Senator Timothy P. Green, a Democrat, represents part of North St. Louis County (District 13) in the Missouri Senate.
In addition to his legislative duties, Senator Green works as a construction electrician for Briner Electrical Co. He is a member of Spanish Lake Democrats and St. Ferdinand Democrats. He also is a member of the following organizations: St. Angela Merici Catholic Church; IBEW #1 Union; North County Labor Legislative Club; Missouri State Labor Council; St. Louis Labor Council; Florissant Valley Chamber of Commerce; North County, Inc.; DePaul Health Center Community Advisory Board; Spanish Lake Association; and is the president of the Missouri State Building & Construction Trades Council (AFL-CIO).
Significant legislative accomplishments for Senator Green, as a member of the House, include a 1990 bill that brought conservation parks to St. Louis County, and the Missouri Veterans home in Bellefontaine Neighbors. He sponsored a truth in sentencing bill that would require prisoners to serve 85 percent of their sentence, a bill to redistribute sales tax dollars in the St. Louis county municipalities, a bill requiring utility companies to set aside pension benefits for retirees, and a bill giving contractors the right to receive prompt payment for their services.
A graduate of St. Aloysius Grade School and 1981 graduate of Rosary High School, Senator Green received a degree in business administration from the University of Missouri-St. Louis and graduated from Electrical Industry Training Center IBEW NECA in 1987. Senator Green received the Outstanding Young American Award in 1990. He served in the Missouri House of Representatives from 1989-2002, where during his last two years he served as Budget Chairman.
Born June 29, 1963, in St. Louis, Senator Green resides in Spanish Lake with his wife, Lisa Ann, and two children, Patrick Timothy and Megan Ann. Senator Green is the grandson of former State Representative Thomas Walsh who served in the House from 1944-1972.