SB 458
Requires pharmacists to fill prescriptions against religious beliefs unless an employer can accommodate a request not to do so
LR Number:
Last Action:
3/30/2005 - Hearing Conducted S Aging, Families, Mental & Public Health Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2005

Current Bill Summary

SB 458 - Under this act if a pharmacist refuses to fill a prescription based on sincere religious beliefs, the pharmacist must still fill the prescription unless the pharmacist's employer can accommodate the refusal without undue hardship to the employer or customers. A pharmacist has a duty to ensure that each customer is not subjected to humiliation, breaches of confidentiality or pressure to fill or not fill a prescription, regardless of whether an accommodation for the pharmacist was implemented. Violation of these duties shall subject the licence of the pharmacist to disciplinary action from the Board of Pharmacy.

