SB 1006
Modifies provisions on child care subsidies
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/24/2008 - Second Read and Referred S Pensions, Veterans' Affairs and General Laws Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2008

Current Bill Summary

SB 1006 - This act provides that the Children's Division within the Department of Social Services, shall develop rules to become effective by July 1, 2009, modifying the income eligibility criteria for any person receiving state-funded child care assistance, either through vouchers or direct reimbursement to child care providers.

Persons receiving state-funded child care assistance with family incomes of less than 130 percent of the federal poverty level shall receive child care subsidy benefits, less a sliding scale fee established by the division based on family size and income.

A person receiving state-funded child care assistance and whose income surpasses 130 percent of the federal poverty level may continue to receive reduced subsidy benefits on a scale established by the division until such person's income reaches 160 percent of the federal poverty level. At such time, the person will have assumed the full cost of the maximum base child care subsidy rate established by the children's division and shall no longer be eligible for child care subsidy benefits.

If appropriations in a given fiscal year are insufficient to provide the subsidy established under this act for all eligible recipients, the division shall establish a waiting list and promulgate rules for the prioritization of eligible recipients on the waiting list. The sliding fee scale may be waived for children with special needs.

This act is similar to SB 776 (2008) and SCS/SB 260 and 71 (2007).

