Regular Session | First Extra Session | Second Extra Session

Bills Sponsored by Senator Dolan

SB 28 - Modifies language regarding anti-kickback penalties and certain pharmaceutical companies and establishes the "Well-Being committee" to aid pharmacies
SB 29 - Prohibits conditional granting of permits or licenses upon billboard removal without just compensation
SB 30 - Makes the installation of airbags that do not meet federal safety standards a Class D felony
SB 76 - Imposes additional surcharges and driver's license suspensions on any person failing to yield the right-of-way
SB 77 - Makes numerous revisions to the Missouri Transportation Development District Act
SB 78 - Denies municipal courts from granting suspended imposition of sentences for certain prior/persistent offenders
SB 101 - Adjusts the motor fuel tax for inflation on an annual basis beginning in 2005
SB 168 - Creates a process to resolve disputes arising out of alleged construction defects in residential property
SB 219 - Creates an income tax dependency exemption for stillborn children
SB 220 - Restores sovereign immunity to Metro and KCATA, provides immunity to state employees for official actions, and removes St. Louis and Kansas City Police Boards from legal defense fund coverage
SB 221 - Modifies several provisions of law relating to motor vehicles including primary seat belt enforcement
SB 247 - Modifies law with respect to professional engineers license plates
SB 248 - Creates a tax deduction for elementary and secondary school expenses
SB 250 - Allows primary enforcement of seat belt law and modifies law with respect to child passenger restraint
SB 255 - Provides a cash benefit to Missouri veterans who died or were wounded while serving in the War on Terror
SB 256 - Allows primary enforcement of the seat belt law
SB 295 - Authorizes a tax check-off for contributions to the Missouri Military Family Relief Fund
SB 311 - Permits certain utility companies to place their facilities with the rights-of-way on highways
SB 312 - Expands the Transportation Commission to include two additional members representing air, mass transit, freight and river interests
SB 313 - Modifies law with respect to highway work zones and creates the crime of "endangerment of a highway worker"
SB 314 - Modifies the law with respect to the placement and relocation of utility facilities within highway rights-of-ways
SB 315 - Extends the sunset date for the licensure of health care facilities to August 28, 2008
SB 316 - Modifies provisions of the law relating to ambulatory medical treatment centers
SB 371 - Prohibits gifts from lobbyists to members of the General Assembly and modifies legislator per diem
SB 450 - Authorizes the Governor to convey various pieces of state property
SB 451 - Requires prosecuting attorneys to impanel adult abuse fatality review panels
SB 452 - Repeals law prohibiting interested investment and bond counsel firms from involvement in bond issuance
SB 509 - Creates tax credit for a percentage of the adjusted purchase price paid for a qualified equity investment
HB 56 - Allows pharmaceutical companies to rebate portions of copayments to multiple sclerosis patients without violating anti-kickback and anti-rebate laws
HB 243 - Designates a portion of U. S. Highway 63 in Phelps County as the "Korean War Veterans Association Memorial Highway"
HB 248 - Allows lenders of motor vehicle time sale loans to collect a fee in advance for permitting the debtor to defer monthly loan payments
HB 347 - Creates a process to resolve disputes arising out of alleged construction defect for residential property
HB 437 - Authorizes a tax check-off for contributions to the Missouri Military Family Relief Fund
HB 487 - Modifies numerous provisions relating to motor vehicles, including background checks on school bus drivers, issuance of motor vehicle titles, and driver licenses
HB 518 - Enacts various motor vehicle and highway safety provisions including primary seat belt enforcement, child safety restraint and enhanced penalties for highway work zone violations
HB 592 - Requires jackpots over $1,200 won by self-excluded problem gamblers be deposited into the Compulsive Gamblers Fund
HB 618 - Exempts members assigned to the Division of Drug and Crime Control from the cap on the total number of officers and adds Missouri Capitol Police vehicles to the definition of "emergency vehicle"
HCR 20 - Declares October fifteenth of each year to be "Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day"

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