Bills assigned to Judiciary and Civil & Criminal Jurisprudence

SB 1 - Gibbons - Requires criminal background checks for certain employees in positions with substantial direct contact with children
SB 5 - Loudon - Modifies the laws on child pornography
SB 23 - Champion - Adds a circuit judge to the Thirty-First Judicial Circuit
SB 27 - Bartle - Modifies regulations regarding sexually oriented billboards
SB 28 - Bartle - Modifies circuit and associate circuit judge positions within the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit
SB 35 - Days - Authorizes a court to appoint a standby guardian for a minor
SB 38 - Ridgeway - Prohibits the use or possession of alcoholic beverage vaporizers
SB 41 - Purgason - Modifies the laws on the use of force
SB 44 - Mayer - Modifies provisions relating to county law enforcement restitution funds
SB 55 - Koster - Modifies the law on the establishment of paternity
SB 58 - Graham - Provides that certain persons may not be required to disclose news sources or information
SB 60 - Wilson - Expands the crime of unlawful use of a weapon to include discharging a firearm for celebrating in an urban area
SB 61 - Wilson - Requires a permit to acquire a stun gun or taser
SB 62 - Goodman - Modifies the laws on the use of force and firearms
SB 67 - Rupp - Modifies certain provisions relating to missing and endangered persons
SB 72 - Justus - Enacts provisions relating to the duty of a pharmacy to fill prescriptions
SB 73 - Justus - Modifies the crime of animal neglect
SB 78 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to liability for tort claims against the state or its public entities
SB 107 - Wilson - Creates the crime of distribution of a controlled substance near a park
SB 114 - Scott - Creates penalties for individuals who set fires in areas proclaimed to be emergency drought conditions
SB 117 - Griesheimer - Exempts ski area operators from liability for inherent risks related to skiing
SB 144 - Bray - Creates the crime of negligent storage of a firearm
SB 145 - Bray - Modifies the law relating to the establishment of paternity
SB 163 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions with regards to the Basic Civil Legal Services Fund
SB 167 - Bartle - Creates a methamphetamine offense registry within the Missouri State Highway Patrol
SB 177 - Green - Provides for mandatory minimum punishment for securities fraud crimes against the elderly or disabled
SB 192 - Crowell - Allows municipalities to use automated traffic control systems to enforce traffic laws under certain conditions
SB 196 - Gross - Enacts provisions relating to the capacity of an unborn child to experience pain during an abortion
SB 214 - McKenna - Modifies laws affecting limited liability companies, limited partnerships, and nonprofit companies
SB 216 - Crowell - Creates the crime of driving with any controlled substance in the body
SB 217 - Crowell - Limits the power of political subdivisions to regulate the open carrying of firearms or discharge of firearms within a jurisdiction unless in conformity with state law
SB 234 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to juvenile courts and officers
SB 242 - Nodler - Amends various provisions of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement
SB 246 - Goodman - Modifies provisions regarding the termination of alimony and maintenance payments
SB 256 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to the investigation of Internet sex crimes against children
SB 257 - Engler - Modifies the treatment of firearms during state emergencies
SB 258 - Engler - Requires the selection of an execution team and creates legal protections for the team members
SB 261 - Koster - Modifies provisions limiting what qualifies as a previous prison commitment
SB 266 - Bray - Prohibits discrimination based upon a person's sexual orientation
SB 273 - Shields - Modifies various provisions relating to the State Legal Expense Fund
SB 277 - Koster - Restricts worker's compensation payments for dependents
SB 278 - Koster - Requires certain sex offenders to serve a mandatory minimum prison term of at least three years
SB 280 - Griesheimer - Establishes enforcement standards for red light violations detected by automated photo red light enforcement systems
SB 285 - Crowell - Protects the conscience rights of pharmaceutical professionals
SB 300 - Bartle - Modifies the laws regulating sexually oriented businesses
SB 302 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to commercial real estate liens and mechanic liens
SB 307 - Crowell - Provides that certain persons may not be required to disclose news sources or information
SB 321 - Engler - Exempts corrections officers from jury service
SB 326 - Loudon - Establishes the Uninsured Motorist Stipulation of Benefits Act of 2007 which limits the recovery for non-economic damages by uninsured motorists
SB 327 - Loudon - Establishes procedure for insurers intervening in civil actions to determine coverage issues
SB 337 - Bray - Requires any business that sells firearms or ammunition to use video surveillance cameras
SB 338 - Mayer - Provides that no attorney shall be prohibited from providing uncompensated legal services for needy persons
SB 343 - Justus - Adds a definition for "unknown father" as it relates to adoption, guardianship and termination of parental rights proceedings
SB 354 - Bray - Eliminates the death penalty
SB 359 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to adult abuse orders of protection
SB 366 - Koster - Creates an "Address Confidentiality Program" in the Secretary of State's Office for victims of certain crimes
SB 368 - Barnitz - Modifies requirements for corporate filings
SB 370 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to abortion
SB 372 - Justus - Creates an "Address Confidentiality Program" in the Secretary of State's Office for victims of certain crimes
SB 373 - Rupp - Establishes a surcharge on criminal cases to fund a defined contribution system for certain law enforcement employees
SB 375 - Koster - Establishes the "Missouri Alternatives to Abortion Services Program" and the "Missouri Alternatives to Abortion Public Awareness Program"
SB 378 - Goodman - Prohibits certain persons, including dangerous felons, from possessing an explosive weapon
SB 380 - Koster - Provides for immunity from liability for certain health care professionals deployed during a state of emergency
SB 398 - Crowell - Makes a technical correction in the Missouri Uniform Trust Code
SB 399 - Crowell - Modifies the liability protections for school employees and volunteers
SB 414 - Goodman - Changes the definition of "adult" to a person 18 years of age or older and "child" to a person under 18 years of age in chapter pertaining to juvenile courts
SB 415 - Goodman - Expands the crime of tampering with a judicial officer to prohibit certain acts against prosecutors
SB 426 - Justus - Allows the Supreme Court to direct the Judicial Finance Commission to consolidate its annual report with certain other reports
SB 427 - Goodman - Allows sheriffs and jailers to refuse receiving a prisoner under certain circumstances unless the prisoner has been examined by a physician
SB 429 - Gibbons - Modifies various provisions relating to crime
SB 431 - Clemens - Bars sex offenders from winning the lottery
SB 432 - Nodler - Modifies provisions on the presentation of information in public schools relating to contraception and sexually transmitted diseases
SB 434 - Rupp - Adds a circuit judge position within the Forty-Fifth Judicial Circuit
SB 439 - Days - Creates a commission to study the death penalty in Missouri and prohibits use of the death penalty for a time period
SB 457 - Purgason - Modifies provisions relating to the transfer of concealable weapons and removes the permitting requirements for such weapons
SB 459 - Shoemyer - Relating to bail bond agents
SB 462 - Callahan - Limits the sale of noncompliant cigarettes
SB 468 - Coleman - Eliminates mandatory minimum sentencing for certain felons
SB 475 - Crowell - Adds several provisions relating to expert witness testimony in judicial proceedings
SB 481 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions regarding the rendering of final decisions and hearing of appeals by certain administrative commissions
SB 491 - Ridgeway - Provides certain requirements before the state or any of its entities may enter into settlement or consent agreements
SB 493 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Interstate Family Support Act"
SB 494 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Premarital Agreement Act"
SB 495 - Koster - Enacts the "Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act"
SB 505 - Koster - Provides that operating a motorcycle, in and of itself, shall not be considered evidence of comparative negligence and prohibits claims adjusters from assigning fault to a party simply because the party was operating a motorcycle in an otherwise legal manner
SB 516 - Goodman - Modifies several provisions of law relating to judicial procedures and personnel
SB 529 - Bray - Allows certain homicide offenders to be eligible for early parole under certain circumstances
SB 532 - Loudon - Modifies Missouri human rights law
SB 533 - Loudon - Measures limits for tort liability for public entities at the time of the occurrence giving rise to the claim
SB 535 - Goodman - Removes first and second degrees of criminal disposition of demolition or solid waste and increases certain penalties for violations of solid waste laws
SB 545 - Lager - Provides for immunity from liability for certain product retailers
SB 546 - Bray - Enacts the Prevention First Act
SB 553 - Bartle - Modifies provisions relating to the DNA profiling system
SB 555 - Gibbons - Prohibits the use or possession of alcoholic beverage vaporizers and modifies provisions relating to underage drinking
SB 557 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to the DNA profiling system
SB 558 - Loudon - Increases the penalty for stealing a debit card from a class A misdemeanor to a class C felony
SB 560 - Shields - Criminalizes residential mortgage fraud
SB 575 - Justus - Requires rape victims to be informed of their right to request a drug test for the presence of a date rape drug
SB 588 - Bray - Restricts firearm possession for individuals involved in domestic violence
SB 603 - Days - Revises provisions relating to child support enforcement
SB 606 - Loudon - Restricts worker's compensation payments for dependents
SB 629 - Smith - Exempts landlords from liability to personal property when executing an order for possession of premises
SB 636 - Loudon - Creates the crime of aggravated child kidnapping punishable by death or life imprisonment without probation, parole, or release
SB 640 - Bray - Requires the issuance of a "no contact" order under certain circumstances with sexual offense cases
SB 651 - Loudon - Criminalizes selecting a human embryo for implantation through in vitro fertilization based on the gender of such embryo and genetic engineering of humans
SB 655 - Lager - Modifies laws regarding merchandising practices
SB 656 - Lager - Modifies laws regarding merchandising practices
SB 659 - Stouffer - Modifies laws regarding the final disposition of a dead human body
SB 660 - Mayer - Modifies various provisions relating to crime
SB 673 - Bray - Requires the State Treasurer to authorize payments of state agencies and requires settlements to be paid out of the Legal Expense Fund
SB 676 - Goodman - Criminalizes prenatal drug or alcohol use
SB 683 - Koster - Creates certain record-keeping requirements for purchasers of scrap metal
SB 685 - Engler - Creates the crime of murder of a criminal justice official and expands the crime of assault of a law enforcement officer, emergency personnel, or probation or parole officer to include corrections personnel
SB 686 - Bartle - Expands the crime of resisting or interfering with arrest, detention, or stop
SJR 9 - Crowell - Creates an exception to the prohibition against laws retrospective in operation by allowing the sexual offender registry laws to be applied retrospectively
SJR 10 - Bartle - Repeals the current constitutional provisions regarding stem cell research and prohibits human cloning
SJR 17 - Coleman - Creates an exception to the prohibition against laws retrospective in operation by allowing the sexual offender registry laws to be applied retrospectively
SJR 20 - Bartle - Modifies constitutional provisions relating to health care research and human cloning
HB 189 - Jones - Modifies the provisions relating to the use of defensive use of force
HB 215 - Stevenson - Changes the definition of "adult", "child", and "status offense" as it relates to the jurisdiction of the juvenile courts
HB 220 - Stevenson - Makes a technical correction to Section 456.5-501 of the Missouri Uniform Trust Code
HB 224 - Franz - Restricts the driver's license of a convicted sexual offender to no more than one year and revokes the license if the offender fails to register as required by law
HB 431 - Pratt - Modifies laws relating to business organizations and merchandising practices
HB 462 - Munzlinger - Modifies various provisions relating to firearms
HB 482 - Walton - Modifies the provisions relating to the counterfeiting of goods
HB 526 - Pratt - Changes the laws regarding certain appeals to the Administrative Hearing Commission
HB 579 - Dempsey - Provides immunity from liability for health care professionals deployed during a state of emergency
HB 583 - Johnson - Modifies provisions relating to crime victims
HB 820 - Moore - Requires the selection of an execution team and creates legal protections for the team members
HB 945 - Parson - Creates the crime of murder of a criminal justice official and expands the crime of assault of law enforcement officers, emergency personnel, or probation officers to include corrections officers
HB 1055 - Sander - Modifies provisions relating to abortion
HJR 1 - Cunningham - Proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting any court of this state from ordering the General Assembly or executive from increasing taxes or creating new taxes