SB 673
Requires that one voting member of the governing boards of certain state institutions of higher education be a student
LR Number:
Last Action:
3/28/2006 - Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2006

Current Bill Summary

SB 673 - This act grants voting rights to a student curator or governing board member for the University of Missouri, Missouri State University, and Truman State University. Currently, the boards have nonvoting student members. The act does not alter the status of the nonvoting member but requires that the next appointment of a voting member be a full-time student, who will serve for two years. The act will sunset after four years, so that with the first available appointment after August 28, 2010, the voting student curator will be replaced with a non-student curator unless the General Assembly takes further action to make the voting student curator position permanent.

This act is similar to the perfected HB 440 (2005).

