the property tax relief for senior citizens program.
HB 1471 - Brooks - Authorizes the conveyance of the Felix Building in Jackson County to the Truman Medical Center
HB 1475 - Schneider - Exempts the owner of property from lawsuits for an occupant's past due sewerage service bills.
HB 1490 - Mayer - Creates the crime of misuse of a power of attorney.
HB 1504 - Lipke - Modifies the method property values are determined when the Highways and Transportation Commission condemns property
HB 1520 - Shoemaker - Authorizes directional or on-premises signs for businesses near state highways.
HB 1523 - Purgason - Designates spotted knapweed as a noxious weed.
HB 1567 - Townley - Specifies procedures for gravel removal by noncommercial operators.
HB 1602 - St. Onge - Expands land reclamation commission's power to regulate mining.
HB 1608 - Dougherty - Authorizes the conveyance of state property in Jackson County known as Highlands II
HB 1612 - Bringer - Authorizes a conveyance of state property in Marion County to the City of Hannibal
HB 1613 - Morris - Authorizes the conveyance of certain pieces of state property
HB 1635 - Salva - Authorizes a conveyance of state property known as Highlands I in Jackson County
HB 1680 - Sutherland - Establishes a depreciation schedule for tangible personal property.
HB 1691 - Jones - Allows defendants to assert legal or equitable defenses, setoffs, or counterclaims in unlawful detainer actions.
HCR 037 - Townley - Authorizes the University of Missouri to enter into a long-term lease for certain property.

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SB 0817 - Kennedy - Creates the Board of Counselors and Therapists
SB 1011 - Dougherty - Requires health insurance reimbursement of certain licensed professional counselors at same rate as psychologists
HB 1172 - Morris - Expands definitions in professional counseling sections and provides that professional counselors shall attend
HB 1591 - Morris - Expands the definition of marital and family therapy.

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Public Assistance

SB 0879 - Bland - Establishes the General Assembly Scholarship Program funded by a nonresident earnings tax
SB 1030 - Bray - Requires applicants for Medicaid and CHIPs to identify the proposed beneficiary's employer
SB 1300 - Loudon - Prohibits the sheltering of certain assets by individuals in long-term care facilities
HB 0968 - Phillips - Modifies the eligibility requirements for receipt of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits by
HB 1272 - Schaaf - Creates the Missouri Catalog of Assistance Programs to service as the state's single repository of information on

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Public Buildings

SB 1240 - Griesheimer - Allows certain counties to use law library funds for courtroom renovation and to pay bonds for such projects
SB 1322 - Mathewson - Prohibits displays and signs in public areas of the state capitol
SB 1370 - Nodler - Requires contracts for energy conservation measures in public buildings to meet certain requirements
HB 1327 - St. Onge - Creates Design-Build Contracting.

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Public Officers

SB 0972 - Stoll - Creates a Public Safety Medal of Valor for the state of Missouri
SB 1010 - Dougherty - Modifies Whistleblower Law
SB 1189 - Scott - Modifies various provisions dealing with the reporting and investigating of an individual's death
SB 1196 - Klindt - Modifies various provisions of law relating to firework regulation
SB 1226 - Callahan - Prohibits certain convicted criminals from holding public office
SB 1247 - Dougherty - Includes certain pro bono attorneys in legal expense fund
SB 1256 - Caskey - Establishes a District Attorney System
SCR 027 - Kennedy - Urges Congress to reject any recommendations to base postal services on profit seeking motives
SJR 028 - Jacob - Repeals Constitutional amendment relating to legislative term limits
HJR 032 - Seigfreid - Proposes a constitutional amendment requiring all salary increases for members of the General Assembly to be

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Public Records, Public Meetings

SB 0869 - Shields - Allows closure of operational plans and documents used to respond to certain critical incidents
SB 0963 - Shields - Allows public hospitals in Clay County to close certain records and meetings
SB 1016 - Champion - Modifies Sunshine Law regarding electronic public meetings and records
SB 1020 - Steelman - Revises provisions of the Sunshine Law
SB 1044 - Shields - Makes various modifications to the law affecting the state library
SB 1243 - Wheeler - Requires public administrators serving as a conservator to have pooled accounts audited annually
HB 0870 - Harris - Updates the Sunshine Law to cover public meetings using various electronic formats.
HB 0876 - Salva - Authorizes disclosure of certain closed records to close relatives of deceased or incompetent persons.
HB 1363 - Fares - Creates an Archival Facility for the preservation of public records
HB 1384 - Brooks - Revises various statutes relating to theft or destruction of documents.
HB 1402 - Goodman - Revises provisions of the sunshine law.
HB 1538 - Dixon - Opens certain juvenile court records and proceedings to the public.
HB 1634 - Behnen - Modifies provisions regarding storage of death records and military discharge records
HB 1660 - Lager - Modifies laws pertaining to accident reports and their disclosure

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Public Safety Dept.

SB 0710 - Goode - Modifies the passenger seat belt laws and prohibits installation of fraudulent or defective airbags
SB 0712 - Quick - Creates a $150,000 death benefit for public safety officers killed in the line of duty
SB 0890 - Bland - Restricts the use, possession, manufacturing, storage, selling, promotion and other activities relating to weapons
SB 0924 - Bland - Makes various changes to the criminal justice system
SB 0956 - Scott - Allows persons operating animal driven vehicles to use lanterns and reflective material during nighttime hours
SB 0972 - Stoll - Creates a Public Safety Medal of Valor for the state of Missouri
SB 1000 - Bartle - Allows changes to provisions on DNA profiling, including DNA testing of all felony and sexual offenders
SB 1015 - Kennedy - Creates a gang resistance education and training program to be used in schools
SB 1145 - Kennedy - Allows various jurisdictions to adopt ordinances to install automatic traffic control enforcement systems
SB 1171 - Griesheimer - Codifies the Office of Homeland Security and the Missouri Security Council & creates a Joint Legislative Committee
SB 1277 - Yeckel - Provides for licensing of private fire investigators
HB 0995 - Dusenberg - Revises law on bumper heights for pickup trucks.
HB 1063 - Hampton - Makes various changes to the power and authority of the State Water Patrol.
HB 1400 - Lager - Revises various statutes on fireworks regulations.
HB 1403 - Moore - Regulates amusement rides
HB 1465 - Kelly (036) - Revises statute on criminal history checks by increasing the fees.
HB 1555 - Sager - The Missouri Uniform Communications Act for Homeland Security.

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Public Service Commission

SB 0878 - Goode - Extends experimental tarriffs already set by PSC to coincide with new termination date established in the act
SB 1005 - Shields - Clarifies the price cap regulation for telecommunications companies
SB 1025 - Griesheimer - Allows customer specific pricing for telecommunications companies
SB 1068 - Gross - Requires calling party information to be communicated from one telecommunications company service to another
SB 1069 - Gross - Modifies various statutes relating to telecommunications companies
SB 1089 - Steelman - Authorizes telecommunications companies to offer discounted rates for certain services
SB 1096 - Caskey - Allows the regulation of the installation of manufactured homes
SB 1120 - Cauthorn - Creates water termination agreements for water and sewer companies
SB 1124 - Goode - Provides Electrical Companies the Opportunity to Recover Incurred Costs
SB 1125 - Goode - Adds consumer protection measures for customers dealing with utility companies
SB 1131 - Steelman - Changes provisions of law benefitting consumers when dealing with utility companies
SB 1132 - Steelman - Establishes predetermination of prudence for utility infrastructure investments
SB 1379 - Cauthorn - Encourages the use of renewable energy
SB 1380 - Cauthorn - Encourages the use of renewable energy
HB 0766 - Roark - Permits Springfield to sell utility services outside the city at the same rates as charged inside the city.
HB 1034 - Rector - Provides for predetermination of prudence and ratemaking principles for infrastructure investments by utilities.
HB 1035 - Rector - Relating to recovery of costs by electrical corporations.
HB 1040 - Cunningham - Renders several alternations to the state's education policy
HB 1084 - Emery - Authorizes customer-specific pricing for Ds-1 related retail services.
HB 1096 - Wilson - Requires providers of telecommunications services transiting communication over a company's
HB 1100 - Rector - Allows electrical corporations to recover energey costs through fuel adjustment schedules.
HB 1156 - Byrd - Allows the Psc to employ price cap regulation.
HB 1171 - Rector - Updates statutes to reflect changes with the development of utility projects without additional regulation by the PSC
HB 1234 - Willoughby - Allows the Psc to approve programs for assisting low income ratepayers in obtaining or maintaining access to utility
HB 1241 - Rector - Provides for predetermination of prudence and ratemaking principles for infrastructure investments by utilities.
HB 1303 - Rector - Provides for telecommunications pricing flexibility.
HB 1310 - Byrd - Requires disclosure of certain interests in public utilities to the Psc.
HB 1340 - Willoughby - Cities owning natural gas systems are subject to penalties under 386.570, Rsmo, only for violations of gas safety
HB 1361 - Shoemaker - Revises certain procedures for issuance of bonds by joint municipal utility commissions.
HB 1383 - Townley - Outlines procedures for water corporations contracting with sewer providers to terminate water services of persons in
HB 1493 - Emery - Modifies sections relating to water and electric utilities
HB 1695 - Luetkemeyer - Provides for acquisition of utility companies, which are violating clean water laws, by larger utility companies.
HB 1740 - Sutherland - Creates the Manufactured Home Installation Act.
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