- SB 732 - Champion - Establishes a drug monitoring program and modifies existing record keeping for controlled substances and pseudoephedrine products
LR: 3442L.10C HCS SCS SB 732
- 3/5/2008 -- SA 1 to SCS S offered & Ruled out of order (Green)--(8080S08.01S)
- 3/5/2008 -- SA 2 to SCS S offered & adopted (Purgason)--(3442S03.01S)
- 3/5/2008 -- SCS. as amended, S adopted
- 3/5/2008 -- Perfected
- SB 750 - Crowell - Denies issuance of driver's licenses to illegal aliens
LR: 3296S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Pensions, Veterans' Affairs and General Laws Committee
- SB 751 - Crowell - Requires applicants to prove citizenship, permanent residence, or lawful presence in order to receive state or local public benefits
LR: 3377S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Pensions, Veterans' Affairs and General Laws Committee
- SB 756 - Engler - Changes the name of the Division of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities to the Division of Developmental Disabilities
LR: 3342S.02C SCS SB 756
- 3/5/2008 -- Taken up for Perfection
- 3/5/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 858 - Rupp - Modifies the law relating to illegal immigrants
LR: 3595L.14C HCS#2 SS SCS SBs 858, et al
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Scheduled S Pensions, Veterans' Affairs and General Laws Committee
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Pensions, Veterans' Affairs and General Laws Committee
- SB 884 - Graham - Modifies Missouri's seat belt law by making it applicable to all passengers and allows for primary enforcement
LR: 3975S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Transportation Committee
- SB 905 - Loudon - Establishes the Regional Railroad Authorities Act
LR: 4178S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Transportation Committee (4178S.03C)
- SB 927 - Green - Amends law relating to the hiring of unqualified employees on public projects
LR: 3366S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Pensions, Veterans' Affairs and General Laws Committee
- SB 980 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions regarding supplemental and disability retirement benefits for Kansas City police officers and civilian employees
LR: 4515S.01T
- 3/5/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Pensions, Veterans' Affairs and General Laws Committee - Consent
- SB 1033 - Griesheimer - Prohibits water or sewer line easements from being considered transfers of title of real property to counties and other political subdivisions
LR: 4734L.03T HCS SCS SB 1033
- 3/5/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee - Consent (4734S.02C)
- SB 1034 - Mayer - Modifies record-keeping requirements for purchasers of scrap metal and creates penalties for unlawful purchases of certain scrap metals
LR: 4360L.13T HCS SCS SBs 1034 & 802
- 3/5/2008 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules Committee
- 3/5/2008 -- Motion to Reconsider Perfection Vote S adopted
- 3/5/2008 -- Motion to reconsider SCS, as amended S adopted
- 3/5/2008 -- Motion to reconsider SSA 1 for SA 1 to SCS S adopted
- 3/5/2008 -- SSA 1 for SA 1 to SCS S withdrawn
- 3/5/2008 -- SSA 2 for SA 1 to SCS S offered & adopted (Mayer)--(4360S08.02S)
- 3/5/2008 -- SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 3/5/2008 -- Perfected
- 3/5/2008 -- Reported Truly Re-Perfected S Rules Committee
- SB 1044 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions regarding minimum ambulance staffing for ambulances staffed with volunteers
LR: 4796S.04T SCS SB 1044
- 3/5/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee - Consent (4796S.04C)
- SB 1057 - Scott - Modifies procedure for forming transportation development districts within multiple counties
LR: 4696S.03C SCS SB 1057
- 3/5/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Transportation Committee (4696S.03C)
- SB 1058 - Mayer - Enacts provisions regarding the coercion of abortions
LR: 4412S.02I
- 3/5/2008 -- Taken up for Perfection
- 3/5/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 1089 - Justus - Allows the City of Grandview to impose a transient guest tax
LR: 4970S.02P SCS SB 1089
- 3/5/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee - Consent (4970S.02C)
- SB 1092 - Engler - Creates the Minimum Salary Fund for Teachers to provide minimum salary supplements to public school teachers
LR: 4953S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
- SB 1099 - Graham - Designates a portion of Missouri Route WW in Boone County as "Carl Edwards Drive"
LR: 4286S.02P
- 3/5/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Transportation Committee - Consent
- SB 1121 - Loudon - Eliminates the requirement that product liability insurance companies report claims that do not result in payment on the insured's behalf
LR: 3591S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- Removed S Consent Calendar
- SB 1131 - Wilson - Excludes tax revenues, derived from certain transportation sales taxes imposed by the City of Kansas City, from tax increment finance economic activity taxes used to pay redevelopment costs
LR: 5023L.07T HCS SCS SB 1131
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Scheduled But Not Heard S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee
- SB 1133 - Ridgeway - Repeals the current statutory requirement that a 1st class county hold 3 public hearings and publish notice in 2 local newspapers prior to adopting a traffic regulation
LR: 4911S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee
- SB 1135 - Callahan - Changes the law regarding street grading in cities with over 300,000 inhabitants
LR: 5140L.02C HCS SB 1135
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee
- SB 1149 - Engler - Creates a procedure for when there is a lack of candidates for a fire protection district board of directors election
LR: 5168S.01P
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee
- SB 1152 - Crowell - Creates the Minimum Salary Fund for Teachers to provide minimum salary supplements to public school teachers
LR: 5102S.02I
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Education Committee
- SB 1157 - Green - Authorizes the Governor to convey state property located in St. Louis County
LR: 5159S.02P SCS SB 1157
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee
- SB 1171 - Goodman - Places a two year moratorium upon the issuance of new licenses to operate excursion gambling boats
LR: 5254S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Pensions, Veterans' Affairs and General Laws Committee (5254S.03C)
- SB 1186 - Engler - Requires applicants to prove citizenship, permanent residence, or lawful presence in order to receive state or local public benefits
LR: 5297S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Pensions, Veterans' Affairs and General Laws Committee
- SB 1209 - Callahan - Modifies provisions of law relating to taxes and fees
LR: 5303L.05C HCS SCS SB 1209
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee
- SB 1255 - Purgason - Requires applicants to prove citizenship, permanent residence, or lawful presence in order to receive state or local public benefits
LR: 5397S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Pensions, Veterans' Affairs and General Laws Committee
- SB 1269 - Ridgeway - Prohibits illegal aliens from being released pending trial, appeal, or any other proceeding
LR: 5335S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Pensions, Veterans' Affairs and General Laws Committee
- SCR 29 - Mayer - Requests the U.S. Department of Agriculture to add June 1st and September 1st as additional rice reporting dates on the Agricultural Statistics Board calendar
LR: 3317S.02I
- 3/5/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions & Ethics Committee
- SCR 31 - Barnitz - Expresses support for the Chamois ferryboat project and urges various agencies to assist in securing moneys for the location and construction of the ferryboat
LR: 5027S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Scheduled But Not Heard S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions & Ethics Committee
- SCR 32 - Purgason - Urges Congress to withdraw the United States from any further participation in the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America and any other multilateral activity which seeks to advance the creation of North America Union
LR: 4748S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions & Ethics Committee
- SCR 33 - Bray - Urges the President of the United States, the State Department and the United States Congress to support the peace process in Sudan
LR: 5219S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions & Ethics Committee
- SCR 35 - Shoemyer - Urges the U.S. Congress to support the continuation of horse processing in the United States
LR: 5310S.01I
- 3/5/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions & Ethics Committee
- HB 1384 - Cox - Modifies certain provisions relating to protection of consumers against fraudulent practices
LR: 3562S.06T SS SCS HB 1384 & HB 2157
- 3/5/2008 -- S First Read--HB 1384-Cox, et al