- SB 714 - Loudon - Modifies various provisions relating to sexual offenses
LR: 3292S.11T SS SCS SBs 714, 933, 899 & 758
- 2/18/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass (w/ SCS/SBs 714, 933, 899, & 758) S Judiciary and Civil & Criminal Jurisprudence Committee (3292S.07C)
- SB 717 - Kennedy - Increases the amount of tax credits available for taxpayers who modify their home for disabled persons residing with such taxpayers
LR: 3449S.01I
- 2/18/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Ways & Means Committee
- SB 718 - Kennedy - Modifies provisions of certain tax credit programs administered by the Department of Economic Development
LR: 3497S.10T CCS HCS#2 SS SCS SB 718
- 2/18/2008 -- SA 4 to SS for SCS S withdrawn
- 2/18/2008 -- SA 5 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Dempsey)--(3497S04.10S)
- 2/18/2008 -- SA 6 to SS for SCS S offered (Green)--(3497S04.05S)
- 2/18/2008 -- SSA 1 for SA 6 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Shields)--(3497S04.13S)
- 2/18/2008 -- SA 7 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Lager)--(3497S04.11S)
- 2/18/2008 -- SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 2/18/2008 -- Perfected
- SB 725 - Scott - Modifies provisions regarding sales taxation of trade-in or exchange transactions
LR: 3372S.02I
- 2/18/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Ways & Means Committee
- SB 748 - Ridgeway - Requires property taxes paid by certain non-resident taxpayers to be added-back to adjusted gross income
LR: 3499S.01P
- 2/18/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Ways & Means Committee
- SB 749 - Ridgeway - Creates various tax incentives for certain energy uses
LR: 3365S.04C SCS SB 749
- 2/18/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Ways & Means Committee (3365S.04C)
- SB 757 - Engler - Provides for nonpartisan elections of judicial candidates and forbids such candidates from being affiliated with any political party
LR: 3316S.02I
- 2/18/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Financial & Governmental Organizations and Elections Committee
- SB 758 - Engler - Prohibits certain sex offenders from being present in a state park without permission of the superintendent
LR: 3284S.01I
- 2/18/2008 -- Bill Combined w/ SCS/SBs 714, 933, 899 & 758
- SB 823 - Shoemyer - Creates a state and local sales and use tax exemption for sales of weather radios
LR: 3242S.01I
- 2/18/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways & Means Committee
- SB 830 - Coleman - Limits the tuition that may be charged by a higher education institution to certain combat veterans
LR: 3061L.05T HCS SCS SB 830
- 2/18/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed
- 2/18/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 850 - Justus - Requires the board of optometry to give notice of its meetings
LR: 3117S.02T SCS SB 850
- 2/18/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Financial & Governmental Organizations and Elections Committee - Consent (3117S.02C)
- SB 899 - Dempsey - Allows members of the public and certain electronic and computer businesses to access online identifying information of registered sex offenders in order to use the information to protect children from online sexual predators
LR: 3860S.02I
- 2/18/2008 -- Bill Combined w/ SCS/SBs 714, 933, 899 & 758
- SB 933 - Loudon - Makes modifications to the crimes of sexual misconduct involving a child and furnishing pornographic material to a minor
LR: 4186S.01I
- 2/18/2008 -- Bill Combined w/ SCS/SBs 714, 933, 899 & 758
- SB 935 - Griesheimer - Creates the "Deputy Sheriff Salary Supplementation Fund", consisting of money generated by a $10 fee collected for serving civil summons and subpoena
LR: 4385S.05P SCS SB 935
- 2/18/2008 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules Committee
- SB 940 - McKenna - Modifies laws affecting limited liability companies, limited partnerships, and nonprofit companies
LR: 4338S.01I
- 2/18/2008 -- Hearing Cancelled S Judiciary and Civil & Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
- SB 952 - Scott - Modifies the licensing requirements and practice of certified public accountants and accounting firms
LR: 3979S.03C SCS SB 952
- 2/18/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Financial & Governmental Organizations and Elections Committee - Consent (3979S.03C)
- SB 957 - Goodman - Repeals the requirement that rental and leasing facilities provide personal property lists for certain property
LR: 4437S.01I
- 2/18/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Ways & Means Committee
- SB 989 - Wilson - Creates an income tax credit for poll workers
LR: 4441S.02I
- 2/18/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways & Means Committee
- SB 994 - Crowell - Modifies provisions relating to compensation for education personnel
LR: 4440L.04C HCS SCS SB 994
- 2/18/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed - EC adopted
- 2/18/2008 -- H First Read (w/EC)
- SB 999 - Scott - Allows the Attorney General to bring an action for unlawful merchandising practices when the name of a financial institution is deceptively used
LR: 4444S.01T
- 2/18/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Financial & Governmental Organizations and Elections Committee - Consent
- SB 1002 - Justus - Modifies the penalties for certain zoning violations
LR: 4531L.02T HCS SB 1002
- 2/18/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Judiciary and Civil & Criminal Jurisprudence Committee - Consent
- SB 1009 - Loudon - Modifies the current legal requirement that funds conveyed to settlement agents in real estate closings be certified funds
LR: 4647S.04T SCS SB 1009
- 2/18/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Financial & Governmental Organizations and Elections Committee
- SB 1038 - Shields - Repeals campaign contribution limits and modifies reporting requirements
LR: 4464S.01T
- 2/18/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Financial & Governmental Organizations and Elections Committee
- 2/18/2008 -- Reported from S Financial & Governmental Organizations and Elections Committee to Floor
- SB 1052 - Rupp - Modifies provisions relating to the allocation and use of gaming revenues
LR: 4750S.02I
- 2/18/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways & Means Committee
- SB 1054 - Dempsey - Modifies provisions relating to juvenile courts and juvenile court jurisdiction
LR: 4702S.04C SCS SB 1054
- 2/18/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil & Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
- SB 1058 - Mayer - Enacts provisions regarding the coercion of abortions
LR: 4412S.02I
- 2/18/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil & Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
- SB 1061 - Barnitz - Requires county coroners and their assistants to register with the Missouri Coroners' and Medical Examiners' Association
LR: 4689S.02T
- 2/18/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Financial & Governmental Organizations and Elections Committee - Consent
- SB 1064 - Dempsey - Authorizes a dependency exemption for stillborn children
LR: 4869S.01I
- 2/18/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways & Means Committee
- SB 1082 - Days - Modifies the ballot requirements for elections
LR: 4940S.01I
- 2/18/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Financial & Governmental Organizations and Elections Committee
- SB 1083 - Coleman - Modifies law relating to voter registration and election offenses
LR: 4745S.01I
- 2/18/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Financial & Governmental Organizations and Elections Committee
- SB 1145 - Scott - Allows counties without a charter form of government to adopt certain noise ordinances
LR: 5162S.01I
- 2/18/2008 -- S First Read--SB 1145-Scott
- SB 1146 - Clemens - Creates a property tax credit for certain expenses incurred by freight line companies
LR: 5075S.01I
- 2/18/2008 -- S First Read--SB 1146-Clemens
- SB 1147 - Koster - Modifies the law on the establishment of paternity
LR: 4816S.01I
- 2/18/2008 -- S First Read--SB 1147-Koster
- SB 1148 - Koster - Requires automobile insurers to provide premium discounts for installing anti-theft mechanisms
LR: 5080S.01I
- 2/18/2008 -- S First Read--SB 1148-Koster
- SJR 30 - Coleman - Creates an exception to the prohibition against laws retrospective in operation by allowing the sexual offender registry laws to be applied retrospectively
LR: 3063S.01I
- 2/18/2008 -- Bill Combined w/(SCS/SJRs 34 & 30)
- SJR 34 - Crowell - Creates an exception to the prohibition against laws retrospective in operation by allowing the sexual offender registry laws to be applied retrospectively
LR: 3099S.03P SS SCS SJRs 34 & 30
- 2/18/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass (w/SCS/SJRs 34 & 30) S Judiciary and Civil & Criminal Jurisprudence Committee (3099.02C)
- HB 2019 - Icet - Appropriates money for supplemental purposes for the University of Missouri, for the purchase of equipment, planning, expenses for capital improvements, from funds designated for perion ending 5-30-08
LR: 3019L.01T
- 2/18/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed
- 2/18/2008 -- Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed
- HB 2020 - Icet - Appropriates money for supplemental purposes for the several departments and offices of state government,for the purchase of equipment,planning,expenses for the fiscal period ending 5-30-2008
LR: 3020S.03T SS SCS HB 2020
- 2/18/2008 -- SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Nodler)--(3020S.03F)
- 2/18/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed