- SB 711 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions regarding property taxation
LR: 3297S.21Z CCS HCS SS SCS SB 711
- 3/27/2008 -- Referred H Ways & Means Committee
- SB 714 - Loudon - Modifies various provisions relating to sexual offenses
LR: 3292S.11T SS SCS SBs 714, 933, 899 & 758
- 3/27/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed - EC adopted
- 3/27/2008 -- H First Read (w/EC)
- SB 726 - Shields - Modifies provisions relating to child care
LR: 3388L.08C HCS SS SCS SB 726
- 3/27/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed
- 3/27/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 759 - Stouffer - Requires all diesel fuel sold at retail in Missouri after a certain date to be a biodiesel-blended fuel
LR: 3573S.03P SCS SB 759
- 3/27/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed
- 3/27/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 767 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to the public defender system and the number of judges in various circuits
LR: 3680L.08C HCS SCS SB 767
- 3/27/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor
- 3/27/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed
- 3/27/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 781 - Smith - Modifies various provisions relating to landlords, tenants, and real property
LR: 3109L.10C HCS#2 SCS SB 781
- 3/27/2008 -- Referred H Judiciary Committee
- SB 806 - Engler - Requires all government buildings to fly the U.S. and Missouri flags at half-staff when any Missouri resident is killed in combat
LR: 3487S.05T SCS SB 806
- 3/27/2008 -- Referred H Special Committee on Government Affairs Committee
- SB 822 - Shoemyer - Allows cities, towns, villages and counties to impose a property tax to fund cemetery maintenance
LR: 3239S.02P
- 3/27/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- 3/27/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed
- 3/27/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 830 - Coleman - Limits the tuition that may be charged by a higher education institution to certain combat veterans
LR: 3061L.05T HCS SCS SB 830
- 3/27/2008 -- Referred H Special Committee on Veterans Committee
- SB 858 - Rupp - Modifies the law relating to illegal immigrants
LR: 3595L.14C HCS#2 SS SCS SBs 858, et al
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Pensions, Veterans' Affairs and General Laws Committee to Floor w/SCS
- SB 904 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions pertaining to the Underground Facility Safety and Damage Prevention Act
LR: 4109S.06C SCS SB 904
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Commerce, Energy and the Environment Committee to Floor w/SCS
- SB 907 - Engler - Modifies provisions pertaining to motor fuel storage tanks and equipment
LR: 3580L.06T HCS SCS SB 907
- 3/27/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor
- 3/27/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed
- 3/27/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 931 - Purgason - Modifies provisions pertaining to the administration of agriculture incentives and programs
LR: 4116S.14T CCS HCS SS SCS SB 931
- 3/27/2008 -- Referred H Special Committee on Agri-Business Committee
- SB 939 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to levee and drainage districts
LR: 4250L.03T HCS SCS SB 939
- 3/27/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed
- 3/27/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 967 - Mayer - Allows Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority to originate federally guaranteed student loans under certain conditions.
LR: 4258S.02T SCS SB 967
- 3/27/2008 -- SCS S adopted
- 3/27/2008 -- Perfected
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules Committee
- SB 1000 - Justus - Establishes educational rights for foster care students and requires a full school day of education for certain children
LR: 3989S.05I
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Seniors, Families and Public Health Committee to Floor
- SB 1001 - Justus - Allows a Kansas City festival district's promotional association to obtain a license to sell alcohol for consumption
LR: 4528S.01I
- 3/27/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee (4528S.03C)
- SB 1018 - Rupp - Allows municipalities in St. Charles County to adopt ordinances for the well-being of the community and enforce such ordinances with a fine not to exceed $1,000 or three months of imprisonment
LR: 4649S.01I
- 3/27/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee (4649S.03C)
- SB 1021 - Loudon - Changes the laws regarding midwives and the practice of midwifery
LR: 4656S.09P SS#2 SCS SBs 1021 & 870
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Pensions, Veterans' Affairs and General Laws Committee to Floor w/SCS
- SB 1038 - Shields - Repeals campaign contribution limits and modifies reporting requirements
LR: 4464S.01T
- 3/27/2008 -- Referred H Elections Committee
- SB 1040 - Clemens - Modifies requirements relating to the issuance of grants and loans by the Department of Natural Resources for storm water control
LR: 4435S.04T SCS SB 1040
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Agriculture, Conservation, Parks & Natural Resources Committee to Floor w/SCS
- SB 1052 - Rupp - Modifies provisions relating to the allocation and use of gaming revenues
LR: 4750S.02I
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Ways & Means Committee to Floor
- SB 1054 - Dempsey - Modifies provisions relating to juvenile courts and juvenile court jurisdiction
LR: 4702S.04C SCS SB 1054
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Judiciary and Civil & Criminal Jurisprudence Committee to Floor w/SCS
- SB 1067 - Ridgeway - Exempts persons 21 years of age or older from wearing protective headgear except when operating or riding motorcycles upon interstate highways
LR: 4818S.01I
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Transportation Committee to Floor
- SB 1081 - Nodler - Modifies provisions regarding quality assurance and safety in the Division of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Community Programs
LR: 4634L.06T HCS SCS SB 1081
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Health and Mental Health Committee to Floor w/SCS
- SB 1094 - Loudon - Prescribes requirements for the interchange of anti-epileptic drugs
LR: 4643S.03C SCS SB 1094
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Seniors, Families and Public Health Committee to Floor w/SCS
- SB 1099 - Graham - Designates a portion of Missouri Route WW in Boone County as "Carl Edwards Drive"
LR: 4286S.02P
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Transportation Committee to Floor
- SB 1107 - Scott - Modifies various provisions relating to the Water Patrol and watercraft regulations
LR: 4840S.06P SCS SB 1107
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Financial & Governmental Organizations and Elections Committee to Floor w/SCS
- SB 1116 - Days - Authorizes the issuance of an additional $40 million in bonds for certain water-related grants and loans
LR: 5025S.01P
- 3/27/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed
- 3/27/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1138 - McKenna - Requires Occupational Safety and Health Administration training for employees on public works projects
LR: 4802S.04C SCS SB 1138
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Small Business, Insurance & Industrial Relations Committee to Floor w/SCS
- SB 1150 - Barnitz - Extends the sunset provisions for fees to be credited to the technology trust fund
LR: 5105S.03T SCS SB 1150
- 3/27/2008 -- Referred S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
- SB 1183 - Bray - Modifies the membership on the Missouri Housing Development Commission
LR: 5257S.03C SCS SB 1183
- 3/27/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee (5257S.03C)
- SB 1234 - Shields - Modifies provisions of the enhanced enterprise tax benefit program
LR: 5349S.05C SCS SBs 1234 & 1270
- 3/27/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass (w/SCS/SBs 1234 & 1270) S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee (5349S.05C)
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee to Floor w/SCS
- SB 1244 - Barnitz - Creates the Entrepreneurial Development Council within the Department of Economic Development
LR: 5394S.01I
- 3/27/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee
- SB 1270 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions of the enhanced enterprise tax benefit program
LR: 5352S.01I
- 3/27/2008 -- Bill Combined w/(SCS/SBs 1234 & 1270)
- SB 1277 - Scott - Allows electric and gas corporations to recover expenses for approved energy efficiency investments
LR: 5122S.01I
- 3/27/2008 -- Hearing Cancelled S Commerce, Energy and the Environment Committee
- SJR 34 - Crowell - Creates an exception to the prohibition against laws retrospective in operation by allowing the sexual offender registry laws to be applied retrospectively
LR: 3099S.03P SS SCS SJRs 34 & 30
- 3/27/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SJR 45 - Clemens - Modifies requirements relating to the issuance of grants and loans by the Department of Natural Resources for storm water control
LR: 4436S.01T
- 3/27/2008 -- Reported from S Agriculture, Conservation, Parks & Natural Resources Committee to Floor
- HB 1314 - Cunningham - Grants civil immunity to certain education personnel under certain conditions
LR: 3283S.08C SCS HCS HB 1314
- 3/27/2008 -- Re-referred S Education Committee
- HB 2001 - Icet - Appropriates money to the Board of Fund Commissioners
LR: 3001L.01T
- 3/27/2008 -- S First Read--HB 2001-Icet
- HB 2002 - Icet - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the State Board of Education and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
LR: 3002L.04T CCS SCS HCS HB 2002
- 3/27/2008 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 2002
- HB 2003 - Icet - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Higher Education
LR: 3003L.04T CCS SCS HCS HB 2003
- 3/27/2008 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 2003
- HB 2004 - Icet - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Revenue and Department of Transportation
LR: 3004L.03T CCS SCS HB 2004
- 3/27/2008 -- S First Read--HB 2004-Icet
- HB 2005 - Icet - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Office of Administration, Department of Transportation, and Department of Public Safety
LR: 3005L.04T CCS SCS HCS HB 2005
- 3/27/2008 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 2005
- HB 2006 - Icet - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Agriculture, Department of Natural Resources, and Department of Conservation
LR: 3006L.04T CCS SCS HCS HB 2006
- 3/27/2008 -- S First Read--HCS for HB 2006