Regular Session | First Extra Session | Second Extra Session

Bills Sponsored by Senator Bray

SB 39 - Closes the drug benefit coverage gap that was created due to the enactment of the Medicare Act of 2003
SB 40 - Prohibits any governmental entity from interfering with the right to obtain or use contraceptives
SB 41 - Creates the crime of negligent storage of a firearm
SB 82 - Requires applicants for Medicaid and CHIPs to identify the proposed beneficiary's employer
SB 83 - Enacts various changes to medical malpractice liability
SB 84 - Modifies paperwork requirements in the formation of a new political party
SB 105 - Permits underage culinary students to taste, but not consume, certain alcoholic beverages as required by a curriculum
SB 106 - Modifies law regarding residential property insurance
SB 107 - The Office of Administration may only contract with telemarketers who operate in the United States
SB 118 - Alters provisions regarding teacher termination hearings
SB 119 - Revises employment practices relating to gender
SB 120 - Establishes the Public Employee Due Process Act
SB 121 - Requires safe staffing and quality care in all veterans homes and mental health facilities
SB 154 - Modifies the law relating to the establishment of paternity
SB 229 - Allows the hiring of a retired teacher to work between 550 and 800 hours without losing their retirement benefits
SB 277 - Allows small employers to obtain medical coverage through the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan
SB 292 - Eliminates the death penalty
SB 293 - Prohibits discrimination based upon a person's sexual orientation
SB 294 - Creates the "Freedom=Choice" license plate and corresponding fund to pay for family planning services
SB 325 - Restricts firearm possession for individuals involved in domestic violence
SB 360 - Modifies various tax provisions
SB 399 - Implements the provisions of the streamlined sales and use tax agreement
SB 436 - Allows senior citizens to defer property tax payment
SB 437 - Regulates international matchmaking organizations
SB 494 - Modifies provisions concerning exoneration through the use of DNA testing
SB 528 - Establishes the Missouri Universal Health Assurance Program
SB 540 - Requires amount of taxes paid to another state for property taxes to be added back in income tax calculation
SCR 9 - Opposes restructuring the Social Security Trust Fund

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