SB 581
Modifies provisions relating to the state medical assistance program
LR Number:
Last Action:
3/13/2007 - Hearing Conducted S Health and Mental Health Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2007

Current Bill Summary

SB 581 - This act repeals the June 30, 2008, sunset provisions to the state Medicaid program and to the healthcare for uninsured program (CHIP).

This act also provides that eligibility requirements in the state Medicaid program and state Medicaid services, cost-sharing, long-term care services criteria, and CHIP affordability standards shall be no more restrictive than those in effect on January 1, 2005, except that for Medicaid eligibility for custodial parents, noncustodial parents, extended transitional medical assistance, and extended women's health services, the eligibility requirements shall be no more restrictive than the January 1, 2002, eligibility requirements.

This act also provides that by June 1, 2009, the General Assembly shall develop a plan that outlines a Missouri solution to provide access to affordable, high-quality health care for all Missourians and to take all necessary steps to ensure meaningful public input into each step of developing the plan. The plan should be based on best practices and any implemented changes shall be subject to annual review and evaluation of the impact on providers as well as its impact on those insured.

